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Examples of Mastery according to the CEFR

Level: ____
Attending an academic talk about an
unfamiliar topic and interacting with the
presenter, then writing a research report
about the topic.

Level: ____
Watching a movie and understand practically
everything without help, then chatting about
it with a native speaker of English.

Level: ____
Reading a short story for school, then talking
about the characters and the story with my
teacher and classmates.

Level: ____
Saying hello casually to a waiter. Reading the
menu, ordering, paying and getting change at
a restaurant, then saying goodbye.

Level: ____
Saying hi to someone and holding a short
conversation about the weather at a relaxed

Level: ____
Participating in spontaeous conversation
about complex topics with several people at
once, including people who speak a variety of
accents. Understand and use slang and non
obvious cultural references.

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