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Week 1 (Settlement P






Week 1 (Settlement Plan)
Attendance: As students are older, Activities
they canfor Learning
write areasindependently. Have the
their names
students write their name and "I feel happy/sad/angry today." on the attendance card as soon
as theymearrive
clap twice
in theetc
morning and stick it in the "I am here today and this is how I feel" chart.
Teacher can read the book and
about math manipulatives - Chrysanthemum by Kevin
let the kids explore Henkes - options.
the different it is a funny andthe
Rotate honest school
paper. Then instructso thatthem
all the
to groups
cut out can explore
their tracedall of them.
hand to theDiscuss aboutability
best of their how toandcare for the
paste the
hand onto the sheet of white copy paper. Next,
• How can we help someone who is scared not be scared? students will paste or paint a red heart onto the
• Is it okay to be scared but do something anyway?
Understanding the world - Reinforcing circle time routines and setting up class rules
Teacher takes students in small groups of 6 to the different learning areas in class or outside
the class - Library and reading corner, Literacy centre, Math centre, Art and Craft centre,
Students create a Self Portrait on a square piece of paper. They draw face, eyes, ears nose and
decoratethe terms
it to makeBig. bigger,
it look likebiggest and small,
themselves - later,smaller,
they cutsmallest withoff
the corners students, showing
of to form the
a circle.
PSE - Practice going in a line- walk around the room in a line- practice
They then glue it down on a colored piece of paper and then decorate it to look like going from seats in line
(not running).
Understanding the world - Unpacking the theme All about myself
Have students work in pairs and trace each other.
Once they have traced each other, have them label their bodies. They share the similarities and
differences they find.

Language and Literacy - Children match the uppercase letters to the lowercase letters on a
pocket chart.
Discuss aboutUpper case noticed
what they letters to be displayed
while doing theon the chart.
activity withAt thisfriends
their time of-the year, are
shorter than teachers. Ask them to identify who is the tallest among teachers.
Expressive arts - Making a paper collage
PSE - Playdraw a picture
"Simon ofenhance
says" to their choice
theirand decorate
listening it using colour paper strips
Understanding the world - My body
Watch the and
Language song:
Literacy - Writing capital letters in 4 lines
Students write capital letters in their 4 line note book
Mathematics - Thick and thin
Keep few thick and thin obects ready - Ask students how to you describe the ojects. Once they
Expressive arts - Paper Plate Sun using Palm Print:
Call one child at a time and ask to dip both hands in paint and print on the
paper plate. Palm prints of both hands have to be very close to each other as shown in the
PSE - Outdoor play

Understanding the world -Labelling body parts

Discussionand Literacy
follows - Writing small
to understand letters inof
the functions four
Students write small letters in their 4 line note book
Mathematics - Write numbers 1-20 in the square notes
Quality Circle
mimic their time (QCT)
favourite - Story time - Polly's P's and Q's
you? You mimic
Students alwaysthe leave us so and
actions far from ourofproper
sounds place, animal and the
their favourite - discussion to to
others have beguess
the place afterwards
we feel most tocomfortable
bring out theandimportance
happy. Doofyoumagic
havewords while
any idea howcommunicating;
it is
ask questions
for the books to toclimb
bring back
out theupimportance of the Golden
onto their shelves, or for skills.
format) on Golden skills and Magic words.
Golden skills
Weather helper - Looking,
(who puts Listening, Thinking,onSpeaking
up the weather when turn comes;
the calendar/draws it on a laminated sheet)
Magic words - Excuse me,
Breakfast helper (who makes suresorry, please, thank
everybody you
finishes their food)
Word Ladder - Language centre
big, small, long, short, heavy, light, myself, me, body, my
Week 1 (Settlement Plan)
Student task/Learning Objective Teacher's role
Follow teacher's instructions Once
these the
gamesleaders are games
as filler selected, they start
marking calendars and weather chart. Teacher
Students explore the manipulatives the manipulatives
Discussion aroundand the when
story -they can be
leading used.
to rules
scissors. Help those who find it difficult toonly
sure that these resources are used cut.
Students follow instructions given Teacher guides the discussion to bring out the
Students take turns to share their This is alo an opportunity for the teacher to
fact that it is ok to get scared, but we need to
Students share 1 rule each and face the situation rather than shy away.
reason why that rule is important Always ensure that a discussion on a topic
Students follow teacher's directions Teacher to set the rules for each centre
Students sort objects. They show Observe students
understanding of comparison of sizes
Students create their portrait Teachers to supervise
Identify runners students
and give them as they work
Students follow teachers instructions reminders/ make them reiterate the rules
during transitions everyday

