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Contoh soal Pilihan Ganda

1. Scope of Medical Rehabilitation service in hospital include : (B)

b. Promotive and preventive service
c. Promotive, curative, preventive and rehabilitative service
d. Promotive, curative and rehabilitative service
e. Preventive, curative and rehabilitative service

2. What is the main goal of stroke rehabilitation ? (B)

a. To enhance the muscle stenght.
b. To restore the function capabilities.
c. To mobilize the patient.
d. To prevent decubitus.

3. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation services in the hospital consist of promotive, preventive, curative and
rehabilitative. One of the routine activity in our department is Osteoporosis Exercise which is part of : (A)
a. Promotive
b. Preventive
c. Curative
d. Rehabilitative

4. When a disease causes anatomic symptoms it becomes a(n) : (B)

a. Handicap
b. Impairment
c. Disability
d. Abnormality

5. What disicpline within the rehabilitation interdisciliary team focuses on mobility issues and training,
muscle strength, joint range of motion and uses modalities such as ultrasound, traction, heat, cold,
whirlpool, massage and electrical stimulation? (C)
a. Occupational Therapy
b. Speech Therapy
c. Physical Therapy
d. Orthotics

6. Cervical vertebra which is having odontoid process, leads to neck rotation movement is: (B)
a. C1 vertebra
b. C2 vertebra
c. C5 vertebra
d. C7 vertebra
e. C4 vertebra

7. Characteristics of diarthrosis joint are below, EXCEPT :(D)

a. Having joint cavity
b. Having synovial fluid
c. Having joint capsule
d. Strengthen by ligament
e. Joint surface is smooth

8. Nerve entrapment on Carpal tunnel syndrome is : (A)

a. Median nerve
b. Ulnar nerve
c. Radial nerve
d. Axillary nerve
e. Subscapular nerve

9. Muscle below is included in extrinsic hand muscle : (A)

a. m. Extensor digitiminimi
b. m. lumbricales
c. m. Dorsal interossei
d. Thenar muscles
e. m. Palmar interossei

10. Wallerian degeneration is : (D)

a. Axonal degeneration process on central nerves system only
b. Frequent occured on the axon proximal from injured area
c. The process starts immediately after injury
d. The stages consist of axonal degeneration, myelin clearance followed by nerve regeneration
e. Nerve healing process and time is same as other tissues

11. Prime mover of hip flexor is : (B)

a. M. Tensor fascia Lata
b. M. Iliopsoas
c. M. Quadriceps Femoris
d. M. Sartorius
e. M. Gluteus maximus

12. Afferent fibers which responded to nociceptor are : (B)

a. A fibers
b. A and C fibers
c. A and C fibers
d. B fibers
e. A gamma fibers

13. Pain is measured by : (E)

a. Visual Analog Scale (VAS)
b. Pain Chart
c. Mc Gill Pain Questionaire
d. Pain meter
e. All are correct

14. A patient complains of difficulty chewing. On examination he is found to have decreased strength of his
muscles of mastication. Which of the following cranial nerves is responsible for this motor function? (B)
a. Facial
b. Trigeminal
c. Oculomotor
d. Hypoglossal
e. Glossopharyngeal

15. The sensory distribution of the median nerve is : (D)

a. Area over the carpal bone on the volar aspect of the hand
b. Thumb, index finger, and long finger
c. Medial two digits of the hand
d. Lateral 3 digits of the hand
e. Lateral 2 digits of the hand

Contoh Tes Potensi Akademik

Tes potensi akademik hanya diberikan sejumlah 10 soal. Hal ini hanya untuk memastikan kembali mengenai
kemampuan calon peserta PPDS di luar bidang keilmuan. Berikut ini contoh soal tes potensi akademik.

1. Dalam suatu hasil penelitian populasi di panti Wreda, perbandingan perempuan dengan laki-laki di atas
usia 65th adalah 5:2. Seandainya ada 5 orang perempuan meninggal, perbandingannya menjadi 2:1.
Berapa banyak penghuni panti Wreda tersebut ? (C)
A. 50
B. 49
C. 35
D. 28
E. 26

2. Sebuah arm crank memiliki roda berdiameter 20 cm, berputar 160 kali untuk menempuh jarak sejauh 9
meter. Berapakah putaran roda sepeda statistic berdiameter 50 cm untuk menempuh jarak yang sama?
A. 64
B. 45
C. 50
D. 65
E. 70

3. Seorang perempuan pasca menopouse jalan dengan cara play speed walk dengan 3 kali siklus yang
tertanda : 4 menit jalan dengan kecepatan 15 km/jam. 8 menit jalan dengan kecepatan 10km/jam. Total
waktu yang digunakan adalah 36 menit. Berapa kira-kira jarak yang ditembuh ibu tersebut ? (B)
A. 450 km
B. 7 km
C. 300 km
D. 12,5 km
E. 70 km

