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Design and Evaluation of PWM Control Circuits for DC/AC

Converters using PSPICE

Oscar Montero-Hemindez, Jesus Jimtnez-Zamudio & Gabriel Gallegos-L6pez
Uiiivcrsidad dc las AmCricas-Pucbla
Department of Electrical Engineering1
A.P. 100 C.P.72820 Puebla, MCxico

Abstract- I n this work is proposed a way to PSPICE offers the possibility to design and evaluate the
design and evaluate the control circuit stage for a complete system which includes Control Circuit, DC/A C
three-phase DC/AC converter. PSPICE offers the Converter and The Motor. This is very important bccause
possibility of design a n d evaluate the complete the performance of the Motor depends upon of quality of thc
system which includes control circuit, DC/AC waveshapes delivered by DC/AC Converter and the
converter a n d tlie m o t o r [l]. This is very characteristics of these wave shapes arc dctermincd by thc
important because it is possible to sce liow tlie Control Circuit.
control circuit determines the performance of all The Control Circuit works as a pulse generator to drive the
the system. In our proposal a r e included all parts power stage and some desirables characteristics of it are:
of the system, but with special emphasis in the
control circuit. I n the control circuit is possible - Allows regulation of the vohage applied to thc
to e v a l u a t e s e v e r a l P W M techniques. T h e motor.
software employed allows the evaluation of Total - Allows frequency regulation of the waveshapcs
Harmonic Distortion, THD, produced by each delivered to the motor.
technique, i t also allows e v a l u a t i o n s with - Performs pulscs to obtain high qualily output
monopolar a n d bipolar power waveshapes, a n d waveshapes from DC/AC Converter.
provides a good referelice for the h a r d w a r e - Easy connection to other circuits to achieve a close
required for control circuit implementation. An loop system.
example is showed, in it, the isolation stage
required between control circvit and power stage Considering that the most recommcndcd tcchniqucs to
a r e included. Computational and practical results generate the pulses to drive the power stagc are PWhI
are also presented. techniques or HIPWM techniques [2], lets us consider as an
example of a Control Circuit technique the following:
Lets compare a triangular waveshape against a modificd
I. DESCRIPTION sinusoidal waveshapes with 3rd and 9th harmonic injcction
such as:
In this work is proposed a way to design and evaluate the
control circuit stage for a three-phase DC/AC converter, Y(t)=l. lSSen(wt)+ 0.27 Scn (3wt) -0.029Scn(9wt)
according figure 1.
with a frequency ratio of 18.
Motor The way to define in PSPICE the triangular waveshape and
sinusoidal waveshapcs is bascd in voltngc sources controllcd
Dc by voltage [3][4], this allows:
- modify the nature of waveshapes to compare the
Total Harmonic Distortion generated in each case.
- modify frequency ratio (FR) or amplitudc ratio
(AR) between the waveshapes compared to obtain
Ref -? I voltage and frequency variations in power
waveshapes applied to the motor.

Fig. I. Block diagram of considered system. 11. RESULTS

Figures 2 and 3 show thc signals ohtaincd from simulation

and from cxpcrimcntal circuit, i n both cascs thc FR=IX,
AR=I and the frequency of the sinusoidal was 6OHz. Also, in
' This work \vas supported by INIP of UDLA-P
352 0-7803-2091-3/94/$1.OO0 1994 IEEE
both cascs, is displaycd only onc sinusoidal of three
sinusoidalcs lrom thc thrcc-phasc systcm.


. .
. . .
........ . .


. . . .
I..OII.lW. Y7 0
4 W



-I M

Fig. 5. Litre voltages obtairred from experirireritcil circriif.

-4 w
Figure 6 shows the Harmonic Content of the current applicd
. .vc!,,
, l b S 1-3
to the motor; the spectrum is obtained from cxpcrimcntal
mcasuremcnts of currcnt.
6/20 A i NAG
Fig. 2. Waveshapes obtained from simulation. 100


X I 60 Hz 'I, 67.26 IVFW. rno, 8.03 x
1.. . i.. ...............z.zJ:. ................. .,. .. .I
VP-PCI).II.Z5 v vp-Pm.10.50 v F-lZl=5a.I7 tu Fig. 6. Harniotiic specrricni of one phase am-erir of iiioror.

Fig. 3. Waveshapes obtained from experimental circuit. Performance of this current is according to simulation rcsults
of proposed technique.

111ligurcs 4 and 5 , thc wavcshapcs of thc linc voltagcs applicd Thc powcr stagc was sirnulatcd as is indica[cd in I'igurc 7
to the motor obtained from simulation and experimental according the references [41[51:
circuit, are shown.

0.1.Ill" IL:
....a-,,," I." ........
1.9..,l1, 71 0
453 4.312
(OOV?..-- ............................................................... P


-.......-......-......-......-....... ..... ...... ......4
* VI451.4SBl

Fig. 4. Line voltages obtained from siniitlarion. Fig. 7. Represeritafiori of rhe Inverter in PSPfCE.

It can be concluded that with the presented method of design [l] MicroSim Corporation, "PSPICE Circuit Analysis",
Control Circuits: 1990.
PI Boost M.A. and Ziogas P.D.,"State of the Art Cnrricr
- It is possible to evaluate different techniques of PWM Techniques: A Criticai Evaluation", IEEE (IA).
modulation and .to see how will be the waveshapes Vol. IA-24, pp. 27 1, 1988.
applied to the motor. [31 David B5ez-L6pez, "AnAlisis de circuitos por
- It lcts obtain a good approximation lo implcmcnt computadora usondo SPICE", (In Spanish) Ed.
the hardware. Alfaomega, Mbxico, 1994.
- It solves the isolation stage required between [4] Ned Mohan, "Power Electronics: Computer
control circuit and power stage. Simulation, Analysis, and Education Using PSPICE",
University of Minnesota, 1992.
Mohon, Undcland, Robbins. "Powcr Elcctronics:
Converters, Applications and Dcsign", Ed. John Wilcy
& Sons, New York,1989.


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