Students outline their friends who lie Note if the students are able to observe and
down on the floor share the similarities and differences

Follow instructions Teacher calls out a phonic sound and the

Look forwho has the
students corresponding
who letter
needs guidance can
Complete the worksheet
comparson of lengths
Helps in fine motor development Encourage students to tear the papers into
very small strips
Students understand that as we grow Ask guiding questions to attain the objective
our body parts change Assistance not to be given as this activity is to
Independent writing
assess the students
Independent work - drawing and Guidance to be given only if required
copying the lables

Help students to print the hands close to each


grossmotor development Teacher sets the rules while playing outdoors

Students match the body parts with Note students who are unable to read the
their names labels
Assistance not to be given as this activity is to
Independent writing Look
assessfor students
the studentswho find it difficult to write
Independent work the numbers in the right order. Look for mirror
Wait for turns, follow rules images
Teacher sets expectations for the same
Discuss the moral
Make a chart of theofgolden
the story and
skills why
and it is
Understanding the need for using important to keep things back in its place
words and display it in the CT area after the
magic words and golden skills story.
Attendance required
weather chart, calendar,
white board marker
math manipulatives in
Chart cuttrays,
different outs 8X5, red
paint and paint
brush/colour pencils
Chart paper and
All centres to be ready
Objects of various sizes,
and labelled
labels with
colour papersthetosizes
the protrait, colour
pencils, pencils

Chalk pieces to draw the


Cut out 26 large hearts

and 26 small hearts out
Colour paper bits, a4
sheets, glue, pencils
Chart paper, colours,
Four line notes, pencils,
A4 papers, thick and
thin markers, objects
Paper plates,
aprons & napkins. Mix
different water colors in
different containers.

