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Investigation of a unified power flow controller

T.Makombe and N.Jenkins

Abstract: Power flow in an AC transmission system depends on three basic parameters: transmission
line impedance, voltage magnitude and phase angle. Maximum utilisation of the power system can be
ensured by the control of these parameters in real-time. It is shown experimentally that a unified
power flow controller (UPFC) can control each of the parameters either selectively or simultaneously
in appropriate combinations. It is also shown that a UPFC can control independently the real and
reactive power flow in a transmission circuit. Results from computer simulations and a hardware
laboratory model are presented.

1 Introduction nique is common in STATCOMs and has the advantages

that the control of the UPFC input inverter is greatly Si-
The continuing rapid development of high-power semi- plified and its switching losses reduced.
conductor technology now makes it possible to control A mathematical model of a vector-controlled UPFC has
electrical power systems by means of power electronic been derived and a vector control system developed for
devices. These devices constitute an emerging technology each of the W F C operational modes identifed. Computer
called FACTS (flexible alternating current transmission sys- simulations and experimental implementation of a UPFC
tems). FACTS technology has a number of benefits, such verity the performance of the vector control strategy. Two-
as greater power flow control, increased secure loading of level inverters were used for the UPFC. A pulse-width
existing transmission circuits, damping of power system modulation technique was used to switch the inverters.
oscillations, less environmental impact and, potentially, less Insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) were used as the
cost than most alternative techniques of transmission syc switching elements in the inverters.
tem reinforcement [I].
The UPFC is the most versatile of the FACTS devices. 2 Vector analysis and control of UPFC
The usual form of this device consists of two voltage source
inverters with a common DC link, as shown in Fig. 1. The In this section, we deal with the mathematical analysis and
inverter at the input end of the UPFC is connected in shunt modelling of a vector-controlled UPFC, based on previous
to the AC power system. and the inverter at the output end analysis of a STATCOM [5]. The use of vectors simplifies
of the UPFC is connected in series with the AC transmis- the analysis and control of a UPFC connected to a sym-
sion circuit. The UPFC can control the transmission circuit metrical three-phase AC network. Vector control has long
parameters singly, or simultaneously in appropriate comhi- been used in electrical machine analysis [6] and is now
nations, at its series-connected output end, while independ- being applied more widely to electrical power system analy-
ently providing reactive power support to the transmission sis and control [5, 71. In this analysis, instantaneous three-
line at its shunt-connected input end. Furthermore, the phase variables are converted to vectors with orthogonal d-
W F C can independently control real and reactive power axis and q-axis components in a synchronously rotating d-q
flow along the transmission line at its output end, while axes system.
providing reactive power support to the transmission line at A simplified three-phase representation of a WFC-con-
fts input end. trolled transmission circuit is as shown in Fig. 1. The
inductance at the UPFC input represents the leakage reac-
It has been shown [ 2 4 that it is possible to independ- tance of the power transformer used, and the resistance
ently control real and reactive power flow at the W F C represents the inverter and transformer conduction losses.
input circuit by regulating the DC-link capacitor voltage The series-connected transformer is assumed to be ideal.
and varying both the phase angle and the modulation The transmission line is represented as a lumped series
index of the input inverter. In this paper, the real and reac- inductance and series resistance to represent transmission
tive power flow at the UPFC input circuit is controlled line losses. The inverters are regarded simply as lossless
independently by keeping the modulation index of the power transformers that convert DC power to AC power.
input inverter constant and controlling only its phase angle. The internal structures of the inverters have not been con-
The DC-link capacitor voltage is unregulated. This tech- sidered.
It is convenient to define a per-unit system as follows: i =
0 IEE, 1999 ?libnre, v = vrIvbasere = e'les,,, Q
,, = vhsJibme, x = ubaSJl
IEE Proceedings online no. 19990037 ahsea xc = I~~base%me> I' = waba.w
DOL 10.1049hp-gtd19Y90037
Paper first received 22nd July 1997 and in revised form 11th March 1998 2.1 Analysis of UPFC input circuit
The authorj are with the Manchester Centre for Electrical Energy, Referring to Fig. 1 the W F C input circuit equations can
UMIST, PO Box 88, Manchester, M60 100, UK be written in per-unit as
400 IEE Yroc.-Gener. Transm. Dirbib., Yo/. 146, No. 4. h r / y I999

