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Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

This first screenshot is a mid shot of the protagonist in his home. Here, both the
location and costume of the protagonist are used to attract an older and more
mature target audience. We have decided to go for a very broad age range for
our target audience and have chosen to focus on males aged 15-40. The first
shot immediately grabs the older section of our target audience because a home
environment is a place that most of them will be very familiar with. A home is
something you can be proud off and take pride in which we can see the
protagonist does by how clean and tidy his hall is. The older target audience or
the ones who own a house will be able to relate to the protagonist here and
establish a connection with him very early on in the film. Furthermore, it is a
common assumption that men enjoy looking their best which is supported by the
protagonist as he is wearing a suit. This again is something that the target
audience will find
appealing due to how
relatable it is and
further helps to
strengthen the
connection between
them and the
Here, we can see a moment of intense action as we have used a long shot to
show the kidnappers into the boot of the get-away car. This moment here will
appeal to the younger target audience of males aged 15-21 who are more
interested in the violence and stunts rather than the plot itself. The actors in the
scene are clearly much younger than your average kidnapper which adds a
unique spin to the stereotype that kidnappers have to be adults which is why it
will appeal to the younger section of our target audience.

This screenshot shows the pivotal moment in our film which will hook the entirety
of our target audience. In this scene we can see a mid-shot of the protagonist
closing in on the camera and as this happens the non-diegetic soundtrack stops
to build tension and suspense. At this moment, the audiences suspicions about
the danger that the victim could be in are confirmed as we see the kidnapper
approach his target. The shot also classifies as a P.O.V shot which allows the
audience to see the situation from the perspective of the victim and so makes
them feel even more tense and excited.

In this final screenshot, you can see what is arguably the tensest moment in the
entire opening sequence. This scene will appeal to the whole age range of our
target audience which includes men aged 15-40 because it includes the two
characters that our target audience can relate to. The juxtaposition between the
two characters is clearly shown here as on one side we can see the smartly-
dressed, sophisticated protagonist, and on the other we have the suspicious and
mysterious kidnapper. The contrast in characters here makes the audience
wonder what has caused them to meet together under such serious and unusual
circumstances. Furthermore, the way in which we used a P.O.V shot of the
kidnappers perspective further adds to the tension of the scene. When the
screen goes black and we here the gun shots, the target audience will be
confused as to what has happened and who has been shot. This element of
mystery is what will grip them and leave them wanting to find out more and
carry on watching.

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