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Air Conditioning

The psychrometry is that branch of engineering science, which deals with the study of moist air,
i.e., dry air mixed with water vapour or humidity. It also includes the study of behaviour of dry
air and water vapour mixture under various sets of conditions. Through the earth's atmosphere is
a mixture of gases including nitrogen, oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide, yet for the purpose of
psychrometry, it is considered to be as a mixture of dry air and water vapour only.

Psychometry terms - Definitions

1. Dry air: The pure dry air is a mixture of a number of gases such as nitrogen, oxygen,
carbon dioxide, hydrogen argon, neon, helium etc. But the nitrogen and oxygen have the
major portion ofthe combination. .
The molecular mass of dry air is taken as 28.966 and the gas constant of air is 0.287
The molecular mass of water vapour is taken as 18.016 and the gas constant for water
vapour is 0.461 kJ/kgk.
The pure dry air does not exist in nature, because it always consists of some water
vapour. Hence the term air, means dry air containing moisture in the vapour form.
2. Moist Air: It is a mixture of dry air and water vapour. The amount of water vapour,
present in the air, depends upon the absolute pressure and temperature of the mixture.
3. Saturated air: It is a mixture of dry air and water vapour, when the air has diffused the
maximum amount of water vapour into it. The water vapours, usually, occur in the form
of superheated steam as an invisible gas. However, when saturated air is cooled, the
water vapour in the air starts condensing, and the same may be visible in the form of
moist, fog or condensation on cold surfaces.
4. Degree of saturation: It is the ratio of actual mass of water vapour in a unit mass of dry
air to the mass of water vapour in the same mass and pressure of dry air when it is
saturated at the same temperature.
5. Humidity: It is the mass of water vapour present in 1 kg of dry air, and is generally
expressed in terms of gm/kg of dry air. It is also called as specific humidity or humidity
6. Absolute humidity: It is the mass of water vapour present in 1m3 of dry air, and is
generally expressed in terms of gm/m" of dry air. It is also expressed in terms of grains I
m3 of dry air. Mathematically, one kg of water vapour is equal to 15430 grains.
7. Relative humidity: It is the ratio of actual mass of water vapour in a given volume of
moist air to the mass of water vapour in the same volume of saturated air at the same
temperature and pressure.
8. Dry bulb temperature: It is the temperature of the air recorded by a thermometer, when
it is not affected by the moisture present in the air. It is generally denoted by td or tdb.
9. Wet bulb temperature: It is the temperature of air recorded by a thermometer, when its
bulb is surrounded by a wet cloth exposed to the air. Such a thermometer is called wet
bulb thermometer. It is generally denoted by the symbol twb.
10. Wet bulb depression: It is the difference between dry bulb temperature and wet bulb
temperature at any point. It indicates relative humidity of the air.

11. Dew point temperature: It is the temperature of air recorded by a thermometer, when
the moisture (water vapour) present in it begins to condense. In other words, the dew
point temperature is the saturation temperature corresponding to the partial pressure of
water vapour (Pc), It is, usually, denoted by tdp. Since P, is very small, the saturation
temperature by water vapour at P, is also low (less than the atmospheric or dry bulb
temperature). Thus the water vapour in air exists in the superheated state and the moist air
containing moisture in such a form i.e., in superheated state is said to be "unsaturated
air". This condition is shown by point 'A' on T-s diagram as shown in the fig. When the
partial pressure of water vapour is equal to saturation pressure, (Ps), the water vapour is in
dry condition and the air will be "Saturated air".

~ T-S diagram
E fdr,= tsal
Q) .r.---I--------'l~

- Entropy ---

If a sample of unsaturated air, containing superheated water vapour, is cooled at constant