0 0 and
0 0 Li

x [!:::]+ [
E y
(vsa- e<.)
- In the synchronously rotating reference frame, eqn. 1 can
be written as
Consider the vectorial transformation of variables from d
three-phase quantities to the synchronously rotating d-q - [ ( i p + jiq)e3ut]= -(ip
+ p..o ) e)ut
dt 2,
plane defmed by the following equations, in which the ref-
erence vector, and therefore the d-axis, is defined by the +c,(I(v8)l -
(ezd + j e i , ) ) e j W t
sending-end busbar voltage set, ,v ,v and: ,v
where w = d8ldt. Now
+j w ( i p +j i q ) e j w t (6)
Substituting eqn. 6 in eqn. 5 and simplifying gives
dip .diq - - T i W b a s e
cos (0 -4) cos (6' + f ) x+3--- zp + wi,
-sin (0 -
F) - sin (6'
+?) Xi

fi fi

IEE Proc.-Cener. Trunrni. Dlstrib.. Yo/. 146, No. 4, July 1999 401
[AEquating real and imaginary parts: 0
0 0

Eqn. 8 is a mathematical model of the UPFC input circuit

f [ -(vas + edqa
-(us, + e+

+ edqb - Wyb)

- vrc) 1
in per-unit notation in the synchronously rotating d-q refer- (11)
ence frame. The reactive current component iq is assumed Eqn. 11 can be transformed in the same manner as eqn. 1
to be either capacitive or inductive, with a variable magni- to the synchronously rotating d-q axes reference frame as
tude (0 5 iq L),,,,i that is independent of the terminal volt- follows:
age. The real current component i,is due to any real power
that may he drawn by the shunt section of the power flow
controller. --w 5,

Neglecting the input inverter voltage harmonics, the fol- ?(vs + ed - wu,d)
lowing equations can be written relating the amplitudes of
the voltage vector components at the input inverter AC-
side terminals to the capacitor voltage on the common DC Eqn. 12 is a mathematical model of a simplified UPFC-
link: controlled transmission circuit in per-unit notation in the
eid = miv, cos a( synchronously rotating d-q reference frame.
ei, = miv, sin ai (10) 3 Control objectives using series voltage source
where aiis the phase angle difference between the input Control of transmission circuit parameters and transmitta-
inverter AC voltage vector ei and the line voltage vector ble real and reactive power flow is achieved by adding the
v,. The factor mi is the modulation index of the input voltage vector e,, to the input terminal voltage vector v,, as
inverter. shown in Fig. 2d. Vector e,, is defined to have no angular
restrictions (0 h arg(e4) h 2 4 and a variable magnitude (0
2.2 Analysis of DC-link circuit 5 ledql L By appropriate control of e, the unified
The instantaneous powers at the AC and DC terminals of power flow controller can be used to accompish different
the input and output inverters, respectively, are equal if the control objectives by means of its series voltage source,
inverters are assumed to be lossless. This gives two power and the shunt element provides reactive power support to
balance equations in per-unit: v& = eij + ei& and v& = the AC system hy means of iu. The input inverter draws i,
eo& + eoqiou.The DC-link circuit can 6e descnhed by the from the AC system and supplies the real power require-
per-unit equation ments of the output inverter via the DC link. The injected
vector e& consists of the following components: e, = e,, +
e,,,, for terminal voltage magnitude control, e, = exd + e,,
for series compensation, e6 = ea + e& for phase angle con-
trol, and e& = eqd+ epq. for real and reactive power control.
2,3 Analysis of UPFC output circuit It has been shown previously [8, 91 that a number of modes
For the output inverter, the AC-side equations are (for an of operation may be identified.