Contoh soal essay

1. What concepts are reflected in the name physical medicine and rehabilitation?
The official name of the field reflects the two essential concepts of the specialty;
Physical medicine: Diagnosis and treatment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders with the use of
medications, modalities, procedures, and exercise.
Rehabilitation: The process of transforming a person with functional limitations to a person with
maximal ability through the application of medical treatment, therapy, and adaptive equipment.
2. Describe the adverse effets of bed rest and physical inactivity on the organs and systems.
Organ System Negative Effects
Muscles Disuse atrophy, weakness, muscle stiffness, decline in mobility function
Joints Contracture, loss of ROM, decline in mobility and ADLs
Bone Osteoporosis, heterotopic ossification, fractures
Cardiovascular Decline in VO2max, stroke volume, cardiac reserve; dehydration, resting and
postexercise tachycardia; orthostatic intolerance, deconditioning, risk factor
for coronary artery disease, thromboembolism
Respiratory Diminished diaphragmatic and chest movements while supine, change in
regional blood perfusion, impaired coughing and secretion clearance,
aspiration, atelectasis, pneumonia; pulmonary embolism.
Gastrointestinal Gastroesophageal reflux, loss of appetite, slowed nutrient absorption,
anorexia, malnutrition (hypoproteinemia), constipation
Urinary tract Incomplete bladder emptying and urinary retention in supine position;
incontinence, calculi formation, infections
Skin Decubitus ulcer, maceration, monilial infection
Neurologic Peripheral nerve compression, balance impairment
Phychological Depression, disorientation, anxiety, hallucinations, sleep-wake cycle
disruption, decreased pain tolerance, sensory deprivation
Metabolic/ hormonal Decreased metabolic rate, calcium loss, immobilization hypercalcemia,
nitrogen loss, impaired glucose utilization, increased insulin resistance,
alteration in androgen and spermatogenesis and electrolyte imbalance.
ADL= activities of daily living, ROM= range of motion.
Browse NL: The Physiology and Pathology odBedrest Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas, 1965.
Deitrick JR, Whedin GD, Shorr E. Effects of immobilization on various metabolic and physiologic functions of
normal en.Am J. Med 4: 3-6, 1948.
Hallar EM, Bell KR. Immobility and inactivity. In Delisa JA, Gans BM, Walsh NE, et al (eds): Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation: Principles and Practice, 4th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005,
pp. 1447-1467.

3. Describe the relationship between heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, aerobic capacity, and the
angina threshold!
The maximum heart rate (HR) is defined as maximum HR obtained on an exercise stress test. It
decreases with age and can be estimated for the normal population by subtracting the patients age in
years from 220.
Stroke volume (SV) is the amount of blood ejected with each ventricular contraction and increases with
exercise to become maximum at 50% over the basal HR (resting HR).
Cardiac output (CO) equals HR x SV and related directly to the total body oxygen consumption (VO 2)
because all O2 consumed is delivered to the body tissues via the blood.
Maximum aerobic capacity (VO2max) is the greatest rate (VO2 mL/ kg body mass/min) of O2
consumption a person is capable of metabolizing, and it relates directly to maximum work output in
watts. One way to understand and calculate VO2max is to use the formula SV x HR x (arterial-venous O2
difference), which integrates the delivery and extraction of O2. Thus an increase in CO, the product of SV
x HR, and/or increase in arteriovenous O2 difference increases the VO2max. The VO2max decreases with age,
inactivity, and after a myocardial infarction.
The angina threshold is defined as the CO at which myocardial O2 demand exceeds O2 delivered. An
ischemic myocardium is not capable of maintaining the same cardiac workload, which results in a fall in
CO, VO2max, and/ or BP.
Franklin B: American ollege of Sports Medicine: Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription,
6th ed. Indianapolis, ACSM, 2000.

4. What is the approach to assessing pain complaints?

Because pain is a purely subjective experience, the person experiencing it can be the only one who can truly
describe it. The first and most important rule of pain medicine is to believe that the patients pain complaint is
real. Although dissembling is possible, there is no way for a clinician to know and it is far better to simply
believe that the patient is truly experiencing what is described. The clinical challenge is then to understand the
nature of this experience and determine the best course of pain-modulating and rehabilitative therapy. Besides
the standard medical history and physical examination, more specific characteristics of the pain must be
ascertained and documented, including:
Location (e.g., low back, neck). Any radiating pains?
Descriptors of the pain (e.g., shooting, throbbing, burning, lancinating, aching)
Pain intensity rating (e.g., rate the pain on average and at its worst on a scale of 0-10, where 0 is no
pain and 10 is the worst pain imaginable)
Temporal features (e.g., duration, course over time, daily fluctuations)
Modifying factors (e.g., Does sitting, walking, bowel movements/ coughing, or laying down worsen or
improve the pain?)
Impact of the pain (e.g., Does the paint affect activities of daily living (ADLs)? Does the pain awaken
them from sleep? How does the pain affect daily life-functions, such as work, leisure, and sexual
Past pain treatments and responses (e.g., past pain medication use, injections, surgeries, physical
therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic treatments).
Why are such descriptors important in pain treatments?
The descriptions that patients use to communicate their pain can help clinicians infer a potential etiology and
pathophysiologies for the pain and point toward more effective treatments. Inferred athophysiologies are
denoted as nociceptive (either somatic or visceral), neuropathic, or mixed, or psychogenic. A report of
burning, pins/ needles, or lancinating pain often suggests a neuropathic origin. Crampy, dull, achy pain
is more indicative of nociceptive pain. These determinations may suggest specific treatment strategies. In a
similar way, the temporal characteristics of pain may suggest the value of different types of medications. If an
opioid is indicated, for example, a long-acting drug tipically is preferred for continuous or nearly continuous
pain, whereas a short-acting drug may be appropriate for episodic pain or pain known as breakthrough pain.

5. Do rehabilitation professionals really need to know about nutrition?

Of course. A basic understanding of important key nutritional principles is critical to all rehabilitation
practitioners. Physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) interventions (including modalities for healing and
exercise) require proper nutrition to maximize results at all biopsychosocial levels, thereby reducing impairment
and optimizing outcomes. Specific nutritional substrates are essential for cellular, tissue, and organ-based
function. Good nutrition is intrinsically linked to functional outcomes in all aspects of rehabilitation. People with
disabilities, including those with pain, neurologic, musculoskeletal, and orthopedic diagnoses, are positively
impacted by dietary optimization.

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