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Rubric for Storytelling

Task Description: (Teacher may explain specific assignment in this space.)

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
4 yes 3 yes, but 2 no, but 1 no
Knows the story Knows the story Knows some of the Does not know
well; has obviously pretty well; some story; has not story; reads from
Knows the 20 practiced telling the practice; may use practiced; relies on notes
Story % story; uses no notes; notes; fairly notes; appears
speaks with confident uncomfortable
Always speaks Usually speaks May speak too softly Speaks too softly or
loudly, slowly, and loudly, slowly, and or too rapidly; too rapidly; mumbles
clearly clearly mumbles Incorrect
Correct Correct occasionally pronunciation; does
Voice %
pronunciation; pronunciation; does Incorrect not know what
explains unfamiliar not explain pronunciation of unfamiliar words
words unfamiliar words some words; does mean
not explain
unfamiliar words
Consistently Quick to volunteer Generally works Seldom works well
Acting %
motivates and and assist others well with others with others
assists others
Story lasts 5 to 7 Story lasts less than Story lasts less than Story lasts less than
Duration 5% minutes 5 or more than 7 4 or more than 8 3 or more than 9
minutes minutes minutes
Audience 10 Storyteller looks at Storyteller looks at a Story told to only 1 Storyteller does not
Contact % all the audience; few people in the to 2 people in the look at audience; no
involves them with audience; involves audience; little attempt to involve
questions only a few with audience audience with
questions involvement questions

Copyright Texas Education Agency, 2006. All rights reserved.

Story told at the Story told well, but Story rushed or Story told at one
10 appropriate pace, some parts may be dragged in several pace; no excitement
Pacing % depending on the rushed or dragged in parts
story line some parts
Story is Most of the story is Some of the story is Story is
Appropriaten 10 developmentally developmentally developmentally developmentally
ess % appropriate for appropriate for appropriate for inappropriate for
audience audience audience audience
Outstanding use of Good use of props; Uses props some of Poor use of props;
10 props; props are props are appropriate the time; some props uses no props or
Props % appropriate not appropriate or are inappropriate props

Assignment Score ______________ + Beyonder/Bonus ______________ = Final Score


Copyright Texas Education Agency, 2006. All rights reserved.

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