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Dialogo en espaol

Andrea: (toca la puerta de la oficina de Justin) Hola Justin. Como estas?

Hi Justin. How are you?

Justin: Buenos das Andrea, bien y tu?

Good morning Andrea, I am fine, and you?

Andrea: bien gracias, que estas haciendo

I am ok, too. What do you doing?

Justin: trabajando (risa sarcstica)

I am working.

Andrea: perfecto.


Estela: (toca la puerta) Perdonen, me atrase

Sorry, I am late.

Andrea: Justin djame presentarte a Estela la nueva contadora del departamento

Justin let me introduce you to Estela, she is the new accountant of the department.

Justin: Hola Estela bienvenida. Cuantos aos tienes?

Hi Estela. Welcome. How old are you?

Estela: tengo .

I am

Justin: yo tengo .. es un placer conocerte

I am xx years old. Nice too meet you!

Estela: gusto en conocerte tambin.

Nice too meet you, too.

Andrea: Te envi un correo electrnico que te indica sobre el viernes casual. Parece que no lo

I sent you an e-mail where indicates to you about the casual friday. But it seems that
you didn't received
I sent to you an email indicating to you about the Friday Casual. Looks like you didn't get it.
Justin: a mi me paso tambin mi primer dia de trabajo, no te preocupes.

Do not worry. That happens.

It happened to me too on my first labor day. Don't worry about it.

Estela: gracias tomare apunte.

Thank you, for the information.

Andrea: bueno, es hora de trabajar

Well, it is time for working.

Justin: hasta luego

See you soon!

Estela: nos vemos.

Good bye!


Andrea: (toca la puerta de la oficina de Justin) Hi, Justin. How are you?

Justin: Good morning Andrea, fine thanks and you?

Andrea: so so, and what are you doing?

Justin: am working (risa sarcstica)

Andrea: perfect

Estela: (toca la puerta) excuse me, I am late

Andrea: Justin, let me introduce you to Estela. she is the new accountant
Justin: Wellcome Estela. How old are you?

Estela: I am . Years old and you?

Justin: I am .. years old. Nice to meet you Estela

Estela: nice to meet you too

Andrea: sorry, I think, I didn't send this mail about casual dress in Friday

Justin: I did the same the first day of work. don't worry

Estela: I will take note

Andrea: Well, it's time to work.

Justin: See you later!

Estela: See you

Andrea : bye

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