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It was a cold morning as it was ____________ last night. Dawan woke up early and saw
her____________ sisters were still sleeping soundly next to her in their ____________. While
admiring the natural waves of after-night twined around the ____________ of before-dawn, she
heard the ____________ of a roaster which officially signs morning. As she was crawling out,
she saw Kwais head____________ from the mosquito net that he shared with the
____________ . Both of them, ____________ to the wooden platform outside and
____________ down the ladder.Dawan raced with her brother to the ____________ of the
river.Kwai jumped into it for a while and then sat on the middle of the ____________, with his
legs ____________ over the edge. Dawan sat next to her brother and started singing softly.Kwai
threw a little ____________ into the river and it made nice ____________. The sun arose
marked that the world was finally awake. Kwai was so curious about the examination results and
urged his sister to go home and get ready for school. It was the day that they would know who
won the ____________ and pursue study in the city. Their Teacher always talked about
____________ and ____________ after school. Kwai determined to study hard so that he could
teach father how to raise ____________ and use better ____________. He dreamt of setting up
a____________ and advised the villagers not to get easily cheated by the ____________. Father
had to pay the rent for the ____________ by giving away their ____________that were stalked
up ____________ their house.Kwai was so furious as none of the landlord had ____________
and experienced the hard work of ____________, ____________ and ____________ the rice.
Kwai advised Dawan to ask ____________ and not to be scared of ____________ out in class.
He believed that his sister had her right to be in school even though their parents thought that
it was ____________ and ____________ to send ____________ to school. It was Kwai who
insisted that his sister to be allowed to join him. Dawan scored good marks in exams and study
harder than him. She would win the scholarship. The fact the she was a ____________ , made
Dawan ____________ tight her hands over the edge of the ____________ ____________ .
Answer these questions.

a) By using the 5 senses describe setting of the village early in that morning.
i- Sound

ii- Touch
1. Breezes of dawn
2. Squishy and cool ground

iii- sight

b) List down the family members according to their age


c) List down things in the city as being told by Noi

Answer these questions.

a) By using the 5 senses describe setting of the village early in that morning.
i- Sounds :
1. Croaking of the bullfrogs
2. Whispery gossip of the leaves
3. First cries of small sparrows
4. Window shutters creaking
5. Crowing of a roaster

ii- Touch
1. Breezes of dawn
2. Squishy and cool ground
3. Fresh and cool air
4. Wet leaves

iii- sight
1. Shimmer of raindrops
2. Tender green of the new planted paddy-fields
3. Sparkle gleaming river
4. Young rice stalks gently parted and merged in the early morning wind
5. Sunglow creep over the awakening world

b) List down the family members according to their age


c) List down things in the city as being told by Uncle Noi

a) Jasmine buds are sold by the bucketfuls

b) Rows of animals heads hang outside the butcher stalls
c) Countless different kinds of coconut cakes are sold
d) Beautiful Emerald Temple


The teacher smiled looking at each of his students faces who were focusing on him. He
asked the students to sit down and triggered them with a question, something ______________
_______________ their houses. Responses from the students were ___________and_________
A boy stood up and muttered that it was _____________for the _______________
______________, a thin boy said as the landlord owned the land, they have to pay him________
because they were _____________on his land. Dawan raised her hand and asked a question.
The teacher then wrote a word landlord on the board and listed 3 words _________________,
___________________, and ___________________. He took a deep breath and asked the
students about the landlord whether he worked harder than the students father. As their
father _____________rice seedlings all day and ______________furrow after furrow in the wide
fields. The teacher provoked the students, saying that the landlord needed more as he had a
______________,_______________ and _________________. However, the students
protested and they started to make noises in the class. The teacher had to calmed them down
and posted another question. When it came to the word Inheritance, ___________gave its
definition.Dawan disagreed with the meaning of it. Then, the issue of fairness was raised
by___________. The students agreed to changes the system in their village. One of the
suggestions was to __________the land from the landlord.___________complained
immediately.Kwaigave another suggestion which was
The lively discussion continued, until the headmaster passed by. Everybody was quiet
and the teacher quickly changed the topic. After the headmaster observed the lesson for a
while, he finally stole away. The teacher then announced the best student who was qualified for
the ____________and would get a ___________in the big______________. The teacher
announced the winner of the scholarship. _____________ got the scholarship.

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