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Pengertian So dan Such

So dan Such adalah adverb of degree yang digunakan untuk menekankan kualitas dari
seseorang atau sesuatu.

Penggunaan So
So ditempatkan setelah adjective (kata sifat), adverb (kata keterangan), diawali
dengan determinermany, much, few, dan little.
so + adjective/adverb/many,much,few,little

Contoh Kalimat so:

She swims so beautifully. (adverb)
They are so creative and active. (adjective)

So dapat pula diikuti that clause.

So + adjective/adverb + that + clause

Contoh Kalimat so that:

The little girl was crying so loudly that the pedestrians stared at her. (adverb)
She is so generous that the poors love her. (adjective)

Penggunaan Such
Such diikuti oleh noun phrase
such + singular noun (a )/noun phrase

Contoh Kalimat such:

They discussed such a hot issue. (singular noun)
The man carried such heavy suitcases. (plural noun)

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