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Harvey Ian P. Aquino

BS Civil Engineering

Technological Institute Philippines - Manila

Summer 2017

Self-Assessment and Improvement (Week 2 – May 2 – May 6 2017)

May 2, Tuesday. It was my 4th day in the Architectural Department. The

MDC Equipment Solutions conducted a Safety Briefing and Orientation
about the Gondola. They discuss the possible incident to happen while
boarding in a Gondola. They slowly discuss the safety procedures before
starting the work in a Gondola. The discussion also instruct us the step by
step operations of a Gondola. After lunch we proceed to the Amenity Deck
so we can do the actual in what we learn at the briefing and discussion. It
was a great experience for us trainees to familiarize ourselves in a gondola,
because in the future as we become Engineers we will supervise the
workers and some will use the gondola, we can share what we learn and
always remind the safety precautions of the gondola. May 3, Wednesday.
My last day in the Architectural Department. I was tasked to assign control
numbers for the work request of Bedroom door installation and T&B door
installation. I also the one to input the control numbers in the computer for
the monitoring of the activity. May 4, Thursday. It was my 1st day in the
Structural Department. Early in the morning I’m with the Field Engineer, We
meet the workers and instruct them what will be the activity for the whole
day. The Field Engineer walk me through the structural site. He discuss the
9 days cycle of a structural construction, how the formworks is laid for the
slab and beams, how the put the reinforcement all together and how the
concrete pouring is supervise. He also brought me to the Sewage
Treatment Plant of the building and discuss the function of the STP and
what job is needed to be finished inside the STP. After lunch we still walk
around the site, and as I observed there always a question popping to my
head and he will answer all of my questions. After the walk through, he
tasked me to the highlighting of beams and girders in the key plan and to be
submitted in the Technical Service Department for the approval of the
consultant. May 5, Friday. I was tasked to the cutting list of columns in the
area 6 of the south tower. In the afternoon he brought me to the site to help
him supervise the works of the workers. He let me observe, and if I get
confuse or curious in something in the construction he will enlighten the
thought to me. At 4pm, we attended the meeting with the leadman of
structural department together with the general foreman. May 6, Saturday.
It’s my 3rd day in structural department. I continue my unfinished work in
the cutting list of Area 6 columns from ground floor to fourth floor and
tabulate the summary of weight of the steel. Communicate effectively on
complex engineering activities with various communities including
engineering experts and society at large using appropriate levels of
discourse. I applied this during all of my activities specially in working with
my supervisors and when approaching some workers.

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