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Guide to
Dear friend,

on bhalf of th Administrtiv Committe of th JSU

Wlfar Fund, plaseal]ow us to xpressoursinre gretings
to our non-domiild spial mmbrsonboardthe vssels,
ovrdby JSU ColltivAgrermrnts. This guidebookwas
designedfor training safarersand fostering their sussors.
It is ruial pross for maritim indus to hand down
well-exprined navigation skill to th future International
shipping in ordr to make a signifiant ontribution to th
fu:rdevelopmntand to fostr ompetentseafrers.It is ]so
an asstfor maritimindus whih should b handedovr.
Howvr' in th ontext of th irumstanof the eduation
for seafarrsand th initiation of maritim skill, it is
not nssarilyto say that it is dfinitly suffiientfor us
to take advantageof an opportunity to be instrutd by
well-expriendand omptntoffirs at sa.
In viw of this issu, I firmly bliev that this book will
b fftivl-luti|izedfor training nd dveloping of
futur safarers,and will mak maningful ontributions
to ths efforts'
Finlly, w would lik to extend our sinere gratitud and
appeiationto everyoninvolved in this projet,speially
th Intemationlrinrs angmentAssoiation of Japan.

Best rgrds.

Yoji Fujisawa
Administrativ Committ of JSU
W.lfarFund and;
A1l Japan Samen,sUnion
anuvring Capability of Ships

Ship Handling in Restrited Waters


In-Harbor Ship Handling

Ship Handling inWaves

}Iterlg fr Safe Nvigation in

tratropial and Tropial Clnes (Storms)


Handling f Speial.PurpseShips

\Iririm raffi Saft Law 140

rt RegulationsLw '150
l|lil Signals and Shaps
, t:ls Lalr and Rommended Pratis) 153 ishing Aras and Types of Fishing 155
i. i| Fishing Mthods & Gar 158
l|liI Inlnd Sa Fishing Mthods 160
?'' i'tgDistrits in Japan 162
ifl( \ \bluntarv Traffi Sparation Shm
; h]ishd:0l-Sptember.2002) 164
L i| }Ior ement in Mala Strait 166
: . B.R.\l.Brifing)
l: 'ud \umbr: RltionshipbtwnShip Lngth and Spd 176
r PP \ DI\
: i . i i. 1 n Digranl fo r t h lvlaster ) 177
A Guide to Ship Handling
Publishd by Japan Captains' Assoiation (JCA)
5,4-home, Kohjimahi' Chiyoda-ku, kyo 102-008' JAPAN
Tel : (8 1)-3-32 65-6641 F a: 265.87 10 URL : ht ://Www.captain.ofipl

Administrative Committ of JSU Welfare Fund
All Japan Saman's Union (AJSU)
Prodution, Publishe nd Scondry opright Holdr:
Intrntional Mrirs anagment Assoiation of Japan (II}IMAJ)
uthor nd Primr opright ltolder:

@ fv[AJ
Jaan Captainsi Assoiation (JCA)

Copright #
All opight is resrud. No part of this publiation ybe repodued, stored in retrival systm, oI ffansmitted in my fom or by my ms,
ltroni,mhmial, photoopying,rording r othryis without th prior witten pmission of thr o}ightholdels (JA nd IMA.

Editorial Committ
Chirperson nd Supervisor: Kohi OHSU, Profssor, Tokyo Universify of{arine Siene nd Tehnolog
Committe Membrs: TatlaGoU, Kawaski Kisen aish Ltd.
Hiroki RUYAMA, Yoshiki KoToK NYK Line
sato IYAS, asanori IiAYASI' itsui o.S.. Line
Srtiat.. Yasu1.uki oRIoTo, Pesident, JCA
Takauki FURI,Y' anaging Director' JC

Produr: Ysushi NKLIRA, Chairmn, Nautil Trinig Systes, I.

I|/ritr.' Shihei NOUR, mrifus Professor, Yuge National College of ]l4arifime Tehnology
Chif Editor. bkayuki F[,RLYA' anaging Direto JCA
English onsulttion.. Hidetoshi KAZA, President, lVinds, Ltd.
Daniel Fath, Langu.age Consultant
rt Directio & Dsig: Shunry OTAGIRI' Art Diretor/Design Shun-Ryo. GRAPI{
ieko ITo. Desisner
NlanuYeringapability of Shi s
-: : .: : .: t .: : -l

A ruddr is a dvi t ntrol th horizontal motion of a ship. h ontrol for rxrtd by a ruddr at
th strrrof a ship ratSa momnt on th ship that auss th ship to rotat and to rint itslf at an
angl of attak to th flow.

Ruddr Fors and omnts

' . Ang|e of attak

L: Lift for
D : Drag fore
F: otaIrsuItant fore
C P: Centerof pressure
F : NormaIfore
F : Axial fore
Fig.1.1 Ruld

002 A Guide to ship Handling

Lt us onsidr a ruddr as a sparatod at an ang|eof attak d to the flow vloity.
h ombination of for.wardvloity and angl of attak will indu a irulation about the ruddr that
ln fi]n produs a lift for L on th ruddr du to a diffrn in th prssur ating on th uppr and
l'r surfas of th ruddr.
In a rral fluid, drag for D ompsd of frition and sparatfors, ats on th ruddr.
.\s shown in Fig.l-1 th total rsultant fr F actsat apoint ca|Iedth ntr of prssur CP.
his may b rsolvd into aljft omponrnt L normal t th dirtion of motion, it:/;oa drag omponrnt
D paralll to th dirtion of motion, or into a normal for FN normal to th ntr plan of th rud-
der, into a axia| for F paralll to thr ntr plan of th ruddr.
Sin th axial for F is vry small compard to th notmal for FN, th normal for FN is on-
sidrd to rprsntruddr for that ontrols th motion of th ship.
In addition to th ruddr area, the gomtri propr1isof th rudd suh as aspt ratio, stion shap
and profil shap, influne the apability of th ruddr to funtion as a sparatbody.

Ruddr at th Stern
.\ ruddr loatd at th strrris subjt to influn from th hull and th propll and th inflow v-
loity to th ruddr is diffrnt from ship vloity' Tuming motion of a ship also hangs th inflow v.
loity and dirtion to th ruddr. Th addd vloity of propllr rae inrass th ruddr for both
at nrmal spd and at zero spd. anwhil, th wak, disfurbd watr dragged along with th ship,
dreass th inflow vloity to th ruddr. In th stady ahad manuv th ruddr is in propllr
ra and its efftivnss is good whr magnitud of th ruddr for is about qual to that of a spa-
rate in a uniform flow

The fol|owing ases are often experiened

during in-harbor ship handling:
*astirrg tilfl*
In th alrrating manruvr (alrating ahad from (Full ahad * Sto ngin-)
zro spd), th ruddr of a singl srw ship is partiu-
larly fftiv, bause in this nditin th ruddr opr-
ats in th disharg jt of th propllr, whih has a
vry high vloity at zro spd rsulting from th large
s1ip ratio of th propllr. For this fason' the tuming Nornnaltrn
(Full ahad)
ability is xllnt, and thus is oftn usd by th ship's
opratr whn h dos not wish to alrat ahad but
rathr to hang th ship's hading.
on th othr hand, th ruddr fftivnss is por dur-
ing a oasting manuvr (dlrating th ship without
using rvrs power). With th propllr wind.milling (Ship spdzr * Full ha

or lokd, th ruddr dos not bnflt from th propl-

lr's disharg jt' and, aordingly, nt vloity of flw
ovr th ruddr is vry small. Fig,1-2 shows th ompar- Turning tajtries on steady ahead,
ison of turning trajtoris on ah manuvrr. alration and dlration manuvrs

A Gide to ship }land|ing 00

![fifi@fit apabilityf Ships

r In th stopping manuvr (dlrating th ship by us of fuli lvrs pow), th ruddr fftivnss is x-

ptionaily poo th propllr disharg jt bing opposd in dirtion by th ship's vloity ahad rlativ to
th watr' Hn, th nt vloity of flow ovr th rrrddr is ptionally small. Fig.1.3 shows th flow
around th strrrwhil stopping.
:ita,il;t;;ra:,lltt:.';lna,ll|;iiitrt t.rr, gttt,
i;l '..-;-

i::, :*==.*

i -='.".-"
...*-.*--,*- ='""*.----.-, i .: *' tr , ".' ....
, ,*-,+. *+ ,s .f :. i i .,, ' ,
" =. :**""'t"*+ "''-
'=- :" --=- ' * --u ii' t ,
1 .;
." -.
... i
"' ' " . . " .= .

ii -''*-.

;i '"'-.

: --- s ::

'"-'=''-.. ";.i
, :. ,
u '""=.-- s<

it ''=.


Rudder is in prope||errae PropelIerinflow veloity is anelIed

Fig.1-3 pattr

Thrfor, it is important to not that th propllr's powrful dishargjt is indispensabl fr th rud-

dr fftivnss.

004 A Guide to Ship Handling

1. l Rud d r 1. z Fundamntal Manuving harateistis

Afual ship manuvring pattrrns pratied undr various navigational nvironmnts ar lassifird
broadly into two atrgorirs -- ours kping and vasiv (mrgny)manuvrs'
Whrr onsidring manruvrring prordurrs, suh
as ours kping' ours hanging, and d-
lrating/stopping, th following manuvr-
ing harateristis ar rquird for ship han-

1. urningabiIity
2. lnitialturningability
3. Yaw-heckingand ourse-keeping
4. Stopping ability

ah is brifly dfind blow:

1' urningability
uming ability is th masur of the abili to
turn th ship using hard-ovr ruddr. Begin steering 35" (Hardstarboard)
..advanat 90"
h rsults bing a minimum
..tatial diamtr',
hang of hading', and
..transfr at 180.hang of
dfind by th
hading.', Fig.1-4 Turring path of ship

2. lnitialturning/
ourse changing abiIity
h initial trning ability is dfind by th

hang-of-hading rspons to a modrat o)
) O

he]m in trms of hading deviation pr unit


distan saild. ,

lniti|turningabiIity= 0/Unitdistane .s

Fig.1.5 Initiaiturningai1jt& fftf Cb

A Guide to ship ndling

!@[sfl Manuvringaabilityof Ships

3-1.Course-keepingability Ruddermg|e * ourse |ine+

ours-kp abili is a mas- Case 1. Poor ourse.keeping


of th ability of th ship to
maintain a straightpath on a pr. :f,l,)
dtrmind ours without -
ssive osillations of ruddr or
These vessels use rudder frequent|y to maintain ourse.
Case 2. Good ourse-keeping

Fig.1.6 ailit

3.2' Yaw-hekingabi|ity
Th yaw-hking ability of a
ship is a mrasur of th rspons
to ountr-ruddr applid in a
r1ainstatof turnins.


Fig.1.7 Yaw-hkingbility

4. Stoppingability
Stopping ability is masurd by th ..trak rah', and ..tim to dad in watr'' realized in a stop ngin-
full astrn manuvr prformd aftr a stady approah at full tst spd.


Fig.1-8 Stoppingability

006 A Guide to Ship Handlins

].2 Fundamntlatruvinghalateristis l .

of maneuverabilit
C = Vl(Lppxxd)
Shae of ship Flne ship at ship

]: ck Coeffiient) Small Large

ldnd of ship ontainer Bulk arrier

- : i turningabiIity Nearlyequal but fat ship turns

fasterthn fin ship'
s|igtit|y slDl
a;rse-keeping ability Good Poor dEffi
-.,;rningability Poor Good F'ig.1.9 ()
!r:i= _]e above riteriais app|iedgenerallyeept in speial ases.
.: i\Io stablishdStandardsfor Ship Manuvrability (hrinaftralld Standards'')in D-
.; 2002' where cf;tia of manuvring haracteristis to b omplid with are stipulatd. Ths
.:-:i'ill b rrfrrd in th following rlvant Stions 1.3 (Turning Cirl Manuvr)' 1.4 (Ship
l,{=iur.ring Tsts)and 1.5 (Spdontrol).

{--ransfer ---}r
' -- rnlng tst rmalns an lmportant ptactr
::. :nnuvrthat ships frquntly prform.
it is suitabl for analztng tst rsults
:: tus th final phas of th furning path is a

h Thre Phasesof a Turn

th ruddr is dfltd and hld at a
1d angl,th tuming path of th ship's n-
:.: 0i savity is alld th turning irl. Th
. - :s of th turning motion may b dividd Ttical diameter (TD)
::.. thphass: xeuteposition
Begin steering35' (Hardstarboard)
bl 1-1
Approach phase
Phse 2 :: ;;.. lst phase
Phase 1 Phase 3 Remarks
2nd phase
3rd phase (stedy turn)
Inreasing Steady Steady L; Ship length
-i : enter of stedv turninq ir|e
Inreasig lnreasing Steady r : stedy turning ;dius -
: Drift ng|e
0 lnreasing Steady B 6: Rudder ng|e

.iel Inwad Outward Ttia]diameter(TD):Fat ship *3L

s.d Steady Decreasing Steady (Same RP )
Fig.1.10 r-ing
pathf a ship

A Guide to ship ndl.s ] 007

![![@!l anuvringCapabilityof Ships

he first phase
Th first phasstartsat th instantthat th ruddris laid ovr and may b vr by th tim th ruddrrahes
its full defltion angl. During this priod, th ruddr fore and momnt produ alerationand are
opposedsolly by th inrtia ofthe ship, bausethrhas not yet bn an opportunityfor a substantialdift
ang\ep or yaw rat to dvlop.

The seond phase

Th ship ntrsth seondphas of th fuming, With th dvelopmentof a drift ang|eB and a yw rat
whrthe ruddrfor and momntbeomfully operativ.The ruial vntat th bginningof th sond
phasis th rationof a inwardly diretdfor towardsth entrof th tum' rsultingfrom th drift anglp.
ventually,inwardly dirtedfore ausdby th drift angl omes into balanewith th outwardlydiretd
ntrifugalfor of th ship. (Th bginningof th steadyphas.) Howevin th sondphaseof th fum' as
shownin Fig.1-10' the path of the ship'sntrof gravity at first rspondsto th ruddrfor and tendsto port
bfor the inwardly dirtd fo grows suffiintly lag.In spit of this tendenyof th ship's ntrof
gravity,the bow usually remainsto starboardofth approahourseduringth ntirntryphas.(Kik.)

The third phase

Th sondphasof tumingndswith th stablishmnt of thnew equilibriumof fors.Whn this quilibrium
is rahed,th ship sttlesdown to a onstantradiuswith onstantdrift angle
androttion.This is thethird,or the steadyphasof thm.
Th stadyturningradiusis dfindby th followingrlationship:R=Y /r
Furthrmor,th steady tuming radius would be proportional to th ship
lngthL and invrslyproportionalto th ruddrdfltionangl whil th
drift anglep would b dirtlyproportionalto .

R: turningradius(m)
V: ship speed (m/se)
r: yaw rate (radian/se)
Charateristis of th Tirrning Path
A diagram dfining th tur is shown in Fig.1-10. Gnrally, a ship's turning path is characterizedb
four numrial masurs:th advan, transfe tatial diamtr and stady furning diamrtr.
Th advan is th distan of th ship's ntr of gravity along th original ours frm
ommrnrmrnt of ruddr dfltion to th point whn th ship has furnd 90..
Th transfr is th distan from th original approah ours to th ship's entr of gravity whn it has
Th tatial diamtr is th distan from th approah ours to th ship's ntr of gravity whn it has
h stady furning diamtrr is th diamtr of th ship's trajtory whn it has sttld down to th
steady turning motion.
Th gat majority of mrhant ships hav tatial diametrs btwn thr and four ship lnsths at
hard-ovrruddr (35").

!08 A Guide to Ship Hndling

roStndardsstipu|atethe turningbiIityof the ship as fol|ows:
l:; dlan shouldnot xd4.5 ship lngths(L) and th tatial diamtrshouldnot d5 ship lngths
':-. runi-sirl manuvrwith maimumruddrangl.

l*l3 Standards:dvane < 4.5L

GP=R sin 1/4L<GP<1/L
TatiaIdiameter< 5L
F -:,1-i1 showsth positionof th ..pivotpoint''in a stadyfum,
:l"l:nindby drawing a plpndiular from th ntr of th
:,'drrurningirl to th ntrlinof th ship.
.' 'r .rbsrvron board a turningship, it apparsas if th ship is
- -;-. - c L ^+
- . . at
-+ tl l al -U
^;[l- +
- t.

l-: .njstnbtwn th pivot point P and th ship's ntr of

::}'-".:G is prssdas GP=R sinf.
'.:r :ntlst ships th pivot point is somwhr btwn Il4 L and G : enter of gravity oiii'.r"
Center of

: l tilr.ard of th ship's ntr of gravity. P : Pivot ooint

R : stadyturningradius
: Driftang|e Fig.1-11
Drift angland pir,tpoint

: .h ntry Stagof thr Sond phas of th fuin, th ship's ntr of gravity tnds to skid outwardly
:-r th original path as th rsult of th ruddr for. This phnmnonis known as..kik'', and its
::.itud is about 1/100 ship lngth Latth ntrrof gravity. Howvr, aS Shown in Fig.1-12,
--.j..:'tIkik (th magnitud of latral shift at th stm trminal) rahs lp to 1l7 of ship lngth at
:: .{J" hang of hadig in hard-ovr
:j'id' ar should b takn rgarding
,::n }.ik.
\' stnkik an b usd to on's advan-
:].t,:i-- dflting th ruddr towards a man -
]!i6lii!6iiii, lglilgliigilg.E:
-:frd prvnts him from bing aught in
.:: npllr.' 1- 12 S t r

Appliatin of stInkk-1 (Williamson turn)

A Guide to ship andling 009

!ftfilfl Manuvring
apabiliof Ships

o istring
Harportto avoidfishingnet

Fig.1-14 Appliation of strnkik-2

Howeve abrupt and larg ruddr dfltions should b avoidd whn passing in los proximity of an-
othr ship at brth or at anho sin stm kik may aus ontat with th thr ship.

Fig.1.15 Contatausdby sternkik

Coupld Motions in Turning

Heel angle in a turn
Th dfltionofth ruddris intn-
dd to produmotion solely in th
yaw plan, but motions ar also in-
dudby ross oupling into th ro11
plan, nd thsr ar 1ikly to b of
onern.Hl nglsindudby th
ruddran be stimatdby onsider-
ing the hling momnts arising
from th vrtial disposition of the
fors. In th first phase of a star-
board turn, the vrtial disposition
btwnth ruddr for and th in-
rtial rafion of th ship maks th
ship hl to starboard (inward).
Thesehl anglsar small nd soon
finishrd. Fors ating in th roll
plan for th third phase of a star-
boardtum areshownin Fig.1-16.

010 A Guide to Ship HndIing

l . Trrrringile Maneuvr

-.-lin*s momnt arising from th vertial disposition btwn the ntrifugal fore and hydrodynami fores
:.ks rh ship he1 to port (outward).
llu-s. betwenthefirstandththirdphassof atum,hlanglfashiphangs.
.-: sond hel (outward hl) involvs a larg ovrshoot angl byond th quilibrium valu of th tur's
::-:'i phas as shown in Fig.1.17'
r.:tlntially dangrous situation istsjust prior to th ompletion ofthe first large hl to port. Car should
: :kn when oprating ships with poor stability, as apsizing may rsult.
'" ': tansint, larg hel ours in suh a ship, the onl saf ation is to immdiatly, but slowly and autiously,
1:;-l th rudder angl and, at th sam tim, rdu spd as quikly as possible.

Redutionof speed in a turn

in a turrris larglya funtionoftrningirltightnss;
Srdredution thatis, hull rsistan
:: dr.lopmnt of ift angl and aw rate,
"i:ropllr ffiiny is rdud. no
]*:-.smallr th furning diamtr, th mre
a n
::::d th rat of spd rdution. | -.-
F]is.l.18 shows th spd rdution as a fun- ( ^-
:r- i Lrf furning diamtr ()zsip lngth (L).
o- 0.6 th figur it is known that th smallr !s

:.:,; rming diamt the greatr th rate of n5

;d rdution. '
st 0.4
lial dimeter/ship |ength (D/L}
Fig.1-18 Spdrlutionvs. tinal tuming
dialntrr (TD/L)

Influntial Fators in Turning

l*ning ability is inflund by xtrnal fors, Suh as wind and urrnt, and by th dpth of Watr,
m:ih will be xplaind in ah rlvant haptr' In this stion, influntial fators ar plaind in th
;.t of dn. unrstritdwatr and a alm environmnt.

Ship onfiguration udder s.

,. :t ship with larg blok offiint (C) "njtu
15 good furning ability ompard to a fin 'L

;i:r rr.ith small . A shmati diagram is
.il in Fig.l-19. &t


0.6 0.7 0.8

t- Container,PCC i''.:= Bulker, VLCC

Fig.1-19 Influnof on turningability

A Guide to ship and|ins .l

!ft!ftfir Manuvring
f Ships

Underwaterhull profile
Tuming abili is affetedonsidrablyby th undrwatrbow and stm profiles. Th ut up at th strn
inrassfurningability but drassours-kpingand initial turningabili'
on th contrary th dadwood at th strninrassours-kpingand initial turningabilitis but drass

Th hangoftrim has th samfftas a hangeofunderwtrhull profil. Trim by th headrsultsin a fa-
vorabl fft on turning ability bausof th forward
shift ofth sid for.sntrofprssur,but an unfav- o" '
orabl fft on ours-kpingand initial turning abili- -g

tis. i2L

on th othrhand,trim by th strnrsultsin an unfav-

orabl efft on turningability, but a favorablfft on .'
ours-keepingand initial tuming abilitis bausth
side fore's ntrof pressureshifts aftrwards.Th in- .90
O -1o/o 0 lo/o (trim/L)
flunof trim on furningability is shownin Fig.1.20. rim bythe head<. bythe stern

Fig.1.20 Influen
of trimn turningability

Ship speed
Whn a ship is running stadily at a onstantsrw rat, thre is littl rlian on turning ability, and littl
hangin th sal of tuming irl.
As shown in Fig.l-2l, thrr is littl diffrnbtwnturning ability in Nav.-Full had and that of Slow
Howvr,as previouslymntiond,
during a oasting manuvr with 280'000.DW VLcc
th propellr wind-milling or Lpp:320m
lokd, the ability to stI grows FullIoaded
xeptionallywors due to a loss
of propllrdishargurrntovr
th rudder.
on th othr hand, during an a-
leratingmanuvr'tuming abili
is ellntdu to th large slip
ratio of th propllr.urningtra-
jetoris for ah manuvrarr
shownin Fig.1-2.

udder ang|e35. ]
. ...,,,,,,,1,..,..
400 1200 (m)

Fig.1-21 Comparisnf turningundrstadypropllrrotation

01 2 A G u i d e to S hip H ndIing
l -3 Tuning Cirle anuvr i l..{

.:. Stndards stipulat that a turning tst is to b prformd to both starboard and port With 35.
:''j.jr' Dtails of th fuming irl manuet are dsribd in Stion 1.3. Thrfor, ship manuvr
:5:.i othr than th tuming trst ar disussd in this stion.
-- . past,
th ship manruvr tst was limitd to a fuining tst and solly for ana|zing tuming ability.
;.:rh th dvlopment of large-sizd ships with large blok offiints, ours-kping and initia|
-:ring abilitis hav bn recognized as important fators in rgards to saf navigation.

Zig-zag anuvr Tst

T::.zg manuvrtstis th manuvrwhra known amountof hlm is applidaltrnatlyto ithr
ii; rr.hna known hadingdviationis rahd.Although lhe zig-zag manuvrrtst is simpl, it
:'--. thovrallassssment of ship manuvrability
duto its proximityto atualship oprations.
-s th 10./10" zig.zag manuvertst
lt-'lrrg as an xampl,th pratingprodurof th tst is
:.:'indas follows;(Big,|.22)

o ttera steadyapproahwithzero aw rate,the rudderis put overto .l0"to strboardor port(first

o,*vnen the headinghas hangedto 10. off the originalheading,the rudderis reversedto 10. to
ortor starboard(seondexeute)
o er the rudderhas been turnedto port/starboard, the ship wi|lontinueturningin the original
ciretionwitha dereasingturningrate.|n responseto the rudder,the ship shou|dthenturnto
When the ship has reaheda headingof .l0" to port/starboard
lt/starboard. of the origina|
:Urse,the rudderis againreversedto 10" to starboard/port

i..l.]2 shows a shmati diagram of th 10"/l0" zig-zag tst, whr th following information
:'riind from th tst is shown:
;r ist vrshoot angl
r. :h additional had- - Heading ang|e
6 - Rudder angle
. dr'iation following
.rl First overshoot ngle
:. sond xut; 6Yz Second overshootangle
:j- sond ovrshoot
.t'::]llz th additional
-:. jing d vi at i on ol -
,::g t h t h i r d x -
j:-:: th initial turning 10' .
:::.3 to sond xut Port

t d th tim to hk
l l^ . Fig.1-22 h l0./10.zig-Za.q

A Guide to ship ndling l 0.l

apability of Shis

The 20"l20. zig-zag tst is prforrnd using th

sam produr as abov' using 20" ruddr
20. hangof hading,instadof l0" ruddr angls and
angls and hang of hading, rsptivly.
From th ztg-zag manuvr tsts' ssntial information 'l0.
rgarding ship manuvrability is obtaind.
Th Standards la down ritria using th tst
rsults for initial tuming ability, and yaw-hking
ours-kpingabilitis as follows: and

With th appliationof 10. ruddr angls to por1/starboard,
th ship should not hav travledmor than 2.5
ship lngthsby th tim the hadinghas hangd
by l0" from t. o.iginuti"uin.

(2) Yaw-hekingand ourse-keepingabilities

Th valu ofth first ovrshootanglin th
10"/10" zig-zagtstshouldnot xd:
(o t. irr,v is lssthan 10 se;
@ zo" it l is 30 s or more;and
@ 1s+o.sL/V) degrs'if L/V is 10 s or more,butlssthan30 s,
whrL and V ar xprssdin m and m,/s,rsptIvly.

zs" , if L/V is lssthan 10 s;
@ o" . i L l V i s 3 0 s e o r m o r a; n d
@ 1tz.s+.zsL/V) dgrs,ifllV is l0 s or mor,butlssthan30

L/V(10 s 0 ' { l "

l0 s{L/V{30 s
0 l { ( 5 + 0 . 5L/V). a,{{tl.s+o.l5
L/V}30 s a'{zo" az{4.

o Th valu ofth first ovrshot angl in the20.l20"

zig-zagtest shouldnot xed 25".


Th valus of manuvrabilityindis K and

T, to b disussdblo ar alulatd
from th zig-zag

Pratial appliationof th tst will b disussd

in th stionManuvrability of a Vry Larg Ship.

