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Student Name: Mahra Al Qassimi

Username ID: H00330597

Course Name: Practicum 3a
Course Code: EPC 3403
Course Teacher: Antoinette Wiseman
Task Title: Reflection Story
I read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and addressed all standards.

The lesson is for the KG 2/3 students, the class consisted of 22 students between

the ages 4-6. The lesson took place in the Circle Time Center, students will be

able to form most letters correctly using paint, count sets of up 10 objects using

one to one correspondence, and identify the life cycle of a caterpillar. I started by

singing the Hello song and then introducing the story by using the caterpillar

stuffed toy. I read the story for the whole class, 19 students were present. I

prepared three activities and had the students work on it individually. The English

activity included the students using their fingers to paint inside the letter /c/ in the

shape of the caterpillar (c for caterpillar), using the colors red for the head and

green for the body. During the English activity, students will be able to form most

letters correctly using paint. The Math activity is a food number cards, the students

had to count and choose the correct answer using the clothespin. Students are able

to count sets of up 10 objects using one to one correspondence. As for the Science

activity, I prepared the pictures that included four steps of the caterpillars life

cycle, mixed them up and asked them to paste it in order, this activity improves the

childs memory skills. The students will be able to identify the life cycle of a

caterpillar. The students were very much engaged in the steam activities, they

enjoyed finger painting, counting, cutting and pasting. This story and the

following activities taught the students the days of the weeks, which they dont
know very well in English. It also teaches them counting up 10 and to recognize

and identify colors. I feel like this was a very successful lesson, one of my best so

far, but I still have a lot to learn.

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