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Bachelor of Education, Primary Education (EPR) EPC3903

SWC B Ed EPR Practicum 3b: MCT/MST Assessment Report

EPR Student Assessment Criteria:

This report is to be completed by the Mentoring School Teacher in consultation

with the Mentoring College
Teacher and refers to teaching competencies in the High School.
School: Name of MST:
First World

Name of Student: Name of MCT: Garnel

Fatima Ali

Please add specific comments about the student teachers observed strengths during this
teaching practicum and identify areas in which you feel further development is

Observed Strengths: / Areas in which further development is needed:

Great job reviewing the class rules. Class Planning for Learning personal focus is
rules were emphasized. personal to the teacher. Personal can be a specific
Prior knowledge were activated area s/he would like to see some improvement on
and there will pay some close attention to that
Planning for Learning objectives area.
were clear. Lesson plan was fully
completed and was put together with
Managing Learning avoid making
careful thought. Materials were ready and pronunciation and spelling mistakes during
accessible to all students. There was the lesson. As soon as a mistake is
alignment between the objectives and the spotted, be sure to make the correction
activities (summe-summer) as soon as possible.
Managing Learning positive Students are the most impressionable
reinforcement was used throughout the
around that age. They tend to believe
lesson. Students were rewarded
extrinsically for providing the right everything their teacher say.
answer. The classroom is very conducive Assessment-none
to learning. The students appear to feel Reflection was unable to pinpoint areas
safe physically, socially, and emotionally.
for in need of improvement
Monitoring students progress were
monitored throughout the lesson.

General Comments:

A very good lesson on the season. The lesson was very well introduced through the activation of prior
knowledge. You were very comfortable in your presentation. Followed the introduction was a very good
activity which was in alignment with the lesson objectives. You used very good questioning techniques
to check students understanding. Ive enjoyed the fact that students behavior was very well managed.
One aspect of the lesson you might want to reflect on was the length of your introduction and the
explanations of the activity. You will need to work on reducing teacher talk and increase students

TP Guide for EPC3903 (EPR) Practicum 3b 1

Year Three, Semester Two / 2015-16 /

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