[ ne&b] =

and [:;I
ideal series transformer of turns ratio of n : 1)


= [
These output cwcuit equations can be transformed in the
same way as the input circuit equations from the three-
phase AC form to the per-unit vector form in the synchro-
nously rotating d-q plane as follows:

Neglecting the output inverter voltage harmonia, the fol- Fig.2 , Vector dwgrmnr ilhrmhg operation of UPFC
n executing terminal voltage regulation only
lowing equations can be written relating the injected com- b erecutmg lerminal voltage rcgulafion and series line compensation
e executing terminal voltige regul~tionand phase angle ~ o n t r 0 1
ponent magnitudes ed and e, to the DC-link voltage: d executing control of real and reactive tran~mittablepower
ed = m,v, cos cyo and e, = move sin cy,
3. I Series element inactive (mode I )
where a, is the angle between e,, and v,, and m, is the In mode 1, the series element of the UPFC is inactive (edq).
modulation index of the output inverter. The UPFC is thus equivalent to a STATCOM in this
mode of operation.
2,4 Analysis of transinission circuit
In terms of the instantaneous variables shown in Fig. 1, the 3.2 Terminal voltage regulation only (mode 2)
transmission circuit equations can be written in per-unit as The first control objective using the series element is termi-
follows: nal voltage regulation or control only. This is achieved by
402 TEE Proc-Gene". Tronrm. Dislrik Vol. 146, No. 4, July I999
keeping the angle of ed, zero with respect to the reference
vector: ilq = -Wbase(Us fed -%d)/(WZl) (21)
The real and reactive transmittable powers in per-unit are
e, = k,u, (13) given, respectively, by
k,, is a scalar quantity and v, is a unit vector in the direo P = usWliase(eq - U 7 , ) / ( W Z 1 ) (22)
tion of v,. Thus, only the magnitude of v, is changed with
respect to v,, as illustrated in Fig. 2u. The magnitudes of
the d-q axes components of e,,, in this mode of operation
q = U, [-wase(~.ed - ~ + ~ d ) / ( ~ x t ) ] (23)

can be expressed as Eqn. 22 shows that p depends on e,, and eqn. 23 shows
that q depends on e& Real power can therefore be control-
ed = emd = k m (14) led primarily hy modulating the quadrature component of
e,,, e,, and reactive power can be controlled primarily by
eq = emY = 0 (15) modulating the in-phase component of ed,, ed. It is possible
to define feedback loops and PI compensation for the inde-
3.3 Terminal voltage regulation and series line pendent control o f p and q as follows:
compensation (mode 31
In this mode of operation, e(,, consists of e,, the series com-
pensation component which either leads or lags the line
current vector ii by 90", and e,,,, the terminal voltage regula-
tion component orthogonal to e, in the two-dimensional
vector space, as shown in Fig. 2b. Voltage e,y presents a
capacitive or inductive virtual reactance to the line accord-
ing to whether e, lags or leads it When inserting an induc-
tive virtual reactance, e, = kJji,), and when inserting a 4 UPFC control system
capacitive virtual reactance, ei = kx(jii),where k, is a sca-
lar quantity andj,, is a unit vector perpendicular to ir. The 4.1 Control of real and reactive current
terminal voltage regulation component is expressed as e,n = components at UPFC input
k& The magnitudes of the d-q axes components of ed, in The real and reactive current components, 'p and i,, in the
this mode of operation can be expressed as UPFC input circuit can be controlled by operating the
ed = ezd + emd = -k, sin ail +k, cos ail (16) input inverter appropriately in order to obtain the required
components eidand eiq in the mathematical model of eqn.
e, = ezq + emq = k, cos + k ,azl sin ail (17) 8. Assuming the practical situation that xi >> ri, eqn. X
gives the steady-state input circuit current components as 'p
3.4 Terminal voltage and phase-angle = -whseeid(uxi) and iq = ubme(-vS + eiJ/(uxi). Therefore,
regulation (mode 4J the vector eid can be regulated in phase with v, in order to
In this mode of operation, e,, consists of e6, the phase control the reactive current component iq, and the vector e,
angle regulation component, and e,,, the terminal voltage can he regulated in quadrature to v, to control the real cur-
regulation component, as shown in Fig. 2c. In this case, e,, rent component $. The factor mi in eqns. 9 and 10 is kept
is added in phase with v, to achieve the required terminal constant. The angle ai between ei and v, is then vaned to
voltage magnitude. Vector e, is then injected to obtain the achieve real power transfer to or from the DC-link circuit,
required phase angle. Vector e,,, can he expressed as e, = and so establish the required value of the DC-link capacitor
k,v,, as in mode 2. Vector e6 is given as [8] e6 = 2/v, + voltage v,. The required values of eid and eiq are thereby
e,l/sin(kd2)lexplj(-~2 + kd2)], where kd is in rad. The direc- obtained.
tion and magnitude of e6 ensure that the resultant terminal
voltage v, = v, + e, + e6 has the same magnitude as vs +
e",, hut leads or lags v, by k,. The magnitudes of the d-q
axes components of e , , in this mode of operation can be
expressed as