Worksheet with boy/girl

picture and body parts
labels,line notes,
glue stickpencils,
Square notes, pencils,
A teddy bear, some
small toys and a boy
Story puppets
Week 1 (Settlement
Day Activities for Learning areas
Attendance: Teacher announces that after prayer, it is attendance time -students
Language and Literacy
will take their attendance- Reading the
cards as story
their "Theare
names kissing hand"
called out and fix it using
Teacher reads the story with intonation. This will be followed by setting
Monday Mathematics
expectations for- Sorting colours - Students sort blocks/beads according to colours
art activity
and name the colours
Expressive arts - Making the kissing hand
PSPE - Students learn the morning routine for K1
Teacher ,takes
with students
in small decide
groups5 -of66rules fordifferent
to the the class.learning
Write these
in class
or in
outside a chart
the and
class - display
Library it in
and the CT
reading area. Reiterate
corner, Literacythese rules
centre, everyday.
Math centre, Art
Mathematics - Sorting big/small
Tuesday and Craft centre, Nature and Discovery center, Sensory centre,
Students are given big/small shapes. they first sort them into big/small. Later theyRole play/Drama
move on to arts - Decorating
colouring big/smalltheobjects
attendance cards (PP size photo to be attached on
PSPE - Practice going in a line- walkwritten/printed)
attendance card with the name around the room in a line- practice going from
seats in line (not running).
Understanding the world - Reinforcing CT routines
- Studentsgives various
start stickinginstructions to students
the attendance - like today
cards from If you can hear me, clap once; If
you do not hear me clap twice
Mathematics - Sorting heavy and light etc
Wednesday Listen
A smalltostory
the sounds:
with Keep
heavy a tray ofobjects.
Eachthechild getsstudents
a turn tocomplete
pick onea
Expressive arts - Make aand
self light
portrait story
worksheet on heavy/light
Students create a Self Portrait on a square of paper. They draw face, eyes, ears nose
PSPE - Duringitexploration,
and decorate to make it look students understand the rules/consequences while
like themselves
handling resources
“lift dolls hand” .
Ask students what do you think we are going to learn about? Introduce the theme.
Close the next has towith
session say, “I took my
a rhyme tooth
–My brush
Little Bodyand ma’am s red bag for my vacation”
and thethe video
chain -
goes on till someone breaks it. It the chain breaks, next child will
Thursday Students in small groups sort long and short objects.
Expressive when the
artsfor word
- Free tall is used - while comparing heights
PE - Set a line children rings to toss paper plates and then guide them to toss
the maximum number of rings to a filled water bottle. Cheer them to put maximum
numberall ofinto
bottleput together make up their body.
Language and Literacy -by
the discussion havingsays
Teacher students place
a sound. their hands
Students palms-to-palms
in small groups try to with
identify student.
the letter Have them
thatofmakes count the
the sizes number of
corresponding sound. fingers on each hand. Ask
Mathematics - Recap different
Friday Later
Keep allstudents
the sizeworklabels with Playand
ready dough
all ofand
theletter cutters/stamps
objects and books
used for the math session till
now. Students artsin- small
Role play
groups sort the objects under the labels.
Mimic the favourite animal
PE - Outdoor play
communicating; Also ask questions to bring out the importance of the Golden
DD-MM-YY format)
Weather helper (who puts up the weather on the calendar/draws it on a laminated
Word Ladder - Language centre
big, small, long, short, heavy, light, myself, me, body, my

Watch the video -

Students in small groups sort long and short objects.
Discuss when the word tall is used - while comparing heights
Week 1 (Settlement Plan)
Student task/Learning Objective Teacher's role
teacher will put up
Students follow teacher's instructions Teacher reads the story the child's card after he/she
with voiceon
arrives. (Announce this condition modulation - at
the first day
Students on the mat the end of the story, set expectations for the art
Look for students who have difficulty in identifying
This will be today's take away
Routines to be followed in the same pattern, every
Students reason out the need for While setting up the class rules, ask leading
rules in a class and outside questions to students prompting them to bring out
Students follow teacher's directions Teacher to set the rules for each centre
Sorting and colouring independently Teacher can use this activity to assess students'
runners only if they
and give need
them gentle reminders/
Students follow teachers instructions make them reiterate the rules during transitions
Teacher to slowly wean off from leading the
Students follow teacher instructions listening skills. Try to include these games many
Teacherduring first 2 while
to observe weeksstudents
- and then use these
complete the
Attempt the worksheet
worsheet. Provide assistance if required
Teacher can help in labelling the portrait. This can
Students create their portrait be a work chosen for year end portfolio
How many hands does your friends have?
Take turns to observe the doll and How many heads do you have? What about your
answer questions
Improving focus and attention friends?
Brief the children about the game.
Students take blocks
attempt the from the
worksheet Teacher can use this activity to assess students'
corresponding learning centre and understanding
Teacher to observe what they draw and help them
keep it back
Students oncedrawing
do free the activity is done.
label their drawing.
Set expectations for the game. Each child to be
Grossmotor development given atleast
Activity to be2done
turnsin small groups. Teacher to ask
Students share their findings guding questions like are the body parts same? Are
and cut them using letter cutters. Or Look for students
they different? How who
difficult to identify
they can print on the play dough letters based on the phonic sounds
Guidance to be given only to students in reading
Independent work Look for students who needs more encouragement
the labels.
Students might speak few words to express themselves. Encourage others to
Grossmotor development identify
Teacher the
setsanimal being
the rules mentioned.
while playing outdoors
Understanding the need for using Make a chart of the golden skills and magic words
magic words and golden skills and display it in the CT area after the story.

