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1. Which one of the following does not fit in with the rest?

1. Rain
2. Snow
3. Frost
4. Sleet

2.The convective precipitation results from

1. Frontal disturbances during the cyclonic movement of

barometric low
2. The rising of colder air into warmer surroundings
3. The rising of warmer air in colder denser surrounding
4. The interface of water and air on surface due to sudden change
of temperature

3. Isohyets are

1. Areas of equal precipitation

2. Lines of equal precipitation on maps
3. Lines of equal temperature on maps
4. Lines of equal barometric pressure on maps

4. The intensity-duration-frequency curves for precipitation indicate that

1. The greater the intensity of rainfall the shorter length of time it

2. The days on which rainfall occurs at a location
3. Cumulative rainfall over a period with frequency of periodic
peaks, is ultimately constant
4. The intensity of rainfall increases as the duration increase

5. The phenomenon of evaporation from water surfaces, from the soil and
from plants is generally known as

1. Vaporisation
2. Boiling
3. Transpiration
4. Hydration

6. Evapo-transpiration is

1. Water equivalent of moisture contained in air which is lost

through evaporation
2. Unaccounted loss of water by evaporation at a location
3. Evaporation from plants in a catchment area
4. The total evaporation and transpiration from the catchment area

7.For the growth of plants, the useful soil moisture is

1. Rain water
2. Gravity water
3. Capillary water
4. Chemically treated water

8. Intensity of rainfall is

1. Total rainfall in a period

2. Rainfall per unit area
3. Volume of water collected per unit time
4. Depth of rainfall per unit time during which it fell

9. Cyclonic precipitation results from

1. Thermal convection currents

2. Orographic convection currecnts
3. Frontal disturbances during the movement of barometric low
4. None of them

10. Convective storm rainfall is caused by

1. Thermal or orographic convection

2. Sudden barometric drops
3. Gradual barometric drops
4. Isolated barometric fall in area

11. Convective storm rainfall generally

1. Of long duration and of high intensity

2. Of short duration but of high intensity
3. Of short duration and of low intensity
4. Of long duration and of low intensity

12.A double mass curve of rain is a plot between

1. The total annual rainfall at a station and the total annual rainfall
of the previous year
2. The total annual rainfall at a station and the total annual rainfall
at a neighboring station
3. The cumulative total annual rainfall at a station and the
cumulative annual rainfall at a number of nearby stations
4. The actual rainfall and the cumulative rainfall

13. The movement of water in a channel is influenced by

1. Force of gravity
2. Slope
3. Friction of water with channel bed
4. All of the above

14. The flow in an open channel is called steady if

1. The channel always run full

2. The velocity of fluid remains constant with respect to time
3. The discharge remains maximum
4. The head does not change with respect to time

15. A current meter measures, the velocity of flow, if it is held

1. At the bottom surface of the channel

2. At the surface of the channel
3. At the centroid of the channel section
4. At any point within the cross-section

16. Which one of the following is not a hydro-meteorological factor

influencing the surface run off and characteristics of stream flow?

1. Precipitation
2. Vegetation cover
3. Evapo-transpiration
4. Air temperature and humidity

17. A hydrograph is a plot of

1. Precipitation against time

2. Stream flow against time
3. Surface run off against time
4. Recorded run off against time

18. A 100 year peak discharge means

1. A maximum discharge which occurs in 101st year

2. A maximum discharge of 100 year recurrence interval
3. The peak discharge during preceding years will occur 100 year
after that
4. A maximum discharge with 100% probability of reoccurring
during next 99 years

19.The infiltration capacity is

1. Maximum rate of accumulation of water in an area

2. (Precipitation-evaporation loss) per unit time
3. Maximum rate at which water enters the soil
4. Rainfall water entering subsoil

20. The instrument used for the measurement of wind speed is

1. Anemometer
2. Rotameter
3. Odometer
4. Atmometer

21.The number of rain gauges required per unit area to give fairly reliable
data on rainfall over an area is

1. Small where rainfall gradient is steep

2. Large where rainfall gradient is steep
3. Small for hilly area
4. Large for level terrain
Answer keys

1. (3)
2. (3)
3. 2
4. 1
5. 3
6. 4
7. 3
8. 4
9. 4
10. 1
11. 2
12. 3
13. 4
14. 2
15. 4
16. 2
17. 2
18. 2
19. 3
20. 1
21. 2

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