ed = ead+e,d = --2Iv,+e,Isin- 'I ($) +km (18)

eq = ehq + e,, = Iv, + e,l sin k6 (19) loop and 3-phose
to rotatino D-Q
I oxis transfirmotion I
3.5 Real and reactive power control (mode 5)
The final control objective is the control of transmittable
real and reactive power. In this mode of operation the
UPFC is fully operational as a power flow control device. In this control strategy, therefore, the capacitor voltage is
By considering Fig. 2d, it can he seen that the transmission not regulated, hut varies with the operational conditions.
line 'sees' the voltage v, + ed,,,as the effective sending-end Fig. 3 shows a block diagram of the control system for the
voltage. By independently varymg the magnitude and angle UPFC input circuit. The output of the PI compensation
of e,,,, the UPFC acts as a general controller for transmitta-
block is the angle a,. The vector phase-locked loop ensures
ble real and reactive power between the sending and receiv-
ing ends. Assuming the practical situation that xl >> ri, synchronous operation of the input inverter by providing
eqn. 12 gives the steady-state line current components as the transformation angle 8. The input inverter fVing angle
is given by pi = ai+ 8. The three-phase to d-q axes trans-
ii, Wbnbr(eq - W?,)/(WZI) (20) formation is as defined by eqns. 2, 3 and 4.
IEE Pm.-Ger,er. Tmnsm. Disfrib.. Vol. 146, Nu. 4, Juiy 1999 403
j mode

Fig.4 Cmtrolsf trmmiwion c i r a i r p v m t e r s ondpuwn.