0 14 ' A G u i d e t o s hip a ndlig

\fiauverabilityIndisK and T
t': ::l stady turning phas, the rlation btwn th rudr angl and th stady tuming rat is -
::s.<ds shown inFig,1-23, with offiint K known s th turning indx..gain,'' h tim ndd
j:r:h ruming rat to dvlop to 60/oof sta-
:-, :uning rat is xprssd as . Coffiint *
..] {s Steady turning rt
.s l'nown as th initial tuming indx, or
. .g 'i
:.]:-lonstant''' It is said that a |arge K valu *
:.'-'i,Js a favora7eturrring ability. Fators :5

l .;lng th valus of fuining indis K and r$
= \1'atrdpth,draft, trim and ruddr angl. ;3

tit&e ill
Ship responsto steppdinput of rudderdfltion

:- ;urmbinationsof larg or small valus of K and T, manuvringharatristismay b lassifid in for

:jr:rns as shown inFig.|-24. Howv baus K (stady furning abili and 1 (initial turing abili-
1" o rsponsivnssto th hlm) hav a ountrvailingnaturr to ah oth most ships belong to
" ' :h two pattrns shown in th figur (i.., pattms B and ).
S}tip A and Ship D blong to typs whr stadytuming abili and initial turning (rsponsivnssto th
r:-rl abili ar ithr good or poo and ships blonging to th abov pattrms ar vry sar'
s n ip B has good initial turning ability but poor stady stat fuining ability.
:.:l high-spdargo ships, suh as ontainrships, blong to this pattm.
Slt-tipC has poor initial tuming abiliz
ur god stady stat fuming abili.
ships, suh as full-loadd Ws
-.i bulk arirs,blong to this pattm.


K o
o x
x x
l{: C* large- good steady turning ability Fig.1-24 Four pattrsf manuvrinsharatristis
c- smallt good initial turning ability

A Guide to S hip Hnd lins l 015

E!fififl nur'ring

Turning lag to nw ours

Lt us onsidra ship is hrgng
ots.Du to th rurning lag,
it is not possibl to bring th
ship onto th intnddours-
hangin.path if th ruddr is
put o\.r th ship has
rahd th ours.hanging
pointas shownin Fig.l-25.



Ittll tl ll E,
l *"j,
ship Manruver Tsts

Whn hang oursl' th rud.

der should b put over brfor
rahing th ours-hanging
point, tking th tuming lag into
aount. Th distan to nrw
ours is th distn along th
original approah ours, from
th ommrrmntof ruddr d-
flfion to th orr-hang
int. Th relationship btwn
th ours-hanging distan
to nw ourse and th ours-
hnging angl is xprssd
in Fig.1-2.

Cuse-hanging distan(new ousedistane)

h distane to a nw oursr is afftd by th typ of ship, th ship's ondition and watr dpth.
!ft!!fl ManuvringCapabilityf Ships

Nw Cours Kping Trst

Th nw ours-kping tst provids information about th timing of th initial ruddr dfltion for
bringing the ship onto th prdtrmind path' th n.ivoursr distan, and th timing of hk hlm
for stting th ship onto th nW ours.
This manuvr tst dmonstratsth pial rl of initial turning and yaw-hking abilitis, and is
usd for pratial manuvrs.

he new ourse-keeping test is arried out as foIIows:

l. ov th ruddrto port 15".

2. Whn the hang of hading rahes th ruddr rrvrse hading, Y z, ( V z:\0" , 20" , 0" . . . ) from
th initial approah hading, mov th ruddr to starboard (hk hlm).
3. Whn th yaw rate wakns its intnsity du to th hk hlm' rtrn th ruddr amidships. Whn
th fuming ass and th ship is st onto a spifid oursl' finish th tst with th data aquisition
of th nw ours angl Y and th nw ours distan X.
4. Rpat th trst hanging th ruddr rrvrrs hading Y z to 20" ,30. and t.
5. Rpat th tst using an initial ruddr of starboard 15 ".

..starboard,' ..port',
Rpat stps l, 2 and with and rvrsd.
Fig.|-21 shows an xampl of th nw ours-krping tst.

Wh e n Y z = 1 0 " ( 2 0 " , 0 " . . . . . . ).

Chek helm ( 8 = -.t5")is deflected.

Vz: Ruddrrevrseheding
V+: New ourse anol

d= 15"

Distaneto new ours
xuting produr of nw ourse.keeping tst

018 | A Guide to ship and|ing

1.4 ShipManeuvrTests

The tst resultsarc aartgdby plottingX versusY andY vrsusY2 rrrvsas shownin Fig.1-28,
whih th timing of hk hlm orrspondingwith the new olrrsr angl, and of initial rudder
ffition an b preditd.

ftrexample, the following information is obtained from the figure:

.rfrn alteringourseto 40" to starboard( Yl:40"), th ruddris dfletedto strboad|5o, at the
position 580 m (Xc:580 m: 2.1 L) shortof th planndpoint of altring ourse
.rften the hangeof headingrahs22" starboard(rvrs headinganglYz 12"),
.. -
rddris dfletdto port 15"
.tsn th yaw ratwaknsits intensitydu to th hk helm, th ruddris rtrndamidships.
Ihs, th ship is brou orrtoth nw otspath.



P Bo"


20" 40" 60"


Ship length276 m
Rudderangle 15'

Fig.1.28 Rsultsof nwourskepingtests

A Guide to shi }|ndline 019

!ft!fifl Manuvring
Capbitityof Ships

Most navigatorsuse the following proedureto

hangeourse safe|y.


4-6 ables beforeway poinl

Suitableturningrate urningrate< 1o./ min
void exessiveturningrate ur ningr ateS 10./min
Adiustourson new ourse 5-15 deg beforenwourse
Headingon newourse

Some |argevesse|ssuh as VLCCs are requiredto use more than 20 deg rudder
angleat the beginning.
urning rate should be maintainedwithin10 deg/minfor safe ship handlingex-
ept in speialases.
Ship-hand|ersare required to review their own ship's atua| distane to new
ourse in every ondition.

New ourse

Steady as she goes

Adjusling curs* t set rn new e ursr'


A bo ut 4 t o 6 bl es


020 A Guide to Ship Hnd|ing

l ..l Sh i N 4 al l u vr T sts l . -s

Stopping, oasting, baking and accel.ratingar important ship manuvrs:
h first thr ar partiularly important for oprations in rowdd watrs or in proximity to fid
strufurs. Howvr, th intrations btwn hull and propllr during ths manuvrs ar quit

Stopping is th manuvrof dlratingth ship by us of full baking powr from any givn ahad
spduntil th ship oms to rst. Whn disussing stopping apabilitis, at last two ahad spds
..full-ahad ,.harbor
should b onsidred:a rash stop from sa-sprd',and a stop from spd,' of
about 12 knots.

Coasting rfrs to dlratingwithout using baking powrr. Th tim and distanrquird for th
ship to dlratto a speified fration of th initial spd is oftn of intrstin ship handling. It is
r rv imprtant for a ship handlr to dlrat th ship at th last sustainabl ahad powr at whih
th ship will rtain strabili.

Backing is th manuvrof aclratingth ship from rStto a givn astrnspdor distan.

Acelerating is th manuvr of alrating th ship from th rst or from any spifid ahad spd
:L}a highrahadspd'
h most important haratristis of most of ths manuvrs ar tim duration and distan from
initiation to ompltion. To simplify analyss, we often assumr that th ship travls a straight lin
duing th manuvr.
Horr.vduring stopping or baking manuvrrs of singl srrw or uni-rotating multi- srw ships, th
otationofth propllr(s)tndsto swing th to port ifth propllrsar right-handdand to starboard
lf thy ar lft-handd.
hs tndnisannot b ompnsatdfor with ruddr dfltionsas dsribd in Stion 1.1, and
thsfftswi]l b disussdlater in this stion.
\\en the ship dviats from a straight path during a stopping or baking manuv' th distan
ar id is masurdalong its urvd trak (trakrah).
Projtionsof this distan -- trmd had rah and|atera|dviation -- ar of th grat importanas
ormanharatristis'(Fig. l -29)

A Guide to ship andlins 02.|

!ft Manuvringapability of Ships

Stopping Lateral Ship dead

deviation tn waler
Stopping is a manuver of interst primarily from th point of viw .t

of avoiding ollision. Whn dlrating th ship by us of full

baking powr from ahad sa-spd'' until th ship oms t
rst, th lngth of th trak (trak rah) is alld stopping
distan'' or stopping distan'', whih indiats th most
important ind for stopping ability. Th Standards dfin th tr- Propellerrotation
minology usd in stopping tsts as shown in Fig.1-29. Stopping p|n
,,track ..tim
ability is masurd by th rah'' and to dad in
watr', rea|ized in a stop ngin-full astrrn manuvr prformrd af-
ter a stady approah at full tst spd. Latral dviations ar also ourse

of intrst' but thry ar vry snsitiv to initial onditions and wind Fig.l-29
Dt]nitionsusdin stppingtst

The IMo Standards thefo||owing

stipulate stoppingabi|ity
to be omp|ied
Th trak rah in th full astrnstoppingtst should not xd l5 ship lngths.
Howv this valu may b modifid by th Administration whr ships of larg displament mak
this ritrion impratiabl,but should in no as xd20 ship lngths'

Operating elements and ship response during stopping maneuver

Th tim history rords ofpropllr thrust, ship spd' propllr rpm and distan travld during a
stopping manuvrr ar shown in Fig.1-30.

n : propellerrpm
no : initi| rpm
n : orrespondIngasternprope||er
p : prope|lerthrust

p:orresponding prope||erthrUst
U : shipspeed
Uo : initialshipspeed
II S : distanetrave|ed
so : stoppingdistane
il tr :timeto zeropropeller
E+ 0 rpmfromasternorder
Y p


\/ Atua| Fig.1-30
Tim histry reord of propllr thrust,
ship spdpropllr rpm nd distantravldduring a stppingmanuvr

022 | A Guide to Ship Handling

1'5 Spd ntrl

As sn in th figur, th dras fpropllr rpm n . Fullload,measure

and propellr thrust Tp is rlativly quik, and settls -
(J ?5,
- a||ast'omputed
down to th orrsponding astrn propllr rpm n .2
and baking thrust Tp, whras ship sped U ] ulltoao
a 10L

'a .n
dlratsgradually and nds a onsidrabl tim to o- Ballast
rah zro aftr th gnration of stady baking ( 5L
\ordingly, th rat of inras of distan travld
S is slow and rahs to th stopping distan So InitialsPeed (knot)
rr.hnth ship oms to rst.
Fig.1.31 Masurd andomputd
Fig.1.31 shows an xampl of th masurd and stoppingdistanof a tankr
omputd stopping distans at svral initial speds
of a tankr in full load and in ballast onditions.
It is known that ths stopping distans ar alulatd vry auratly.

Influentia| fators on stopping ability

.|.Coeffiientof fineness (C)

with larg Cb' suh as
Whn assuming th two typs of ships having th sam displamnt, fat ships
distans omparrd to
tankrs or bulk arrirs, onstitut haratristi fafurs with longr stopping
Cb inrass addd mass
fin ships with small Cb, suh as ontainr ships' baus th ship with lrg
in a longidinal dirtion.

2. Astern thrust
distan attaind.
Ndlss to say, th largr the valu of onstant thrust is, th shortr th stopping
astrn, half and slow astrn
Fig.1-32 shows stopping distan vrsus thr stags of astm thrust: full


f; ror


lnflune of bking thrust
slow half
Astern thrust

A Guide to ship ndling 02i

E!fif, anuvringCapabili f Shis

3. Types of power plants and propellers

Th tim lag in rvrsing propllr rpm tnds to dilut th rsulting thrust inras. For larg tankrs,
stopping is rlativly insnsitiv to tim lag in rvrsing th ngin. on th othr hand, it may b im-
portant for rlativly light, high-spd ships, whr th thrust is larg ompard to ship's mass. Th for-
mr plains why thr is a slight diffrn in stopping distan btwn th larg ship installd with
a furbin ngin and on with disl ngin, without bing afftd by th diffrn of tim lag in r-
vrsing th ngins. Th lattr xplains why, for a rlativly small ship, th stpping ability of a ship
quippd with a ontrollabl pith propllr (CPP) is suprior a ship quippd with a onvntional
fixd pith propllr (FPP)' b-
aus th tim rquird to rvrs
th noth of PP is rlativly

Tabl 1-2
4. Displaementand |oadingondition
Stopping distan and tim to stop
vary almost dirtly with a ship's
displamnt. Fig.1-33 shows th
rash stopping distans of 1 El

VLCs, from whih it is also

known that th stopping distan

of VLCs in full-load ondition is
approimatly from 1.5 to 2.0 U)
tims as long as that in ballast a ; Fu l l -l oad

ondition. O : ln ballast

- 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000

Fig.1-33 Displaement tonnage

5. xamp|esof stopping ability

Tabl 1-3 shows th rsultsf sa trials on short stoppingdistancS''S',

ole rrier 55,700 211 11 .8 D i e se l 1 6 .0 1 ,8 7 5 8 .9

ProdUt anker 105.084 23 14'7 Diesel l 5 .5 '658 15.7

1;;r,,:;r'.=i.1Y.!Ee= i::'::4j?.'g;I+Li;}ili4.i1:..ii'i$
:..:l.1'.E$.: :j.:::.....-:=::::;::i]{.ii8+=.::i'i:;s:i'i.'i:i.jt.t..f,:.*
VLc 279,989 319 20.3 Diesel 15.5 4,593 14.4
;-:.-:.'1;:::....:i$i*1.;;:i::'i.::]i,:: jlij:]?i:=
i::ii:::i'q].i:.+ 1.l-.*:ll.'*!!l=..:i
VLc 332'000 20 24. urbine 14.8 3'241 10.1

Tabl 1-3

024 Guide to Ship HndIing

| ^
l. -5 Spd rrtol

6. urningmotionduring stopping
In this substion,tuning motion of a singl-srwship with right-handdpropllr during stopping
:anuvris disussd.
.\s shown in Fig.1-34, whn th propllr is rvrsing,th diffrnin rationfor xrtdbtwn
th uppr blad and th bottom blad rsults in a nt for to port that tnds to aus th ship to turn to
..thdirt fft of propllr'',)
starboard.(known as

S am p l eo f r i g h th a n d ,s i n glepropeller

Ahead rotating Astern rotating

Astern rotating

*Reation fore Dishargeflow

bottomstrongerthan top to depthof rope|ler
Dischargecurrentof rope||er Diret effet of propllr

.\lso, as shown in Fig.1-35, th intrationsbtwnhull (stm) and propllr dishargurrntspro-

dus th strong for to port that tnds to aus th ship to turn to starboard.(knows as
fftof propllr on hull.'')

A Guide to ship nd|ins 025

E!!!fl ManuvringCapabiliof Ships

Furthrmor, as stated in Setion l.l, th ruddr loss most of its ftivnssduring stopping b-
aus th nt vloity of flow ovr th ruddr is small.
Gnrally, th ship with right-handd propllr tnds to tum to starboard during stopping manuvr
du to th abov statddit and indirt ffts ofth propllr.
In fact, numrrous stopping trials indiat that ships tnd to turn to starboard.

Howv baus ruddr fftivnss and ours stability ar lost during stopping' th turning dir-
tion and its trajtory ar susptibl to suh xtrnal disturbans as wind and urrnt, and ar usually
Fig.l-36 shows th variationsof trakrah in sa trials ofVLCCs.
Partiularly' it is notd that many of th ships in ballast ondition that ar vry suseptibl to xtrrnal
disturbans tnd to tum to port. Thrfor, th utmost ar should b takn whn xuting th rash
Stop manruv taking surrounding sa room and traffi onditions into aunt.


U :Shipspeed
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4

Latera|dviation X./S

Fig.1-36 Positinf shipsdadin watrin rashstopping


At high spds and suftint sa room, it is said that furning of a larg ship is muh suprior to
stopping for avoiding ahazard.
Advan in a furn is muh lss than had reah in stopping and dirtional ontrol is maintaind. From
a slowr spd approah, th stopping manuvr assums gratr importan and th furning manuvr
bomslss signifiant.

026 A Guide to Ship Handlins

Ship Handling in RestritedWatrs

Ship handling in onfind watrs, partiularly in narrow watrrways' has bn riving a great dal of
attntion in rnt ars. With th vr-inrasing siz of ships, as xmplifid in tankrs and bulk ar-
rirs, potntia|hazards of ollision and gounding aItracIattntion, and ontrol ffors may rsults in
prsonal injury and ostly damag to both th ship and th surrounding nvironmnt. An aidnt an
hav far-rrahing ffts' In rgard to manuvring prforman' shallow watrs may b dfind as
thos in whih th ratio of watr dpth to ship draft is th or lss. At gratr ratios, shallow-watr f-
fts on manuvring prformane bom rapidly lss signifiant as th watr dpns.Rstritd wa-
trs may b dfind aS nalow hannls r anals, Watrways with vrtial or vrhanging banks or
aras that inlud pirs and breakwatrs whih introdur a substantial hang in manuvring hara-
tristis or rquirmnts. obviously, most rstritd watrs inlud shallow wat and many inlud
signifiant urrnts and tids. In rstritd watrrs, aras availabl for navigation ar limitd, furthr
ompliating th problms of manuvring and ontrol of th ship.

1) Froud Numbr (F") U: S hip sp e e d (m/se )

he FroudeNumberis definedas Fn-U/f g : Ae|erationdue to gravity(9.8m/se,)
L: S hip le ng th(m)

Reference Annex l,Chart showing Froude Number from ship length and ship speed

Th Froud Numbr is a dimnsinlss numbr and has bn usd for mathing th similariff of mo-
tion btwn a modl ship in tank tsts and an atual ship undr way. Hn, this numbr is usd for
omparing and arranging th xprimntal rsults of ships with various sizs and spds undr th nor.
mativ mthod.

2) Froud Dpth l{umbr ('"n1

In a similarway to the Froude Number,
the followingdimensionlessnumberis definedas Fnrr.Ui6H- :DepthofWater(m)

his numbr is alld th Froud Dpth Numbr and is usd for omparing th xprimntal rsults of
ships with various spds and watr dpths undr normativ mthod.

028 A Guide to Ship Handlins

2.l Gnrl i 2.2 ParanretesRlatlto ontlnd Watrs ] 2.3 Shallw-Waterffts

ffts on Hull Sinkag and Chang of Trim (Squat)

Wn a ship is proding, surrotding watr is displad towards th sids and th bottom of th ship' xrt-
rrrgth flow of watr rlativ to th moving ship. Th prSsurdistibution that dvlops around th shrp mov-
ing through watr distorts th watr lin by raising th lvl of th hi prssrrgions ahad of th bow and
aft of th stm, whil, baus of th rlativ vloity inras.lorvring it along th lngth of the hull, parti-
ula amidships.Fig.2-1 shows an illustrafionof prssurdistributionof watrflow aroundth hull.

<** Streamlines,showingwaterflowaroundthe hull Q Stagnationpointswheref|owve|oityis zero

Pre@ +r i r o*o, o* r i * e '
{ tlowdeelerating
{ Streamlines
divege Pressure
{ Flow { Stremlines
aelerating onverge

Flw veloity inresing


Prssurdistibutionof waterflow aroundth hull

A Guide to ship ndlins

!@@u ShipHandlingin RstritedWatrs

Consquntly,th ovrall fft ofth prssurdistributionis to rat a loal dprssionofth man

lvl that oinids with th ship and travls along with it. Furthrmor, this drp in th watr lvl is
onntratdamidships, whr immrsd hull volum is gratst,and th ship will also mov bodily
downwards to maintain its full buyany, inluding a hang of trim. This fft is imprptibl and
ilvant in dp wat but it bcoms signifiant whn th ship movs into shallow watr' whr th
rstrition of flow btwn th hull and th sabdwakns th th-dimnsionalflw towards th
kl and th two-dimnsional flow paralll to th hull grows strongr.Thrfr, th man watr lvl
around th hull is dprssdfuithr aompanidby th hang of trim, whih rsults in a signifiant
rdution of undr kl laran' This phnomnon is known as Fig'2-2 shows th flow pat-
trn, prssur distribution and watr lvl around th hull in shallow watr.

Deep Water
Stern Bow

Shallow Water


Water Level
+2 t !'

'V _21 +2
\^ ,/ I
+1 / I



Fig.2-2 Flw attr,pssudistribr-iorr

nd hango wterlevl in shallowwatr

030 I A Guide to Ship Handling

Fig.2-3 shows th bow sinkag (F.P.) and strn sinkag (A.P.) when proeding in dp water (solid
line) and in shallow watr (hain lin)'
The squat is onspiuous in shallow watr. Trim by th had is prominnt in th low spd rang, and
trim by th stm in th high-spd rang. As th Froud Numbr approahs 0.25 (a ship of 300 m
lngth with its spd about 26 knots), th bow of th ship tnds to float, and th strn tnds to sink
abruptly. Howv larg-sizd ships usually navigat shallow watr at stand-by spd, and most ships
ar onsidrd to b proding with th trim by th had. Baus the squat is mainly rlatd to lrg-
sizd ships with full-load ondi-
tions, it is important to obtain
th amount of bow sinkag, as + 1 ,0

F. P .
most of th ships tnd to b F.P.

trimmd by th had. 0

- 1 .0
dl \ il
\y .P.
-2.0 ilt
*" H/d= 1. 813
Hld = 7'5
L: shiple ng th
-3.0 H: waterdepth
\ d: draft
\ Merchntship:Fn { o.22
-4.0 e".\
Fig.2.3 Bow and stem sinkag 0.22
0 .1 0.2 n? 0.4 0.5 G',1

ili i

- - - -:-'
f.+ {
reEfi@ Ship Handlingin RstritdWatrs

Fig.2-4 shows th squat stimation hart for a ship in ombinatin with its lngth (L), and spd (U).
Instrutions:(Plottd lin:bowsinkag
bbrokn ofa300mter
with17metr proding
draft at12knots
rnwatr dpth.)

16 Fig.2-4
{^oz Squat stimation hart



gt2 e ( /,

,rry 7
5 11


8- to ,

7" Y
, raS

, 7 I


g '''
& 0.
o) o.4
0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 (Fn)

c nter ship speed in knots. (U : 12 knots)

@ Draw para||elline to interset appropriate ship |ength.(L: 300m)
@ oroppeendiu|ar|inetointeetsissoftheupperdiagrmtoobtainthecorrespondingFroudeNumber,(Fn:0.114)
@ Continue to draw perpendiular Iine to interset appropriate water depth/ship draft. (H/d=1.3)
@ Draw para||e||ine to interset bow sinkge/ship Iength (%)to give bow sinkage as percent of ship |ength.
(BoWsinkage/shi length(Lpp)=0.2%, i.e',amountof bow sinkage=000.32%=0.96m)

o2 | A Guide to Ship Hnd|ing

fft on Hull Rsistan and Ship Spd
Wn a ship movs into shallow wat ship spd is rdud du to inrasd wav making rsistane
and th dtrioration f prpulsiv ffiiny.

From the resultsof speed trials,the followingformulais

proposedfor the ritialwater depth affetinghu|Iresistane:
H: Wter depth (m)

H<3y'8d B: ship bredth (m)

d: Ship draft (m)

fft on Turning Capability

Whn a ship is turning in shallow wat th fuming diamtr inrass onsidrably du to th blunt.
nss of hull rrspons at th initial stag of th furn and th inrase of th furning momnt of rsistan.
Fig.2-5 shows th rsults of 280,000-DWl ship lngth 320 mtrr VLCC tankr simulations in watr
dpth1.5tims ship draft (tlld:l.5), ship spd l5.7 knots, full-loadd condition.
ln shallow watr, th maximum advan inrass up to approximatly l.4 tims, and th tatial diam-
tr inrases up to about 1.3 tims as ompared to tuming in dp watr, rsptivly.

280.000-DW vL
H Id = o o
qg6= 1. 5 Full-loaded


Rudder ngle 5"

ship speed=Apprcah speed

Fig.2.5 Tuming il (omparisonbtwrn dep and shallow Watraras)

A Guide to ship andIins | 033

tE'llI Ship Handling in Rstritd Watrs

Fig.2-6 summarizs exprimntal data on tuming rat.

App]oah speed :7k

Rudder angle 35'

Fig.2.6 fft of waterdepthon turningprformane(280,000-DWTVLCC)

(TD =1391;..1 diameter)

A substantial inras in tatial diametr (turning diamtr) is shown in shallow watat (H/F|.2,).
In th figur, aout75Yo inrase in ttial diamrtr (furning diamtr) is observd as
ompardto th
tactica| diamtr (turning diamte) in dp water.
Turning irl in shallow watr gts biggr in th dirtin ofvssl sid than advan.
And th samr efft on'wake is observd in oasting furn and aelration trn in shallow
This hang in manuvering haratristis is very important from th viewpoint of
maneuvring saf-
du to inasing importn of manuvring ability in shallow watr, suh as in harbors and othr
rstritd Waterwas.

04 A to Ship Hadling

2.3 Shallow-Wtrf1ts

Rognizingth Signs of Squat

ship's officer on wath wi]l notice the fo11owingtndnts in th ship's behavior when the ship
-..llls into shallow wat:
.. Hu1l rsistanis inrasdnd th ship bgins to slow down as it bomsafftdby squat.
]' .\s shown inFig.2-7, th divrging wav pattt appars to widrr as th Foud Dpth Numbr
i n)is inrasd.
.]. h los proimity of th propllrto th sabdtndsto atgrrathull vibration.
Spdis th most influntia]fator govting slowing th ship will hav th most immdi-
at fft in rduing squatand improving ontol ovr th ship, providd tht stragway is main-

Fig.2-7 Watr deptlr ad Wav pattr.n

ullsH = U. (

ti ur\.*= .99 Serious
regainontrolof ship.
is observed.


A Guide to Ship Handtins I 035

!@fi!fi! Ship Handlingin Rstrited\ltrs

Rquird Undr Kl Claran

For saf navigation in shallow wat it is ssntial to kep suffiint lan btwen the ship's bot.
tom and th sabd dpnding on th nditions of th ship, the ship,s manuvability and th ondi-
tions of th sa area. This margin, known as..UndrKl Claran (lKC),'' is dfind as shown in

Under Keel Clearane ( UKC) = (Gharted water depth) + ( Height of tide)-(Ship draft at rest)

Fig2.8 Dfinitionof undrkl laran(JKC)

The fo|lowingfators should be taken into aount when determining UKC:

1. Hull sinkage and hange of trim

Whn navigating shallow wate th amount of bow sinkag should b kpt in mind as ships tnd to
b trimmd by th had.
2. Sinkage of the fore and aft perpendiulars,and bottom bilges due to ship osillation
Whn th enountrd wav priod synhonizs rvith a ship's natural period of pith or rol1, th
amount ofsinkag should b takn into onsidration for fr and aft prpndiulars or th bottom
3. Auracy of hrted depth
Th following is th intrnational standardfor prmissibl rror in survying:
Permissibleerrorof 0.3 m for Waterdepth of 20 m or less
Permissib|eerrorof 1'0 m for water depth between20 m and .|00m

Thrfor, th abov rrors in hartd dpths should b takn into onsidration.

5 | A Guide to ship andljng

4. Meteoro|ogiaIand oceanographi onditions
. one hPa (onemili-barise in atmospheripressuredepresseswaterIeve|by approximate|y
one entimeter
.Whe n t h e shi pom e s i n t o a s e a a r a o f s e a wa t e r density
P 2I r o m anar eao f seaw ater densityP 1
the amountof the change in draftld is expressed by:
,1 dr: initialship's draft at sea water density,p1
'\. (
d=dl. + cb:ship,sb|okcoeffiient
1,.w ' ln 2 ' cw: ship,s Water Iane area oeffiient


d=l.025.(1l p,.1IP,')W/P y,"?,*::.J:::lll"*

Navigatorsshou|drememberthe foIlowingformuIand vaIue.
he formu|agives approximatesinkage(m)per 0.001of hangeof density.

adp*0.001.W/P ldp : Sinkage per 0.001change of density

ln the ase of VLCC'

adp*1.5 m (full.loadcondition)
20.04atdensity (ld i dpX2)
. Surplus marginsshould be taken for the haraterof the sea bottom,whih is onsideredto be 60 m
tor rokbottom,30 m for sand bottom.