pressure, the partial pressure (Pc) of each constituent remains constant until the water
vapour reaches the saturated state as shown by point 'B'. At this point, B, the first drop of
dew will be formed and hence the temperature at point 'B' is called "dew point
temperature". Hence the dew point temperature is the temperature at which water vapour
begins to condense.
For saturated air, the dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature and dew point
temperature are the same.
12. Dew point depression: It is the difference between the dry bulb temperature and dew
point temperature of air.
13. Psychometer: The widely used psychometer known as sling psychometer and is shown
in the fig. It consists of a dry bulb thermometer and a wet bulb thermometer mounted side
by side in a protective case that is attached to a handle by a swivel connection so that the
case can be easily rotated. The dry bulb thermometer is directly exposed to air and
measures the actual temperature of the air. The bulb of the wet bulb thermometer is
covered by a wick thoroughly wetted by distilled water. The temperature measured by
this wick covered bulb of a thermometer is the temperature of liquid water in the wick
and is called wet bulb temperature.
The sling psychometer is rotated in the air for approximately one minute after which the
reading from both the thermometers are taken. This process is repeated several times to
assure that the lowest possible wet bulb temperature is recorded.

Dry bulb

Wet bulb

Sling Psychrometer

Bulb covered
with wetted.

Daltons law of partial pressures:

It states that "the total pressure exerted by the mixture of air and water vapour is equal to the sum
of the pressures, which each constituent would exert, if it occupied the same space by itself. In
other words, the total pressure exerted by air and water vapour mixture is equal to the barometric
pressure. Mathematically: P, = P, + Py. Where P, = Barometric pressure, P, & P, are partial
pressure of dry air and water vapour. .

Psychometer relations:
1. Specific humidity, humidity ratio or moisture content: It is the ratio of mass of water
vapour present to the mass of dry air in a given volume of the air- vapour mixture and is
denoted by the symbol 'w'
Mathematically: W = my / m,
Let Pa, Va, Ta, m, & R, are the pressure, volume, temperature, mass and gas constant
respectively for dry air.
Py, Vy, Ty, my & R, are the corresponding values for the water vapour.
Assuming the dry air and water vapour behave like a perfect gas:
We have: For dry air: Pa Va = maRaTa ---------- (1)
For water vapour: P vVy = m.R, T v ---------- (2)
Also Va = Vy, T, = T, = Td (Dry bulb temp)
Py myRy
From 1 and 2: - ---
Pa maRa

:. Humidity ratio = W =

WKT: R, = 0.287 kJ/kgOk for dry air and R, = 0.461 kJ/kgOk for water vapour
0.287 r,
:.W= 0.461 X Fa
:. W = 0.622
. ,

I W~O.622

Consider unsaturated air containing
superheated vapour at dry bulb
temperature td and partial pressure P v
as shown by the point ' A' on T-s
diagram. If water is added into this
unsaturated air, the water will
evaporate which will increase the
moisture content (specific humidity) of f
the air and the partial pressure P v
increases. This will continue until the
water vapour becomes saturated at that
temperature, as shown by point 'C' in
the figure and there will be more
evaporation of water. The partial
--- Entropy _
pressure P, increases to the saturation
pressure P, and it is the maximum
partial pressure of water vapour at
temperature td. The air containing
moisture in such a state (point C) is T-S diagram
called "Saturated air".
For saturated air, the maximum humidity ratio or maximum specific humidity
Ws = Wman:is given by P
Ws = Wman= 0.622 * P~P
b- s

Where: P, = Partial pressure of air corresponding to saturation temp i.e., dry bulb temp td.

2. Degree of saturation or percentage humidity: It is defined as the actual specific

humidity to the specific humidity of saturated air at the same dry bulb temperature and is
denoted by the symbol ~. 0.622 * Py
Mathematically: W Pb - Py
~= Ws 0.622* Ps

-r k]
P, - P,

OR =~
1- Py
3. Relative humidity: It is defined as the ratio of actual mass of water vapour (my) in a
given volume of moist air to the mass of water vapour (m.) in the same volume of
saturated air at the same temperature and pressure and is denoted by the symbol. 0

Mathematically 0 =

Let Py, Vy, Ty, my. & R, = Pressure, volume, temperature, mass and gas constant
respectively for water vapour in actual conditions.
& Ps, Vs, Ts, m, & R, = Corresponding values for water vapour in saturated air.

:. For water vapour:
1. In actual conditions: Pv Vv = m, R, T, -------- (1)
2. In saturated air: P, Vs = m, R, T, -------- (2)
According to the definition: Vv = Vs, R, = Rs, T, = T;
m, r,
'0= - = -
" m, Ps
Thus, relative humidity may also be defined as the ratio of actual partial pressure of water
vapour in moist air at a given dry bulb temperature to the saturation pressure of water
vapour or partial pressure of water vapour in saturated air at the same temperature.