Students take blocks from the Teacher can use this activity to assess students'
corresponding learning centre and
keep it back once the activity is done. understanding
Calendar, weatherrequired
attendance cards, attendance
Puppetswooden cloth pegs
Different coloured trays,
beads/blocks etc
lips ready (or teacher can trace
each student's hand and cut it
attendance cards, attendance
chart, Chart paper for class rules
All centres to be ready and
Sorting objects and sheets
shape cutouts ready that can be
used to decorate the attendance
Calendar, weather cards,
attendance cards, attendance
chartwith objects for phonic
Worksheets, display of the words
heavy and light
Craft paper, pencils, crayons

Whiteboard (WB) marker

Worksheets with pre-writing
patternslong and short
objects,labels with the words
longsheets, pencils, colouring
and short
bottles filled with water,
colourful rigs made out of paper
Letter cards, play dough, letter
cutters, stamps
Objects and labels

Story puppets

Blocks, long and short objects

Week 1 (Settlement
Day teacher's actions. Activities for Learning areas
Attendance: Teacher announces that after prayer, it is attendance time. The teacher
wishes good Worried
morning byto Kevin
and every child, mentioning his/her name, while
Discussion follows - It is ok to be worried about new places. Sometimes we feel shy.
Monday Mathematics
Expressive arts - - Free hand painting
Cover 2-3 tables with roll paper. Keep paint and brushes ready. Allow students to
explore the paint
PSE - Allow studentsandtobrushes
exploreand thepaint
different centres
good morning to eveyone. (which means the attendance song has to be paused for
each child)
Discussion follows
Announce, "Lets - What
play somedid Yaker
music anddo?
move our body" and play some rhymes
Did he like to go to school
Mathematics - Counting rhymes in the beginning?
Sing counting
Expressive artsrhymes with actions
- Doodling
{Entire class stands
Students are given crayonsin a circle}
and an A4 sheet. They doodle whatever they want to.
This is a simple getting-to-know-you game. Children toss a soft ball to each other
We gently.
keepAsour they catch
class it, they tell their name and a favorite thing
We will keep our hands and feet to ourselves
Language and Literacy - Colouring worksheet
Wednesday Mathematics - Blocks play
Expressive students
arts - Groupto make
task: towers
Tear andusing blocks
Crush coloured papers, stick them inside a
flower outline
take their positions. Everyone hods the rope with the right hand and slowly walks
Listeningthe classroom. While walking, the teacher sings a transtion song.
Looking eyes
that thesehead
Thinking 3 colours are called primary colours as they can be mixed in different
Mathematics to make
- Play all the other
dough on 2Dcolours
shapes we see around us. End the CT mentioning
nest week'srolltheme
playdough into small
- My body. balls and of
The colouring arrange it alondcan
the pictures thebeedges
using bubble wrap
PE - Climb and crawl dabbing.
"touch yourclimb and"raise
nose", crawlyourlike animals along with the teacher (indoor or outdoor)
hands" etc.
Teacher holds up the doll and lifts its hand and asks what it is. Encourage students
to say what and Literacy
is the use of- hands?
Reinforcing the primary
Continue the same colours
for head, neck, hand, fingers,
Paint pasta using the 3 primary colours and make a bracelet
Friday Mathematics
Expressive arts - - Music and movement
PE - Outdoor play

Play the song 'head, shoulder, knees and toes'. Touch the part of body being referred to in the song
Teacher can decide to add outdoor play everyday for 15 minutes as the children are
settling this week
Week 1 (Settlement Plan)
Student task/Learning Objective Teacher's role
Students slowly fall into the class Crying students can be kept with the teacher or
routines managed with the
Read the story withhelp of modulation
voice another teacher.

