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Symposium on Steroid Therapy

Corticosteroid Physiology and Principles of Therapy

Priyanka Gupta and Vijayalakshmi Bhatia

Department of Endocrinology, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow,India

The adrenal cortex secretes glucocorticoids (GC), mineralocorticoids (MC) and androgens. GC maintain homeostasis, MC
regulate fluid and electrolyte balance and adrenal androgens contribute to development of secondary sexual characteristics.
Pharmacologic GC therapy is frequently indicated in the pediatric age group. Besides having many important side effects,
prolonged high dose systemic GC therapy has a suppressive effect on endogenous steroid production. Therefore, GC
therapy should be withdrawn gradually and stopped based on assessment of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
recovery. Patients with HPA axis suppression require physiological replacement of GC along with enhancement of doses
during periods of stress. Due to its immunosuppressive effects, issues about safety and efficacy of live virus vaccines in
patients receiving systemic high dose GC therapy must be borne in mind. [Indian J Pediatr 2008; 75 (10) : 1039-1044]

Key words: Corticosteroid; Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis; Replacement dose; Stress dose

Corticosteroids (CS) are an important class of naturally corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) from the
occurring and synthetic steroid hormones that affect hypothalamus. Pulses of ACTH occur every 30-120
virtually every aspect of human physiology. They are a minutes. Varying amplitude of ACTH pulses leads to
common part of our prescriptions, sometimes in the normal diurnal rhythm of cortisol production.
physiological doses and sometimes for pharmacological Plasma cortisol is highest in the early morning, low in
therapy. CS therapy affects endogenous CS production the afternoon and evening, and lowest 1 or 2 hours after
and has a suppressive effect on hypothalamo-pituitary- sleep begins. Cortisol has a negative feedback on ACTH
adrenal (HPA) axis. This chapter deals with principles and CRH production. Thus when GC production is
of endogenous steroidogenesis and CS therapy impaired as in Addison disease, ACTH is elevated.
including actions of CS, agents used in CS therapy, Similarly, excess GC (either endogenous or exogenous)
dosing and withdrawal regimes, stress dosing and suppresses ACTH.
immunisation related issues.
In contrast to the ACTH driven GC pathway, MC
The adrenal cortex and HPA axis synthesis is regulated mainly by the renin-angiotensin
system and by potassium levels in blood, with ACTH
The adrenal cortex consists of three zones. The zona
having only a short term effect. This is the reason why
glomerulosa, located immediately beneath the capsule,
patients with primary adrenal insufficiency require
synthesizes aldosterone, the most potent
both GC and MC for treatment, whereas
mineralocorticoid (MC) in humans. The zona fasciculata
hypopituitarism patients with ACTH deficiency require
(middle zone) produces cortisol (hydrocortisone), the
only GC and no MC replacement.
principle circulating glucocorticoid (GC). Adrenal
androgens are secreted by both zona fasciculata and zona The mechanism of regulation of adrenal androgens
reticularis (innermost zone). is not completely understood. Adrenarche, the onset of
adrenal secretion of dehydroepiandrosterone and
GC secretion is regulated by adrenocorticotrophic
androstenedione, is a maturational process and
hormone (ACTH), produced in the anterior pituitary
usually sets in prior to the onset of puberty.
and released in secretory bursts throughout the day
and night. ACTH production is in turn driven by Endogenous steroidogenesis
The substrate for steroid production is cholesterol. It is
mobilised from the outer to the inner mitochondrial
Correspondence and Reprint requests : Vijayalakshmi Bhatia,
Department of Endocrinology SGPGIMS, Lucknow-226 014,
membrane (by the steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR)
India. Phone: +91-522-2668700x2380, Fax: +91-522-2668017 protein), where it is converted to pregnenolone (Figure
1). ACTH regulation of StAR protein is the rate limiting
[Received August 19, 2008; Accepted August 19, 2008]
step in adrenal steroidogenesis.
Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 75October, 2008 1039
P. Gupta and V. Bhatia

