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SMA Darul ‘Ulum 2 BPPT Jombang

Kabupaten Jombang, East Java, known as the city of santri because of the
huge role of Kyai’s in Jombang along with their thousands of santri encourage people
to be educated both in religion way and science since before Indonesia got it’s
independence. However, narcotics in Jombang have been spreading rapidly due to it’s
cheap price and easy access from the agent to the client despite the strong Islamic
atmosphere surrounding the city.

Drugs in Jombang known that it was distributed from other city. Furthermore,
type of drugs that have been roaming around in Jombang dominated by double L and
crystal meth. From January until May 2017 already 101 cases from various agents of
narcotic arrested which reflects how fast drugs could be commonly known among
local society yet Jombang still holds the title of the city of santri.

The agent of narcotics in Jombang found to be from every layer of age, from
underage to elderly. On the other hand, from how many local police arrests drugs
agent and it’s action in this cases represents the professionalism to reveals the dark
truth behind the society. This achievement was making this city ranked third after
Surabaya and Sidoarjo for drugs case in East Java.

Local police and people took part together to fight the spreading of drugs
among the society through socialization neither in religion way such as via Kyai’s and
santri’s speech nor in a way of nationality’s spirit. These ways contributed to educate
people to understand about what is drugs and its danger to the body.

It can be concluded that drugs circulate around the society from all ages. Only
the local society itself with the help from the house and law can stop the spread of it.
Otherwise, Jombang will hold another title other than the city of santri and that is not
the good one.

Web 1 : Hidayat, Nurul. 17 May 2017. 101 Pengedar Narkoba Diringkus di Jombang
Sepanjang 2017.
pengedar- narkoba-diringkus-di-jombang-sepanjang-2017
Web 2 : Romza. 24 July 2017. Tangkap Bandar, Jombang Peringkat Tiga se-Jatim
Kasus Narkoba.

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