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Sesion 3 Actividad 2 Escrito en Ingles indicando la carrera que deseamos estudias

y explicando las razones por la cuales la elegimos.

My name is Sandra Moyao Espino, I'm from Acapulco, Guerrero and I'm aspiring to
a Degree in Health Promotion and Education, the reason I want to take this educational
program is because this degree is not in my city and the best way to take it is Online,
another reason is because I want to improve is in my work environment since I have two
degrees that do not belong to health and I am only as administrative support in the area of
clinical file, so I consider that I will have the ability, skill and knowledge Suitable to be able
to exercise the position that is in the organization chart of the institution that I work and thus
to improve my income; Another reason is to carry out the knowledge acquired in practice
with the population of patients that the institution counts as they are taken care of
throughout the state of Guerrero.

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