WKT: ~= =0 [1-PS/P~
o -r,
1- Pb

1 OR 0 ~ 1- (1- fl~P, / Pb 1-- Relative humidity in terms of degree of saturation

Note: For saturated air: ~ = 1 & 0 = 100%

4. Pressure of water vapour

According to carrier's equation, the partial pressure of water vapour:

(Pb - Pw) (id - tw)

1544 - 1.44 tw)
Where: Pw = Saturation pressure corresponding to wet bulb temperature (From steam
P, = Barometer pressure
td = Dry bulb temperature
tw= Wet bulb temperature

5. Vapour density or Absolute humidity:

It is the mass of water vapour present in 1m3 of dry air
Let v; = Volume of water vapour in m3/kg of air at its partial pressure.
Va = Volume of dry air in m /kg of dry air at its partial pressure.

p, = Density of water vapour in kg/nr' corresponding to its partial pressure and dry bulb
temperature td.
Pa = !?ensity of dry air in kg/nr' of dry air.
W.K.T: m, = m, pv - (1) & m, = m, Pa - (2)
mv Vv pv
Dividing one by the other we get: ma v, Pa

va = v; :
mv pv
&WKT:W= OR p, = Wp, ------- (3)
ma Pa
Also: Pa v, = m, R, td v, = Pa1 & m, = 1 kg.
*_1_ _ 0 _ Pa
WegetPa -Ratd. Rp;> R
~ a~

W Pa W[Pb - Pyl
In (3) py =
Ra~ Ra~
Where: P, = Pressure in kN/m2, R, = 0.287 kJ/kgOk & td in ok.

Enthalpy of moist air (Total)

The enthalpy of moist air is numerically equal to the enthalpy of dry air plus the enthalpy of
water vapour associated with dry air. Let the amount of dry air is 1 kg.
.'. The enthalpy of 1 kg of dry air = ha = Cpa ~.
Where, Cpa = Specific heat of dry air = 1.005 kJ/kgOk.
td = Dry bulb temperature.
The enthalpy of water vapour associated with 1 kg of dry air = h, = Wh.,
Where W = Mass of water vapour in 1 kg of dry air (specific humidity)
h, = Enthalpy of water vapour per kg of dry air at dew point temperature (tdp)
If moist air is superheated, then enthalpy of water vapour = W Cps [~ - ~p]
Where Cps = Specific heat of superheated water vapour which is normally taken as 1.9 kJ/kgOk
& (td -tdp) = Degree of superheat of the water vapour.
. Total enthalpy of superheated water vapour:
h = Cpatd + Wh, + W Cps (td - tdp)
h = Cpatd+ W [hfdp+ hfgdp+ Cps (~- ~s)]
h = Cpa~ + W*4.2 ~p + Whfgdp+ W Cpstd- W Cpstdp.
h = (Cpa + WCps) td + W [hfgdp+ ~p (4.2 - Cps)]
h = (Cpa + WCps) td + W [hfgdp + tdp(4.2 - 1.9)]

I h = (Cpa+ W Cps)td + W [hfgdp+ 2.3 tdp]

The term (Cpa + W Cps) is called humid specific heat (Cpm)It is the specific heat or heat capacity
of moist air i.e., (1+W) kglkg of dry air. The general value of humid specific heat in air
conditioning range is taken as 1.022 kJ/kgk.
.. h = 1.022 td + W [hfgdp+ 2.3 tdp]kJ
Where: hfgdp= Latent heat of vaporization of water corresponding to dew point temperature,
from steam tables. .

