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Classroom Expressions

Greetings Students' Favorites Inquiry Questions Classroom Mana; Application

- Good Morning - May I sharpen my pencil? - What's this? - Are -
you read] Copy down the examples in
- Good Afternoon -1 don't have a pencil - How do we say ( word ) in English? - Quiet/ Silenc your notebooks
- Good-Bye - Open your notebooks.
-1 forgot - How do you spell ( word ) ?
- Distribifc t
- Hello -1 don't remember - Open your books.
- Use the five "W"s:
- CoCecfe
-Hi -1 don't know t - Open your books at page
-1 left the book in my (desk) Why?
gh - Turn to page
Formulas of Courtesy What? Where? Who? When?
-1 can't hear
- Please - ay mention - Open your workbooks at page
May 1 get a drink of water?
- Thank you - May 1 go to the bathroom?
Presentation o talking - Write
- Repeat after m(
- You're welcome - All the - Listen!
boys - Continue
- Excuse me Praise - All the - One at a time, please - Repeat once more
-1 beg your Pardon - All tctnei - Stop talking to (name of
- Ever - It's (name of student) turn
Warm-up Period student), (name of student)
- What's your name? - For e;
- Faster/ More quickly - Go to the blackboard
- My name is ;e yiur notebooks
- Where is (student's name) today? - Close your books - Stand up
- Write the answer on the board
- Present / Absent this clear - Sit down
- He/she is ill o you understand - Go back to your seat
- Come in - Look at the blackboard - Read quietly
- Close the door - Look at the screen - Choose a partner
- Read aloud
- Answer the question
- Open the door/window
Look at the bottom of page - Louder - Play the role of
- Turn on/off the lights
- Look at the top of page
- Erase the board - Come up in front of the class - Look it up in the dictionary
Look at the middle of page - Go back to your seat
- Once more - Line -Forhomework, do exercise
up here_

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