5. Examples of regulationand riteria for standards

Th uropan Marin Pilot Assoiation (PA) has laid down th following ritria to b omplid
with rgarding undr kl laran (UKC):

Gondition .:.,,UKC..,.
Open sea 2 20o/odratl
Outer harbor > 15% draft
lnner harbor > 10% draft

Th IMo stipulats th following rul for a dp draft ship (having a draft of 15 mtrs) and a VLCC
(a tankr of 150,000-DWT or mor) passingNlalacca and SingaporStraits:

. VLCCs and deep water vessels requirean under keel learane (UKC) of at least 3.5 meters at all
times duringthe entirepassage throughthe Straitsof galacca and Singapore.


A Guideto ship and]in" o,,

l ]
Etrtr ShipHandling
in Rstitd

Bank efft
If a ship is proding alng th nterlin of a anal whos ross stion is onstant and symmtrial
about its vrtial ntr plan, thn thr is flow syrntry port and starboard and th ship is subjtd
to no yaw momnt or sid for.
Howv whn th ship is proding los to on sid of th anal as shown tnFig.2-9, th inras
in th vloity of flow betwn th hull and th nar wall oupld with dreasd vlity of flow b-
twn th hull and th far wall rrats a for that draws th ship towards th nar wall (sution for).
anwhil, displad water mass is aumulatd btwn th bow of th ship and th nar wall, gnr-
ating a high watr region. This high watr rgion (i.. high prssurr rgion) ratrs a rpulsiv fr t-
wards th far wall at th
bo stting up a momnt
that tnds to swing th
bow towards th far wall
-t M : bow out moment
]\>0 F : sutionfore
7 : deviationfrom centerline
(a bw out momnt).
___t ___CenterIineof hanneI

Fig.2.9 Bankfft
Channel wall

With a small amount of drift angl, th ship will run bliquly on th ship.s path paalll to th rntr.
lin of th anal' maintaining th quilibrium of th sid fors and momnts atd b th drift mo-
tin, bank fft and ruddr dfltion, as shown in Fig.2-10.

=+ l^ due to rudder :::.j... :].+ due to dritt ang|e E+ ^ due to bank etfet drittangte

(1 ) (21 (3) (4)

unning stright Starboardrudder start of Bnk effet Drift motion

Fig.2.10 quilibriumonditionwhil pasSinga dnal

I A Guide to ship nd|ing

hrfor, th hrk hlm should b dfltd towards th nar wall to ontrol th turning momnt gn-
ratdby th drift angl' Howver, a ship navigating a hannl is in a situation of unstabl quilibrium,
and off-ntr ours maintnan annot e reailizedmrly by dflting onstant ruddr angls and
holding it fixd. For this pupos,whn a diffrn is dttd for th antiipatd quilibrium ondi
tion, th ruddr should b dfltd to ot th diffrn. By ontinuing suh string,th ship's path
may b kpt paralll to th ntrlin of th anal. Th man dfltion of th ruddr may b rgarddas
th hk hlm' Fig.2-11 shows xprimntal rsults of rquird hk hlm to maintain off-ntrlin
ours undr quilibrium onditions with hangs in water dpth. The absissa shows th ratio of dis-
tn oflnteline to ship bradth. In all ass, quilibrium dift angle was relativel small. It is said
that, with a maximum ruddr angl of *5o, a rsrvd ruddr ang|eof 20 dgesor so is rquird for
th saf ship handling in onfind Watrs.Aordingly, th allowabl hk helm is limited to + 15"for
a ship with a maximum dsignd ruddr angl of *35.. For this rasn, it is dangrous for a ship to
prod through a path xssivly rmot from th ntrlin ofth anal.

6 1udder
ngle1 H/d




Fig.2-11 Requidhkhlmto maintainoff-ntrline


Whn navigating shallow watr with an inlind sabd athwart th ship's beam, and for th samr ra-
son as prording los to on sid of a hannl, a sution for is ratd that draws th ship towards
th shallow sid, and a bw-out momnt swings th bow towards th dpr sid'
It is rportd that th fft of sabed inlination on ours kping is surprisingly grat, and that sig-
nifiant amount f ruddr dfltion is rquird to maintain oursr.
Thr xist not a fw harbor-approah hannls with sabd inlinations, wher ar should b takn
during transit.

A Guide to shi andling

!@!@@ Ship Handling in RstritdWatrs

Intration BtwnTwo Ships

Clos passag of two ships and th rsulting hydrodynami intrations b-
twn th two arr oprationally important for situations ovrtaking
or mting in a rstritd hannl, rnanuvring to avoid ollision, and
passing a ship moord adjant to a narrow hannl. Intration in th as
of mting (ships moving in opposit dirtions had on or narly so) rare-
ly auss problms as th ships usually pass eah othr rlativly quikly
and thr is insuffrint tim for th prssur systms to hang in any sig-
nifiant way. Most ritial situations aris whn on ship is ovrtaking the
othr and th priod of los proximity is rlativly long. Aording to th
rsults of modl tsts, touhing and ollision aidnts ar ausd by th
suprposition f th following fators:

1. Both ships are making high speed and the speed differenebetween the
ships is small.
2. Both ships are in an overtakingsituationand have suffiienttime to interat;
this differsfrom a meetingsituation.
3. Both ships are runningparal|e|with |ose passage.
4. Both ships are navigatingshal|owWatersor restritedWatersthat are sus-
eptibIeto interation.

I lnterations between two similr-sized ships in an overtaking sitution

Fig.2-|2 shws a diagram of fors and momnts with th rlativ position
of th two ships whn ship B is ovrtaking ship A in a naow hannl.
Th following two rgions may aus a dangrous situation;

. When the bow of overtakingship B overlaps't/4to 1/3 of its lengthwith the

stern of ship A, dangerousfore momentstowards the other ship are re-
ated. (When abreast, the ships are drawn together by bodi|y sution amid-
ships while bow-outmomentsand repulsivemomentsarise in both ships.)
. As ship B moves furtherahead of A, ship A abruptlyhanges the diretion
of momentfrom
..bow-out'' ..bow-in'', lol
to and, with a drawingfore to ship
B, the vessls are at risk of touhing.
To prvnt the dangr indud b ship intrations, it is nssary to rdu
spd (iss than 10 knots), and to kp a suffiint latal sparation dis-

tan of at last on ship lngth in th paralll run.
5 Turning moment
i; hangein resistane
Fig2.|2 Intrations
btwntw shipsof similasiz

040 A GuidG to ship and|ing

2.4 tetsof Narow Channls

p lnteration between a tug (or small raft) and a large ship

Whn th tug is ovrtaking th larg ship to hang station from th strn to th bow, the tug is afftd
by intration onsidrably mor than th larg ship. Th tug is moving in watr flow that is dominatd
by th stramlins of th prssur fild surrounding th larg ship.
Fig.2-13 shows th illustration of th fors and momnts working on th fug whn th tug is hanging
station from th strm to th bow.
From th figurs, th following is known:

o he tug approahingthe stern of the |argeship wi||experienesution fore and (towardsthe
large ship) moment.
The rudderis to be def|etedoutwards.(Fig.2-13,(l) and O)
. When the tug is approahingabreast of the |argeship' the tug will experienesution fore and bow-
out moment, and the rudder is to be defIeted inwards. However, the suction fore and bow-out
(againstthe large ship)momentare relativelyweak. (Fig.2-13,@)
When the tug is approahingthe bow of the |argeship' the tug wi||enounterinreasingpressureand
an inreaseof engineoutputis requiredto overcomethe resistanebarrier.Due to the greatlyincreased
sution fore and bow-outmoment,enhanedinward rudderdef|etionis required.(Fig.2-13,@)

o At the moment the tug moves ahead of the |argeship' sution fore hnges rapid|yinto repu|sive
fore and bow-out moment into bow-in moment.o ope with the bow-in moment,the rudder is to
be def|etedoutward.ln ase of untime|yswithingof rudder def|ection,the tug.s bow wil| be turned
to the bow of the |argeship, whih may resu|tin oIIision.(Fig.2-13,o)

Fig2.13 Interation btwn a tug and a larg shlp

A Guide to shin andline 041

!ftfisft ShipHandlingin Rstritd

ll lnteration between moored and passing ships

As shown in Fig.2-14, th haratrristi faturs of the intrations n th moord ship ar summarizd
as ollows;

o The |ongitudinalfore has two peaks in opposite diretion- the first forward,the seond afterward.

The |atera|force is haraterizedby initialrepu|sion,foI|owedby attrationbetweenthe ships and re-

pulsion again at the end of the passage.
. The yawing momentgoes throughfour phases.bow repu|sion,bow attration,bow repu|sionand bow

200 8000

Il -



c r20 140 160
160 1
180Time (se)

. .. .+ + - ..+ *

a mord ship

The fors and yaw momnt on th moord ship ar diretl proportional to th siz and squar of th
spd ofth passing ship, and invrsly proportional to th watr dpth and latral sparation distan.
Bsides the hydrodynami intration btwen two ships, th motion of th moord ship is inflund
by th wav gnratdby th passing ship. Partiularly, th fft is onspiuous in surg motion, and
involvs th dngr of rnding mooring rop and of damag to the ship's sid du to ontat with th
wharf. As dsribed abov, th fft grows strongr as th surrounding watr dpth boms shallow-
r, the ship passes at a fastr spd and with a smallr latera| sparation distan.
Thrfor, partiularly in shallow Watrs,th passing ship should kep th latral separation distan as
broad as possibl' and kp its spd as slow as possibl whil maintaining strageway'

042 Guide to ship ndling


Rntly,thr has bn an inrasin th following typ of aidnt:th anhor and anhor abl run
out to th bittr nd whn th anhor is lt go from th haws in a dp watr anhorag;th aidnt
ours baus th wight of th anhor and abl and th momntum dvlopd by th fr.fall d
th apaity of th brak. Furthrmor, aidnts involving vrssls lying at anhor ontinu to our.
Most of ths ar th rsult of dragging anhor, and ontn drifting, ollision or grounding.
Anhoring safly to prvnt th abov-mntiondaidnts is disussd in this stion.

Prparation for Anhoring

Whn anhoring, prior invstigation of th following onditions for anhorag is rquird:

1. Directionand strengthof wind and urrent

2. Depth of water
3. ype of seabed (Seleta type of seabed with good anhor ho|dingharateristics)
4. Loationof |ee.shore,shoals, or hazrds suh as submarineab|es and other obsta|es
5. Maneuveringroom for approah
ry. Wry
6' Swingingroom afteranhoring

7. Conditionsaffetingvisibility'weatherand

ll I
Routing and spd rdution plans on th
Way to th anhorag ar to b mad, and th
anhoring mthod and approximat lngths
of abl to b paid out should b didd in
advane. Ridingto Riding to M ooring
a single anhor two anhors
Th following ar typs of anhoring mthod'
as shown in Fig.3-1.
Fig.3-1 Anhringmthods

O44 I A Guide to Ship Handling

Th riding to a singl anhr is th most ormon mthod, but th othr two aptabl mthods --
mooring or riding to two anhors -- should b usd whn wathr and urrent onditions demand.
On th mthod has bn hosen, th nxt dision involvs whthr to anhor to starboard or port.
Finally, prparations ar mad for ltting go anhor. Whn riding to a singl anhor, th following
mpirial standards ar givn for th rquird lngths of abl to b paid ut:

@ Japanese standard:
. Normal anhoring
80 Lc = 3x H +90(m)
. Hal wthranhoring

fr60 L = 4x H + 145 (m)

) u.. standard (Admira|ty

o Seamanship,
Lc=27.5x 1.51H o r Ns = 1.SvTl
L: Iength of abIe to be paid out (m)
: water depth (m)
Ns: shakIes.of ab|e to be aid out

Lngth of abl to b paid out
(U.K & Japnesestandrd)

Preparationsfor |ettinggo anhor.

Aftr th trial run f th windlass,th following produresar rquirdfor making th anhor adyfor let-
ting go: (sFig.3-3)

. ngag th abl holder and th pin for firmly seuring lvr.

. Rrmov the anhor lashings.
. Rmov th hain stopupon onfirming it is fr fom any loa a on-
dition that requirs th stoppr to b surd at rst by th suring pin.
Relas the brak and walk bak (out) th abl. (..Wa1k-bak''
mans ltting out able using a gard windlass.)
. Walk bak the anhr to th ..ok.bill'' ondition or into th watr
dpending on stat of anhorag. Wn walking bak th anhor
into th watr, ship speed should be rdud to a rang onsidred
saf for lowring th anhor into the watr. Fig.3-3 windlass
. St th brakfirmly, disengagthe ablholdrand stth pin for th sringlvrto th disengageposition.
Th windlassis radyfor lettinggo anhorby fr-fall,whenth nhoris hld sollyby thewindlass'brakingfor.
. The oppositeanhorshouldb radidand set on standbyin prparationfor an mrgny.
o If th ship is loaddwith inflammablliquid or gas' a water-flushingsystemfor th haws should be pr-
pard.Th watrwiil b usdto prrvrnt sparksausdy anhoringoprations.
. In addition to anhoringprparationsn th forastl,prsonnlon th navigationbridg ar rquidto
makprparationsfor us ofth ho-soundrand th spdmterfor th purosofmasuringwatrdepth
and ship'shadway,rspetivly'

A Guide to ship andlins s

E!fil!fl ln-HarborShipHandling

Anhor and Anhor Cabl

Th spifiations of anchor and anhor abl to b quippd ar dtrmind with th quipmnt Num-
br of th ship stipulatd in th Rgulations for quipmnt of Ships.
ah lassifiation soity lays down its own rquirmnts in omplian rvith th abov standard.

Anhor apability
It is dsirabl that an anhor hibits ovrall apability ovring th following propftis:

1. The anhorf|ukesbite into the seabed withoutfai|afterthe anhor is Ietgo.

2. he anhorpossesses suffiientholdingpower(resistane)to ope withthe fore draggingthe anhor.
3. The anhor maintains postura| stabi|itywithoutturningover when it is pu||edthroughthe seabed.

Types of anhor
Th majoranhorsommonlyusdin mrhantshipsandnavalvsslsarshownin Fig.3-4.
In mrhantships,theAC14 typanhorapparsto b thmostwidly usd,bauseof its high holdingpowr

Fig.3.4 Majr anhors

Jls anhor AC14 nchor Danforth

Holding power of anhor

Th holding powrof th anhoris normall xprssdas a fatorof its own wight

Hp: ho|dingpower of anhor (ton)

Hp=la 'Wa or W a : weight of the anchor (ton)
^" =# la : oeffiient of the ho|ding power

046 A Guide to Ship HndIing

3..l Anhoring

For exampl, th A14 anhor will hold morr than 10 tims its own wight if th sabd is good;
in poor sabd of sft, silty mud, th holding powr will drop to about 3 times anhr wight.
Howv th holding pwr of th JIS t1p anhor is, at bst, half that of anACl4 anhor of qual
wight under normal seabd onditions.
Fig.3-5 shows th AC14 anhor undr pulling tst.
Th figur shows that th anhor bits wll into th sabd and maintains stabl postu without tm-
ing ovr.
on the other hand, Fig.3-6 indiats that th S anhor tnds to turn ovr whn draggd, and subs-
quntly braks out with flukes up.

Fig.3.5 AC14 anhorbiting into the bottom Fig.3. JIS anhorturndover

Fig.3-7 Holding powr haratristisurv

Fig.3-7 illustratsth haratristihold.

ing power rys of th ACl4 and JIS
anhors. Th AC14 anhor xhibits high

nd stabl holding power' whreas th ())
holding power of th JIS anhor dlins E
drastially aftr it turns ovr and loss
th ability to grip th srabd.


A Gido to ship andling I o47

!ft[s@ In-HrborShipHandling

Bsids th holding powr of th anho itslf. th ontibutionf th anhor abl annot b ignord.
Mrov th anhor abl plays th impotantrol f absoringsom of th nrgv ating on th an-
hor by hanging th shap of its atnary.
Fig.3-8 shows th anhoring systm whn ridin-s to a sino1anL.hLrr.
Total mooring powr P is th sum of th holding po.of th nhr rHp = ,|3.!'|/") and th fritional
rsistanof th abl laid ovrth sabd(l".W".1 ): thtis.

t I- .'|nlr |innar l r _- vellI|)r t an an r n a
l |VIUI|tll P a| '.l, 1 r [+

F ig3 -8 -

P = l " . W+Ic . W c . l/ P : mooring power (ho|dingpr,ierof anhor nd ab|e)(ton)

oeffiientof holdingpower
Wa: anhorweight (ton)
l: oeffiientof b|e resistae9gr it length(}=0.75)
iton ]
W: b|eWeightper Unitlength
f : ho|ding|engthof abl (mi
. 1

Anhring opratins
Approah to an anhor berth
Anhoring mthod varis aording to watr dpth, urntand wind onditions at th anhorag.
Riding to a singl anhor by dropping anhor (ltting go th anhor undr stmway) is normally usd
baus of its handling simpliity whn ltting go or wighing anhor. Th ship prods in aordan
with th spd rdution plan, and th ngin is stoppd bfor ariving at th anhor brth, advaning
solly by inr1ia.Th ngin is put astrnjust bfor th intnddloation so that th ship may om to
a stop in th anhor brth. Th anhor is lt go and th abl is paid out undr strnway.
Prsonnl on th navigation bridg rord th ship's hading whn th anhor is lt go, and plot th
position ofth bridg (anhorposition) on th har1.

Anhoring in water of 20 meters or Iess depth

Whn anhoring in watr of 20 mtrs or lss dpth' th anhor may b lt go frly by rlasing th
brak from th ok-bill position, and an amount of abl approximatly qual to twi th dpth f
watr shuld first b allowd to run out frly to nabl th anhor to mbd itslf. Thraft th
windlass brak should b applid so that th abl is kpt growing at an ang|eof about 30 dgest
th vrtial. Th brak should not b applid forfully. A fre-falling anhoring an aus parting of
th abl and damag to th windlass.
In larg ships, strnwa after ltting go th anhor should b adjustd within 0.5 to 1.0 knot to prvnt
an xssive strain on th abl. Whn th intndd shakls of th abl ar aid out. suffiint brak
should b applid to aus th fluks ofthe anhor bitr into th sabd.
When th abl tautns and thn slakns, it is a sign that th ship is brought up. At th sam tim, th
ship bgins to turn towards th wathr'

Anchoring in water of 20 to 50 meters depth

Whn anhoring in watr of 20 to 50 mrtrrs
dpth, th fr-fall anhoring from th ok-bill
position may aus th abl to attain a dangr-
ous spd as it runs out, th rsult bing a parting
ofth ntir abl.
Thr is also risk that th anhor may fratur on
striking th bottom at high spd.
o prevnt suh hazards, walk bak th anhor
into th watr until it rahs about 5 mters
abov th bottom, thn lt go th anhor. -
Aftrwards, th propr brak shuld b applid to
ontrol abl ruing out spd, and stmway of
th ship should b maintaind within th prmis-
sibl range.(Fig.3-9)
Anhing in watr of 20 t 50 rr.rtrs

A Guideto ship nd|ins 049

!@s@ In-HarborShipHandling

Anhoring in water of 50 meters or greater depth (Deep anhoring)

Whn anhoring in watr of 50 mtrs or greatr depth' th anhor and th amount of abl intndd
for us ar paid out by th walk-bak mthod'
In larg ships' stmway ovr th ground should not xd 0.5 knot aftr th anhor has bn mbd-
dd in th bottom'
his is baus if th ship's stnway is gatrthan th walk out sped of th able, parting the able
or damagto th windlass may our du to xssivstrain on th abl. (Fig.3-l0)

o.G. Speed(Sternway) <

Fig3-10 Anhingtn rr'atf 50 mtrsor gratrdpth(Danhin.!])

Anhor position
Whn anhoring is ompltd,th pris anhor position should b plottd on th hart taking into
aountth distanfrom th bow to th navigationbridg and th amount fabl paid out.

Permjssible water depth for anhoring

Prmissibl watr dpth for anhoring is not dtrmind by th total lngth of quippd abl, but b
th apaity of th windlass.
Gnrally, a windlass has a lift apaity of 3 to 4 shakls with an anhor.Aordingly, prmissibl
watr dpthwill b in th rangbtwn82 to 110 mtrs.
h ratd apait of a windlass must b suffiint to hoist two shakls of abl at an avrag rat of
9 mtrs/min,with th anhor and 3 shakls of abl suspnddin watr without touhing th bottom.
(h rough alulation at this ratd capacit is that 3 minuts is ndd to hoist on shakl of abl.)

050 | A Guide to Ship Hndling

3.1 Anhoring

Anhoring Undr Wind and Currnt ffts

In an anhorag whr th ffets f wind andlor urrnt aI strong, thr is risk of dragging anhor
du to xssiv strain on th abl.
Thr also is risk of holding failur of th anho as th abl is oftn laid out mandringly along th
bottom, whih hindrs th anhor's ability to mbd and hold.
Whn approahing th anhrag, wll-hosn landmarks, bam rfrns and th ship's spd mtr
ar to b usd to rkn th ship's movmnt' as th pris spd ovr th grund is diffiult to

Approaching with head-to-wind/stream

and then the anhor is
Whn riding to a singl anhoth approahis mad head-t-windor had-to-stram,
lt go.
To allow th anhor to mbd and hold, a lngth of abl mor than twi th dth of th watr should b al-
lowd at first to run out freely, aftr whih a suffiint lngth of abl should b paid out rrndrbrakr to prvnt
th anhorfrom bing draggd.

Approaching with wind or urrent on the beam

Whn approahing rvith wind or urrnt on th bam, suffiint spd is rquidto maintain th vssl's
prdtrmind trak baus lway or urrnt st inrass drastially as th ship's Sprd drrrass.
Th ship should stm th wind or urrntjust bfor ltting go th anho at whih tim preparation
for making bold altration ofours is nssary sin th vssrl rapidly loss way.
Th wathr anhor should be lt go with th ship stoppd, and as th ship drifts downstram th abl
should b paid out gradually (if nssary th astrn ngin may b usd) in suh a way as to kp the
ship had-to-wind or had-to-stram.

Approaching with wind or urrent on the stern

Anhoring with wind or urrnt on th strn should b avoidd baus ontrl f hadway is difftult
and th abl may b subjtd to an xrssiv strain.
If thr is no othr altrnativ' thn mk th approah with hadway as slow as possible, and lt go th
turning sid anhrjust bfor th loation ofth anhorag.

A Guide to ship ndling 05.|

!ft!@@ In-HartlorShi Handling

Swing Motins and Dragging Anhor

A ship at anhor will swing around th anhord position in th wind, dawing a figur-ight, as shown
in Fig.3-11.

Subsquntt had-to-wind position at th trm nd of th

windward (Fig3-lr o,o), th ship bgins to b swpt away

bakward. Whn thr ship's for-and-aft lin is in line with
th abl dirtion or a littl aftr (Fig.3-11o,@), maxi-
mum tnsion is xrtdon th abl.
Dragging anhor will our whn th anchor loss its grip on
th boffom and starts sliding ovr th bottom, a rsult of im-
puls for xeding th anhor's holding powr.

To ontrol swing motion, the following measures are taken:

to reduewind-afftd
1. Deepenship'sdraftby ba||asting area
2. Adjust ship's trim by-the-headwhile keepingthe propeller
3. Use a swing-hekanhorwith anotheranhor,|owringit
to one-and-halfdeoths of Wateron its able

For Ps or LNG arirs with larg wind-afftd aras,

risk of dagging anhor is said to b high at th following
wind spds:
15 m/s whn lying at a singl anhor, 20 rn|s whn a swing-
hk anhor is droppd, and 25 m,/svn whn th ship is
lying at two anhors.
Fig.3-11 Swing motionin wind

Anhor Wath
Prsonnl on anhor wath shuld pay strit attntion to suddn hanges ofwath signs ofdragging
anho signs of abl fouling and dangrous bhavir of othr ships in th viinity, and th mastrr
should immdiatly b irrformd whn anything unusual is obsrvd.
Whn th mastr dtts signs of dragging anho th following ountr mrasurs ar takn (dpnd-
ing on th situation):
. Lettinggo the swing-hekanhor
. Paying out an extra lengthof the able
. Keepingthe ship'shadto the wind and easingabIetensionusingthe mainengineand ruddr,or bow

052 A Guide to Ship Handling

3 . 1 Anhoring

othr mass' suh as shifting anhorag or drifting offshore also should b onsidred.
Mthods of dtting anhor dragging ar as follows:
. Checking the ship,spositionby rdaror otherinstruments
. Checking the ourse reorder
Chekingthe ship'sswingbehavior
. Cheking tighteningsequenes of the ab|e
. Chekingthe indiatorof the Dopp|er|og

Th following phnomna an b rgardd as arly signs of th anhor bing draggd:

. the ourse reorder indiates a distortedurve

insteadof a regu|arsine urve
. the periodicalswing motionof the hull is stopped,
and the ship is graduallyswept down with wind
on one side of the hull(Fig.3-12)
o the Dopp|erlog indiatesthe ship is moving in a
ertain diretion at a rate of one knot or more
over the ground
the cable remainstautat a|ltimes
. abnormalvibrationis felt on the hull
. the re|ativepositionsof otherships in the viinity
hange markedly .

As statd abov, th most important thing is arly
dttion of dragging anhor whn lying at nhor
in a sal.


rajetoryof anhor
rajetoryof theship.s
enterof gravity
Fig.3.12 Draggingnhor

A Guido to shiP andlins / 053

!ftfisfi! In-Harbor

Sighting anhor
In a rivr or an stuary th boffom is usually ovrrd with a thik layr of silt or soft mud, and som-
tims it may b diffiult to wigh anhor aftr it has bn burid dp in mud for an xtnddpriod.
Whn a ship is obligd to |a at anhor in suh an anhorag for a long prid, th anhor should b
hov up and lt go again evryday or oupl of days to prrvnt it frm gtting stuk'

Slipping anhor
In an mrgny,th ship may b obligd to slip the abl or abls and proed to sa.
Whn slipping a abl, th nd should b buoyd to nabl it and th anhor to b rovrd, and th
wir rop buoy pndant usd should be of suffiint strngthto rovr th abl.

Prparations for wighing anhor r th sam produrs for anhoring.

. Preparationof pumpingis requiredfor washingthe anhor and able.

Heaving in the ab|e is ommenedby the master'sorder.
. When the able is taut due to wind and urrent,or when an exessive strain is exertedon the ab|e,
mainengineor bow thrusteris used to ease tensionon the abIe.
he brake is applied when the anhor is fina||yhove up into the hawse pipe, and the able ho|deris
disengaged.he stopperis set afteronfirmingit is no longerbearingthe anhor.sload.
After the foreast|e-station
is dismissed, anhor |ashingsshouId be seured firmly as these are very
importantin preventingthe anhor and able from runningout to the bitterend in stormyseas.

