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Week of October 22nd

Teachers: 3A Mr. Davis 3B Ms. Pearson 3C Ms. Lpez

Reading and Writing

How do we build our reading stamina? Thursday, October 26th at CAS
Stay in my reading spot. An amazing team building skills event will take place!
Read silently or in a whisper voice.

Read the whole time.

Stick with my book until I finish it.

Use reading strategies to under-

stand what I read.

Read carefully, and dont just eat

books like Henry.
For the first time ever here at Collegiate Ameri-
can School, we will work as a team and show
Students will continue to practice writ-
ing complete sentences as they develop their our skills in communication, innovation, mathe-
informational paragraphs. Students write a par- matics, science and technology to engineer a
agraph about their specific goal to build stami-
na and become great reader who use compre-
boat. The question we are all pondering up on
hension strategies learned. is: Who will win the regatta ?

Math Reminders
Students will wrap up Addition and Subtraction
within 1,000. Vocabulary for this unit includes: OCTOBER

Associative Property of 22 Handwashing lecture

Addition, Commutative 26th CAS Cardboard Regatta
Property of Addition, com-
30 Parent Chew and Chat with Counselor Ms. Brown
patible numbers, differ-
ence, estimate, Identity 31st Early Release
Property of Addition,
31st 8:40 Halloween Parade
pattern, round.
Note: Ms. Brown (counselor) will be doing Zumba every Mondays after
Student will compose word
school (2:30-3:30). If you are interested please see her in her office or
email her at:
School Helpful Websites
Science (weather) - -

Students will identify and make

Social Studies
science tools used when measur- Strategy
Students will continue to work with a
ing weather. They will gather
data about weather in different
variety of maps (climate, popula- Noun

countries including UAE and tion density, elevation, etc.) to gain a Strat*e*gy
USA. This data will later be ana- better understanding of why people live A careful plan or
lyzed. where they live. skill carried out for
achieving a goal.

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