1. The readings from a sling psychometer are as follows: Dry bulb temperature = 30c, wet
bulb temperature = 20c. barometer reading = 740 mm ofHg.
Using steam tables, determine i. Dew point temperature. ii. Relative humidity. iii.
Specific humidity. iv. Degree of saturation v. Vapour density vi. Enthalpy of mixture per
kg of dry air. '


2. The humidity ratio of atmospheric air at 28c dry bulb temperature and 760 mm of Hg is
0.016 kg/kg of dry air. Determine i. Partial pressure of water vapour ii. Relative humidity
iii. Dew point temperature iv. Specific enthalpy v. Vapour density.
3. 5 gm of water vapour per kg of atmospheric air is removed and temperature of air after
removing water vapour becomes 25c DBT: Find the following i. Relative humidity ii.
Dew point temperature. Assume condition of atmospheric air is 35c and 60% RH and
pressure is 1.013 bar.
4. A glass beaker containing water at room temperature is cooled by adding ice - water. The
moisture from the room air begins to condense on the beaker when its temperature
reaches to 12.80c. If the room temperature and pressure are 21c and 1.01325 bar,
determine the partial pressure of water vapour in the room air and mass of water vapour
in gmlkg of dry air.
5. The pressure and temperature of mixture of dry air and water vapour are 736 mm of Hg
and 21c. The dew point temperature of the mixture is 15c. Find the following i. Partial
pressure of water vapour in the mixture ii. Relative humidity iii. Specific humidity iv.
Enthalpy of mixture per kg of air v. Specific volume of mixture per kg of air.
6. The DBT & WBT of atmospheric air are 35c & 23c respectively when the barometer
reads 75 cm of Hg. Determine i. Relative humidity ii. Humidity ratio iii. Dew point
temperature iv. Density v. Enthalpy of atmospheric air.
7. A room 7m*4m*4m is occupied by air water vapour mixture at 38c. The atmospheric
pressure is 1 bar and the relative humidity is 70%. Determine the humidity ratio, dew
point, mass of dry air and mass of water vapour. If the mixture pressure until the
temperature is 10, find the amount of water vapour condensed.

Comfort Air Conditioning System:

In this system, air is brought to the required dry bulb temperature and relative humidity for the
human health, comfort and efficiency. If sufficient data of the required condition is not given,
then it is assumed to be 21 c dry bulb temperature and 50% relative humidity. The sensible heat
factor is generally kept as follows
1. For residence or Private office = 0.9
2. For Restaurant or busy office = 0.8
3. Auditorium or cinema hall = 0.7
4. Ball room dance hall etc = 0.6
The comfort air conditioning may be adopted for homes, offices, shops, restaurants, theaters,
hospitals, schools etc.

Winter Air Conditioning System:

In this system, air is heated and generally accompanied by humidification. Fig shows the system.

The outside air flows through a damper and mixes up with the recirculated air (which is obtained
from the condition space). The mixed air passes through a filter to remove dirt, dust and other
impurities. The air now passes through a preheat coil in order to prevent the possible freezing of
water and to control a evaporation .of water in the humidifier. After that, the air is made to pass
through a reheat coil to bring the air to the designed dry bulb temperature. Now, the conditioned
air is supplied to the condition space by a fan. From the condition space, a part of the used air is

exhausted to the atmosphere by the exhaust fans or ventilators. The remaining part of the used air
(known as recirculated air) is again conditioned as shows in the fig.

Conditioned oReclrculaled air -- space
I=leclrculaled air - space

Damper J I

Fig. Winter Air Conditioning System Fig. Summer Air Conditioning System

Summer Air Conditioning System:

It is the most important system. In this system air is cooled and generally humidified. The figure
shows the system.
The outside air flows through the damper, and mixes up with recirculated air (which is obtained
from the conditioned space). The mixed air passes through a filter to remove dirt, dust and other
impurities. The air now passes through a cooling coil. The coil has a temperature much below the
required dry bulb temperature of the air in conditioned space. The cooled air passes through a
perforated membrane and looses its moisture in the condensed form which is collected in a sump.
After that, the air is made to pass through a heating coil which heats up air slightly. This is done
to bring the air to the designed dry bulb temperature and relative humidity.
Now the conditioned air is supplied to the conditioned space by a fan. From the
conditioned space, a part of the used air is exhausted to the atmosphere by the exhaust fans or
ventilators. The remaining part of the used air (known as recirculated air) is again conditioned as
shown in the figure. The outside air is sucked and made to mix with the recirculated air in order
to make up for the loss of conditioned or used air through exhaust fans or ventilation from the
conditioned space.

.. '-'


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