054 I A Gide to Ship Hndling

3.1 Anhoring-l 3.2 Btthing


In habors and ports whr manuving aras ar onfind and shallo thr ar many navigational
rstriiions. Thrfor' ship opators ar rquird to manuvr thir vssls in aordan with pr-
vailing nvironmntal nditions. Additionally' whn ntring and laving port also involvs brthing
and unbrthing oprations, ship handling is not asy. This diftiulty is du to th problm of dirtional
ontrol and ous-kping,a dit esult ofpoor strability at low spd and th influrne ofwind
and urrnt. Und suh iumstns' ship prators aro rquird to us assistan in ship handling,
assistan suh as th us f tugs whn nssary in onjuntion with thir own full undrstanding of
ship manuvrability, inluding us of ruddr dfltion to hk aw at low spd, and th stopping
powr of various rvrs ngin sttirrgs.

Assistan by Tugs
1. Types of tug
Tugs ar lassifid by propulsion typ aS follows:

Voith-ShneiderPropel|er(VSP type)
o Contro|Iable (CPP type)
Pith Prope||er
. AzimuthingDrivePropeller(Z type)

Fig.3.13 VSP tppropulsin

Fig.3-14 CP typeppulsion Fig.3-15 Z typepropulsion

In Japan, th Azimuthing Driv Popllr Tpe (Z typ) is th prdominant tug.

Suh tugs ar quippd with two strablpropulsion units that rvolv 360 dgrs.
By ontrolling both th dirtion and rvolutions ofth propllrs, tug assistan for ship handling is
availabl in all dirtions and with varying thrust'

A Gideto ShipHndlin" *i
!ftfi@fi! rn-Harbor

2. owing force of a tug

Whn a fug is built, its towing for is masurd
by a pulling tst as shown in Fig.3-16, whr th
fug's strngthof pull on th bollard is dtrmind.
Th valu for bollard pull (towing for) varis
with th typ of main ngin and propulsion sys- ugboat
tm. Th bollard pull of a Z tpe tug is said to b
approimatly 1.5 tons ahad and 1.4 tons astm
pr 100 BHP of th tug.
Th bollard pull of a VSP t1p tug is said to
approimatly l.0 ton ahad and 0.7 ton astrn
pr l00 BHP of th fug.
Fig.3-1 Masurmntf towingfore (boliardpull)

Howv th towing for of a tug will draswhn: 50

o the ship beingassistedis making
othe tug,s dishargeurrentimpats
against _0
the ship'sunderwaterhull
.the tug and the shi are being
osillatedby P20

seas and swells

| 2000 3000
BHP of tug1s;
Fig.3.17 Bolladpull vrsusBHP of tugs

Partiularly, whn th ship assistd is making hadway,

th inras in thr tug,s powr onsumption
for latral motion mans that efftiv towing for is
rdued sharply as ship spd inrass (S
Fig.3-r8). As th ship gains hadway and its spd
inrasS,it will inrasingly drag th tug, rvn
to th point whr th tug, baus of its postur,is in
dangr of hling ovr.

8 roo



2 4
witha ship*".,'"*fl;3;11
Ship speed 1not1 (on-knt hadwa = l00)

056 l A Guide to Ship Hndling

3. Use of tugs
Th us oftugs is didd in aordanwith ship han-
dling rquirmnts,suh as ontrolling a towd ship's
spd, latral motion and yaw-rat.

In pulling-out oprations,th tug's paid-out rop lngth
is rkond ranging from 2.0 to 2.5 tims th fug's
lngth(L). (Fig.3-19)
As th towd ship's siz inrass,th lngth of rop
Fig.3.19 lengthf towin.t1in

Fig.3-20 shows th alangmrntfor assistan in latral motion ontrol by on tug.

It is ommon to us this arrangmntin ombination with a bow thrustr or with an anhor.
Fig.3-21 shows th arrangmrnt for assistan in latral motion ontrol by two tugs.

] =*n
I ls t I

*LJ *J
Fig.3.20 Assistarr
in latlrnltion Fig.3-21 Assistanin latalmotirr
ontolb1 rrl
tug ontl-olb two tugs

(2) Pivotingmotionontro|
Fig.3-22 shows th aangmnt for assistan in
pivoting motion ontrol.
Rgarding tug oprations, ithr th pushing or
pulling mthod is usd.

Th pulling mthod is ndd for broad Saroom;

this mthod suffrs from a dras in towing
for du to th impat of disharg unt' but
allows flxibl us of tus.

Fig.3.22 Assistanin pivotingmtionntrolb on tl two tugs

A Guide to ship ndIing l 057

Elfi@@ In-HarbrShipHandling

Whn a tug tows or pushs th strn of a ship, th ship's pivot point wi1l b aft th borr..abot on-
third th ship lngth.(Fig.3-23,Fig.3-24) Whn th bw is towd or pushd,th pir't point lr ill b for.
ward of th strn about on-thid th ship lngth.


Fig.3-23 Fig.3-24
lln] i\ O t ]]tr ]llt.)i 'hin
P int l. a tjll t'g Ship rrndr pir'otirig rnin

As th point of ation C xrtdb th

P: Pivotpoint
tug shifts losr to th ship's ntr of G: Centerof gravity
gravity G, th pivot point P will shift C: Pointof atin
farthr from th ntr of savit G.

h n g l r ' l l t 1 l qj1
1 1.,' ; : h h ; tn g l n
r r l t f ati r r

onsquntly, tuming in a short round

rquirs a irular manuvring ara with
a radius gratrthan GP + |/2L, with th
furning rntr at th pivot point P.
As shown in Fig.3-26, th farthr th
point of ation from th ntr of gravi.
ty, th smallr th turning radius.

tlmparison of turning adius 'ith han.qin oint of atin

058 A Guide to Ship Hnd|ing

Fig.3-27 shows th trajtoris of a ship undr on-knot hadway
making a 90-dgtum with th as.
sistan of a fug pushing abam ithr th bow or th strn f
th ship.
As shown in th figur, it is known that pushing abam of th
ship ausrs a rlativly larg kik-out.
At th sam tim' howv it nabls th ship to fum in a
smaller manuvring arca thanif the ship
wr pushd abam th bow.

Cmparison f 90-dgr tumig trajtries when bw o' "-

Whn a fug assists th pivting of a ship in onditions of strong

wind and urrrnt, towing th bow in
th dirtion of th wind nd urrnt rquirs a broad manuvring
ara du to the ship's inrasd
rang of mtion. on th othr hand, towing th strn against th
wind and urrnt is fftiv for pivot-
ing in a smallr ara. Th ship will be in motion los to turning
in a short round. (Fig.3-28)

l ug asslstan in pivtjng motion und wid rl rfl

Thrfor, los affntion should b paid to ship hndling in

mneuvring areas with stong wiods and

A r -* L -t iGD
!ft!@@ In-HarborShiHandling

(3) Requird towing fore in berthingoperations 240

Fig.3-29 shows th rquird towing for on
brthing opration rlativ to ship stze, para- 9
a 160
mtrizing water dpth (H) to draft (d) ratios,
o 1)n
(}Vd). In th figur, th rquird towing for
is shown vrtially, and vssl displamnt . 80
tonnag horizontally' 40
It should b notd that th rquird towing
for inrass as displamnt tonnagr grows
largr and watr dpth to draft ratio (H/d) b- D.W. ton (unit

oms smallr. Fig.3-29

Rquird tug towing fr whn brthing

150+. 200T->-1..,,,..
ll/d 1.5 -__-
---)- llo.0

Th numbr of tugs and th powt nrSsary for brthing oprations ar dpndnt on th following
okyo Bay Pilot Assoition (for referene)
onditionof the berth
. shipsize
o ship hand lingmet h o d
o Weatheronditions
o most important|y,Wind ve|oityand urrent set, as B|ker
w|Ias water depth to ship'sdrft ratio (H/d).

In som harbr aras, th ritria for using tugs arr

laid down as shown in TabI 3-1. vL ':,:3

Tabl 3.1 Numbr of tugs rquirdwhn entringr lving

060 A Guide to ship andling

3.2 Brthing

(a) Safe handlingof towropes

Slipping off or partingof towropswill rsultin sriousaidnts.
In som ass,ship bitts to whih towropesarmadfast lak suffiientstrngth;it is nssaryto hk th
safeworking load of bitts.
To prvntdamagto a towope,it shuld b mad fast to th innr bitts as far as onditinsprmit, as
shownin Fig.3-31.
Snthtifibr rop has high rsistanto hafingover flat surfas,but poor rsistanagainstsharpdgs
Du to malfuntionsand rusty,rough surfasof rollrs and fairlads,hafingan ausropesto part.
For this rason,it is ssntialto maintainship-mooringquipmntin good ondition.
For xampl,th rusty surfasof fairladsmust b srapdand smoothd,shaftsmust be r-adjustd,and
rollrs gasd.
If ropsar bnt or strthdovr sharpanglesor omlrs' or if thy ominto ontatwith th ship'shand-
rails, hafingagainstsharpdgsor ornersmay austhr ropto part'as shownin Fig.3-32.

Fig.3.31 Taking tow rop to bitts Fig.3.32 Rop in ontatwith sharp edge

For oprational safty, a having lin should b usd with th olTt p f monkey fist.
Nvr substituta shakl for a moy fist.
It is an unfortunat fat that towrops or mooring lines in use will somtimes part for unforesn
Partd lins an asily aus injuris and fatalitis.
hrfor, kp prsonnl from working or standing by on th rxtnsion lins oftnsind rops.

A Guide to shi andling 061

!ft@f, ln-Harbor ship Handling

Brthing and Moring

Berthing alongside a whrf

1. Speed of approach
In th handlingofbrthing ships,it is vry importantto ontrolthe ship'sapproahspd,as well as dirtional
ontrol.As a ship approahsits objetiveloation,its hadwayshould graduallyb rdud,and hull inertia
should b stoppdat th predtrminedpoint. on the assumptionthat th ship an mploy brakingpowr
throughth us of Dad Slow Astrn engin,guidelinsfor spdredutionshemesfor LNG arrirs,PCCs
and ontainrships ar shownin Fig.3-33.Th samguidlinsfor VLCCs ar also shownin Fig.3-34.

10 10

8 8
6 E6
3 E
2 )

0 500 1000 rs00 2000 2500 3000 0 1500 000 4500 6000 7500 9000
Distane(m) Distane(m)
Fig.3.33 Speedrdution forLNGs,PCs,
shms Fig.3-34 Spdrdutionshmsfor VLCs

2. Approahing a wharf
To prvntdamageto th wharf and fendrs,a|arge-sizeship shouldrduits headwayto zero somwhrat
a distanof on ship lngth or ship bradthfrom the wharf, and then move |ateral|,brthingwith th ship's
hadingkpt paralll to th wharf. Wharfs and shore-basdmoor-
ing filitis ar usually dsigndassuminga berthingvloity of 0o
15 m/s.Atual brthing vloitis ar muh low howv.,
and should not d 10 m/s for ordinary-sizshis, and 5 $ zoo
m/sfor larg-sizships.Fndrsabsorbthe berthingnrgyof
the ship. Thir purpose is to prevent damagto hull and wharf.
-? loo
Whn berthingwith a ship,sheadingnearly paralll to th wharf,
th nrgyof th ship againstth mooring failitis will inrase m
0 4 6 S ia'12
in proportionto displaemnttonnageand th squarof th ship's
approahvloity,whih a be wittenas:

Fig.3.35 BrthingnIgyVrsusbrthingvloity

Th valu of offiint hanges onsiderably with th typ of

: Berthingenergy(ton . m) ship, watr dpth and othr fators. Fig.3-35 shows th alula-
W: Disp|aementtonnage (ton)
td rsults of brthing enrgy on rah ship type, whr it is
V : erthing ve|oity (m/se)
g : 9'8m/se, C: Coeffiient known that th brthing nrgy of a VL inrass sharply
Berthingspeed< 8-10m/se(genera|Iy) whn th brthing vloity exds 6 m/s.

062 A Guid6 to ship nd|ing

3. 2 B rthing

3. Positioning of ship on berthing operations

Whn a PCC with a short paralll body is brthing as shown in Fig.3-36, th ship's bw or strn has oaslon-
ally om in ontat with omrs of th wharf, ar-stopprls or bitts.
Ts ontat is du to a dirtional diffrn btwn for-and-aft lin of th ship and th fa lin of th wharf.
Th rang of ritial positioning, wherin a par1 of th hull is not in ontat with th wharf, is dtrmind by
th wharf fa line and th angular dviation f th ship's hading fiom that wharfllin. (Fig.3-37 right)
Th lft sid of Fig.3-37 shows th
prmissibl amount of ovrhang R Overhang(R)
vrsus th angular dviation from th
wharf lin (t on a PC.
From th figur' th ritial angular il
dviation osponding to th amount
of ovrhang an b found.
In th plottd as, whn th prmissi-
bl amount of ovrhang is 3 mtrs,
th ritial angular dviation of th
strn is 2.3 desres.
H ul l
ti Fender
Water level

C itial ositioning o1. aP

Angulardeviation,a" P ln issibI elngtllr d r iltin vl.sus a]oullt of ovhang

A Guide to ship nd,ins 063

f f i! fi llr-flat U U t Jl l l P arrl I l t

'1. Mooring arrangement
Moring lins ontrol a ship'smotion and makth ship fastto fixd position.
Fig.3-38 showsa fundamentalmooring arrangmnt. Hadlinsand strnlins ar usd to ontrl srrrg'sway
andyaw. Spring lins ontroldrift.
Morov sin it is dsirablthat ahlin b xtnddas far as possible,it is nssarythat attntinb paid
duringberthingoperatinsto insurthsmaximum lengths.
In a wharf whr affangmntof longr mooring lins is not possibl,additionallins should b dploydas

2. Mooring fore of mooring |ines

As shown in Fig.3-39' mooring fo is th horizontal omponnt, T.osd, of tnsion nedd to withstand th
motion of a ship xrtd by xtmal fors on th hull. Aordingly, as shown in Fig.3-40, th horizontal
mooring for is rsolvd as follows:

.mooring for on th for-nd-aft dirtion Tx: Tx=T.cosd.osc

.mooring for on th transvrs dirtion Ty: y=T.osd.sin
, : angle of elevation of the mooring line
: horizont|ang|eto the fae Iineof wharf

Fig.3-39 Dfinitin of moring for Fig.3.40 Hoizontal moring for vtr

064 l A Guide to shi nd|ing

3.2 Berthing

Th sum of ah mooring for, on th for-aud-aft and transvrrse dition, is thr rsultnt mooring
Critial mooring for to ope with all exteral fors is dtrmind by the ondition that eah ompo-
nnt of exteral for should not xed th orrsponding omponrnt of the sum of ah mooring
on th other hand, ritial mooring for is dtrmind in rlation to th stren of mooring rp or
th braking powr of th moing winh.
That is, the load of ah mooring line to withsnd th trnal for on th hull should always be
within th range of th saf working load of th lin or braking powr of ah mooring winh:

xtnal for on hull < 60 % of inimum Breaking Load (BL) of mooring lin
xtrnl for on hullS Braking powr of mooring winh

The smallr value of eith of the abov opposing fors bomes the rifial mooring for.
Assuming a ship fr from xtrnal forrs suh s wind and r.rrrnt as moord shown in Fig.3-38, a
alulated ampl f mooring for on th transvrs dirtion is shown in Tabl 3-2.
The lin pull of winhs is assumed to e 25 tons, and all mooring lines, 14 lins in this as, ar
rqually pre-tnsiond.
The total mooring for on th tavrs dirtion is approximately 128 tons, and th mooring fo of
ah line is within the range ofth sttled line pull of th mooring winh.

Tabl 3.2 Calulatd example of number of mooring lines and mooring fo on tansvse dirtion

A Guide to shi andlins 065

!ft!@@ In.Harbr Ship Hndling

3. shift of a ship under wind effets

Whn a wind of l0 m/s is blowing off th wharf, th amount of shift of a PC is simulatd undr vari
ous mooring onditions:

(1) Th ship has bn shiftd |atera|\l.6 mtrs undr th moorins ondition shown in Fig.3.38 with ah
moring lin of 70 mm arrangdin pairs, 12 lins in total.
(2) Whn on additional lin is dployd on ah mooring point, xpt on th tnr.ald and aft spring lins, th
ship has bn shiftd latrally 1.2 mtrs, th rstraining fft of th additional lirs bing on1y 40 m.
(3) Whn wir rops of 40 mm ar mad fast to storm bitts as additinal lins as shorr.nin Fig.3-41, th ship
has bn shiftd latrally only 5 m, and th fftivnss of storm bis mooing is larly dmonstratd.

In this as, ah additional lin should b as prpndiula as possibl to Ih sltip's for-and-aft lin, and
th lins b xtndd as far as possibl from th edg of th wharf.
Howvr, whn wind vloity xds l5 m/s, additional lins mad of sr.nthti matials will los thir
rstraining powr, and th ship will suffr a larg latral shift.

Som Tankr trminals undr strongwind and/orurrnt quip StomwiI and -inh as shown :r'ig3-42.

066 A Guide to ship andling

4. Mooring lines
Th numbrs' typs' lngths, diamtrs, and braking loads of mooring lins with whih a ship should
b quippd ar stipulatd in th quipmnt Numbr.
Commonly, ships ar quippd with mor mooring lins than th quipmnt Numbr rquirs.
Synthti fibr rops ar mad of various matrials, suh as nylon, polystr and polypropyln.
High prforman fibr rops ar now somtims usd fr mooring lins. The fibr matrials usd in
ths rops ar muh strongr and also stiffr than onvntionalrop-making fibrs.
Baus they ar muh stiffr, rops mad of this nrv lass of fibrs ar alld high-mdulus fibr
rops. Ths high-modulus fibr rops ar almost as strong as wir rops of th sam siz, and th ar
also almst as stiff. Whil th proprtis of snthti fibr rop mak it highly rsistant to hafing ovr
flat surfas, it has poor rsistan to hafing ovr sharp dgs and sidslips.
It also dtrioratsundr xposur to ultra-violt rays.
Baus th xtnt of dtrioration in strngth of mooring linrs varis with yls and duration of us,
it is nrssary to hk th ondition of mooring lins daily. Wir rops (or high-modulus fibr rops)
ar usd to moor tankrs and LNG arrirs in ordr to avoid damage to loading arms; synthti fibr
ropos arr usd to mor ships of thr ps'
Dploying additional lins for mid mooring, th ombination of full-lngth synthti rops and wirs
should b avoidd.

5. operational preaution of mooring

Mixed mooring 1.ig-a3)

Steel wire rope

Load of rope Polypropylenerope
47 Nylonrope


Fig.3-43 fftf moringmatrial

A Guide to ship adling

3.2 Berthing

!ftfisfit Shiprrandling

Mixed mooring 1ig-aa)

Lodof rope

Load of short rope > Ioad of long rope

fft of length of moorings
(sm sizlsam materials)

Threforetwo or more lines ladins in the smdirtionshorrld, as fa as pssible, of the sam length.

Key numbers for mooring lines

11m: Lnhof tai|rope(Fig3-as)

Tail rope (Sythetirope)

125o/"= MBL of aiI rope + ML of Mooring wire}125o/o

(MBL mens MBL of eah materialbefore makingeyes and sp|ies.)
MBL: inimumBreaking Load

60o/o: Brake apaity of Winh + MBL of Mooring lines = 60%

18 months: Tail rope should be renewed every 18 months.

otherwise every tai|rope should be inspetedand ertifiedby manufaturerregularly'

12 wires: Rs rrurhport regulations require more than 12 wire moodn for mooring at the sea berh.

4-4-2= 4 head/stem lines-4 breast lines-2 spring Iines

068 I A Guad6 to Ship Handlins


L.# 't '

Whn navigating in svr following and quar1ringSas.a stpis lfth nountr various kinds of
dangrous phnomna, whih may lad to apsizing. W shuld. thrtr.possSs th fundamntal
skills for saf ship handling in following and quar1ringSast)r id suh dngr.
With th sam objtiv, th Io has releasd Guidan to th \Istr ti-.r-\'oiding Dangrous Sifua-
tions in Following and Quartring Sas. In this stion. lr bsin r-".ith basi stdyof vssl stabili
and th fundamntal proprtis of wavs, and thn mo\' on t-i.f,sibhnomna that pos a dangr
to ships and provid prational guidan for dalin's rr ith thr.

Stability of Ships
Trnsverse StbiIity

1) Righting momnt
A ship {loating at rst is in a stat of stati quiliium: that is. th gavitational fors ating on th
ntr ofgravit G, and th buoyany atin-son th nt ofbuoyany B bing qual and ating in
lin with on anothr.Th position of ntr of gali. G rill remain fixd whn th ship is hld.
Th ntr of buoyany B is th gomti ntr of th undrwatr part of th ship in still watr.
Whn th ship is hlrd by som xtrnai for. it -il1 mor- to a position Bl in th ntr of th
submrgd volum of th ship. Th fors of rr.isht and buoyany ar ah qual to th ship's dis-
plamnt W, and at vt1ially in opposite dirtions'As shown in Fig.4-1, th for of buoyany
ating upwards through Bt whn th ship is hld u.ill produ a momnt tnding to right th ship,
and this momnt is aiulatd by multiplyin.t th displament W by th righting lvr GZ, whih
is th horizontal distan btwn th fors of.ight and buoyany.

070 ] A Guide to Ship Hnd|ing

4.1 Ship Handiing in o]Iotvii and Quartrir Sas

2) Transvrsmrtaentr and transvrsmetntrihight

In most ships, for small ang1sf hl of up to about l0 dgrs,th lin of ation of th for of
buoyany Br will intrset th middi lin of th ship at a fixd point M (Fig.a-l)' Th point M is
alld th transvrrs mtantr'h span btwn th mtantr M and th ntr of gravity G,
GM, is alld th mtantihight;it givs a masurof th initial stability of th ship, i.. its sta-
bility at small angls of hl. h gatrth mtantrihight, (i.. th lowr th position of G),
th gratrth stabi1it.In Fig.-l-l, th angl0 is qual to th angl of hl, and th righting lvr
GZ is qual to G.sin0 {pror-iddthat 0 is small and GM is positiv [G is blow ]). If th mt.
antri hight is rrghtrngmomnt an b found by multiplying th righting lvr GZ by
th ship's displamntW:

R ight ingmoment=W 'GZ =W'GM .sin0

B : Centerof buyany
Centerof gravity
M : Metaenter(Transverse)

ransvrs mtaenter and mtntli height

Th hight of th transvrsmtantrabov th ntr of buoyan S1.l is indiatdby th fol-

lowing fonnula:
i : :..: -
B: breadth d: draft k: oeffiient

A ship with a larg transvrs mtantri hight will ro1l with a shotl' rapid motion; suh a ship is
said to b stiff. A ship with a small transvrsmtaentri hight will ro1l with a long, slow motion;
suh a ship is said to b tndr.
Transvrs stabiiity is a vry important fator Status
lltetacenter Rolling
whn it oms to saf navigation in havy
stiff ,, .:Largg ,Rgpi{
sas;w rfr to it oftn in this haptr.
ender .. .9qrt . l ..Slti..

A Guide to ship nd|ing l 071

!@fi Ship HandlinginWavs


Th longitudinal mtantr Ml enterof buoyany

of a ship is
Centerof gravity
found in a mannr similar to that usd to find th
Metaenter (Longrtuo]1a
Fig.4-2 shows a ship tipd forward by som x-
trnal for; th longifudinal ntr of buoyany
B has movd forward to Br. Thus a longitudinal
righting momnt W.Gz is produd;whr W is
th displamntof th ship and GZ is th lngth
f th lngidinal righting lvr. Th longitudinal
mtantrihight GMr- is givn vry roughly as
Fig.J-2 mtntr

GMI L L: ship length

It is sn that th ship is far stiffr longitudinally than transvrslr..his r..ltrnshipwi1l b usd whn
onsidring th nafural pithing priod of a ship.


]"' ,

o 72 Gui d e t o s h i p n d l i n g

4.l Shlp Hanlling in Following ar.rdQuatingSeas

Si Frdomsof Motin in a Sawav

Th motions of a ship an b split into thre mutually plpndiular translations of th ntr of gravity
G and thr rotations around G:

Threetranslationsof the ship.s enterof gravityG in the diretionof the X., Y- and Z-axes:
. surgin th longidinal X-dirtion, positiv forward
. sway in th lateral Y-dirtion, positiv to starboardsid
. hav in th vrtial Z-dirtion' positiv downward

hree rotationsabout these xes:

. roll about th X-ais, positiv right ming
. pith aboutth Y-axis, positiv bow up motion
yaw aboutth Z-axis, positiv right tuming

Ths dfinitionsar shown in Fig.4-3.

-:.. --''i


XXt: Fore and after ro|ling ais

Wl: Athwartships pithing axis
ZZt: Verlical yawing axis

Fig.4-3 Si

A Guide to ship andling l 073

!ftfisf, ShipHandlinginwaves

Basi lments of Rgular Wavs

l) Dfining a harmoni wav
Fig.4-4 (a) and Fig.4-4 (b) dpit harmoni Wavs' ( , from two diffrnt prspti\'s:

. Fig.4-4 (a) shows th wav profil (with wav amplitud, o, and H :

Wave height
,l :
wav lngth' ,\ ) as a funtion of distan at a fixd instant in tim. w :
Wave rid
. Big,4-4 (b) shws tim rord of th wave profil (with wav ampli- Cw Wave propagationspeed
(Phase veloity)
tud, l, and wav frqueny,ar) obsrvd at on loation. a : Wave amplitude(H=24)
Crest : Highest point of wave
Troh : Lowest int of wave
( : Sheofwave

H.: rr ar' dfi nitions

; rr.av dfi nitions

From the abov, basi dfinitions of a harmoni Wav an be givn:

. A wav's highst point is the rst and lowst surfae point is the trough
3 l Wav amplifud (th distan from th still watr lvl to th rst. or to th trough)
. H : W.avhight (H:2a; twi amplitud)
,i. : Vy'avlength(horizontal distan btwn any two sussiv war' rsts)
. Tw : Wav priod (th sam distan as wavlngth along th tim axis ) (s Fig.4-4-b)
Cw: Wav propagation spd or phas vloi (,\ /Tw; vlity at rvh th wav prfil
undrgoes a omplet 360.degr yl or phas hang)
. k : Wav numbr (k:2l I (rad./s))
. al : Cirularwav frquny(ls:2w (rad./s))
. 0 : Vy'avStrpnss(d :H/ ; ratio of wav hight to wavlngth. Whn wavs bom too high,
^ limit of H/ i. :1/l0.)
rsts break at th uppr

For phas vloity, Cw, it is important to undrstandthat watr partils do not mov at this spd;onl
the waveform movs with this phas veloity.
If th ravfonmovrs in th positiv X dirtion' th wav profil (th shap of th watr srfa)can
b xprssdas follows:
l =a'c o s (k x - a r t )

0 74 G u i d e to S hip H ndling

4.l Ship Handling in Following and Quartring Sas

2) Basi lmnts of rgular dp wavs

By applying th obtaind rlations to rgular dp wavs (longr dp-watr gavity wavs)' simpl
and vry pratial rlations btwn th wav-
lngth (m) and phas vloity (m/s), or wav ::^".Y::::iY(*) ,:l.;.:'
fr:1"j;:::l'-, Tw= 0.80,l.(",
....avelengl!l l = 1.56.Tw2(m}

isllanous itms rlatd to wavs

1) Group vloity and wav nrrgy
Whn suprposing popagating wavrs with slightly diffrnt wavlngths, gloup Wavs
(th nvlp of th wav pakt) ar ratd as shown in Fig.4-5.


:_:________-wa group


' -/-,-\
, l'.

