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Call to Order
2. Adoption of the Agenda
3. Committee Plans for 2017
a. Press Secretary
i. Website
a. Almost finished
b. We just need to take pictures of our faces and upload them
ii. Bulletin Board
1. Two month calendar for the first semester
2. Will have our photos on them
3. Have a pocket with the StuCo activities pamphlet
4. Started working
b. Enviro & Sustainability
i. Recycling
1. Recycling campaign
a. Have a visual representation breaking up what you can
recycle or not (aluminum, compost, etc.)
b. Would need funding
i. Reach out for fundraising or makeshift boxes
c. By the next meeting we should have a solid plan
c. Civics/Community Engagement Chair & Accessibility
i. In the works of getting voter registration established
1. For now: those with a drivers license get it done online, those
without a drivers license get it done by mail
2. Get a town hall in place
ii. Panther Pay
1. Will call businesses and get an answer by the next meeting
iii. Exchange Student Integration
1. 1:1 student tours to make them feel welcome
iv. Activities Fair
1. Have as many clubs as possible set up on tables in a common area
2. Give all the clubs opportunities to showcase themselves
3. Have a StuCo table as a general information desk as well as
showcasing who we are
d. Dance/School Spirit Chairs
i. Activities Fair
ii. Homecoming
1. Got a DJ from Lily H
StuCo Activities Pamphlet
1. Completed
2. Needs to get officers emails
e. Charity Chair/Director
i. Made a brief schedule
ii. September: Meet with Red Cross
iii. October: Meet with Calvary Church & Giant for Thanksgiving Baskets
iv. Easter Seals: Lilly K and Leslie go with HR Reps who raised the most
money (total 4-5 people + sponsor)
v. Volunteers work 1 pd/day, instead of all day
vi. Do a charity drive Jan-March
f. Homeroom Rep. Director
i. HR Rep Application
1. Interviews
ii. HR Rep Election Process
g. Class of 2018
i. Looking at senior prom venues
ii. Placed an order for t-shirts
1. Needs help from PR to advertise
2. Pink t-shirts to promote breast cancer awareness/research
iii. Fundraisers
1. Car wash
2. Tuesday pretzel sales
iv. Winter Ball
1. Needs StuCo to help out
h. Class of 2019
i. Having meeting within the next week or two
i. Class of 2020
i. Doing more restaurant nights
ii. Have a more stable financial foundation after Soph Hop
j. Class of 2021
i. Class president determined at the beginning of the year
4. New Business
a. FTK
i. Shirts
1. We have 1 design
2. Blue on Gold
ii. Decorations
1. Keep FTK balloons on senior side
1. Tshirts, Decorations
iv. Every StuCo member is expected to stay after school and set up
b. Constitution Amendments
i. Specification of Meetings
1. A meeting is official when the majority of the Student Council has
voted on it
ii. Absences
5. Public Announcements
6. Adjournment

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