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Railroad Worker Falls off Roof

Im a steel-drivin man! Aaaaiiiigggghh!

1999, 2011 James Ernest and Cheapass Games.

Woman in Black Dress
Well, Ill be!
Mayor McGinty
People of Deadwood!
Main Street
This diagram shows the default arrangement of the
four board sections. You should feel free to improvise.

2 1

Start here every day.
Woman in Red Dress
Come up and see me! Players Special Rules
2,3 Play only 3 days
4 No Special Rules
5 Start with 2 credits
Reluctant Farmer 6 Start with 4 credits

Saloon I aint so sure about that! 7,8 Start as Rank 2

Casting Office 2 1
Pay dollars OR credits to upgrade.

4 5
10 10 Can you be
more specific? Man Under Horse
A little help here!
18 15
28 20 Ranch
40 25
Shot in Leg Saucy Fred
Ow! Me Leg! Thats what she said!

DEADWOOD and 1999, 2011 James

Ernest and Cheapass Games.

Clumsy Pit Fighter Thug with Knife

3 2 1 Hit me! Meet Suzy, my

murderin knife.

Secret Hideout Dangerous Tom

Theres two ways
we can do this....
Penny, who is Lost
Oh, woe! For I am lost!
Flustered Teller
Would you like a
large bill, sir?

Bank Suspicious Gentleman
Can you be more

DEADWOOD and 1999, 2011 James

Ernest and Cheapass Games.

2 1


Australian Bartender
Whatll it be, mate?

Faro Player
Hit me!
Dead Man

Sleeping Drunkard
Falls from Balcony

Zzzzzz... Whiskey!

Crying Woman
Oh, the humanity!
The Lord will provide.
Preacher with Bag
Crusty Prospector
Aww, peaches!
Prisoner in Cell
Zzzzzzz... Whiskey!

Cyrus the Gunfighter

Dragged by Train

Git to fightin or

git away!
Jail 1
Feller in Irons
Ah kilt the wrong man!

DEADWOOD and 1999, 2011 James

Train Station

Ernest and Cheapass Games.

Man in Overalls
Looks like a storms
comin in.

Mister Keach
Howdy, stranger.
General Store

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