, Fig.4-5
Wave groups and gru veloit

Th nvlop ofth wav pakt propagats at th group vloity, g. Th group vloity for dp wa-
tr Wavrs is prssdas:
g = w Cw:phaseveloityof theWve
Th wv enrrgy is also onvyed along a goup vloity (th propagation fswll).

A Guide to shi and|in 075

Elfisf, ShipHandtingin Wavs

2) Signifiant wav hight (Hl)

Signifiant wav height is dfind as th averag
hight of th highst n third (tz)f all wavs r.
ordd ovr a partiular tim priod. Thr is a fair .
orrlation btwn signifiant wave hight and vis- o
ually stimatd wav hight. Signifiant wav hight

is used as a gnralmasureofsa roughnss.

3) Natural rolling/pithing priods and nountr wav priod "'*"',.;.;

Signifiant wav hight
. NaturaI roIIing period (T)'

Natural rolling priod is to b masurd whn th ship is in alm sas. Th valu is roughly sti-
matd by th fllowing quation:
0.8 B: shi.s breadth
. .' -_
1GM GM: ship's metaentriheight

Natura| pithing period (T).

Th valu of natural pihing priod is roughly stimatd by th following quation:

Tp * 0.5\/t L: ship length(m)

o Enounter wave period ().As shown in Fig.4-1 , a ship making Vs (m/se) is assumd to b run-
ning obliquly in rgular wavs with th nountr angl of th ship to wavs, a dgrs off th
bow, wavs of tru priod,Tw (, lngth,,l, and phasvloity, Cw (: 1'25\D.
As prviously mntiond, rnountr wav priod is xprssd as:

nountr wav priod: wavlngth,/rlativvloity to wav

Ship spd prpendiular to th wav is xprssd as Vs. os a. Thrfor' th nountrwav pr-

iod is xprssdby th following quation:

Ship's speed (Vs)
Cw+Vs . os 4

o rfrring to th prous rlationship,

u '."- 6^

1.25f1+vs.os d

Fig.4.7 nountrwave eriod (T)

076 A Guide to shi and|ing

4.1 Ship Handling in Fllowing and QrrartringSeas

Basd on th abov quation, a diagam is prpard as shown in Fig.4-8, and nountrwav pfl-
od (T) is obtaind using th nountr angl of thr ship to wave (a), ship sped (Vs) and wav
priod (Tw).
A synhronous rolling motion rr.i1lour whn th rnountr wav prid T is narly qual to th
natural rolling priod of th
ship, T, and this will us
larg rolling motions. his ph-
nomnon will b xplaind in
th subsquentstion.

(ampIe Vs: ]a Kn (st+eed)

a : 3O"(Errb)
Tw: 1'ls(Wweri
: 8 se('o.furpebd)

A=U rn'
36d ;0" 2d


I 80-
\ 280'


f7 260"
7 uo"

t70' 2
2 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 190'
nounterDeriod (s)

Fig.4-8 Dtrmintionf nountrwav priod (T)

A Guid e to ship ndlinn

!ftfiftf, ShipHandlinginWavs

Dangrous nountr With lligh Wav Grup

Th nvlop of wav pakt propagats at th
group vloit, g, in dp wator;
g--|l2. Cw (S pag075). Whn th abov wav
group vloity is na qual to th spd omponnt
of a ship to th wind dirtion, dangrous nountr
with high wav group orrrs; this is a phnomnon
whrby th ship is attked by a suession of high
wavs. As mntiond abov, th maimum wav hight
of th suessiv wavs an rah almost twi th ob-
srvd wav hi ofth sa stat onrnd. This sit-
uation n rsult in th rdution of synhronous rolltng
motion, paramtri rolling rnotion, or th ourrn of
svral dangrous phnomna, heightning th risk of ShiP course

apsiz. angl,x
Fig.4.9 Dfinitionof enountr
Fig.4-9 shows th dfinition of nountr angl
x'mrasured from th strn of a ship.

nountring a high wav group; it is

Fig.4-10 shows a diagram indiating th dangrous zone for
ratio of ship spd V (knots) to wav pr-
usd to dtrmin dangrous nditions. In th figur, ah
iod T (s), V/T, is shown as a
onntri irl, and rncoun-
tr angl aS a radial lin.
Whn a ship is in th dangrous
zone, ship spd should br r-
dud to prvnt attak by a
sussionof high wavs. Cours 0.8
,02'8 1'41,6l.sz0222.42'62'8.0

hange may provid anothr

mthod for saping th dang-
ous Zonr, but signifiant oursr
hangs ar not advisabl sin
thy will bring th ship to bam,
whih puts tansvrsr stability 50"
at risk. Th ombination of sped
rdution with a slight ours
hang is anothr possibl tati
for saping th dangrous zone. Fig.4-10
Car should b takn to main. Diagamindiatingdangrouszon of
nountringto high wave group
tain ship spd for strabili
in wind and wavs.

078 I A Guide to ShiP Handling

4.1 Ship Hand1ing in Fllowing and Quarterlng Sas

Rdution of Intat Stability Causd by Riding on WaY Crst at Midship

Whn a ship is navigating in follwing and quatring sras, the fftiv bam of a ship-shapd hull
an hang onsidrably with hangs irr a ship's watrlin.profil, partiularly whn th ship has fin
lins and a|arge flar (ontainrshis and fishing vssls).
Thr mtantri radius, B, and onsquntly,transvrs stability will inras or drras as a wav
passs along the lngth of the hull. As shown in Fig.4-11, whn a ship is riding on th wav rst' intat
stability will b rdud th loss of watrplan area at th for and aft nds rdus th
ship's GM and transvrsstbili-.on th otherhand, when th wave trou is amidships, stability is in-
rasd as th xtra watrplan aI at th for and aft nds inrass th ship's G and transvers stabili|z.

lffaverest midships Sti|lwterline lffavetroughamidships

Wve restamidshipsWterplane
':',,:j.:: Still waterlinewaterplanearea

Wave trough amidships waterp| ne area


Fig.4-11 hangin ship,swatlplanrarawith wavprofil

Th amount of stability rdution is narl propottional to

N: Number of asized vessels
wav hight and th ship may los stability whn th wav- <
N : Number of trial runs
lngth is on to two tims ship lngth and wav hight is .N
larg. This situatin is spially dangrous in following and

quartring sas, baus th tim spnt riding th wav rst 40o/o

boms longr (mor time is spnt in a stat of rdud sta. 4
(d 20% 40
E 40
bility). Fig.4-|2 shows th frquny of apsizing du t r-
dud stability as rvald by xprimnts with ship modls.
nounterwave ang|e
Plas not that th most dangrous apsizing zon rlats to
a dirtion of nuntr wav angl ranging from 20 to 40
Numbr of asizd vessels to numbr of
dsrs frm th strn' trial runs (mdel ship xprimnts)

A Guide to Ship HndIing 079

!@EEa Ship Handlingin Wavs

Rdution of stability tnds to b mor signifiant whn a ship is fin-lind with a |arge flar (ontain-
er ships and fishing vssls) and lss signifiant in full-hull ships (tankrs and bulk arrirs).
h fastr th ship runs, th gratr th risk ofapsizing; rdution ofstability is gatly inrasd b-
aus th ship is riding on a rest of a largr wavlngth, i.. largr wav hight. To avoid th risk of
apsizing due to rdud stability, ship sped should b rdud or oursr altrd, or both, in ordr to
hang th nountr Wavr angl and priod. Wn xuting th abov proedurs' arr should b
takn not to indu othr risks, suh as bam sas that may pla th dk undr Watr or aus svn-
hronous rolling motion.

Synhronous Rolling Motin

Larg rolling motions may b xitd when th nafural rolling priod (T) oinids with the noun-
tr wav perid (T) (Fig.a-l3). Whn nvigating in following and quartring sas' this may happn if
th transvrs stability of th ship is small and, threfor, th natural rol1 priod boms longr.

o Listing.
o Returnro|lis aleratedand reinforedby the netWave.

I h Iimitsof ship'sro||oinidewiththe Waverest (ortrough).

The rollingangleinreaseswitheah suessivewave.
This is knownas ..synhronousro||ing'',(Causingdangerousheavyro|ling.)

Fig.4.13 Snhronousrolling

)80 ] A Guide to ship andIing

1.1 Shi Handling in Fol1owing IrdQuartrirrgSeas

Fig.4-14 shows th zons of ha\ rolling of ships With 8- and 24-seond roll priods among wavs of
60 to 180 mrtrs in lngth. As sn in th rgur'th zon of havy rolling shifts from th bam to th
quartrr of th ship as th nafural rol1 priod boms lngr (i.. th ship boms tndr.)
ours hang or spd rdution is rquird to prvnt synhronous rolling motion, i.. avoiding syn-
hronous ro11,/Tr,:1. Th oursr or sped leading to synhronousroll ane otainedusing th
quationdsribdon pag 076 or b th diagram in Fig.4.8 undr th ondition TR/ T : l .

. Ship,s rlativ ours to wav ( ) from th bow l_ . 1 . 2 5 \/

lading to synhronousrolling: T . V s
. 1 . 2 5 \/
Vs= l_ T
. Ship spd(Vs m/s) lading t synhronous
rolling motion: T. o sa

period() = 24sec (ontinerand P)
1. Natura|ro||ing
Howto avoidsynhronousrolling
2. Wave enoUnterperiod()=24se changespeed(vs) o*
3. R=
ro||ing Changeourse(a) 9*g
oR=24' Vs=15knotsad a=159deg frombow-synhronoUsrolIing
(Bewarequrteringseas when changingourse.)

wavsot uo-,J |engthrepl."orni'l,ant
,l' o"o
30 ',o-' "J"".



I5 F


10 .+

3s .:



7 I 910
0 Natura|period (se.)
Zon f havy'rolling f ships with 8- and 24-sondoll riodsamong wavesf 60- t 180.m length

A Guide to ship nd|ins 08.|

E!!!fi Jrlr flalrurr'tg l't vta}D

Surf.riding and

Whn a ship is situatd on th Wind & Wave
stp forfront of a wav in fol-
lowing and quartring Sa on-
ditions, th orbital vloity of
watr par1ils an aus th
ship an to rid th wav, a Fig.4.17 Tar'llingdrr'n-slop
phnomnon known as surf-
riding. In suh a sitation (i..
ship travlling down-slop),two
opposing drift fors will r-
at a furning momnt as shown
in Fig.4-17.

Th ship is tumd foribly baus of th lak of strability' and is t.istd bam-on to th advaning
rest of th Wav'aS shown in Fig.4-18.

rr+ Force of water pai|e motion

Water pIhc|eorbita|s

Yawing moment

.> ome ntum

+ Wave direction

Fig.4-18 lustrationofbroahing-to

0B4 A Guide to ship ndling

4. ] Ship Halling in Follwing an qu-.".ing s.o,

This is known as broahing-to, and th ship is at risk of apsizing du to th suddn hang ofhading
and unxptdlylarg hling. Brahing-to an happnto small as wll as larg ships. Broahing-to
mor ommonl ours whn wavs ariv from bhind with a small angl, say 10-30 dg., to th for-
and-aft axis of th ship. In modrat sa stats, a ship is mor likly to broah-to if it is running at a
high spd and is slowly ovfiakn by th wavs. Broahing-to may also our at lowr spds if th
WaVSar vrry stp.As mntiond abov, whn ship spd is so high that its omponnt in th wav
dirtion approahsth phas vloity ofth wav,
th ship will b alratd,wi1l bgin surf-riding
and thn broah-to. Th ritial spd for th our- 0
rn of surf-riding is onsidrd to b 1.8r/
Q 25
(knots), whr L is ship lngth. It should b notd
5 ."
that thr is a marginal zone (|.4,,fL-1.8,) blow
ritial spd whr a lag surgr may our. This * ,'
vnt is almost quivalnt to surf-riding in trms of .
dangr. Fig.4-19 shows th ritial spd (knots) for

th ourrn of surf-riding in rlation to ship
lngth. Fig.4-20 shows th diagram indiating surf- 0
riding dangrous zons.
To avoid sriding and broah- itial spd fbr suf.riding and ship lngth

ing-to, ship spd shuld b r-
dud to th marginal spd
zofle or blow. Aftr rduing
spd, if th ship is in th mar-
ginl zon and a lrg sug is
flt' spd should b rdud v/
12|'00.8 0 0,81,0|,21'41,6I.8202'2242,6z8.0
furthr' Surf-riding an our
whn a ship is running in shal.
low watrs, vn whn th ship
is making a rlativly low
spd.This is bausth phas
v|oity of wvs is slowr in
shallow Watrs, and th ritial
spd may b attainabl at a re|-
ativly low ship spd.

lt is important that sefarers

operting high-speed ples-
V: Ships speed (knot) T: Wave period(se)
ure boats and fishing ves-
sels in shallow waters bear Fig.4-20
Diagrarrr indiating dangrous zn du to surf-riding
this phenomenon in mind.

A Guide to ship andlins

E@I Shi {aa}iimg

Ship Motion in Had and Bow Sas

A ship among wavs is rpatdlysubjtdto having,pithing and rolling as shown in F'ig.4-3.
Hogging, sagging and twisting (torsionalmomnt) an also b gnratddpndingon th ship's rla-
tiv position to th waves;i.. whthr th wavs rst or trough amidships,or th ship is among obli-
qu Wavsas shown in Fig.4-2l and F'ig.4-22.

HulI hogged by wave rest amidships Hull sagged by wave trough amidships

Flg . J -2 ! ginr 1lld sgjnc

H ullt wist ing

Fig.4.22 Twisting(torsinalmomnt)

0 86 A G u i d e to S hip Ha ndling
4.2 Ship Handling in Hrad and Bow Seas

Compounding the above' ship speed is rdud due to addedfesistan fuom wind and waves.
This phnomrnon is spially likely in had and bow sas.
A ship's pithing responsr to an wav is dtrmind by th ave's nountr length rlativ to the
ship lngth' as well as the period of nountrr:

. Th ship's pitching motion is lss signifiant whrn wavlngth is shortr than ship lngth baus th
influen wav is small. Pithing is rstraind;th bottom of th bow dos not mrrg from th wa-
t and th bow dos not dip sverly nough to tak grn watr. (Fig.a-23)
o Whn wavlngth is longr than ship lngth, th ship piths and havs asily following th fore and
aft wav profil. (Fig.a-2a)
Whn wavelngth is qual to ship lngth pithing motion is at its most intns. Having of th ship
on a rst and plunging of th bow into th nxt wav will alrat.Flutuations of Watr lvls r1-
ativ to wavs at th bow and strn gow grat lading to phenomna suh as propellr racing,
shipping watr and slamming. (Fig.a-25)

Fig.4.23 Pithing motion when enountrwavlngthis shortrthan ship length

Fig.4.24 Pithing motion whn nountrwavlngthis longr than ship lngth

Fig.4-25 Pithing motion whn enountrwavlengthis equl t ship tength

A Guide to ship andling l

Eftfil!f, ShipHandlingin Wavs

Fig.4-26 shows th alulatd flutuations of

watr lvl rlativ to Wavrs at th bow.
From th rgur,it is known that th flutuat-

ing watr lvl at th bw attains its gratSt Draft at bow

lvl whn wavlngth is qual to ship lngth; Freeboardat bow

shipping ofwatr an our bausth rla-
tiv watr lvl xds th bow frboard;

slamming an our whn th rlativ watr
lvl drops far nough blow for.warddraft to
xpos th bottom plats at th bow. 1.0 2.5
/ Ship length

Fig.4-26 Flutuatil-lstli 1attr l'u'atrlv1 at bw

Propllr Raing and Rdution f Ship Spd

Whnvr a ship is pithing and having havily at th bow, similar having motion is gnratdat
th strn.As th rlativ motion btwn watr lvl and th strn strn lifts out of th
watr and posrs part ofth propllr, ausing it to ra. This grat and abrupt dution ofpropl-
lr load rsults in a suddn inras in propllr rvolutions,gnratingintns r.ibration.Known as
propllr raing, this phnmnonan damag th propllr' th propl1rshait and th main ngin'
Aordingly, whn a ship in ballast is navigating had and bow sas in still rr'atrs.aft draft should b
dpnd so that th ratio of propllr immrsion to propllr diamtr may b kpt at 20 prnt or
mor. (Fig.4-27)

lmmersed depth of propellerrupper tip ratio

d/D > o.2(2)
IlD > o.7(7o")
I : propeller immersion D: propeller diameter Fig.A-27
R1uidratio of popllr immrsion to pr.lpllrdiamrtr

0B8 A Guide to Ship Hnd|ing

4.2 Ship Handling in Had and Bow Sas

Plas also not that nominal sped will b rdud du to addd resistan, Idud propulsiv
iny and inrasd proprller load. Fig.4-28 shows th nominal spd rdution in igu1ar
Whrn a 250-m-lng ontainr ship hads into a saway. Th figur maks it lar that th dgr
nominal spd rdution inrass signifiantly whn wav hight ds 6 mtrs.



Nominal seed rdution in had sas
Wave height 1m; (full-1oaded ontainr ship)

Whn th main ngin is subjt to xssiv torqu brought about by addd rsistan to th hull, th
rsult an b what is known as a torque rih ondition, whih an lad to ngin troubl ausd
ovrhating,or in abnormal nsumption of ful oil. In suh an vnt, ship spd must b rdud.

Shir headig t high waves

A Guide to ship ndIing |(

!@[s@ ShipHandlinginWavs

Shipping Water Forward

Shipping watr rfrs to grn watr swping down th upper dks byond th forastl bulwark.
Th impat for of grn Watr an ausr svr damag. oasionally, dk mahinry dk argo
and hath ovIS ar damagd.Hath ovr damag may allow watr to ntr into th holds.
Th impat for of shipping watr has two ffts: dirt dynami prssur ratd by th shippd
grn watr; and impat for ausd by th swp of grn watr against dk mahinry and othr
applians. Dynami prssrrr ratd by shippd grrn Watr pounding onto th dk can rah ap-
proimatly twi the stati prssur quivalnt to hight of shippd grn watr abov dk. Th dy-
nami strss of shippd grrn Watr swping vr th dks is prportional to th squar f ship
spd; impat for is similar t that ausd by grn watr pounding th dk.

Fig.4-29 shows th rsults f a tank tst on

shipping watr. Assumd ar an afual ship of
78.5-m lngth and rgular rvavsof3-m hight
(orrspondingto Baufort sale ). Th ex-
primnts wr xutd in ombinatin with
various ship spds, wav nountr angls and
ratios of wavlngth to ship lrngth.
From th figr, it is found that shipping watr
-30" inrass whn ship lngth is qual to wavr-
lngth in had sas, and that th frquny of
shipping Watr may b drasd by rduing
spd andlor alting ours.
Fig.4-29 Frquny of shipping watr in regular wavs

As shwn in Fig.4-30, oan Wavs an b sn aS a suplpo-

sition of many, simpl, regll|at harmoni wav omponnts,
ah with its own amplitud, lngth or frquny and dir-
tion ofpropagation.
Th intration of ths omponnts an lad to irrgulari.
Ndlss to say, it is important to invstigat shipping watr
phnmnon in irrgular Wavs.

onpt of irgular wav

090 A Guide to ship nd|ing

4.2 Ship HandIing in Had and Bow Sas

Fig.4-3l shows th rsult of shipping watr

tsts.Assumd ar a ship of 78.5-m lngth
and irrgular Wavs. From th figur, it an '
b sen that the frquny of shipping watr
inrass proportionally with an inras in
ship sped and dreass as th nountr
wav angl (masurdfrom th bow) inrass.

Whn onsidring shipping watrr phnomn- Fig.4-31

Frqueny of shipping watr in iregular wavs
on in had and bow seas, first hek th
Baufort sal numb whih rlats to th
hight of orrsponding wavs, to alulat
th frquny of shipping Watr' as shown in 'F .; u .i...
1-a .;.
9.'..lo ltit..lz
Tabl 4.1. (h Baufort sal will b x-
plaind in Chaptr 5.) Nxt, using probability .lo.' .o+ 5'5,
H"i;fr!*, ;i.. s.ol.i:l.
thory a ritial oprration diagram for th o-
un of shipping watr an b obtaind. Tabl 4-1 Baufortsaland wavhight

Fig.4-2 and Fig.4.33 show ritial opration diagrams for th ournr of shipping watr for a full-
loadd ontainr ship of40,000 goss tons. Ship spds ar drawn in onntri irls and enountr
wav angls in radial lines. Critial lines orrsponding to th Baufort sal (wav hight) ar shown
as olord urvs.

Containership Containership
ofshiingWater FruenryofshiingWater
1,1lqu =10times/hour =5times/hour
Ev j^

lU t
. ln


12 ..

5'o lo 15 20 25 (knots)
Fig.4-32 Fig.4-33
Critial oprationdiagram for th urrnf Critil perationdigmfor th ouneof
shippingwateron a ontainrship (l0 times/hour) shippingwatrn a ntainership (5 times/hour)

A Gide to shi ndIing I

EEE Shi Hndlingin Wavs

Ths figus show that a ontainr ship hading into a seaway with Baufort sal 10 wavs will ship
watr l0 tims pr hour at a vssl speed of 19 knots (F'ig.4-32),and that th frquny of shipping wa-
tr an b ut in half i.. to 5 tims pr hour, if ship spd is dud to l7 knots. (F.ig.a-33)
By th sam tokn, a full-loadd orr arrir of l10,000 gross tons hading into a saway of Baufort
sale 5 an rdu th frqun of shipping watr by half, from l0 tims pr hour to 5 timrs pr hour,
if ship sped is rdud from l3.5 knots to l2.5 knots. (Fig.a-3a' F'ig.4-35)

ore arrier ore arrier

. Frequenyofshipdngwder Frequenryofshiing war
TQuo =10times/hour =5 times/hour

- etL ()
-- \ lo "2


3.0 6.0 9.0 12 J5(knots) J5(knots)

Fig.4-34 Fig.4-35
Critial opration diagram for the urrne of Critil opration diagram fo the ourene of
shipping watr on n ore rri (10 times/hour) shipping watr on an or arir (5 tims/hour)

Th ourrn of shipping watr as it r.

lats to ship p and spd is summard
Frcquencyofshipingwater Bf.5
in Tabl 4-2. It is shown that a rdution
10 times/lrour 12 knots
of spd will onsidrably lssn shipping
5 times/hou] 11 kots
watrr. *Bf =
Beaufort sa|e
Ship typs and speedsfor th ournof shipping water

Whn a ship prods at a rlafivly high spd in had sas, slamming may orrr. Slamming may b
lassifid into th following thr typs:

. ottom sImming ours whn, due

to havy bow motion rlativ to Wavs,
th forward part of a ship's bottom
mrgs from the Water and thn slams
down havily into the rising watrr of th
nxt onoming wav. (Fig.4-3)
Fig.4-3 Bottomslamming

092 | A Guide to Ship Hdling

4.2 Ship Handlirrg in Had and Bow Sas

. BoW flare slamming ours tn

a Iargeflard ship Whn a high rlativ spdxists btwn
lvl and th flar. (F.ig.4-37)

Fig.l- Bw flr slamrning

Phoios Urtesy of A o' Ltd'

. Breaking Wave impat is

ausd by th build-u
of braking wavs rsulting from a suprposition of
bw wavs and had sas. Larg, fat ships arr sus.
ptibl to this phnomnon.(Fig.a-3s)

Fig.4-38 BrakingWatr(WaV)

Hal slamming will not only damag th ship's bo forward

bottom plating and bow flar, but th
argo as well. Immdiatly aftr slamming, high-frquny
vibratory strssS,alld whipping, will
tak pla lswhr in th hull, ausing damag to th hull
and various applians.
Furthrmor' as th frquny of slamming inrass, raks
an dvlop in th hull strutur and mt-
al fatigue, ausd by rpatdstrsssand strains, oasionally
rsults in fbta1hull ollas.

A Guide to ship ndling ] 0s

zl.2 Ship Handling in Had and Bow Sas

E!!s[l ShipHandlingin waves

Fig.4-39 shows modl xprimnts oncming a

78.5-mJong vssl xpriningslamming.
Th following impor1ant findings have bn ob-

. Appropriat rdution of spd is fftiv rn ()

rduing slamming.
. Altring ours to hang nountr angl is

also fftiv in rduing slamming.

. A ship in light ondition with trim-by-th-strn
is mr susptibl to slamming ompard to a
ship in full-load ondition.
. Slamming is likly whn th ship is los to
rrsonant pithing in had wavs slightly lngr
Fqun1-of slamming on a oastal ship
than its own lngth. in light ndition

Car should b takn whn rduing spd or

hanging ours as ths masuls may have ship
Co ntainer
onsrqunrs with rgard to paramtri rolling, Fre q ue nyof slamming
=2 time s/hour
synhronous rolling or ours ontrol. 6
Fig.4-40 shows a ritial opration diagram for -,
slamming on a full-loadd containr ship of


40'000 gross tons. Th figur shows that a on- 1n

tain ship hading int a saway of Baufort 11
sal 10 (avragwav hight 9 mtrs) will suf- 1)
fr slamming 2 tims pr hour if th ship is mak-
ing 13 knots. (Whn ours is altrd to 45 d-
5.0 l0 15 20 25(knots)
grs starboard or port' th ship an mak 19
Citial opratindiagram for th ourrenof
oun of slamming rlativ to ship p and slamming n a ontainrship (2 tims/hour)
sdis xamindin Table 4-3.

In this hapt you hav bn shown many tabls and diagrams for aviding navigational risks in
hal sas and found ths rfrnsto b :: .:..:.j.:|:.|::::|.::I:::.:::
...;.;;;i;:.;;ntn*:.:':o. .l
simpl and onvnint mrasurs. Morovr,
rfrn data ate now availabl for naviga-
tinal risk phnomna as thy rlat to ship 5 times/hour
typs and onditions.It is hopd that you ar 2times/hour
*Bf= Beufotsa|e
nouragd to ahiv sf nvigation in
hal sas by using ths rfrn data. Ship typs and spds for th ocurn of slamming

094 A Guide to ship nd|ing

.;*,**q* @

trIg fr Saf Navigation in

xtratrpial axld
ropial Clns (Strms)





r, 1
: 1,,,
, -::
tt "r&t


r n rt
.,_: :


y6lg! for Saf Navigation in

Tfpial Clons (Storms)

Beaufort Sal (Prliminary Guidan)

Th Baufor1 sal is an mpirial mrasur dsribing wind intnsity basd mainly on obsrvd sa on-
ditions. It is usd by ountlss wathr stations and safarrs.A dfinition ofth Baufrt sal is shown
in Tabl 5-l, whil Fig.5-1 provids a visual imprssionof th sa statsrlativto th Baufor1sal.

Beauforl Wind speed (mls) Probablemean Sea ondition

nuber Waveheight(

0 0-0.2 Calm 0 aI m (GI assy)

1 0.-1.5 Lightair 0.1 Ripple withoutcrests

Z 1.6- .3 Lightbreeze 0.2 Sma|IwaveIets'rests of gIassyappearane

a .4-5.4 Gentlebreeze u.o Large wavelets.Crests begins to break

4 5.5-7.9 Moderatebreeze S mall wave s,be cominglong e r

5 8.0-10.7 Freshbreeze Z waves, takinga more pronouncedlong form


o 10.8- 13.8 Strongbreez Large waves with foam nd sray

1.9- 17.1 Neargale 4 Sea heaps up and foam begins to streak

Moderatehigh waves with breakingcrests forming

I 17.2- 20.7 Gale b.5 spindrift.Streaks of foam
High waves Withdense fom.
20.8-24.4 Stronggale 7 Wave crests startto roll over.

