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Prepositions of Time

(a source for headaches)


time of the day: at six o'clock

at lunch(time)
at midnight
at sunset/sunrise
[Note that in questions we usually say: "What time shall we meet?" not: *"At what time ..."]

other expressions: at night

at the weekend/weekends
[note: American English:
on the weekend/weekends]
at Christmas/Easter
at the moment
at the same time


days: on Friday(s)

day + time of day: on Monday morning(s)

on Wednesday evening(s)
on Sunday afternoon(s)

dates: on December 13, 1965

on Christmas Day
on New Year's Day
on Valentine's Day
on my birthday
on our wedding day

in the

periodical time of day: in the morning(s)

in the afternoon(s)
in the evening(s)

centuries/decades: in the 15th century

in the Middle Ages
in the Stone Age
in the 1980s

reference of time: in the past

in (the) future
[but: at present]

months: in April

years: in 1978

seasons: in (the) winter

a time in the future: in five minutes

in a few weeks
in a moment

no preposition

before next: Let's meet next week.

before last: I saw him last week.

before this: We got up late this


before every: I play badminton every


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