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CS-5 and Elec-8
Safety Discipline and Cleanliness System

Prepared by:
Baby Jane G. Asuncion

Submitted to:
Mr. Felix Pascua
I. In your own opinion what type of management information system (MIS) does you
community need? Explain your reason for choosing that MIS.

For me in my opinion on this Safety Discipline Cleanliness System is it is important this system
in my community here in NV-9 because where I ever to go I see a garbage everywhere and
some garbage is smells bad and it is not good to the health. People they do not segregate their
own garbage they put their garbage in one plastic bag or sacks and there is a plastic, leaves,
cans, etc. they cannot discipline their own self and the mosquito and flies live at that garbage
and the flies is go to the food that we eat and the mosquito is bite them they dont know if the
mosquito is Dengue or Japanese mosquito. In my community the people is they cannot think
their own self. Some people was so annoying they put their garbage everywhere.

II. What is the main function of your MIS?

The main function in my MIS is the people who hold the community and that people is he/she
need to do or do an action. He/she make a meeting or announce to them thay they segregate
or discipline their own self because the people who hold the community is think their safety so
he/she take an action before there is have an accident like die because of the dengue mosquito
bite them.

a.) What types of information it contain?

The type of my information is to tell to the people how to discipline their self because it is the
health and environment important to the community.

b.) What types of information can it produce?

The type of information can it produce to my system is this type of my system is it helps to
change or evaluate their own self and this system is important to my community but I dont
think so if the peoples in my community is they are all cooperate and listen to their opinions to
the people who held in this community.

III. Who are the persons in the community that would give us idea in the system?

1. Mr. Amado De Jesus

2. Mr. Soy Lumania

3. Mrs. Perlita De Jesus

a.) What is their position in the community?

1. Administrator of Northville 9
2. Barangay Captain

3. Counselor of Northville 9

b.) How can they help us in the development of the system?

They can help to develop my community to do an action because they are the people who the
one highest position in my community. It is also one of the person who can give us idea on how
a system in my community goes.

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