10 24.5-28.4 Storm I Very high waves with |ongoverhangingrests

'11 28.5-t2.6 Violentstorm 11.5 xeptionaIlyhigh Waves:VisibiIityaffeted

The air is filledwith foam and sDrav:

12 2.7ove( Hurriane 1 4+ VisibiIity

TabI 5-1 Baut.t


096 A Guide to Ship llandling

Fig.5.1 sa statvs baufortsal
Photosourtesyd{Japan t\4eteoroIogi|

A Guide to ship ndlins 097

Fig.5.1. . Sa statr,sbufortsal
Photosourtesyof.Jaan eteo'olgial

)98 A Guide to $hip Handlins

5.1 Metorologial Phnomna ln WzrtrsNeighoring Jaan

Formation and Dvlopmntof tratrpial Cylons and Typhoons

1. Formation and deveIopment of extratropiaI yclones in waters neighboring Japan

Th formation and dvlopmnt of tratropial ylons ar gratly affetd by air masss in watrs
nighboring Japan. Whn a\ area of high atmosphri prssur rmains ovr a ontinnt or th oan
for an xtndd priod of tim' a larg homognous air onntration may build up. This is alld
an air mass. Thr ar two major air masss affting mtorologial onditions in watrs nighbor-
ing Japan: on is th Sibrian Air Mass, a old air mass; and th othr is th ogasawara Q.{orthPaif-
i) Air ass, a warm air mass. Dpnding on th sason,thr okhotsk Air ass and th Yangtz-Riv-
r Air Mass will also influn mtorologial onditions in watrs nighbring Japan (Fig.5-2).

Fig.S-2 Air masssarundJaan

A Guide to ship ndIing


The formation and dvlopmnt of xtratropial ylons ar xplaind as follows: Wlin two air
massrs with physially diffrnt haratristis omr into ontat with ah othr, fronts are formd
in th boundary zon btwn th two ai masss.

Whn th old air mass is larg it movrs Whn warm air prdominats, th warm
towards th warm air mass' th old air air movs towards th old ai mass and
moving th frontal boundary forward and pushs th front forwrd with th lightr
raising th lightr warm air. A front warm air rping up th frontal boundary
formd in this mannr is alld a of th old air mass. A front formd in this
front" (Fig.5-3). mannr is alld a,,warmfront'' (F.ig.5-4).

cB: umuIonimbus NS: nimbostratus

An tratropial ylon frms whrr ths fronts met. Whn a southm warm air mass movs north-
ward and a northrn old air mass movs southward, an updraft is ratd by th ontat btwn th
two air masss(Fig.5-5).

100 A Guide to Ship Handling

5.1 Mtorologial Phnomena in Watrs Neighboing Japan

As shown in F'ig.S-, this forms the countr-lokwis spiral flow of ai that an dvrlop into an xtra-
tropica| cclone.

AC = Statiory surfa boundary

or front

srn|. wave developing at B

AB = Cold front
BC = Warm front

Formation of fronts in Northm hemispher

Th largr th diffren il tmprn btwn th two onverging masss' the gratr the potntial
strngth ofth xtratropial yln. For th rson' strong xtratropial ylons ar mor frqunt
in wintr than in summr.
tratopial ylons in th Northm hmisphr gnrally mov nrthastward at an approximat
spd of 40 km,/hor daily l0 dgrs of longid. Approximat maximum wind spd may b alu-
latd using th following formula:
V 1mls1= $y'1ffi-p speed(m/s)
P: atmospheriminimumpressure(hPa)

tratropial ylones may b lassifid into th following two lasss:

. Wind rain lass: ore atrnosphriprssr is l,000 hPa or less rd maximum wind sped is 15 m/s
or grater.
Stomy wind and rain lass: or atmosri prssur is 980 hPa or lss and maximum wind spd
is 25 m/s or gratr.

A dvloping xtratropial ylone is haratrizd by th following indiafions:

or atmosphri prssur falls blow l,000 hPa
. rat ofdailyprrssrrr drascds 10 hPa
. moving vloity xds 50 km/h

A Guido to ship and|ing 10

E!!!@ Meteorlogy for Sf Navigatin in tratropial and Trpial Cylons (Storms)

2. Suffae and upper air weather chafts

Th wll-known surfa wathr harts ar usd t
find th loatin and strngth oflow and high prs-
sur systms as wll as Warn' old and stationary
fronts. Th highs and lows an b loatd with H
and l smbls on th map. Isolins rprsnt th
isobars of surfa atmosphriprssrrrr (Fig.5-7).

H: ighpressurel.: Lowpressure
Fig.5.7 Surfae wathrhart

To undrstand mtorologial phnomena ausd by xtratropial ylons, it is nssary to grasp

th th-dimnsional strufurrs of atmosphi air movmnt within th troposphr,th lowst r-
gion of th atmosphr,whih xtnds from thr plant's surfa to a hight of about |2 k{fi. Uppr ir
wathr harts ar produd for th portion of th atmosphr abov th lowr trposphr;prssurr
surfa hight, air tmpraturand wind spd ar plottd on thes isobari maps. Thy ar lassifid
into th following lvls of th atmsphr(S Fig.5-8):

300 hP

500 hPa
(5,500m) *,.

Judgementof rain ara

Fig.5.8 Upper air hatsvs. altituds

1O2 | A Guide to Ship Handling

5.1 Mtrlogial Phnomna in Wat Nigh.g r"n

Th har1s rprrsnt hight ontours

(lins onnting all points on th sur-
fa having th sam altitud) as solid
lins; and isothrms (lins onnting
all points having th sam tmpra-
tur) as dottd lins (Fig.5-9 and
300 hPa harts may hav
whih ar lins onnting all poits
having qual wind spd. Ships mainly
onm thmslvs with 500 hPa up-
pr air harts rprsrnting wathr
onditions in th mid-troposphr;half
th mass of th atmosphrlis blow
this lvl. Sin many wathr systrms ii5580

follow the wind flow at this lvl, this Fig.5.9 Uprajhas(500hPa;

lvl is oftn nsidrd to symboliz Solid lin e:
Isobarisurface/ Height(m)
th stringlvl f ths systms. Dotted line; emperature
lsotherms(500/700/850hPa chart) -37.5
Isotaches(300 hP) r . : . , .,... . . .4;0.' .
;;Dq' point.deression
W, Core of warm air
C: Core of o|dair
.{iAirtmp- DeWpointtem}



i' ..,^ ._- - __- _- ff*l
-,+.s 'i'
!,z N-,+.

ourtesy of Japan eteoro|ogialAgeny Fig.S. l0 Uppair hafis(500hPa:isobaisufa and isorms)

A Guide to ship ndling ]

E NiIetorlog1.for
Sal Nal,igation in tratrpial and ropial 1,lns(Strms)

As shown in F.ig.5.1l,tratropialylonstnd to dvlopin front of an uppr.lvltrough.

Whn th uppr-lvl trough dpns rlativ to th prvious day, th low on th surfa will
Attntion should also b givn to th movmntof uppr-lvlisothrms,bausth flow of old air
towards th south may aus tratropial ylons to dvlop ampanid with gusting winds.
Partiular ar should b paid to th movmnts of isothflns on 500 hPa uppr-ai harts at -30. and
-36"C in wint and at -24" in spring and utumn(Fig.5-12).
It is hopd that navigatorswill rnak optimum us of uppr-airhar1sin ombination with surfa

Fig.5-11 tJp-lr.l
liit's.lotvn sul. Fig. 5-12 D r'. lop l ltt
I . tlttlp ial
a tl Lr111l ld ai inlLr

3. yphoons

Lows formd in a tropial zone are alld tropial dprssions.In Japan' a tropial dprssionwith a
maximum wind spdof 11.2 m/s or mor is alld a phoon (Fig.s-l3).

Photos ourtesyof Japan MeteoroIogica|


l uloe to ship nd|ing

.5.l torologill Phrnain Watrs l^on

Fig.5-l4 shows aras of typhoon for-

mation. Th most typhoons form in th
astffl sra ara off th Philippin Is-
As shown in Fig.S-l5, typhoons gnr.
ally follow on of two paths: som
mov nofthwstrly aftr birth; whil
othrs vr to th right along th wst-
rn fring of th North Paifi oan
High, thn mov nofihastrly undr
th impat of th Wstrlis.Th path
of th lattr typ is largly dpndnt
Frequentregion S--A
Most frequentregion
on th strngthof th Wstrlis and th
Fig.5.14 Araso1.tphlnfomation
North Paifi oan High.
Most typhoons tnd to advan toward
th right, along 500 hPa uppr-air har1
ontours 5,820 m to 5,860 m for th
Nor1h Paifi oan High. Points of
vr tnd to orrspond to th hight
ridgs for th Nor1h Paifi High x-
tnding ast to wst on th sam air

Fig.5-15 Pathsf typhtlons


F ig.5- 16 d r. ani g us anll-ul\, il1tl

poi r litphon

A G i d e to Sh i p Han d I i n g 105
@N It r l r t l l gyfr S 1 N a v i g t i n i n tr a t r p i alandTr pial1,l ns(St r ms)

Typial tratropial Cylons Dvlopingin Watrs Neighboring Japan

In watrs nighboring Japan, many tratropi-

a| lo ns o mfo m autumnto spr ing.nd
.:; oasionallygrow to typhoon-strngth
A s sho w n in ig.5-l7, thy ar atgo r iz d
into th following thr pattrnsbasd on ori-
gin and path:

East China Sea Lows

Japan Sea Lows
Twin Lows
oUrtesyof Japan |\,4eteoroIogiaI

; Birthple
, Paths of Iows


Citirta Si

!.ig.S-17 |rlllhst Lrr's

106 ] A G u i d e to ship nd| ing

5.l MtorlogiirIPhnmn i Wters Nighboig Japtrn

E st C hin S e a L ow s
Th ast hina Sa Lows originatin th ast hina Sa or nar aiivan whn th rigid wintr atmos-
phri pattm of high prssurrin th wst and lori'plssur rn th ast abatsin th sasonfrom wintr
to arl spring. Baus a ontinrntal high trrdsto th southast.a rominnttrough is formd and
frontal wav stimulatd.Du to th abor'.th lolr' dr.lsraidlr and porr'fullywhil proeding
along th southmoast of th Japansarhiplao'Piularh. tlr lorrs srr'llsignifiantlyaompa-
nid by vry har, sas as thy prod northasn\-ard
alng th southnoast of Japan at a spd
ranging50 km/h to 80 km/h.ig.5- 1ll sho s th dr 1pinntsqunof an ast hina Sa Low.
Th dvlopmntof th norlolts.

Courtesy of Japan MeteorologicalAgeny

Fig.S-18 astChiaSaLws

A G i d e to Sh i p Hn d |i n g
E!fi Metorlgvfr Sf {avigatinin xtrtrpial and ril yines(Strms)

Japan Sea Lows

Th Japan Sa Lows originat in th sam sasonand rrndrth sam atmosphrionditions as th ast
hina Sa Lows, i.. btwn wintr and arly spring in onditions of high prrssur in th wst and low
prrssurr in th ast.Th Japan Sa Lows will dvlop rapidly as prominnttroughs ar formd in th Japan
Sa whn the winter atrnosphriprssrrrepattm abats.Southrly winds blow towards th low and most
arasof Japan ar ovrd with warm air (Fig.S-l9). If a high is prsntto th south of th Japansoast,
will ris, ausing Stronggusts with vry high sas.This phnomnonis known as
th vmal storm. Howv th supply of warm air is tmporary and tmpraturdrops abrutly on th
wintr atrnosphripattmaompanidby th old nor1hwind rfums in th wak of th passingold front.

ourtesy of Japan MeteoroIogialAgeny

Fig.S-19 JapanSLrvs

1 0B 1 A G u i d e to s hi and|ing
5. 1 Mtorologial Phnomna in Wats Nighboling Japan

Twin Lows
Th Twin Lows appar in th sason from Novmbr to Marh' onr in th north, and th othr in th
south ofth Japansearhiplago (Fig.5-20). Aftr prodihg to th ast sid by sid, thy dvlop fr-
thr and ar joind to on low off th Sanriku oast. A Strong monsoon narly quivalnt to a typhoon
will follow behind this low aompanid1'r.ery high sas.

ourtesy of Japan eteoroIogia|geny

Fig.5-20 TwinLows

A Guide to ship }|

Efi[@@ Mtorolgyfor Saf Navigationin tratroil and Trpial Cylons(Storms)

A. nother |oWis generated B. Another low is generated C. wo indendent

on the oc|udedfront. topographialIy. proeeding

Th typial wintr atmosphri prssur onfiguration of high prssur in th wst and low prssur in
th ast apprars fom Novmbr to arh'
Whn a ontinntal high xtnds to ovr Japan and a dvlopd low xists in th northast ara offJa-
pan, th wintr monsoon grows strongr and blows long.
Th wintr monsoon blows strong baus th prssur gradint boms sharpr whn th high in th
wst and th low in th ast dvlop simultanously(Fig.5-21).

Courtesyof Japan MeteoroIogialAgency

Fig.5.21 Wintr atmspheripessue


1 10 A G u i d e to S hip Handling
5.1 Mtoroiogial Phenomrna in Watrs Nighboing Japan

High-wavezone (off Nojima Saki)

In th sa }rarast of Japan (off Noji-
ma Saki), marin asualtis ar frrqunt
du to high Wavs ausd by th wintr
monsoon, whih prvails in vast sa
arcaand an last a long tim.
As th suthm tip of th upp old ai
passs ovr this sa ara (S Fig.5-22.1,
th fuulnt air flow arrsrd by onv-
tion urrnts boms prdominant du
t th larg diffrn in tmprafur
btwn th warm sa surfa in th
Fig.5.22 Southrn of upperold air
Kuroshio Currnt and th old air of th
uppr lar. This will furthrr inras
wave height.
As shown in Fig.5.23, this high-wav
ara xtnds 0 to 37 dgres north in
latitud and 140 to 160 dgrs ast in
longitud. oasionally, this high-wav
arra apprars in th southwst quadrant
at a onsidrabl distan from th n-
tr of a low (Fig.5-24).
his fat indiats that, to dtt a
high-wav ara, th movmnt of up-
pr-layr old ai should b hkd on
th isothrms of th 500 hPa uppr-air
Fig.5-23 High-wav zon in the sea areaeastof Japan

Fig.5.24 High-wav strin th southwstquadrantof a low

A Guide to ship ndIing 1.|1


Mtorologial lnformation
Whn navigating undr thatof a tropial dprssion or typhoon' a ship must ollt information from
mtrologial' organizations and thn utiliz ths data. A rough mthod of dtting th rntr of a
strm is known as Buys Ballot's Law: stand with your bak to th wind; th ntr of low prssur will
b from 15 to 30 dgrs for.wardfrom your lft hand (Fig.5-31) in th Northm hmisphr, and on
your right hand in th Southrn hmisphr. This law is als appliabl to xtratrpial ylons.
It is nssary to knor th rlativ position ofth ship to th targt tropial dprssion or typhoon to
minimiz its ffts.Whn a phoon is moving northward and obsrvd wind dirtion on board han-
gs to lokwis, th ship is in th right-hand smiirl. If th wind dirtion hanges to ountr-
lokwis, th ship is in th lft-handsmiirl of a phoon (Fig.5.25 and Fig.5-26).

Fig.5-25 Wind dirtion of typhoon (in thforwa.lpart; Fig.5-26 hang f wind dirtion

Th rat of hang in wind dirtion boms

greater whn th distan btwn th ship and
th ntrr of th typhoon is smallr. onvrsly,
its rate of change beoms smailr whn thr dis-
tan btwn th ship and th ntr of phoon
grows largr.A iarg rat of hang in wind dir-
tin also fortlls abrupt and drasti dirtional
hang in wind dirtion (Fig.5.27).
With fw xptions, most ports and harbors
along th southrn oast of lan are xposd t
dangr du to strong winds blowing towards th
shor whn a typhoon, dirting northly or Fig.5.27 Rt of winl lirtinhang
northastrly,is passing to th wst of port.

112 A Guide to ship and|ing

5. 1 \r .' 1 .1 ; ' ...1 r i r i ...1 \l .r tr l r tT )l r h u otl : r

Avoiding Tropial Storms (Typhons)

1. Dangerous and navigable semicirles

h right-handsmiirl to th path of a nphr-r(iarng th ditiontorradrr'hihth -phoonis

moving) is known as th dan-sroussmiirl:h.u.ind spediIrrassbartselr-rnddiretionand
ditionof typhoonmovlnntaI th satn.and th ship rnay b blo.nto.ardsth IltIof tli y-
phoon (Fig.5-28).Whn a r-vphoonis loatdin th southrnoan,at a distanfrom Japan.its stotm
arahas a irular form. As th phon approahswatrsnighboringJapan,th stonn arapands
signifiantly,and tndsto xpandprominntlyin th astrnsmiirl.Strongwinds and high wavs
ar formd in th typhoon's southastquadrant.
Fig.5-30 shows that th high-wav ara prvails in th southastrnqtradrant.Th lft-hand smiirl
t th path of a typhoon is alld th navigabl smiirl baus wind drassdu to th forward
motion of th tphoon (advrs to wind dirtion), and th wind blows th ship away from th ty-
phoon path (S Fig.5-29).ven thoughit is alld th navigablsmiirl,it nvrthlssaompa-
nis th Stormara, and suffiint a should b takn.


F ig.5.29 Nviglrbl



Fig.5-30 Wind
oan rl ar Buys Ballot Law
lrart f tyhon NorthernHemisohere Fig.5-31

A G u i d e to sh i p an d |i n l l
5'2 Ariding l. op irlS tm. t holl. l


2. General ruIes for avoiding tropiaI storms (typhoons)

Th gnral ruls for avoiding tropial ylons or tphoons ar as follows:

(As phoons ar mainly disussd in this hapte th following ru1s apply only to ships in th Nofthm hmisphr.)

(a) If th wind hangsto lokwis, th ship must b in th dangroussmiirl. If possibl, th

ship should pla th wind on th starboard bow (45" rlativ), hold ours and mak as muh
Way as possibl to gt out ofth dangrouszon.
(b) If th wind baks th ship, th ship is in th navigabl smiirl. The ship should pla th wind
on th starboardqurter 1135"rlativ).hold ours and mak as muh way as possibl. (This
mthod of avoidanis alld sudding.)
() If th wind rmains steady or narly steady in trms of dirtion, th ship should b in th path of
th phoon, ahad of th stotm'S rntrr. In this as, th mastr should did in advan whth-
r th ship is abl to rntrr thr navigabl ara ofth typhoon safly or not. Ifthis ation is dmd
pratiabl,th ship should pla th wind 2 points on th starboardquaftr(about 160.rlativ),
hold ours and mak as muh Way as possibl. When wll within th navigabl srmiirl,
sudding is rommndd.
(d) If th ship is in th ntr, or nar th cntr of th tphoon' th ship should hav-to with th
wind on th starboardbow.

Heave-to: When the Weather beomes so violent in

the open sea that ontinued navigationWi|||ead to
diffiu|tyor danger, the ship an heave-to (i.e.lie with
the wind on the strboardbow and run ahead at the
minimum possible speed for mintaining steerage
wy)' he methd by whih engines are stopped and
the ship is allowed to driftis known as Iying-to.

F.ig.5-32shows th mthods for avoiding typhoons

in th Nor1hm hmisphr; alphabtial symbols
in th figur otspondwith thos abov.

Fig.5-32 Hw to voidtyhon

Today, th torologial Agny provids ships

with information on oani mtorologial onditions' Suh as surfa wrathr har1s, uppr-air
harts, oan wav harts, photographs from wathr satllits' and so on. A1l ar asy to obtain'
It should b notd that muh of th data from on-board wathr obsrvations ar inotporatd in th
Mtorologial Agny's Wrathr rpofis. Thrfor, for th pulposr of providing ships with moI a-
urat infotmation on oani mtorologial onditions, wathr obsrvations and rprts will ontin-
u to b of vital impor1an.Safarrs ar rquird not only to dvlop thir mtorologial knowl-
dg' but also to sk to realrizesaf ship oprations by making pratial us ofthis knowledg.

1 14 A Gui d e t o s h i n d | i n g
: '
Is .,' .le',
*-a, a
i,r : r * -.1 .

a ,"-
-: *1 ..!:
g '1 s' :
!ftfisfit Handlingf Spial-Purpos

In th past, ship manuvrabili was prssd in trms of results gland from furning tests, suh as
tactica| diamtr and advan' With th dvlopmnt of larg-sizd ships with larg blok offrints,
howv it has bn rognizd that full Sptrum of manuvring haratristis annot b prssd
by turning fators alon, but that othr fators, suh as initial turning ability and yaw-hking/
ours-kping abilitis, should also b takn into onsidration. Th above manuvring masurs
wr xplaind in gnral in Chaptrl; thir pratial appliation will b xplaind in this srtion.
A shmatidiagamof th 10"/10" zigzag tst and rlatdfatorsar desribdhig.|-22, Chaptrl.
Initial fuming ability is rlatd to tim to sond exutr, t; ours-kping ability to tim to hk
yaw, ts; and yaw-hking and ours-kping abilitis to ovrshoot angls ar, and z.
Tabl -1 and Fig.6.4 - Fig.6-6 show th omparisns of 10./10. ztgzag tst for a 278'000-DWT
VLC undr varius onditions and for a ontainr ship in full-load ondition. In th tabl, tatial
diamtr is shown as a multipl of ship lngth, L.

Table -1 Rsultszigzagl0"/10. tst

'o1t}fl"" 278,x}DWvL@20m(ls.zs)
l+^ Full load BaIlast FuII lod FuII load
H/d=oo Id= }Vd=1.5 ld=o

ime to seond
68 ,f, 117
.':l:lllll::...'. .
ime to hek 115 18it . ']ll::':.iiliil,.
yw, ts, (se) r:]:]::i9il]t,,l
First overshoot
.;..;;].) ,::tt,.:l:.:'i::lLl:l:
14 l:l:r:::l.i!:i::,. 1 2
TticaI dimeter, Q '::::rrlrr,lr.::. -:r:::413'..
e''^ ",,'ll2:8::, 4.5
TD (multiple of L)
6.1 aneuvrabilityof vrry Larg Ships

Frm th abov tabl and figurs, it

is known that:
. VLCs have poor initial tuming
and oursr-kping abilitis, but
has good fuming ability' rlativ to
800 (se)
ontainr ships.
.Tuning ability ad manuving
abilitis dtriorat in fullload on-
dition rlativ to ballast ondition.
. Manruvring abilitis dtriorat
0 200 400 600 (secl in shallow watr onditions (first
Fig..4 ovrshoot angl ptd).
of 10"/10.
zigzagtstbetwn shrp(full-load
\|Lndontainr ndition) Th ontol of a vry larg ship
will also bom inrasingly dif-
- 0
fiult whn th trning rat has
0 bn fully dvlopd using a larg
amount of ruddr dfltin. It is
important to ontrol th ship's
turning rat by putting ovr th
800 (se)
ruddr gradually.

- Headingangle
- Rudderang|

of 10"/10"
VL in full-lod
ndin ballastonditrons


-1 0

f 10.l1,0.zigzagtstbtweenin dpWatersandin shallowwates

A Guide to ship nd|ing

| 119
E[@@ SIlips
Hndlingf Spial-Prrrps

Nerv ours Distanand Collision AvidanAtion

In rspetto nw ours-kpingmaneuvring,ollision avoidanis sirnulatdundr

various onditions for two full-loadd 280'000.DW tnkrsmaking 15.7 knots and
mting on ripoal ourss'Appling rquisit bridg-to-bridgdistans,th r-
sults ar summarizd in th following figurs:

.,-.t l


280'000-DW Tankers
Speed't5.7 kts
H/d: oo


-400 I

I i|e(132s)
1 .0N a u t i a m
-800 L
400 800 1200 1600 (m)

F ig.6- 7 Kin g on sh i1llc t h tli. lls stOitOt l tl ah (l ,,\)

1 2 A G u i d e t o S hip Hnd|ing
As shown in Fig.6-8, sufifiint ar should b taken for initial evasiv distan whn navigating in
shallow watrs, suh as th Malaa Strait.




l i l e s(186se)
1 .6 N a u ti am


Speed 15.7 kts


.8 Nautia|mi|es(214se)
t. _ -'-.)4'..*
I2o0 1600 2o0o


Fig..8 Keping on ship length of losstpint of apprah(CA) with hard ovr hlm by own ship

A Guide to shi andIins
!ft[s@ Handlingof Seial-Purpos

Fig.6-9 shows a simulatd rsult whn passing ah othr by kping on nautial mil of losst point
oaproahin opn s.
ah vasiv ours-hanging angl has hangd to 20" to starboard with using 10. ruddr to starboard
whiI ontollingth funingrat.
ah should tak th initial evasiv ation at th bridg-to-bridg distan of 3.8 nautial mils.


1000 280'000-DWnkers
Speed 15.7kts
H/d: oo



Fig.6.9 Kping one nautial mile of PA eah taking vasivours-hangingangl f 20 degres

6.1 Manuvability of Vr Larg Ships

Assuming that a ship is approahing its brth using a dlration manuvr' spd and distan ov-
rd ar dsribd in Fig.6.10 aftr th main ngin has bn stoppd and th ship is making 6 knots.
Approximat distan ovrd by th time ship sped is rdud to 2.5 knots, th ritial speed at
whih ruddr fftivnss is narly lost, (Kt)
an b obtaind from th diagram (2,800 m 6
5 )laement - 280'000ton
for a l60,000-ton tankr;and 4,000 m for a } s '** 160,000ton-
- 90.000ton

280,000-ton tankr). --o t
Tim rquird for spd rdution is also
shown as a funtion of displad wight and
distan run. (For xampl, a 160'000-to"
tankr rquires approximate| 22 minuts T0min-'
for its spd to dlrat t 2.5 knots; ' io min.''
whil a 280,000-ton tankr taks approxi-
1000 ' 20i00 3000 4000
matlv 30 minuts.) Distanerun (m)
Fig.-10 Dlrationdiagram

In aordan with th Standards for Saf-\Ianagmnt Systm (sMS), th following prautions ar

rquird during dlration manuvrs 'hn a ship is approahing a brth in harbor or an anhorag
outsid a harbor:

. Ship spd should b rdud gaduall. adjusting to th rmaining distan.

. Ship should not ovrshoot th targt dstination.
. Ship should b brought to a stop rr-ithdirtional ontrol bing kpt stabl.

It should b notd that hadway and dirtional onffol ar diffiult to maintain dring suh manuv.
ers, a ondition xarbatdby poor sting ability at low spd. Th spd redution shm shown
in Fig.3-34 in Chapter 3 may prov hlpful whn it oms dlrationmanuvrs.

Th movrmnt of vry larg ships annot b ontrolld using onvntional ship-handling thniqus
a1on.As suh, attntion should b paid to maintaining dirtional ontrol using vrifid numerial
data and radings from a yaw rat mtr.
Vry larg ships ar characteized as tuming ability, but trmly poor ours-kping and ini-
tial turning abilitis.''
It is hopd that you kp saf ship handling in mind, firmly grasping the abov-mntionrd manuvr-
ing haratristis ofvry larg ships.

