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SUBJECT: Introduction to Philosophy of Human Person M-TH; 8:30-9:30
DATE: August 17, 2017 M-TH; 10:45-11:45


Show situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the consequences of their choices.


At the end of the period, 85% of the students will be able to:
1. Distinguish between choices and consequences
2. Value the importance of exercising freedom of choice
3. Dramatize situations that show freedom of choice and their consequences.


Freedom of the Human Person
Focus: there is a corresponding consequences in every choice we make
Related topics: Discernment, steps in decision-making

- Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person by Dr. Maria Paula G. Sioco and
Ignatius H. Vinzons, Vibal Publishing Inc., page 61-65
- Bible, Qu’ran, internet

- Laptop, LCD projector, speaker

- Multi-media presentation
- Song analysis, picture-analysis, slogan-making, journal


- Opening Prayer
- Check the attendance, arrange the chairs, pick-up pieces of papers

- Ask the following questions:
1. How do you understand freedom?
2. Why is it important to have freedom?
3. Do we always have a choice? Why? Why not?

- Picture analysis - Cross roads (choosing)
- A student going to the school or going to a shopping mall
- Process questions:
Describe what you saw in the pictures?
Which road would you choose? Why?
Who is responsible to that choice you have made?
Song analysis:
a. Group the class into 4. After the groupings, let them listen to the song entitled
“Bawal na Gamot”.
b. Group sharing based on the following questions:
Group 1 – How do you feel after listening to the song?
Group 2 – What words/ lines in the song struck you most and why?
Group 3 – From the song being played, cite a choice made and its
corresponding consequence?
Group 4 – Do you know of a person who has the same story as expressed in
the song? Who? What can you say about his/ her experience?
c. Ask representative from each group to share their answers to the class. The
teacher should write their answers on the board.
d. After each group representatives have shared, ask any from the class who
want to answer the questions.
e. Process Questions:
Can you relate yourself to the song? How?
Can somebody from the class who wants to share his/ her personal

A. Choice/ s and consequences
As senior high school student, the choice is supposed not anymore between
the “good” or “bad” but between the “good”, “better” or “best”.
Choice involves decision making. It can include judging the merits of
multiple options and selecting one or more of them.
Simple choices includes the choice of food, what to wear, what to do on
weekends, etc. More complex choices includes: what profession to pursue, choosing
a life partner, etc.
From there is a paradox of choice as increasing options
are available:
1. There is the issue of gaining adequate information about the choices in
order to make decisions.
2. If there is one choice available, and ends up being disappointing, the
“world” can be held accountable. When there are many options and the
choice that one makes is disappointing, the individual is responsible.

Consequence – something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of

conditions. (Dictionary)

B. Decision making
Decision making is the process of making choices by setting goals, gathering
information and assessing alternative actions.

C. Steps in decision making

Activity: Let the students identify the first step to decide. Give them a sample problem
beginning from simple to complex.

Directions: arrange the following according to your priority. 1-first priority, 2-second priority,
3…and so on and so forth.
b. cellphone/ iPod, textbook, gift to a friend, favorite food, new dress
c. friends, boyfriend/ girlfriend, family, church activities, school organizations/ club
d. family reunion, batch party, church annual meeting, date, reconciliation of an enemy.
The teacher will ask some volunteers to write their answers on the board and share their
Process questions:
How did you arrive to that choices? What is your basis in decision making? Do you have
steps in deciding?

Present to the class the suggested steps below:

Step 1: Identify the decision to be made. You realize that a decision must be made. You then go
through an internal process of trying to define clearly the nature of the decision you must make. This
first step is a very important one.

Step 2: Gather relevant information. Most decisions require collecting pertinent information. The
real trick in this step is to know what information is needed, the best sources of this information, and
how to go about getting it. Some information must be sought from within yourself through a process
of self-assessment; other information must be sought from outside yourself-from books, people, and
a variety of other sources. This step, therefore, involves both internal and external “work”.

Step 3: Identify alternatives. Through the process of collecting information you will probably
identify several possible paths of action, or alternatives. You may also use your imagination and
information to construct new alternatives. In this step of the decision-making process, you will list
all possible and desirable alternatives.

Step 4: Weigh evidence. In this step, you draw on your information and emotions to imagine what it
would be like if you carried out each of the alternatives to the end. You must evaluate whether the
need identified in Step 1 would be helped or solved through the use of each alternative. In going
through this difficult internal process, you begin to favor certain alternatives which appear to have
higher potential for reaching your goal. Eventually you are able to place the alternatives in priority
order, based upon your own value system.

Step 5: Choose among alternatives. Once you have weighed all the evidence, you are ready to
select the alternative which seems to be best suited to you. You may even choose a combination of
alternatives. Your choice in Step 5 may very likely be the same or similar to the alternative you
placed at the top of your list at the end of Step 4.

Step 6: Take action. You now take some positive action which begins to implement the alternative
you chose in Step 5.

Step 7: Review decision and consequences. In the last step you experience the results of your
decision and evaluate whether or not it has “solved” the need you identified in Step 1. If it has, you
may stay with this decision for some period of time. If the decision has not resolved the identified
need, you may repeat certain steps of the process in order to make a new decision. You may, for
example, gather more detailed or somewhat different information or discover additional alternatives
on which to base your decision. (

D. Discernment
Discernment is the ability to obtain sharp perceptions or to judge well.
Considered as a virtue, a discerning individual is considered to possess
wisdom, and be of good judgment especially so with regard to subject matter
often overlooked by others.

Religious virtues: prudence, temperance, fortitude, justice

Video Clip – Nick Vujicic story (no arms no legs but graduated in College)
Process Questions:
1. What scene in the video clip touches you most? Why?
2. Did you gain confidence after watching the video? Are you now inspired to make
wise decisions?
The teacher will asked the students what are their insights or learnings from our lesson
today. If they wish they can make a slogan to summarize their insights or learnings.

Dramatize a scene that depicts the freedom of choice and its consequences. You can
use the slogan you make as a theme of your presentation.

Rubric Scoring for group presentations:

LEMENTS 1 2 3 4
Content Message is Message is Message is Message is
unclear or somewhat clear and clearly played
merely played clear or mostly played and has an
played impact to the
Cooperation Works with Works well the Works well the Works well the
the group only group only group, group,
with with frequent communicate communicate
continued assistance ideas and ideas and
assistance and feelings. feelings and
prompts supports the
contribution of
Loud and Voice is Voice is Voice is clear Voice is clearly
Clear Voice unclear or somewhat and audible and plays
merely clear or mostly audible
inaudible inaudible
Role Little Develops a Develops a Develops one or
Development evidence of role role more roles
role appropriate to appropriate to appropriate to
development the drama with the drama. the drama.
a assistance
Performance Merely Merely sustain Sustain Sustain
sustain engagement engagement engagement
engagement for a portion of through the through the
in the drama a drama drama drama and
encourages the
involvement of

Journal writing on their experience in life when they make a choice and what
consequence it entails.
Date: ____________
Theme/ Slogan: _______________

Research about intersubjectivity and prepare for oral recitation tomorrow.

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