Fig. 1. Endogenous Steroidogenesis

Structure and mechanism of action Actions of corticosteroids

Glucocorticoid (GC) activity is determined by a 1. Glucocorticoids
hydroxyl group at carbon-11 of the steroid molecule.
a. Carbohydrate metabolism: GC increase
Cortisone and prednisone are 11-keto compounds,
gluconeogenesis and conserve glucose for use by
lacking GC activity. They are converted in the liver to
essential tissues like brain and red blood cells, at
cortisol and prednisolone respectively, the
the expense of less essential tissues like muscle,
corresponding 11- hydroxyl compounds. All GC
during the times of stress or starvation.
preparations marketed for topical or local use (like
intra-articular) are 11- hydroxyl compounds, b. Protein metabolism: Overall effect is catabolic so
obviating the need for biotransformation.1 TABLE 1. Classification of Glucocorticoids Based on Duration
The actions of all CS are mediated by interaction of of Action
hormone with CS receptor, which regulates gene Short acting Intermediate acting Long acting
transcription. CS continue to act inside the cell even (bioligical half (biological half (biological half
after their disappearance from the circulation, as the life 8-12 hr) life 12-36 hr) life 36-72 hr
events initiated and the products of these events (such
Cortisol (hydrocortisone Triamcinolone Betamethasone
as specific proteins) may be present even after Cortisone Dexamethasone
disappearance of CS from the circulation. Prednisolone, Prednisone
Systemically used GC are classified as short acting, TABLE 2. Relative Potency of Commonly Used Corticosteroids.
intermediate acting and long acting (Table 1) based on
their duration of ACTH suppression. They also differ in Preparation Potency relative to hydrocortisone
their relative GC versus MC potency (Table 2) (1, 2). Glucocorticoid* Mineralocorticoid Growth
However one must remember that even those CS which inhibitory
have low MC activity (eg. hydrocortisone) may have MC
Hydrocortisone 1 1 1
effects when used in high doses. The relative potency of
Cortisone 0.8 0.8 0.8
CS differ due to their affinity for the receptor. However, Prednisolone 4 0.8 5
observed potency is determined by both intrinsic Prednisone 4 0.8 5
biologic potency and duration of action. There is little Methylprednisolone 5 0.5 7.5
correlation between circulating half life (t1/2) and its Dexamethasone 25 0 80
potency. Similarly little correlation exist between t1/2 Fludrocortisone 10 125 -
and its duration of action (1). *Anti-inflammatory potency

1040 Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 75October, 2008

Corticosteroid Physiology and Principles of Therapy

that there is negative nitrogen balance with muscle teronism causes positive sodium balance with
wasting, osteoporosis, growth slowing, skin consequent expansion of extracellular volume, normal/
atrophy, increased capillary fragility, bruising slight increase in plasma sodium concentration,
and striae. Healing of wounds is delayed. hypokalemia and alkalosis. In contrast, MC deficiency
leads to sodium wasting, contraction of extracellular
c. Fat deposition: It is increased on shoulders, face
volume, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia and acidosis.
and abdomen.
3. Adrenal androgens
d. Maintainance of blood pressure: GC enhances the
vascular reactivity to other vasoactive substances Physiologic development of pubic and axillary hair and
such as nor-epinephrine and angiotensin-II. odour during normal puberty is regulated by adrenal
androgens. Increased adrenal androgen production
e. Anti-vitamin D action: They decrease calcium
results in virilisation in girls and peripheral precocious
absorption from the gut and increase urinary
puberty in boys.
calcium excretion, thus are useful in treatment of
hypercalcemia in sarcoidosis and vitamin D Physiological replacement of CS
Prolonged GC therapy suppresses the HPA axis.
f. Fluid and electrolyte balance: GC exert their effect During the period which the axis takes to recover (which
on tubular function and glomerular filtration rate. may be as long as 12-18 months), the adrenal gland will not
They play a permissive role in renal free water be able to make GC in sufficient amounts needed for daily
excretion. physiology. Furthermore, it will not be able to increase GC
production to the levels required during stress, the required
g. Renal excretion of urate is increased.
release being anywhere from three times (for moderate stress)
h. Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive to ten times (for severe stress) the daily production rate. This
effects: GC decrease recruitment and function of adjustment has to be done through exogenous GC
inflammatory cells and vascular permeability at replacement and patient education, until the patient has
the site of inflammation. They also inhibit been documented to have HPA axis recovery.
prostaglandin and leucotriene synthesis by
inhibiting the release of arachidonic acid from the Glucocorticoids
phospholipids. By these mechanisms, GC protect The physiological secretory rate of cortisol in the intact
the organism from the damage caused by its own system is approximately 6 mg/m 2/day (3, 4, 5). The
defense reactions and the products of these usual maintainance GC dose is adjusted above this
reactions during stress. Consequently, the use of estimated secretory rate as the bioavailability of cortisol
GC as anti-inflammatory and immuno- is reduced by gastric acids and first pass metabolism in
suppressive agents represent the application of liver. Thus 8-10 mg/m 2/day of oral hydrocortisone
physiological effects to the treatment of diseases. (HC) is a reasonable initial starting dose, though
2. Mineralocorticoids patients with primary adrenal insufficiency may
require slightly higher doses of 10-12 mg/m2/day (6, 7,
MC primarily act on the distal tubules and collecting 8, 9). Later on, the dose may be individualised to avert
ducts of kidneys, beside their actions on gut, salivary signs and symptoms of adrenal insufficiency on the
and sweat glands, where they stimulate reabsorption of one hand while avoiding growth retardation and
sodium and excretion of potassium and hydrogen ions, cushingoid features on the other.
thus maintaining electrolyte balance. Hyperaldos-
TABLE 3. Guideline for Glucocorticoid Withdrawal After Prolonged Therapy