A Guide to shi andlins 123

!ft!s@ Handlingf Spial-Purpose

Suh ships, typirdby Pur Car Carrirs or Car-frris, ar haratrizd as a spial dsign haratr-
izedb a high frboard, with a signifiant ara of th hull and suprstruturabov watr as compard
to th undrwatr hull.
This mans that wind has a signifiant impat on th hull and that th bow wav has a muh grratrr f-
ft on th larg flard bow.
Partiular attntion shuld b paid to typhoons or approahing low fronts, as thy an rsult in loss of
manuverability du to th ship bing bufftd by strong winds and wavs; dtrioration of ruddr f-
ftivnss as th rsult ofheavy rolling and pithing; and gratly rdud spd ausd by prpllr
raing, whih in furn may make it diffiult to maintain ontrol ovr th main ngin. Ths vssls ar
als susptibl to anhor dragging du to strong winds.
hrfor, it is important to grasp wind ffts and undrstandthe manuvrability limits thy impos.

124 Guido to Ship }|andlig

i ^
Hull StructureProperties of PCCs
o maimize vhil-arrying capacit,
Length over all (LOA) 190m
P is dsigndas a rtangu|ar-tpe
hull strutur With high fl.board' with Bredthextreme(B) 32.26m
an noInous area of hull and sup- Depthmoufded(D) 37'41m(rgo deck top)
structur abov watr as ompard to
Summer draft 14325m
the undelwater hull. Sin th P hull
form is distint from thos of tanks Draft Designeddraft 8.325m

and ontainr ships, Ps ar allvays Ballst ondition 7.50m

vulnrabl to th ffts of rr,ind, r.
Anhor Weight(AC14 type) 8'25 kg
gardlssof thirload ondition.
Weight 143.7kglm
Prinipal partiulas of th P ar Gable
shownin lrl 6-2. Length 687.5m(l2l13 shakles)

Ta b| 6- 2 P in ilrl ptiLtls ] (6. l()()-unit

1'th rrrtl P ll;li11')

Typial symbols, suh as Aa and Ba ar dfind as shown in Fig.6-l l.

As shown in ig.6.l l th projtionof a full-sizd P's midship abov-watrstionhas an approxi-
mat valu ranging from 950 m2 to 1, valu for th latral plan of symmtry rangs from
5,500muto 6,200m2.


Aal of oqffireo om
.A: Projetionof underwaterportionon midship
.. ......].

. ....

i g . 6 - 1 1 F o tr t n lsi l p t lj t iot lsol.a bor,'- rva t

lld tttrdwltt1lotins
t. oI . --s

A G u i d e to sh i p n d |i n g 12]

!ftfl@ftt Handlingof Spil-Purpos

Tabl 6-3 ompars a P, a ontainr ship and a tankr, ah in loadd ondition. Th ratio of th
front projtion of th abov-watrportion, Aa, is ompard to that of th undrwatr portion, Aw, and
th ratio of sid projtion of th abov-watrportion, Ba, to that of th undrwatrportion, Bw. h
wind ffton a P is about 1.2 times (.|12.6=1.2)on th front viw and l.5 tims (2'9l|.9=|'5)
on th sid viw as ompard to a ontainr ship. Th tabl also indiats that th wind fft on th
P is ao:uj2.6 tims on th
ttontv i w an d 3. 6 t i m son th Item
Ship Front ratio (A/Aw) Side ratio (BalBw)
sid viw as ompard to a
PCC (6,400-unit
apaity) ...... . 1 2 . 9 , , . . . -. , , ,
tankr. So, a PC is highly
ontinership (6'000-TU) 2.6 1.9
susptibl to th ffts of
wind. Tanker(20'000-DW) , . 1 . 2 , ' ," r ,. 0.8

Thble -3 Pinciplpartiularsof th Modl PCC (6'400-unitaparty,;

Wind ffts on P whil Underway

.|.Wind fore (Resultantwind
fore) on PCC
Th wind for ating on ah portion of th hull diffrs aording to th shap of th hull and th rla-
tiv wind dirtion. Howv ship opratorsdal with ah loal wind for as an intgratdvalu. This
unifid for is trmd th rsultant wind for ating on th working point. Th rsultant wind for
ating on th hull is alulatd by th formula dvised by G. Hughs as shown in F.ig.-12. ca in this
quation is th rsultant wind for offtint, its valus varying with th rlativ wind dirtion off
bow. Th urv obtaind by plotting ths valus shows th sam trnd dpnding on th p of ship.

Simplifiedformulaof wind resultantfore (F)

F = 1 1 2 'P ' c a . V2( A a . o s 20 +Ba. s i n20)
p : Speifi density of air (0.125)
Ca: Resu|tant wind fore oeffiient
a : Distne of the enter of wind fore from bow (m)
C : Center of the wind fore
Aa & Ba: Projetion of above-water portion (m,)



Fig.6-12 Simplifid fomulaf wind rsultantfr and riatdlmnts

126 A Guide to Ship Hndling

6.2 Maneuvrailit ol ur Car Carrirs (PCs) _Wind ffts

h rsultant wind for offiirnt of Ps an roughly b obtaind from Fig.-13. Th working

point of wind for' loatd at a distan of a from th for prpndiular (FP), movs with the wind
dirtion. Whn th rlativ wind dirtion is nar th dirtion of th bow, th woking point is at th
position nar th bow, moving abaft as th angls of rlativ wind dirtion offbow inras.

O 2. 0

() 1 . 0

= 0. 5


0. 0

Fig.6-13 Rsultantwindforoffiint(Ca)of PCs

Th rsultant wind for ating on th working point varis with wind spd and dirtion, rahing a
maximum whn th bam wind is ating on th largst wind-afftd ara. In th as of th modl
P, as shown in Fig.6-14, it an rah 290 tons undr a wind spdof 25 m]s and a rlativwind di-
rtion of90 dsrs.

o 400
o 00




Fig..14 Rsultantwind forvs. wind speedand relativewind dirtion

A G u i d e to sh i p n d l i n g 12
!ft!@ftt Handlingof Spial-Purpos

2. Leeway nd heck helm for mintainingstraight ourse

Whn th wind bgins to blow from th starboardbow whil undrway, trningmomnt to prt is xr-
td du to th rsultant wind for on th working point. Howvr, whn th wind shifts its dirtion
abaft the bam, turning momnt to starboard is
xrtd du to th bakward shift of th work- Win*
ing point (Fig.6-r5). Whn th wind from th
starboard bow ontinus blowing on th ship
underway, its bow is swpt away downwind by
th tuning momrnt to port. Du to th drifting
of th hull to lrward, th flid for from th uring moment Turing moment
pr1 bow on th undrwatr hull auss th by wind by wind

tuming momnt to starboard. If th working

point of wind for is loatd abaft that of fluid
fr' th ship's bow tnds to turn into th wind. >=-
Lway is dfind as th angl (f.) btwen
th lin of th ship's apparent oursr (th bow W!rj
hading) and th lin that th ship atually
maks good through th watr (Fig.6-1). Fig.6.15 Turningmomntby wind

Whn navigating a width-onfind hannl

undr th influn of wind and tidal urrnt,
prudnt ship handling is rquird in onsidra-
tion of lway. For this purpos' th ship is r-
quird to tak a littl mor windward ours
than th plannd ourse in ordr that th ship's
ntr of th gravity may rmain on th plan-
nd ours lin.
Lway will inras,as th wind spd grows
strongror th ship is making lss spd.
In this as, ship handling is requird to adjust
-+ Ship,s heading
lway by hking th ship's position fr-
* ship,"
quntly. Howv. whn navigating a naw
hal' th ruddr angl to b dflted is
f Wind fore
limitd to 15 dgrs against th ship's mai-
O Center of fluid force
mum ruddr angl of 35 dgrs.Around 20
o center of wind fore
dgrs of ruddr angl must b rsrvd for
Center of gravity
safty rasons.
Fig.-16 Dfinitionf lway,.

128 A to Ship HndIing

6.2 Manuvrability of Pur ar Cariers ,l _no r...,

3. Gontrollabilitylimits of PGC in wind

When th wind sped is inrasing or th ship is making lss sped on th bam wind, th outom of th
magnitud of lway with ruddr hld amidsps is shown in Fig.6-u. Fr ampl, whn a wind of 15 m/s
is blowing and th ship is making 12 knots, lway will appoximatly b 7 dgs, but whn th ship
spord drassto 8 knts' lway inrassto 15 dgs.






Ship speed (knot)

Fig.6-|7 Lway as funtions of wind and ship spd(bamwind; rudderheld amidships)

Tabl 6-4 shows th amount of hk hlm rquird to maintain a straight ours. Th ship will los its
ontrollability on a bam wind of 10 m/s with a ship spd of 4 knots. Whn making 6 knots, th ship is
ontrollabl undr th sam wind ondition, but th rquird ruddr dfltions of hk hlm an rah
21 dgrs.

Ship speed (kts)

Wid speed (m/se)



oo: Rudder ang|e> 35 deg. (Itmeans beyond ontrol) UnderontroI l BeyondontroI

Thbl 6-4 Rquidhk hlm for kping straightours

A Guide to ship andIins 129

!frfi!@ Handlingof Spial-Purps

Fig..l8 (a) and Fig.-l8 (b) show th ontrollability limits of a P in strong wind onditins. In th
figurs, th ruddr dfltions of hk hlm rquird to kp a straight ours ar shown as funtions
of wind dirtion,and th wind spdVa t ship spdVs ratio,.i..ValVs, from on to fiv.
Fig.6-18 (a) shows th ontrollability limit whn th maximum ruddr dfltion is set to 35 dgrs'
Th ship will b unontrollabl in th rgion from 70 to 160 dgrs whr th Va t Vs ratio is 5, and
from 100 dgrsto 135 dgrswhr th Va t Vs ratio is 4. In as of a 15-dgrlimitation on
maximum ruddr dfltion, as shown in Fig.6-18 (b), th rgion of ontrollability boms muh nar-
rowr than in th as of a 35-dgr limitation. For xampl' whn th ship is making 10 knots undr
a wind of 30 knots, i.. th Va to Vs ratio is 3, th ship will b unontrollablin th rgion from 75 d-
grrs to 150 dgrsoffbow in as of a 15-dgrlimitation on maximum ruddr dfltion.

(i) Maimrrm ruddr dfltion 60"

35 dgrs
5 0 " with 35-degree
- 5"
() ij;;.l \.tg :::
o 30"
- ValVs =3
Va: Wind speed
A*r*J=l :\
Vs: Ship speed 0 30" 60" 90" 1 2 0 " 15 0 " 1 9 0 '
region Wind diretion
ontro||abIeregion 60"
5 0 ' _with1S-degree

) 30'

(b) Mximum ru<llr
lfltion 0"
15 degrs 0 30" 60' 90" 1 2 0 ' 1 5 0 " lg0 "
Wind diretion
ig.6-18 Rquird hk h1mt kp straightouls as funtionsof wind dietionant1wind spdrtio 1v/vs;

1 0 A G u i d e to s h ip nd| ing
6.2 anuvrability f Pur Car Carrirs (PCCs) _Wind ffts

Fig.6-19 shows th ontrllability limits of various ship typs whn th maximum ruddr dfltion is
limitd to 30 deges.As w an s, the PCC has a narrowr rgion of ontollabili than othr ps
of ship. For xampl, th ritial whd spd on a tnkr in ballast ondition is 5.0 tims as muh as
ship spd' whil that on a PC is approximate| .6 tims as muh as ship spd.




5 , 0 - . . . '
C 4
= . 6
2 Controllableregion

30" 60' 90" 120" 1 50" 1 90"

_ vlc (23o'00o-Dw)bl|ast
- ontiner ship (1'8o0-T
- {6'40-Unitity)

Fig.6.19 Controllabili' limits of r ius t\ ps of ship (30-dgrruddr dfletron)

4. Mneuveringassistane for PCc

Whn th ship is swpt away downwind by strng wind, a bow thrustr may b usd for hull ontrol. In
suh a as, it should b notd that th prmissibl maximum ship spd is limitd to about 4 knots or
lss. orov undr strong wind onditions whre manuvrability is rstritd in a harbor r fair-
way, assistanby tugs shouldb takn into onsidration.

A Guide to Ship Handling I Ii

![![@ftt l{andlingof Speial-Purpos

5. urning of PcC under strong wind

With tuming in alm onditions as rfrn, th turning of a PCC is invstigatd whn th wind inra.
ss spd to 2, and 4 tims as muh as initial ship spd.ah initial sped is st as 11.6 knots (6 m/s).
F'ig6-20 shows th fuming traks, inluding th furning trak in alm onditions, undr th abov wind
spd onditions whn th wind is blowing 0o, 90", |8o", 2,7o"from th approah oursr.

1200-- . .
1000 i- i


2N " --","----

Vs:Ship speed
_ alm ondition
* ValVs:2
- ValVs:3
- ValVs:4

1 :. -r +
J i ri
14 'i I i::i-r i-l'

Vs:Ship speed
s atm ondition
_200_ Va/Vs:2
-* Valvs:3
400 Va/Vs:4'

A Guide to Ship Handling

6'2 Manuvrabilitof Pur Ca Crrirs(PCCs) _Wind Effts

As shown in ths figurs, furning abili of a CC is geat| inflund by wind. As th Va to Vs ratio

rrahrs 4, th ship an entr an unontrollabl rgion dpnding on rlativ nd dition, and som
PCCs hav xtrm diffiultis for xuting turning manuvers. Due to th uniqu manuvrring hr-
atristis of the PCC as mntiond in this substion, it is rqustd that PCCs b opratd safly by
taking maneuvrability limits into onsidration.



- Vs:Ship6ed
-1 6i1ln ondition
-12 - ValVs:2
E va/vs.3
-1400 - Va/Vs:4

(m) t
1 '-''
1ffi .1....-.,


12 -. 1 .


_ calm ondition
- Va/Vs:3
_ VlVs:4

Fig..20 Tumingof PCC undrstrongwind

A Guido to ship ndling 1:

!ft!fis Handlingof Spial.Purpos

Wind ffts on P at Anhor


Anhoring has alrady bn disussd in Stion 3.l. This stion will prsnt
onrt xampls of th saf anhoring of wind-pron PCCs. A ship at anhor im-
patd by th wind will priodially swing around th anhord position. Howv
as th xtrtal fors xr1dby th wind and/or tidal stram inrase' th risk of
dragging anhor riss. A PC at anhor is in grat dangr of dragging anhor du to
its vry larg wind-afftd ara. Suffiint ar should b takn to avoid suh an vnt.

2. Ho|dingpower of anchor and able

Th anhoring systrm and holding powrr of a ship riding t a singl anhor ar shown in Fig.3-8
in Stion 3.1. Th holding powr offiints f anhors (ia) ar gnrally takn as 3.5 for th
JIS tp, and,7.0 for th |4 tpe. Howvr, xprimnts show that th offiint of th AC14
typ anhor may dras its valu btwn 2 and , dpnding on sabd onditions, spially a
sabd typifid by th prSn of sdimntary slim. Car should b takn to adjust to dtriora-
tion of th holding offiint. Th fritional frintof th abl is normally takn as 0.6.
Aording to th prinipal partiulars of th modl P in Tabl 6-2, th holding powr of th A
\4 Ipe anhor is stimatdat about 58 tons, (la.Wa _,7.0x8,25+58.l0 kg) and th abl,s
holding powr is xptdto b about 12 tons whn th laid down part (holding par1)of th abl is
5 shakl s(, l . w .l : 0 .6 |4 ..7 2 ,7 .5 x 5 tz x t 0 t<g).

3. Length of ab|eto be paid out nd atenary

aximum anhor-holding powr quirs a suffiint lngth of abl b paid out t prvnt th anhor
frm bing pulld upward by horizontal xtrnal for. Th lngth of th abl forning a caIenary
should b qual to that of th paid out abl, i'. a minimum nssary lngth of abl to b paid out
(Fig.6-2r). xss paid out abl is laid down and srvsas a hlding part f th abl (sFig.3-8).
Assuming quilibrium btwn th horizontal xtemal for on th ship and th holding powr f th
anhor (Fig.6-21), Fig.6-22 shows th rlationship btwn th lngth of abl to b paid out as a at-
nary and th dpth of watr. For xampl, assuming that th holding powr of th ship's anhor is
quivalnt to a 60-ton anho and watr dpth for anhoring is 30 m, th lngth of th abl to b paid
out is mor than 190 m (about 7 shakls).
6.2 aneuvrability of ur Car aris (PCCs) -Wind ffts


g 200


10 20 0 40 50
Depthof water(m)
Fig.6-21 quilibrium onditionbrtwnxtrnalfr Fig.6-22 Watr dpth and lngth of abl to be paid out
and anhor-hoiding

4. Ship's swing motion at anhor

Ship's swing motion at anhor and impuls for wr xplaind togthr with a figur in Stion 3.l'

5' Dangerof dragginganhor

Du to impuls for and'/orSubsquntstrong wind strss' th ship may b at risk of dragging anhor.
Th dangr of dragging anhor for a PCC riding t a singl anhor is invstigatd for a ship quippd
with th anhor offring 50 tons of holding powr. In th as whr abl tnsion rahs its matmum
limit du to swing motion, th impuls for on th abl an b stimatd by multiplying th wind
for on th front viw by th swing oeffiint, n. Th valus for swing offiint, n, ar takn as 5
for PCCs, and btwn 2.5 and 3.5 for othr ships. Givn an averagewind spd of 13 m/s, ritial and
th maimum wind spds will statistially b about |6.2 rn]s and 18.2 m,/s'rsptivly. Calulations
indiat that th front viw of a PCC will suffr a wind for of 9.8 tons. If th swing offtint is
takn as 5, a maximum tnsion of 49 tons (5x9.8) will b tdon th abl. Undr thsonditions,
an anhr with 50-ton hlding powr wi1l b r,ulnrablto dragging.Aordingly, whn a PC is riding
to a singl anhor of 50-ton holding powr, prautionary masurs should b takn to prrvrnt anhor
dragging as whn avrag and maximum wind spdsrah approximatly 13 m/s and 18 m/s.
Tabl 6-5 shows avrag and maximum wind
Swigcoeffient o* x. win seed
spdsthat an lad to anhor dragging(at- }g.*

Whn th wind is bomingstrongrand

'=. ]..::::;iliiii]]]i]]lli''...ltg.
....'''... '...'......'...'T']I'........'.
wind spdrahsalrt lvls, masursfor :::lil:]]:::|ii]i]l]]]]:::]::]]'|
avoiding dangroussifuations should b tak- !|.] ..'' .....l1..]...
. ''.''..

powr by paying out mor abl or b taking Gust fator:1.4

rfug offshr with th anhor hov up. Tabl 6-5 Dangerus
wind spdof dragginganhor

A Guide to ship andling
!ft!@ff! Handlingof Spial-Purpos

6. Safe measures for preventingdragging anhor

Mastes for avoiding dragging anhor rfr to th mans by whih to ontrol a ship's swing motion as
indiatd in Stion 3.1 of Chaptr 3, while a full lngth of abl is paid out to inras an anhor's
holding powrr. In this stion, thes masurs ar shown with brif planafions and illustrations.

(a) anhor

A swing-hekanhoris used to-
gether with another anhor low-
rd to around on-and-half
dpthsof watr on its abl.This
method an redue the matude
of swing motionby about50 pr-

Fig.6-23 Swing-hkanhor

) Tho-anhor mooring
[n strongwind onditions,
motion an also be ontrolledby
mooring to two anhors instead
of riding to a single anho a
measure that reinforces holding
powr. Th opn angl btwn
th anhors should b geater
than 60 dgrs. Two-anhor
mooring is fftiv whn thr
is little hang in wind dirtion,
but abrupt dirtional hange i
w.ind diretion as in a typhoon
may put the ship at risk of foul-
ing its anhor.
Fig.6-24 Two-anhormoring

16 I A Guid6 to ShiP Handling

6.2 Nlaneueratilit of Pure ar arrie (PCCs) - W.ind ffts

()Adjustingship'strim-by-thhad,a mas-
ur that shifts th rntr of gravi
ty forward as far as pssibl, is
another mrans for rrduins thr
risk of anhordragging.

Fig.-25 Timming-by-th-hd

(d) Using bow thrustr

Us of a bow thrustran rdu
swing motion onsidrably;th
bow thrustris usd to mathth
ship's hading with wind dir-
tion as muh as possibl.

Fig.6-26 Using bow thrustr

A Guide to ship andlins | 137

6.2 aneuvrabilit of Pur Car Carirs (PCCs) _Wind ffts

!ftfisfi! Handlingof SiaPurpos


Summary for Manuvrability of Pur Car Carrirs (PCCs)

Baus th modrn Pur Car Carrirr (PCC) has th disproportionatly large above-watr hull and su-
prstrutur ompard to its undrwatr hull, wind fo has a disproportionat impat on th ship,
laving it in dangr of losing manuvrability undr its own powr and quipmnt.
When suh a ship is navigating stormy seas, ship oprrators should undrstand th limits on manruvr-
ability ausd by th wind. It is also important that avoidan of dangr b undrtaken at th arlist
possibl momrnt.
This is spially important whn a ship is rduing spd to ntr or lav port, whn th fft of th
wind is magnifid.
Dpnding on th situation, th ship oprator is rqustd to plae a priority on saf pration of th
ship' suh as rqusting fug assistanif nssary.

18 l A Guid to Ship Hndling

to Shio Handlins

Maritim Traffi Saftv Law

1. Appliabl Waters

lnland Sea&Osaka Bay

2. Traffl out

Uraga Suido okyoBay Utakaast InlandSea

Nakanose TokyoBay UtakaWest InlandSea
lrago Suido lse Bay Mizushima InlandSea
Akashi Kaikyo lnlandSea Bisan Seto North InlandSea
Bisan Seto ast lnlandSea Bisn Seto South InlandSea

KurushimaKaikyo InlandSea

140 | A Guide to ship adIing

A Guide to ship Hndling Annex

3. Mods of Navigation
o Gnral Stringand Sailing Ruls

a) Vssl navigatingtraffi rout

lD the traJfiroute
Vesse|navigating raffiroute
|D Vesse| notnaviagatingthetraffiroute pp Courseof the route

b) Giv-way vssl and Stand.onvssl in Traffi rout

(D ,
Stand-onVesseI Give-wayVesse| Traffiroute p} ourse of the route

Mting Power-drivn vssl Avoid

-Y Avoid

-Y Avoid

Approahing Sailing ship

o"l. &s"rins"n,p




A Guide to:ship }|ndling 141

.$ide to s.t:Had|img

r::: liirrl

) obligation to Naviagation Traffi Routs

50 m or More

d) Rstritionson th Spdof a Vssl

.f'^ l l

Is Ba Less than 12 Knots

&{xilrn Less than 12 Knots

l?*tt Z* \:
' Bousou
: :penimula::

lnland Sa i


-. BisanSetoSouth "ii Sakaide

14 2 Gui d e t o sh i a n d l i n g

A Guide to Ship Handling ;anli:'t1*S

e) Signalling whn ovrtaking Anothr Vss1

lD Stand-on
Vessel { Give-wayVesse| Trafficroute DDD Courseof the route


Whistl : f -ll
=\ D}D

Whistl : la n lr _ li
E f

- -

f) Indiationof Dstination
Vsslshall indiatits dstinationin th following ass:

to Starbard and laring T.R. Tokyo Bay

Is Bay
to Starboardnd ntins anothrT.R.
Uaga T.R.
I ]-.rr i Altring corrrsto Port and entringanotherT.R. ] lnlmd Sa
Uaga Suid T.R.
..E--, rosst n g.R. ]
Inlmd S l
Nakanos.R. i
Altring ours to Starboardbfor passing it buoy. IragSuidoT.R. l
l*i5ilry"T'l. -]
ours Port bforpassing it buo. Nakanose T.R.
buoy is th first buoy outsidoftraffi rout') IragoSuido lR. ]
A l rossin Bisan South T.R. from south and ossing zone
---- AItnng ourse to tarDoaro an nteng iashima .R. and l

: izustiima.. Bisan South/North i


Critria for Drstination Signal

<<< .-_.-
V l

Following Maritim Traffi Information Chrt to b rpared.

duringnight. Awni*e "" B wist|e".
. Whist|e raffiroute
} CourseoJtheroute - - - - Base|ineat exitof .R.
osothmPartofTokyoWm H-301-Brgg olseV/m(Isbay) I{.302-BW
.Nothm Prt ofoWm H-302.BW .osakWin(os:kab .305-Bw

A Guid to Ship- l Handling | 14l

& &uxidto ship ar*dXimg

8) Mods of CrossingTaffi Routs

In th as oftraffi rout

90 deg
as Ioseas possib|e

l 2-Knt Sped Restritin Zne

Th bv rossing vsslmay maintain more than 12 Knts

h) Rstritionon ntringor Laving or CrossingTraffi Rout

Rstrition Zon Tk' Ba1.
.R. NLaving
.R. Nrssing
.R. *ua"to

144 Guide to Ship HndIing

A Guide to ship Handting Ji*l*

i) Prohibition ofAnhorage
No vssl allowd to anhor within th traffi rout

No mooring to a vssIlying at
anhor in the traffi rout

Speial Rgulations for Spifi Traffi Rout

a) Hug vsslvs othr vssl

Hug vsslintndsto entr
NakanosT.R. from Uraga Suid T.R. Y\
/...-\ ,/

l stFort'
!_, Futtsu

;ilzn o.t


- Othervessel(Give-wayvessel)
route I
i ti-

DID Courseof the route L_1

A Guido to ship andlins l 145

A Gui d e to S h i p Ha ndling

b) HugvsslVSvsslwhosLoA is l30m or morin IragoSuidoT.R.

HugvsslVS vsslwhosLoA is 70m or morin Mizushima T.R.

Irag Suido T.R. lom < LoA < 2oom J Hugevesse(LoA>2o0m)

lWait outsidewhile = LoA < 10m
Huge vesslnavigatesT.R.

'- Traffi ontrol Signal Station (Irago Suido)
/\ S boundvss1s(LoA}30m) must wait
i ....'' '. I
outsidof traffi rout.
&*ffi -:#ov;


NW boundvssls(LoA{ l30m) mustwait

outsidr of traffic route.

;ii;uv&Nreltr -:#v
Wit utsidewhile
Huge vesselnavigatesT.R.
Mizsh-im- 70M< LoA< 2o0m (- Hugevessel(Lo>2oom)
ffi LOA{ 70m

Traffi ntrl Signal Station (MizushimT.R.)

Southboundvessels(LOA)70rn) mustwait
outsidof traffi rout.

&GNreffi #ov1

Northboundvssls(LoA{70m) mustwai1
outsidof traffi rout.
-_____-<, ) I
-:i5;v&GW ;,8":DAV
Wit outsid,hile
Huge vessl
nvigatesT.R. ;

A Guid to ship ndlig

A Guide to ship andling &elx*g

) CrossingZone (Bisan Stoast & Utaka ast & W.stT.R.)

(D H u g e v e s s el( St a n d- on vessel) @ O t h ervesse ls(Give -wayve sse r. l

d) CrossingZone (MizushimaT.R. /Bisan StoNorth & SouthT.R.)

