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What are some of the best life tips?

Alden Tan, worked at

Updated Mar 18, 2016
Do you want some awesome life tips?!

Take it from me, a 30-year old awesome dude with a hot bod, tons of babes, a
breakdancer, great friends, a bunch of heartache, a writer and also his own
fucking business! Wow!

Check it!

Social life

1) Know that BUSY is bullshit. Everybody is busy today. If something or

someone means something to you, make the damn time. If somebody is always
too busy for you, maybe they aren't your friend at all.

2) Don't wait around like a dog for latecomers. Life is too short for that
bullshit. A latecomer doesn't respect his friends, time itself and hence himself.
Fuck him.

3) But show up late if you know they're going to be late. Play it at their

4) Learn to drink. From experience, you can build a tolerance to different types
of beer and liquor. Do it. Getting drunk super quick is kind of... lame.

5) If somebody is too nice to you and your bullshit alarm goes off,
you're probably right. People like that want something out of you and are
ready to sell you something.

6) Talk is super, duper cheap. Shit like, "I don't normally do this for others,
but for you I will" is easy to say. Be wary of manipulative bullshit.

7) Judge people. You heard me. Judge the shit out of people. I personally won't
be friends with people who are mean to the waiter or cashier. You don't need
people like that in your life. You can find better friends.

8) If you feel like you're being bullied, stand up for yourself. You'll be
surprised to find out how bullies are truly weak and insecure inside.

9) A person who judges people for their tattoos is a racist. Because skin-

10) A friend who is always offended by everything is not a friend at all.

11) Don't listen to people who claim they're always happy and never
feel anything negative in life. Life coaches who are full of themselves like to
do this. They're probably bipolar.
12) Bald is a choice. Balding isn't.

13) Age may just be number, but that doesn't mean you get to act like
an irresponsible idiot. Be an adult please.

14) Ass holes do not apologize. Don't bother trying to get it.

15) Nobody really knows what they're doing in life. We're all just trying to
figure it out along the way.

16) Only little boys call each other 'bro.' Real men don't need that shit.

17) When you ask some pompous jackass to show you a miracle and
they answer something like, Life itself is a miracle, you should stop being their
friend immediately.

18) Profanities are less vulgar than pretentious people who use big

19) Learn to speak well. You can't hear yourself. You may be mumbling or
speaking too fast.

20) Don't show up at social events where you know there're people
you dislike there. It's just not worth it.

Dating and relationships.

21) Don't try to fall in love on the first date. Stop overthinking shit! Just
have fun. Create conversations.

22) The Friendzone does not exist. It is nothing but a weak conclusion
insecure people come up with in their head. Ask her/him out. That's all you have
to do. You've done your best and that's all that matters. It's okay to be a friend

23) Give yourself a chance at love. Ignore your past. Give yourself a shot.
Don't live a life based on fear.

24) And have the balls to break from a toxic relationship, or one that is
going nowhere.

25) Love is nothing but a crazy energy. One of my favorite quotes:

" We have this idea that love is supposed to last forever. But love isn't like that.
It's a free-flowing energy that comes and goes when it pleases. Sometimes, it
stays for life; other times it stays for a second, a day, a month, or a year. So
don't fear love when it comes simply because it makes you vulnerable. But don't
be surprised when it leaves either. Just be glad you had the opportunity to
experience it."

-Neil Strauss

26) Breakups hurt, but you'll be fine.

27) Don't live with your partner unless you guys are married. That's
how you potentially learn the little bullshit in each others' lives. It will be very
frustrating. You guys may even break up.

28) Use Tinder, ignore people who say dating apps are lame. The people
who say that are lonely, insecure losers. You're only using it to make friends and
that's perfectly fine.

29) Don't assume he or she is some perfect angel just because you've a
crush on them. People are not what they seem. Unless you guys have been
together for a long time, never fucking assume.

30) Have sex with at least more than five people in your life. You don't
want to grow up not knowing the difference between love and lust. That's fucking

31) Date as many people as you can in your twenties. You don't want to
grow up wondering if the grass is the greener on the other side, especially when
you're in a relationship. That's pretty much the end of it all.

32) Don't loan money to friends. If you need to think twice about it, then
don't. Money always causes a strain in relationships.

33) If your partner is always getting drunk and expects you to take
care of them, dump their bitch ass already!

34) Try getting into a long-distance relationship at least once. I did. It

wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.

35) Hook up overseas. It's super fun and awesome.

36) Lose your virginity already, even if you need to pay for it. Hear me
out here.... It will boost your confidence. Ive come across way too many virgin
guys who allow woman, any woman to have power over them just because of their
lack of knowledge and foresight.

37) The best piece of relationship advice Ive gotten from a friend is,
At the end of the day, follow your heart and do what you think is right. Ignore
what others say and dont take their advice, not even mine. Let it be so for you

38) Ask somebody out of your league at least once.

39) Go ahead and date somebody younger than you. Just because
somebody is your age or older doesn't automatically make them mature. In fact,
it's mind-boggling when they don't even act their age.

40) Memories are useless in a relationship. What matters more is how you
two work together to move forward.

Business and work

41) Your big business idea is never enough. Ideas are worthless honestly.
You need to validate it. You need to take action and see what works for you.
42) There're no guarantees in life. The only guarantee in life is death
itself. Sounds morbid? Not really. Don't buy into stupid guarantees by
businesses, especially if they promise you easy money.

43) Success is individual. You decide what is successful to you. Don't compare
with others.

44) If it works so well, why would they teach? Hence, do not listen to
people who make a living out of teaching you something they could actually be
doing. It's a freaking paradoxical pyramid scheme!

45) Fail as fast as you can. That's your fastest way to succeed.