<2 weeks No need to taper; can stop abruptly

2-4 weeks Taper over 1-2 weeks

>4 weeks Decrease* 8 am <3 Continue physiological Reassess HPA axis 3

dose slowly cortisol g/dL replacement montly
stepwise > 20 Stop treatment
over 1-2 or g/dL
more months 3-20 Do ACTH Normal Stop treatment
to physiologic g/dL stimulation Abnormal Continue Reasses
dose# test physiologic HPA axis
replacement 3 monthly

*Increase the dose, if the underlying disease flares up

#Physiological dose: 10 mg/m 2 per day of hydrocortisone or 2.5 mg/m 2 per day prednisolone HPA: hypothalamopituitary

Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 75October, 2008 1041

P. Gupta and V. Bhatia

HC is preferred in infancy and childhood because of its morning dose of HC did not alter blood glucose, lactate,
relatively low growth suppressing effects. Long lasting free fatty acids, or epinephrine levels compared with
GC (prednisolone and dexamethasone) may be an placebo. Thus exercise, although a physical stressor,
option at/or near the completion of linear growth. does not require increased dosing (12). In their
However, cost may be an important concern for our consensus statement on CAH, the Lawson Wilkins
patients. An equivalent dose of tablet hydrocortisone Pediatric Endocrine Society and European Society for
(Hisone) is approximately 30 times costlier than Pediatric Endocrinology did not recommend increasing
prednisolone (Wysolone). A hydrocortisone dose of 10 the GC dose during psychological and emotional stress
mg/m 2 /day corresponds to 2.5 mg/m 2/day of (3).
prednisolone and 0.25 mg/m2/day of dexamethasone
For stress dosing, HC is the preferred agent due to its
(Table 2). HC is given in 3 divided doses at 6-8 am, 2
MC activity (6). For patients able to take orally, it should
pm and 8 pm, prednisolone is given in two divided
be 2-3 times the maintainance dose (6, 8, 9). Trauma
doses at 6-8 am and 4 pm, whereas dexamethasone is
patients or those unable to take oral steroids require
given in once daily dose at 6-8 am (6, 8, 10). These
parenteral (I/M or I/V) HC. At home, this can be
schedules are designed to mimic the normal diurnal
initiated by I/M hydrocortisone sodium succinate in a
rhythm of cortisol production, wherein the serum
dose of 50 mg/m2. This will provide coverage for 6-8
cortisol approaches very low levels by midnight.
hours. The more severe stresses such as major surgery
One must monitor blood pressure, weight and and sepsis should be treated aggressively with doses up
height beside other clinical and laboratory variables, to 100 mg/m2/day divided every 6 hourly intravenously
during treatment with CS. (6). Blood glucose should be monitored, and I/V sodium
and glucose replacements given as needed. In the
postoperative period, dose of hydrocortisone may be
Fludrocortisone is the synthetic MC used in all patients tapered on a daily basis depending on the patients
with primary adrenal insufficiency and classic condition and the level of stress, most of the patients
congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Dosage reaching physiological dosage by 7th postoperative day.
requirements in early infancy range from 0.05-0.3 mg/
HPA axis suppression and glucocorticoid withdrawal
day and remain the same or decrease to 0.05-0.2 mg/
day with age (6, 8, 9, 11). Infants need simultaneous Systemic treatment courses as brief as 2 weeks result only in
sodium chloride supplementation at 1-3 gm/day (17-51 transient suppression of endogenous cortisol production.
mEq Na+/day), distributed in several feedings, as milk Topical/local GC therapy has a lower chance of HPA
alone does not contain adequate amounts of sodium. As axis suppression. However, long term use of high doses
explained above, MC replacement is not required in of potent inhaled GC like fluticasone may lead to
children with secondary adrenal insufficiency. By the impaired adrenal functions (13). In a study of children
same analogy, the child recovering from prolonged
being treated for leukemia, a 4 week course of GC
steroid therapy, who has ACTH deficiency, does not
resulted in suppression of HPA axis for up to 8-10 weeks
need MC replacement.
after discontinuation (14, 15). The time course of recovery
Stress dosing correlated with the total duration and total previous dose
of GC. However, HPA axis suppression may persist for
With stress, cortisol secretion increases. Consequently,
as long as 12 months after withdrawal of treatment. The
all patients with primary or secondary adrenal
insufficiency and CAH must be educated about the recovery may be more rapid in children than adults (1).
need for increasing their GC dose during stress to avoid During recovery, hypothalamo-pituitary function
an adrenal crisis, which can be fatal. They should recovers before adrenocortical function. Patients with
always carry medical identification and information mild suppression of the HPA axis (i.e. normal basal
concerning therapy for stress. Care givers should have plasma and urine CS but impaired response to ACTH)
an emergency supply of I/M HC. resumes normal HPA function more rapidly than do
There is controversy about the definition of stress those with severe depression of HPA axis (i.e. low basal
and the need to increase GC doses. Mild stresses like and impaired response to ACTH).
immunisation, uncomplicated viral illness and upper While withdrawing GC therapy, one has to balance
respiratory tract infections may not require a stress dose the risk of adverse effects of prolonged steroid use with
steroid regimen, if the patient otherwise feels well. GC the risk of flare up of the underlying condition for
doses should be increased during fever 38 o C, which GC therapy was being given. There is also a
vomiting, diarrhea, decreased oral intake, lethargy, potential risk of adrenal insufficiency with rapid
surgery, trauma, dental work and large burns (6, 8, 9). It withdrawal. If the treatment duration was less than 2
has been reported that for short term high intensity weeks, GC can be stopped abruptly. In children getting
exercise in adolescents with CAH, an additional treatment for 2-4 weeks, the dose of GC may be