4.2 Control of transmission circuit parameters interface circuits, such as current and voltage sensors and a
and power multi-channel analogueidigital convertor. Inverter control
Fig. 4 shows a block diagram for the control of terminal data were transferred between the asynchronous 486 proc-
voltage magnitude, series reactance, phase angle and real essor and 68020 microprocessor systems using data latch
and reactive power using PI controllers. The closed loops circuits.
force the output inverter to produce the AC voltage which The experimental results were compromised by two fac-
corresponds to the appropriate combination of control sig- tors. First, the control loop time delay of the experimental
nals, as determined by eqns. 26 and 27, and the truth table controller was between 6ms and Sms, depending on the
for the combination of control signals shown in Fig. 4 mode of operation. This delay was excessive and resulted in
ed&f + Gzezd f G 6 e 6 d f Gpqeqd
= Gmemd (26) slow response and steady-state ripple. Secondly, the trans-
formation of instantaneous three-phase variables to syn-
eqRef = Gmem, + G A , f Gaes, + G,,e,, (27) chronously rotating d-q axes, described by eqns. 2, 3 and 4,
requires that all variables are sampled at the same instant,
5 Computer simulation and experimental i.e. in parallel. For this application, however, only a single,
implementation of UPFC multi-channel analogue/digital convertor was used. This
resulted in an 18" separation between the first and last s m -
Computer simulation and experimental implementation of pling points and consequent errors in the computation of
a vector-controlled UPFC were carried out. The electro- the d-y components.
magnetic transients simulation program, EMTDC, was Owing to the inadequate speed of the 486 host processor
employed for the computer simulation. Referring to Fig. 1, for this application, the 68020 microprocessor was synchro-
the parameters of the circuit used in both the experimental nised with the AC system using a semi-digital phase-locked
implementation and the computer simulation were as fol- loop, based on the 4046 integrated circuit, driven by a volt-
lows: Li= 19mH, Ri = 0.652, C = 220pF, L1= 58mH and age signal from the sending-end busbar [Ill.
RI = 0.652. The transformation ratio of the series-connected The calculation time step for computer simulations was
transformer was 21, with a leakage reactance of 0.738.
The system base voltage and base current were 50 V, lops, but the speed of response was slower than would be
and 0.64 respectively. The sending end was connected desirable in a practical installation owing to the rather sim-
to the laboratory supply and set at 1 per-unit using a var- ple representation of the phase-locked loop and the control
iac. A phase-variable solid-state generator comprising a system filters [Ill.
voltage-source inverter (VSI) and DC source constituted Figs. 5 1 6 show the computer simulation and experimen-
the receiving end, also set at 1 per-unit. The transmission tal results for operation of the WFC in modes 1, 2, 3, 4
angle was set at 27'. The VSIs in Fig. 1 were implemented and 5. In all the modes of operation, it is seen that the
in the experimental model using IGBT modules with inter- sending-end busbar voltage is maintained at 1 per-unit by
nal diodes. A programmed pulse-width modulation tech- the reactive power support provided by the input inverter
nique [IO], implemented using a 68020 microprocessor, was of the W F C . This demonstrates the independence of the
used to switch the inverters and selectively eliminate three input and output circuits of the UPFC. In modes 3 and 4,
low-order non-triplen harmonics without generating triplen the series reactance and phase angle, respectively, are con-
or even harmonics, or operating at an excessively high trolled independently of the terminal voltage. In mode 5,
switching frequency. The UPFC was digitally controlled the transmittable real and reactive powers are controlled
using a 33MHz 486 host processor and various electronic independently.
404 IEE Proc.-Gorer. Trunrm. Disirib.. Vol. 146, No. 4, July 1999


0.25 t
-0.25 0.125

-5.0- - 0 . 2 5 0 1
0.L 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.1 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.8 2.0 2.1
tirne.s time.s




p -0.125

Fi 6 UPFC made o/opwarion rerpone io siep c h g e s h experimn-
0 ' ' ' ' - ' ~ ,
b----,, ~~

~ ~ Cd~ .... .. ....

time scale = 2OOmddiu. control transmission circuit voltage, series reactance and
phase angle singularly, or in appropriate combinations, at
6 Conclusions its series-connected output while maintaining reactive
power support at its shunt-connectedinput. It can also per-
Computer simulation and experimental results have shown form independent control of transmittable real and reactive
that a UPFC is a highly versatile FACTS device that can power at its series-connected output while maintaining
IEE Proc.-Gener. Trmsm. Di.strib.. Vol. 146, No. 4, July 1999 405




1.2- a
1.02 : i - :
I - 2 " * 1.0
;o 0.8- ZoB 0.8
0.6 I a 5 c 0 b ' a 0.6

a 1.0

>U 04
0 4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.1 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.L
, ,a
Fig.11 UPFC mude 4 ofopmtim, response to step changes k vu r e p
lated a1 I permit: .+mulation result3
0 0 8 06,<
b 0x ' ~ 0VoRd
c 0 vr 0 v.R./ A vc

35 t



o 0.8

' OL


Fig.10 UPFCmde 3 of opwalzo~m p o m to step h g o u1 xR# yo reg-

ulated at I per-mu experunental results

406 TEE Prac.-Cmer. T P M .Disirib..

~ Vol. 146. No. 4, Jut" I999
1.41 1.41

0.125 -

b -0.125-
w -0.150-
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4


0.8 -i 0.81

0.4 a
a 0.4



IEE Proc.-Gener Trunrm Di.wib, Vol 146. No. 4, July 1999 407
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speed of response considerably slower than would be desir-
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408 IEE Proc-Gener. Tronsn,. Diwib., Vol. 146, No. 4, July I999

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