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Nama : A.


Nis : 14024

No.Urut: 02


Assalamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu..

Fist lets prays to the almighty god who has given us upon a long life so we can
gather here, in this simple place

And i dont forget to say thanks to my beloved teacher and all of my friend for giving
me opportunity to deliver my speech.

In this occasion, let me deliver my speech abaut Technology

As we know, Tecnology is very important for us. Over time, created gread and
modern technology, like a radio, television, komputer, internet and many also. With
technology we can more easily to know the news that is happening. Example, we can know
the news abaut administration on radio and television.

And technology can also hepl us in terms of educations. For example, we can access
education information in internet. And in internet also we can get social network to add
new friends.

Actually, the internet originally used in military and university. But now. Everybody
around the world can enjoy or acces internet very easily.

And now number of internet users in one country can be the size of the countrys
technological progres.

Ok I think thats all can I tell to you all, thank you very much for your attention

Assalamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu ..

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