1042 Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 75October, 2008

Corticosteroid Physiology and Principles of Therapy

decreased over 1 or 2 weeks. Step-wise tapering is reduce the immune response to vaccines. Physicians
mandatory in patients on prolonged GC therapy. GC should wait for at least 3 months after discontinuation
dose is slowly decreased to physiological dose over of therapy for administration of live-virus vaccine to
about 1 to 2 or more months, and then discontinued patients who have received high dose systemic steroids
after assessment of adrenal functions has shown for greater than or equal to 2 weeks (17).
recovery (Table 3). Tests for recovery of adrenal
functions may be performed approximately every 3
months once the GC has been tapered to physiological CONCLUSION
doses. Use of shorter acting preparations, single rather
than multiple daily doses and alternate day therapy
favour early recovery of the HPA axis. More details Prolonged glucocorticoid therapy affects endogenous
about GC withdrawal are described in the CS production and has a suppressive effect on
accompanying article on steroid toxicity. hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. If the
treatment duration was less than 2 weeks, GC can be
Assessment of the HPA axis stopped abruptly. If given for > 4 weeks, GC should be
Before testing for recovery, the replacement GC is tapered to physiological dose over about 1 to 2 or more
withdrawn, 24 hours before the test in the case of HC months, and then discontinued after assessment of
(i.e. the dose of the previous morning may be the last adrenal functions has shown recovery. Until the HPA
one taken) and 48 hours before with prednisolone. This axis recovers and endogenous production normalises,
is done as these medicines will cross react in a cortisol GC replacement in physiological dose of 8-10 mg/m2/
assay. Dexamethasone does not cross react in the day of oral hydrocortisone is required. Enhanced doses
cortisol assay and thus can be used during the period (from 2 3 to 10 times the daily replacement) are
off prednisolone, if the patient resides in a remote area required during stress such as fever, infection, surgery
far away from medical facilities and is expected not to and trauma. HPA axis recovery is tested by 8 am
have recovered. Unless 8 am cortisol is clearly low (< 3- cortisol and ACTH stimulated cortisol.
5 g/dL) or clearly normal (>20 g/dL), an ACTH
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