46) Close YouTube and Spotify. Open

47) If there's a problem, be the guy who seeks a solution. Don't be the
whiny bitch who complains.

48) Stupid questions do exist you moron.

49) Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to
work. Do the work even when you feel unmotivated. That's when you probably
create something that'd make all the difference!

50) The work is the goal. Wake up everyday and do the work. Finish up your
daily tasks. That's it. Stop hoping for a milestone, breakthrough or to be
discovered. It will come, but you gotta do the work first.

51) Forget every fucking thing you learnt in school. Learn on the job. Be
humble already.

52) Talent and potential mean fuck all without hard work and effort.

53) Consistency is key. Work your art and biz EVERY DAY.

Personal life

54) Get religion. Then get out of it. You'll know for sure if it's for you or not.

55) Decline all weddings. I'm personally not a fan of weddings. It's a waste of
time and money. Try it. It's liberating.

56) Let your friends make their own mistakes. That's how they grow.
You're not responsible for them. Remember that.

57) Go home once it hits 2am and after you had a few to drink. You can
save yourself from a hangover and a lot of money.

58) Don't become a little bitch from a little pain. What? You've a bit of a
cough? A tiny sniffle? A small cut? Fuck that. Stop whining. Man up!

59) Embrace the discomfort, anxiety, fear and shitty feelings. That's the
point of getting out of your comfort zone. You're supposed to feel scared. So feel it
and go for it.
60) Get a passion. Because it's fucking awesome.

61) But know that passion is not the golden ticket to solve all your
problems. Life doesn't work that way. You're only human. You're bound to feel
ups and downs.

62) Delete social media apps. Well nobody says you need quit social media
cold turkey, but deleting the apps is a key step to moving away from it. If
anything, this will help you not check non-existent updates when you head out of
the house.

63) Watch South Park. It's smart, witty, fucking hilarious and filled with
meaningful messages. For real. Listen to the subtlety.

64) Read real, actual books. Go to your local library. Books make you smarter
and more confident in society. People have a dopamine problem today because of
social media, apps and stupid headlines. Read and learn actual shit already.

65) Drink beer. Because wine is for snobs.

66) Eat less carbs. You'll see the difference pretty fast in your weight and looks.

67) Break a rule or two already. Take some risk. Stop leaving such a
paranoid, uptight life.

68) Money is important, but the bottom line is whether you want to
chase it or not.

69) The customer is not always right. If you believe so, you're an asshole. If
your boss believes so, you need to quit and get the fuck out of there.

70) Laugh at stupid jokes. You're the happy one when you laugh.

71) Be present. Past does not exist anymore, don't live there. Future needs to be
created, make it good by not screwing it up with expectations.

72) Death and tragedy in your life will create meaning for you, given
time. It sounds painful but it's true. It can even pull you out of darkness. I
know because my dad died.

73) Kids can be annoying and stupid. Don't get too friendly and all for too
long. They will try to walk all over you.

74) Look good, feel awesome. It's okay to be vain! Work out. Eat right. Be

75) Inspiration doesn't last. You have to keep getting yourself re-inspired.

76) Stop promoting meditation! Just do it yourself already geez.

77) Make your own bed every morning. A major kickstart!

78) Treat every embarrassing moment you had in your life as an

amazing story to tell later.
79) Things always don't go as planned. That's life. Just play along.

80) Don't get a car. It's a liability.

81) When youre offended by an online comment, it means youre

attaching a piece of your identity to that online comment. The question is not how
to superficially deal with the comment itself, but what is missing in your life so
you can stop attaching yourself to such things.

82) Read fiction. You can actually learn shit about yourself.

83) People change. Get over it.

84) How you do anything is how you do EVERYTHING.

85) You can't please everybody in life. It's impossible. So don't be too hard
up on trying to make everybody happy. Ignore the haters.

86) Travel. Do it solo if you can.

87) Don't lead a headline life. Stop basing your thoughts and opinions on the
news you read everyday. Form your own ideas.

88) Happiness is a choice. Choose it. No amount of material shit or people

out there can make you happy if you simply choose to think life sucks.

89) Your thoughts are your reality. Think of shit, you get shit. Think of
angry shit, you get angry. Think of sad stuff, you get sad. Think of a balanced life
of happiness, it gets a lot easier.

90) Dream audaciously. Dream big. Go hard or go home.

91) There is always someone out there like you. If you feel lonely and sad
and shit, know that you aren't alone. If you feel left out, someone out there is as
awesome as you.

92) Understand the unpredictability of life, but don't be paranoid. My

dad died when I was 20. I never thought someone I grew up with could be taken
away just like that. It was painful, but we moved on. Don't filter reality. Shit
happens. But don't be paranoid. Just choose the path that makes you happy.

93) Ask yourself if you're waking up everyday and looking forward to

what you have to do. If you answered yes, that's pretty much how you should
live. If you answered no, maybe start rethinking your choices.

94) You're growing up while your parents are growing old. Remember
that. Spend time with them.

95) Keep breaking routine to feel fresh in life. It could be as simple as

uploading a new song in your phone before every time you head out.

96) Make zero apologies for who you are.

97) Embrace your introverted side. You're not shy, unfriendly, loser-ish or
whatever. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be alone and having your own

98) Journal how awesome you really are. Because we're so focused on life
that bullshit overwhelms. You've done good before right? Remember that shit
once in a while to remind yourself you're doing great.

99) It gets better. Bullies. Work. Stress. Money. Whatever. It will get better.
Chill yo.

100) Remember to have some fun.

Whoa! You read my entire answer! As a reward, here's my free book: 12 Things
Happy People Don't Give a Fuck About!

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