instructions - stay with them so that they are not

Let themtheir/other's
move arounddress/putting paint inthe
the class and explore their
resources in the class
Crying students can be kept with the teacher or
managed with the help
Ask the questions, of another
encourage teacher.
students to answer.
Do not force the ones who are not yet ready.
Encourage students to participate.
Teacher talks to each student and labels what they
Helps students to know each other have drawn.
Look for the runners!
and settle
Understand that rules are for their Use this session to set expectations while inside
Able to hold crayons and colour the
for students who does not hold crayons
within the boundary to keep them
properly. Show back.
how to give
do ait.heads up to
students 5 minutes before an
Teacher to make sure that students activity hasand
tear to end.
tearing and crushing develops the This will prepare the students mentally tointo
wrap up
the papers. They may not tear the papers very
fine motor Teacher to Teachr
ensure can
the applu
children are
small bits. glue onwalking while
the flowers.
holding the rope.
students what happens if we do not follow them?
Understand the Golden rules
Able to identify and sort the primary Let the students give reasons for why the 3 colours
are sureprimary
called all the parents
If nosent
answers,- send
finemotor development give them
Ensure the
When the displaydont keep
id put up it
their mouth
theme board,
the teacher can add a comment below it - coloured
by studentscanusing
and crawl.
wrapShe can
Grossmotor development continuously give instructions while climbing and
Teacher to ask guiding questions to take the CT
Teacher to ensure students are doing this activity
Students identify the colours without spoiling their dress. Assistance to be given
only if required

Teacher to set expectations for transitions and also

the expectations for outdoor behaviour

y being referred to in the song while dancing.

Resources required

Puppets for the story

roll paper, paints, brushes

Keep the music ready

Keep the story link ready

A4 papers, crayons
soft ball
Chart paper, marker to write the
Keep the video
Worksheets, link ready
Block center
Small bits to be set
of colour up
flower outlines in 1/4th of a
rope paper- 1 for a group of 5
Chart and marker. Put up this
chart withtrays/colour
visuals papers to
playdough, laminated shape
bubble wrap, pictures, paints
Set up the classroom
penne pasta, primary colours -
water colours and brushes, thick

Out door area to be set up

Week 1 (Settlement
Day Activities for Learning areas
sit in a circle. As soon as they come to the mat, sing one of the "term 1 Circle time
songs" with actions. Ask the parents to settle with their children. SIng many
Language and Literacy -
Monday Mathematics
Expressive arts
Teacher welcomes students to the new environment - if they are running around,
assemble them with any one of the "Term 1 Assembling songs" - and makes them
sit in a circle.
Language andAs soon as- they come to the mat, sing one of the "term 1 Circle time
Tuesday Mathematics
Expressive arts
Teacher welcomes students to the new environment - if they are running around,
assemble them with any one of the "Term 1 Assembling songs" - and makes them
sit in a circle.
Language andAs soon as- they come to the mat, sing one of the "term 1 Circle time
Wednesday Mathematics
Expressive arts
Teacher welcomes students to the new environment - if they are running around,
assemble them with any one of the "Term 1 Assembling songs" - and makes them
sit in a circle.
Language andAs soon as- they come to the mat, sing one of the "term 1 Circle time
Thursday Mathematics
Expressive arts
Teacher welcomes students to the new environment - if they are running around,
assemble them with any one of the "Term 1 Assembling songs" - and makes them
sit in a circle.
Language andAs soon as- they come to the mat, sing one of the "term 1 Circle time
Friday Mathematics
Expressive arts
Week 1 (Settlement Plan)
Student task/Learning Objective week, it is better not
to createrole
any opportunities
for disppointment.
During CT, do not expect all the students to come
Resources required

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