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describe your and someone's from the opposite gender temperament

formerly there were many stereotypes between women and men, Currently, some of these
have disappeared, however, still there are people that think that the women can not do same
works that the men, although, on occasion, the women can be more sensitive and emotional,
and the men can be unorganized and rude.

differentiate between the existing constructions you know

there are many constructions, some are big and other are small, the skyscrapers are the
biggest, however in the Ecuador, these there are not, although there are buildings, these are
perfect for offices, on the other hand, there are apartments, these are smallest than houses,
although these are very comfortable y these are perfects for single individuals, finally, the
houses are comfortable and independent constructions, mostly used by families to live.

the body human is compound for differents organs, each has a function and all are very
important to the life, Mainly the body consists of head, neck, torso, two arms, and two legs.
Eating healthy food and do exercise help for that the body is healthy and it do not have

Explicar qu buenos modales son, relacionarlos con los practicados en su pas

con y otros practicados fuera de l
Relacionar dos experiencias donde se explica tanto una actitud amable y grosera

smoking in spaces public is as annoying as drinking on the street, in Cuenca, there many
people that do these things, they should think of the others persons, on the other hand, also
there are great persons that help to other persons, for example when an old person need to
cross the street, there are who help it.

Cuntas veces has actuado incorrectamente?

Describir de ellos?

Cuntas malas experiencias has tenido por eso?

Qu has aprendido del uso popper de buenos modales?

well, I heard about GC corporation in my university, I had a friend that he studied

in this institution, then he said me that the system used for CG Corporation to
teaching English is very good, then, I decided to come for finding out information
about the system.
the teaching is well, there are great teachers, they were always a great help, once
a teacher helped me with a homework of university, on the other hand, the
Schedules are very comfortable, which is very good, especially when a person
have not time.

Currently, the English is necessary for all, then the things that i have learned in
CG corporation will help me in my professional life, allowing me to learn new
finally i wish to invite to all people that wanting to learn English, that they visit CG
corporation in this place there are Qualified people that help you with some doubt
that you have.

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