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Formal Lesson Plan:

I. Describe the Class

- 30+ college students from diverse backgrounds, majorly education

II. Subject/Skill:
- Homophobia

III. Objective(s):
- What is Homophobia? What does it mean? Where does it come from?
How can we remove it? Action: Homophobia Assessment

IV. Procedures For a Direct Instruction Lesson:

1. Introduction, Topic overview
a. Lesson plan, Why this topic was chosen, Prezi, Identities
Handout/Assessment, youtube videos

2. Review Prerequisites - Who is unfamiliar with the concept?

3. Modeling: Discuss Homophobia (Prezi Presentation

- Introduction of the topic
- NCOD Video
- Identities Handout
- What is homophobia
- LBGTQIAP+ explanation
- Where it comes from
- Why people are homophobic
- History of Gay Acceptance
- Hate Groups
- Where Homosexuality comes from
- Effects of Homophobia
- Examples of Homophobia
- Group discussion
- Dealing with Homophobia in the Classroom

4. Conducting Learning Probes/Guided Practice: Check for student

understanding, review flag answers
5. Independent Student Practice: Students will have time to work on a
handout/assessment throughout the lecture

V. Materials:
- Materials needed for the lesson: Identities Handout, Youtube, Prezi,
Writing Utensil, White Board, Computer, possible microphone

VI. Grouping Structures:

- Location; College classroom, no grouping required

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