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Shasta Nguyen

Personal Education Philosophy / Dr. King

Educational Philosophy 633
29 June 2017

In the classroom environment, the learner plays an important role. The learner’s experiences help to

determine their interpretation of reality, which is based upon actions and reflections of their experiences.

Students have an unlimited potential for growth and development, and are active participants in their acquisition

of knowledge by coming to class prepared, ready to be engaged in their learning by thinking critically, and asking


Educators work to promote these skills in students by encouraging critical thinking, modeling by positive

example, and becoming facilitators of condition and experiences that support student learning. Relationships

within the classroom are crucial, and the teacher will show understanding, respect, and compassion towards their

students. Teachers model what a life-long learner looks like, along with a passion for learning.

Curriculum will be taught by educators that are experts in their content area, and be kept relevant and

applicable to real-life situations. The overall curriculum is flexible, with established benchmarks to gauge mastery,

with incorporation of concepts and embellishments as needed. Formative and summative assessments will be

used continuously for data analysis to ensure that learning is taking places for all students. A multi-disciplinary

approach to teaching and inter-mingling of different subject areas (core academia, along with electives) guides

students in their critical thinking process.

While teaching in the classroom, educators will model and guide students through the information

presented. Group work is imperative, which promotes collaboration and discovery through investigation.

Teachers will utilize differentiated instructional strategies to facilitate environmental conditions and mediate

experiences to support student learning of all modalities.

The school’s purpose will be to establish a strong basic foundation for students to build upon, along with

an education that promotes critical and logical thinking to guide them in preparing for adult life. Students will be

able to better understand and navigate the world they live in, while becoming productive citizens of society, with a

passion for life-long learning.

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