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Newport Band Boosters Meeting Minutes

From Wednesday, May 3rd 2017 at 7pm at NHS

Attendance: Jennifer Reinhart, Denise Rundell, Rachel Steward, Sheryl Young, Elaine Beck,
Cathy Piazza, Mindy Simon, RaeAnn Pettitt and Pam Lind. Student present is John Lind, the
student representative Hailey Young is at a softball game.

Minutes from last meeting read, accepted and filed.

Treasurers Report: Checking balance is $5482.21, savings is $5060.91.

Directors Report: The concert band did great at OWC Band Festival and placed to go on to the
state finals. However a minimum of 18 minutes of music is required, the band did not meet that
requirement and was therefore disqualified. But did win most improved overall.

Loyalty Days Parade is Saturday May 6th.
Newport marathon is Saturday June 3rd.
Band Awards yet to be scheduled. Rachel will talk to Kenna and find a day that will work.

Old Business: We have nine parents confirmed for helping with the Loyalty Days Parade.
Students and chaperones are to meet in the band room at 10am. Mr. Bringetto should have a
list of the group chaperones. Denise will pick up food for the BBQ after the parade, estimate
food for 125 or more (55 families have confirmed per Jennifer). A flyer should be done for
students and middle school students regarding the BBQ. Rachel said she would look into this.
The booster bi-laws still need to be done. Board members will see if something can be
scheduled, or if this needs to be put off until next school year.

New Business: Mr. Zagel has approved a field trip, however picking a date will be a challenge
with all the end of the year activity. Sheryl said that not all students would like to go to iFly and
that Oaks Park would be a possible location also. She has been in contact with them and is
waiting to hear back. Options were discussed, but Rachel said that there is too much going on
at the end of the school year and that she did not want to have a field trip.

For the weekend of the eclipse, Denise looked into the cost of glow sticks and they are $14.90
per 100 online. We still need to look into if the band can play at Nye Beach - where we could set
up a table and sell water, glow sticks and whatever else we can come up with. A few students
could also be at the Farmers Market that Saturday since they have a booth available for non-
profit groups.

Next regular booster meeting will be Wednesday June 7th at 7pm in the NHS band room.

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