] Power-driven(Stand-onvessel)

Power-driven (Give-way vessel)

*+D Fishing vessel

(D Hug e ve sse l (L>200m)

A Guide to ship andling I 147

& &tde *o s868{ard$6rxg

e) Kurushima Kaiko raffic Rouf

Soutll urrent {orfh urrent

Kurushima Kaikyo Tidal unt Signal Station

A . & l D&
tsm ;i:o}
;:ie ]
Nakatoshima Nakatoshima hq, osui-no in


vry8s vry20s

vrys vry10s

vry8s vry20s
D o u rn : aaa N: North Curnt
Typ :2 L as to fS o u th : a-.
l Frequny:1665KI1z .}. .. : S:So uthCr r r r nt
r\O fr. :a - o-
. Powr :25W La st ofN ort h :a E Numbr: Knot
aa) a)- a)
!:.:. o-.
o o- +CurrentSignal+
-- --- o-o o-.t: Up }: Down
NakaSuid(Cntral =Navigat
hannel) withTidlCurrent/ NishiSuido(Westhannet|=
N;;;;;; ;g;;;iiiui u...nt

Guide to Ship Hndling

A Guide to S hi Hand ling

f ) Kurushima Traffr Rout Whistl Signal at Dirtion Changof Tidal Cunt

A vssl quippd a whistl shall giv following signal in th vnt
1) Noti has bn givn b th signal fr dirtion hang oftidal urrnt
2) Diretion hang of tidal urrnt is antiipatd whil passing Naka Suido or Nishi Suido

}.# Whistl 1 Long blast repeatedly

_ Whistl 2 Long blast repeatedly
*-* Whistl - f 3 Long blast repeatedly

Tokyo Bay h//www6.kaiho.m1it.gjpltokowan|lindx.htm

Is Bay h//www6.kaiho.m1it.gojp/iswan/indx.htm

osaka Bay h//www6.kaih.mlit.gjplosakawarr/indx.htm

Akashi Kaio hiiwww.kaiho.mlit.gojp/06kanku/kouanwb/nglisakashi.gif

Bisan Sto h//www.kaiho.mlit.gojp/06kan1ulkuanwb/nglish/bisan.gif

Inland Sa h/iwww.kaih.mlit.gojpl06kanku/kouanwb/nglis-kourjpg

Kurushima Srait http//Www.kaiho.mlit.gojpi06kanku/kouanwb/nglish,4urushima.gif

Kanman Strait http//Www6.kaiho.mlit.gojp/kanmn/indx.htm


Plas lik n ''nglish'' at the abov hom pages.

A G u i d 6 to Sh i p Han d l i n g | 1z
A Gui d e to Sh l p Ha ndling

Port RegulationsLaw
1..Dfinition of vssels,'
.launhs,lightrs,smallboats and artraft.

Vesse|sWhenin port
Misellaneousvesse|sshou|davoidthose otherthan mise|Ianeous

2. Rstrition on ntr at Night

.ost of ports do not allow ntryaftrsunstand bforsunris.

3. obligation of Passag
.A vsslothrthanmisllanousvsslsmustnavigatth passag
xptin an mrgny.

150 A Guido to Ship HndIing

& &ide t g!*ip ld*ndlixg j.l ::.l:l1i:li.:il'.

4. Ruls for Navigation in Passage

lD Stand-onvessel ${i Give-way vessel Passage

No navigating in paralll ting vssl No ovrtaking

! <--.\
- :-.= _r___> -= ::::=-./


5. Yiinity of Port ntrane

.ntringvsslshall avoid laringvssl.

. This rgulationis applid to pwr-drivn vssls
. ntring vssl shall rmain mr than
3-4 timsLoA of larins vssl.

Inside & outside Inside & outside

B Avoid
<s \
. r.. Eis =

ffi Inside outside Inside outside

.." 1\
P / *lAvoid +*
PreventingCollisionat sea is
J /
*2 void
app|iedin fo||owingase:
x'l : Th is is n ot a n en t eringve sse l. *2: T his is not a |e aringV e sse |.

Ara : Within a port / nar boundaryof por1.
. Safe Sped Rduspd.Do not b ahazard to othrvssls.
,' w 'a .J .l- ^- 'w

7. th end f brakwatequay, or any othr stuture

^t vessel

A G u i d e to Sh i p Hn d |i n g | 151
A Gt.lide to Sl,li andling

8. Small vssl (Keihin, Nagoya,Yokkaihi, Osaka, Kob, Kanmon only)

A vess e I = 5 0 0 fl:iei,i:ft%"'::;
*lxl#i ports
< 300 othr
vssl port:
A vessel *"'lT""*

-{, Stand-onVessel Give.wy Vessel
Srgnalfor a vessel
Small vessel or
Other than small vessel Small vessel



Sm|IvesseI MisellaneousvesseI

9. Maintnane of Channel

No Dumping, No Discharging Solid Bl|ast

rtic|e24-2 ursto prvnt argo from sattring in por1nd v iiniryof port.

10.Fire Alarm Whi s t I eo r s i r en ]f f f

.In as o fir in port, Sound 5 (five)
prolongdblastsxptwhn undrway.
Anhoring or Berthing

11.Rstrition on smoking, t.
N Smoking & No Nakd light
T anke r,LNG, LPG, e t.


1 52 | A G u i d e to S hip HndIing

A Guide to S hip !'{ andling

Typial Signalsand Shapes

(JapansLarv and Rommndd Pratis)

1. Hug Yessel Lngth}200m .Maritim Traffi SaftyLarv

2. Vssl rrying Dangerous Cago .Maritim Traffi SaftyLaw

re A vesse|whihehibitstheabove|ightor shapein portdoesnotneedto exhibitsigna|and

shapeaordingto ..Regu|ations
fortheCarriage andStorageof DangerousGoodsin Ships''

3. Ysslarrying DangerousCargo in Port

.Rgulations for th Carriag and Stragf DangusGods in Ships

4. Vssel employed for prforming mrgeny Work

.Maritim Traffi Saftv Law

A Guide to shiP }|ndling

*&'G*x$de *s$x$ $*as*f$s.g

5. Escort Boat -Maritime ThafficSafetLaw

6. Yessl ngaging in onstrution r similar oprationx

.MaritimTaffi Safty Law
xsuh as drdging,undrwatroprationand min laranopration.

Speial Signals and Shaps (Referne)

Dp Draft Vss1

-:i*ov ww



ng Danger(
emporarybeIayingroe(2) .Dangrous ago air

Kawasaki Port Only


54 l A Guide to ship andling

l'a Gr":8det $hi &,{d!ilg

Major FishingAreas and Tpesof Fishing

Th major fishing arasand typ of fishing
in th viinity of th North Amrian Cours

Red Iinmeansa mainIaneof the North

A Guide to ship ndI inn

156 | A Guide to Ship Hndling
JL Guid* t shi atllirrg *.ra.*'*t*x

Fishing areas are not |imitedto areas desribed
on this map. Fishingareas are also presentin other
JaDanese waters"

A Guide to ship and|.ns 157

*&&ax*de8sh* 8{amdtrg

Tpial Fishing Mthods & Gear

158 l A G u i d e t o s hip and|ing

A Gtride tor stlip antlling ,&xx*x

A Guide to ship andling 159

A &ide tship
,ttt_ ::

Typial Inland Sa Fishing Mthods

Fishing Season : January-November

Peak Season : February-August
Fishing Area : Bisan Seto ast/North/South Trffirouteand viinityof the above routes.
Time of Fishing : From sIaktide ti||next s|aktide.

,,ito,,brre|is on board or near ship.

*algg*xxw-n: S0">r

N *"^"
i ---

- sak net
ln the ase of 0m Waterdepth
sak net is usua|ly12m underte Water.

k- b.80m ------.--------r|<- b.60m ab . 125m

Fishing Season : Spring-Autumn

Pe ak Sea son : M ay & Ju n e Se tti n g n e t : Y e l l ow f l ash i n gl i g h l O
Fi shing Area : Inlan dse a
Li f ti n g n e t: W h i te |i g h t
Time of Fishing : ab.2 hours swinging WhiteIightindiates sale side

Northor Westend

(*1, Yellow
rj Yellow Flag

e Red Light

T Red Flag

1 60 A Gui d e to s h i p a n d l i n g
Traffi Advisory Srvi Center Communiatin
CallSign L FAX HomePage lnformation
ontat +8 -46-843-862724
vHF |1.|6l|3l|4122 http//www6.kaiho.
oKYo Traffi Control +8 -46-84-0621 +81-46-844-2055http:/'
MAR|s Information
Rstrition +8 -46-84-0621
Srvi http/tw6.kaiho.
mIit'qo. IIshio.htm
Wathr +8 -46-844-4521 r81-46-844-2055http/tvww6.kaiho.mIit.go,jp/tokyowanrueather-pdweatherinde.
Contat +8 -531-34-2445.6
v}l h'1,6l1l14122 http/^^,WW6.|eaf
MARTIS Information +8 r'8
-51-4-2666 1-531-34-2888
Srvi GnralWthr
+8 -51-4-23
NAGOYA Contat + 8 -s2-398-0'712
IlF h.16l|lI4l22 http://www6.
HARBOR Information
RADAR Srvi A11Informatin +8|-52-98-0.714

Contat HF h.|6l|4l22 +8 -.799-82-300" http://www.

+8 -,799-82-04|81-.799-82-046 osaka_Entrane'htmI
OSAKA Traffi Control
MARls Information
Srvi Rstrition +8 -799-82-3044 |8|-078-32-607
kaiho. i.gif
Weathr +8 -799-82-3040
Contat +8 -877-49-2220.
vHF h'16l1,l1,4l22
BISAN Traffi ontol +8 -877-49-5166181-871-49-1199
h/,,\ww.kaiho. jp/06kanku/kouanweb/engIishzbisan.gif
IARTIs Information
Srvi Wathr +8 -8'7'7-49-1041r81-87',1-49-1149
Fishing N1 |8I-8.7.7-49-
Contat +8 -898-31-9000
v}lF ChJ6l1.l1.4l22 http//wttv6.,&urushim/ o
MARTIS Information
Traffr Control -898-31-636 1-898-31-4646http/ww. kaiho.
Srvi kurushima.gif o
Wathr +8 -898-31-8177 r -8l-898-31-4646
ontat VIIF h.|6l|4l22 +8 -9-.72.0099 http://www6.kaiho.
mIit. htmI qt
o ARTIs Information gojp/06kanku/kouanweb/engIish/kanmon.giI
Srvi Al1 Information +81-93-38
1-3399 |81.9-72-2,|41

o http://www.kaiho.mlit.gojp/syoukailsoshiki/toudai./navigation-safety/download,/download_info06.htm
Jaan oastguard Laws & Regulations
t http:l /
h://www.kaiho.mlit.go jplsyoukai/soshiki/toudai/navigation-safty/download/down_bc/english,/par12.htn
A Gui d e to Sh i p Ha ndling

PilotagDistrits in Japan
- 4.HAKoDA
,g 2.oMAKoMAI

. 19,NANAO /1'K^sH|g^--
30.SAKAI' 25.


/ r
2 1 .S H I M I Z U !
.p1z.ows'i.]-1 I

35.NAGASAKI 26.*AKAYAMA-a..,,"orau-il--*

Pilot Distrits & Telephon/FasimilNumbers

162 l A Gide to Ship }|ndIing

Compulsory Pilotag (PilotagandNavigationLaw )

he ompu|sorypi|otageareas in Japan are broad|ydivided intotwo ategories;i.e.,the ompulsoryareas in ports and

those in waters in|udinghanne|s,straitsand adjaentport(s).

Yokosuk . Vssls offore registy th grosstonnag300 t,onsor mor'
Sasbo . Vssls of Japnesrstry tlr gross tonnag 300 tons o abov ngagdin intematinal
Nah voyages or
. Vss of Japaneseriry with gross tolage 1,0 tors o above engagedin domsti
Port sre.
CategoryA Vssls with gross tonnagr 3,000 tns or above.
Vssels arrying dangrous goods are th sam as (*).

. Vssls with goss tonnag 3,000 tons o above. Vesseis loadd with dangerus goods nd
. Vessls ntring/lavingstions 1 - 4 ofWakamatsu ar th same as (*).

Too Bay 1intorot

kyq lamdKim)
. Vss1swith gross tonnag 10,000 tons or above.
Ise.Mikawa Bay 1tug
Waters Pofu of NagoyEYokkaihi, Kinu
ategoryB dik)
osaka Bay 1lu:ngor
Bisan Seto
(including Port of Mirhim)
Kurushima Strit
Kanmon Chnnl
(Psif,g v]s)

Japan Coast Guard reommends fol|owingsafety measures in addition to above CompuIsory Pllote Ruirement.

Uraga Suido Traffi Route and raffi Route and djaent Waters
Th following vssels should take a pilot on board:
(1) A vssl ntitled to fly th {lag ofa foreign ountry.
(2) A vssl ntitld to fly th Japanese flag, commnded by a mastr wh des not hav suffiint sa-going servie and
xprien of navigating in Tokyo Ba (Tokyo V/an).

Irago Suido Traffi Route and Adjaent Waters

Th following vessels should tak a pi1ot on bo:d:
(1) A vssl ntitld to fly th flag of a foreign ountry.
(2) A vessel ntitled to fly th Japanse flag of 130 m or more in lngth ovr all pescribed by th Maitime Taffic Safty Law
as a vessel arrying dangeous cargo.
Sth Regiona| Coast Gurd Headquarter reommends vessels take the following safety preautions
Th fllowing vssels should tak a pilot on board:
(1) A vssel entitld to fly th flag oia forign ountry.
(2) A vessl ontitld to fly th Japanse flag, ommanded by a master wh ds not have suffiint sa-going srvice and
xprience of navigating in kashi Kaikyo Traf,fi Rout.

Bisan Seto South Traffi Route, Uko East Traffi Route, Uko West
Tra{fi Route, Mizushima raffi Route and Adjaent Waters
Th fl1owing vssls entitled to fl the flag of a frign oun should take a pilot on board:
(1) A vssel arrying dangerus argo prsribed b the aritime Traffi Safety Law.
(2) A vssl ommandd by a master who navigates Sto Inland Sa for th fist time.

Kurushima Kaikyo Traffi Route and Adjaent Waters

Th fllowing vessels ntitld to fly the flag of a foreign oun should tak a pilot on board:
(1) A vssel arrying dangerous argo presribed by th Maritime Traffi Saf Law.
(2) A vssl ommanded by a mastr who navigatrs Sto lnland Sea for th first time.

A Guide to ship andline l

A Gui d to Sh i p }| andlim g

JCA VoluntaryTraffi SparationShm

(Publishd:0 1-September2002)

Mod of Navigation in Traffi SparationAra and its Viinity (Voluntary)

Whn nagating a traffi sparationara,vessls shall, in prinipl, follow th ruls as shown blow
shemsin thistextdo notapplyto thtraffiseparation
10 Paragraph
in Arti|e (a)oftheInternationaI
Regu|ations forPreventing at Sea.

tt A vssl using a traffi sprationshrn shall procd in th apprpriattrafi lan in th gnral dation of traffi
flow dsignatdfor that lanr.

@ A vessel using a traffi sprationshrn sh.llso fr as pratiabl kp la ofth sprafionzon.

@ A vssl ringa taffic saration shm shall normally join r lav a tffi lan at th trmintionof th lan,but whn
joining or laving from th sid shall do so at as small rranglto th gnraldirtionoftaff flow dsigntdas pratiabl.

@ A vsse1shall avoid rossing traffi lans. Ifsh is obligd to do so, th vssl shal1ross as narly as pratiabl
at a right angl to th gnra1dirtion of traffi flow dsiatd fr that lan.

st A l,ssl not using a traffi sparationshm shall avoid it by as d a main as is pratiabl.

@ A vssl, othr than a rossing vssl, shall not normally ntr a sprationZonr pt in as of rmrgny to avoid
immdiat dngr.

@ A .,sslnavigating in arasnar th trminations of traffi spration shms shall do so with partiular aution.

@ A .,esslrequiring no passagthrou a dp water route shall so far as pratiabl kp lear of th dp watr rout.

Off Su-no-Saki and Tsurugi Saki Off Kazahaya Saki

W(+> ft
\D /

\{ /
r\ /
TSu Y,

Ref.Charts e

JPN 51,80,90,1062


i -+
'^t >
J PN 51, 80, 90, 1062
D|' 97 140'97 142'97 143

164 | A Guide to ship ndIing

A {iide to slrip !"{rrd!imgll.;;l*x

Off Shio-no-Misakr off Mikomot Shima


ikomoto Shima

off Hi.n.Misaki

('27.') 2M 1M 2g .2

t ?
< -_ _ _ * _ _ -
= sl

s ---->
{i. I sima

J PN 7 7 , 1 5 0
B.A.951,2875 . l
o 2------_ 4 6 N
DMA9 7 2 0 0

Off Daio Saki Irago Suido ntran Dep Wat Route




A .? \
J PN 7 0 ' 9 3 ' 10 5 1 0 5 t-4 ?
B.A.952'2957'650 oLl
D/A 97180'97181,97182
-'-r_-_I .
0 2 4 6Nrvl vessels

A Gide to ship ndlins L 165




'.lr \""*-*=.,"*> ='..- '-,

l* ** '4
l=,* ?"#


,,'-_-.-..- ,,
-! '- -- ,:::./
- , .'

' .' .\.:i:.l\' t

-'r':r':" !'l:l::l'

'\,,,.-,-"--'-- -'i......
SUMATERA -,..:.:i\ , \, .
i'.lt .l

t] 't1-), PADANG


. ..:

166 A Guide to ship and|ing

Wstbund f,ftf) o.,burghLightHus
fift!) .lo.Fairway
GEEI singpreStrait Symbol
GEID uffl.s-PuIu Keil
GEE) offPu Pi.urg
(GEED t..mai,PrtDikson A CrossingArea

GE) .'" FathmBank s^? ConspiIighthouse

astbund (EE) o,' FathmBnk

O Pilotstation
GED s.Mdang
g.Gbang i-ii:r.;r+:-.:s:
GlD LongBank
20m ontour
GEID p" Iu Keit-Takng
lftlp Singapre 10m ontour
GEt) Joho.Firra'
G oNoR GEIB orsburghLighthous

\ _..:::,
_ :,:

.L lS


-*-- fl .
ir* . . . . -

A Guide to ship nd | ins 167

to Ship Hadling




Crossing Area Own ship (Largevessel)


* Conspi|ighthouse

o Pilot Station

Separationzone Group of fishingvessels

20m ontour
I Buoy
I 10m ontour

1 t
l ^*toS|rHadtig
& Gui*e to ship F*and!ig 'iiii..1'1;

or Strait Qntan
Qntan /-'\ l !/
() Departure . . j -}..^^.^^^
vesse|rough Johorpassage ..] l
O Departure (rarease)
vesseIfromSpeialPurposeAnhorage '''
) owing Vesse|(barge) \-/


A Guid e to shi nd |ing | 169

& &t*e*>

1 7O A G u i d e t o S hip Ha ndling

A Guide ta shi andling &;:rgx

vesseI.oming fromDumai
-l)Veisel maki-o
U-turnin rossinorea

Q Departurevessel from Port Kelang

O Meetingvessel enteringPort Kelang
Os"'"-"y u".."l ou";; ;;;. n"u.onthom Bank .-.-
in separation
1] \
-...---) Pnrt lqn t \


A Guide to ship ndling 171 l

A G ui de to sh E p am dling

Fathm Bank


--. -...]]-....,= l .:.- ---!_

A t -7 7 1
l _- - = | I
^^1 -
- --*---1Q1=:
+---lll \2 \- =^---)

O-,,) ? refu-**- !



.172 A Guide to ship andling

A Guitl t S hip Handling

--) -



@)Lng Bank
Convergent vesseIs to west of Long Bank
oWestbound vesse| proeedingnear enter|ineoff Pu Pisang
) SmalI raft & barge rossing separationzone near-Pu-|Dkil-.*--...-*-1

'*.* ""t-s.:+..*=u*
t -4 --

A Guide to ship andIins 17

A Gu i d e to S h ip Ha ndling

1 74 A G u i d e t o s hip a nd| ing
'& &uid* t slrip {ar*!!g

A Guiteto shi nd lins | 175 "s |177

& Gid tCI s}ip &{axxdlmg

Froud Numbr
RlationshipbtwnShip Lngth and Sped

0.22 22Om
0.19 300m
0 . r8 340m
l 360m
{: 0.17
:3 380m
x 400m









10 11 t2 13 1 4 1 5
3hip seed {knts)

176 | A Guide to Ship tlandling

t Gr,iide to Ship antlimg i}'*i?{*x

, Ship:.Sitisfatio
to lo]stqbilily,1ite1ia.or,Q.uive|1t
Wave:WaveIength>0.8xship Iength,Hl>0.04shipIength
stimate,l, , and ,Y,Where=o's,/^
6 Y
Ship ourse:Wave diretionis 45.fromthe stern.
Fig.l nounterWaveperiod, (se)
V ftot)

ilLln) 5'U lf ship's speed isr

1 26
^ (1)in Surf-riding
| 2.4

Redueto speedzone(2)'
| 2.2
| 2.0
1.8 --+ (2\in marginal
1.6 Redueto speedzone(3)

1 whenlargesurgingis felt.

1.0 70"
03 (3)beyondthezones
900lBeam seal Diagram indiating dngerouszon du to surf-riding
' :.:
v (kot) Vosl

| {se) J.U 3'0
, 2.8 ,:8. P|otV (not)/
(se)versusl on Figure3
t- -

| 2.4 +) 24
122 22
lz0 2.0
I3 t3
1.6 1.6, ,,
1.4 Fig.3
1.0 70" Diagram indiating dangrus
Zononounting t
;i highwvgupnd lation
o u.o
0.4 btwenmean wave period
02 and nuntr wav prid in
Qnor i following and quartering sas
-L0 05 0
{- /
L: |enqthbetweenDerDendiu|ars
of the ship (mere,)
Y V: atual ship speed (knot)
T: mean wave period (second)
,! ]i:]i!lli!!g
-i : enounterwave period (seond)
v R: nturalrol|ingperiod(seond)
.]{:i:is.;ii''io:;ii*!!qih6lrli. I
,l: average lengthof the wave (meter)
- l: ship.senounteranq|eto wve
s shown in-Figure'1
ake intoonsiderationthe minimUmseed for maitainin9oUrseontroIof ship. H1: signifiantWave height (meter)

A Guide to Shi andlins

o #)| ": ffi;.I }*fl"-ft]ifrt 1977

(S. Iwi: ''on Ship Handling' New dition'', Kibundotl,|971\
.4 BzA: t# 1998
(K' Honda: ''Intrdution t Ship Handling' 5th dition''' Seizandu Shotn, 1998)
.ffi' ft.Rlt 1#| t*AO*] it i988
(S. Hashimoto and H. Ybuki: ''Fundamntals of Ship Handling''' Kibundu' 1988)
,d At: AflOtA)lCI;t1ffi]+t t958
(H. Kikutani: ,.Stutu and quipment fShips'', Tn'nnsh' 1958)
o ig$ff : ^.O,ffigi*Oli,ilPd,fi
1 @F.fuA\t+#) tszs
(inisty of Transprtation: ''isting Mooring System of Lag-sizd Ships nd its Opeational Pblms.,, Ttbk for
Coespndn Curs of itime Adem5 l975)
.Lt.*'* : Vl-l:ffif +# -*il;,f47l".-) J5Agi 7977
(Study Goup ofVLCC: ''Ten Chaptes fr VLCC -oints f th Ship Handling_' Seizandou shotrn''' 1977)
. +At#A: |*fl;>+++("-) 1 1994
(Japan Captains'Assoiatin: .'Refren Dt for Ship Hadling <Pat 1>''' 1994)
. HAf,Ai#A | |tsef,A>t,AtrkD-) J 1995
(Jpan Cptins'Assoiatin: '.Refn dta fo Ship Hndling <Pat 2>''' 1995)
4AAti'A: 3l]*fr,t,t+,>,tr''J
(Th Soiety of Nval Ahitets of Japan: ''Predings f the 3rd Smposium n Ship Mnuvrability''' 1981)
O AAAIA : |*x;'|+6fr*'-#l.l]
(The Soiety of Naval Arhitts of Japan: ''Resh on Ship Mnoruvbilty and its Appliation to Ship Dsign.'' 1995)
c t]AffiiE+A : AflAOffiiffiI:r"{','f'') 1973
(The Nautial Soity ofJapn: ''Symposium on Ship Hndling in Rough Sea,.' 1973)
aHE -*.: ii.f,'*\,'#iLI*L.tLitl6+*Ai:l,'{]
4ffi,i++=#126+ 1995
(K. Takaishi: ''Dangrous Wve Gouping Phenomena in Following nd Quartering Ses and Applition to Oprtinl
Guidae',, Navigation No. 126' Jaan Institute of Navigation, 1995)
.l : tr?*LrAtslO*;ft]Ll]#,A' 200t
-+ ''Knowledg f Upper Air Wthr and its Fa Map.', Sizandou Shotn' 2001)
(A. Fukuhi:
O IMo rsolution MSC. 137 (76):''Standards for Ship Manoeuvrbility'., 2002
O IMo Ms,/ir. 1053:''xpianatory Notes to the Stndards for Ship Manoeuvrabilty'', 2002
.I. C. lark: '.Ship Dynmis for Mriners'', Nutial Institute, 2005
o U. K. Hydrographi offi; NP 100: ''The Mriner's Hndbook'', Sventh edition 1999
o inistry of Defense (Nvy): ''Admiralty Manual f Samanship, vol."' 1983
o dward J. Lewis: '.Priniples of Naval Arhiteture Volume''' SNAM' 1989
. D' H. Malrevy and D. . Malrevey: for the Mariner (fourth edition).',Cornell Maritime Press, 2004
. J. . J. Journee and Jkob Pinksta ''Introdution in Ship Hydromehnis'', Delft Univrsity of Tehnology, Draft edition, 2002
o IMo s/Cfu. 707: ''Guidane to the Master for Avoiding Dangrous Situtions in Following and Quartring Sas''' 1995
o Joost F. Besier: ''Crossing the Bar'', Nlson arlborugh Institute of Tehnotogy, 2005
o Mooring quipmnt Guidelines 2nd edition 1997 (OIMF)
ffetive mooring 2nd edition 2005 (OIMF)
o Interntional Safety Guide for oil Tankers and Terminals 5th edition (OIMF)
Jpan Cost Guard Laws and Regulations - Nippon Foundtion Lirary (Japan Coast Guard Assoiation)

{ JA Video)
o Mneuvring and Control Charateristis of Speial Type Ship Part l Fousing on the Wind Pessure fft on a PCC
o Maneuvering nd Contrl Chrateristis of Speial Type Ship Part 2 Anhoring and Mooring of a PC
O Mneuvering and Control hratristis of Speial Type Ship Part 3 In-harbor Ship Handling o{ PCs
O aneuvering nd Control haratristis of Spial Type Shi Prt 4 Ship Handling of PCs in Hevy Seas
Ship Handling in Following Seas
o Ship Handling in Head and Countring Seas
o Mteorolgy for Safe Navigation in Tropial and tratropial Cylons
o Ship I{andling in Restritd Waters Volum ] Ship Squat and Shaliow Wter ffets
O Ship Hndling in Restrited Waters Volum II Bank ffet and Interation Betwen Two Ships
Ship Handling in Restrited Waters Volume III Anhoring
Ship Hndling in Restrited Watrs Volum IV In-Hrbor Ship Hndling
O Mneuverability of Very Large Shis
o Maneuverbility f Pure Cr Crriers -Wind fft-

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