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Day 16 December 2014 was scheduled for a written assignment
from Math.Althrough the date of preparation of written assignment
was known a few weeks ago, in the IIC had a severe tension and
nervousness.As every year, grade from the written assignment from
Math is very important and professor is always seen as key in
making the final grade.

On the day of written assignment, tension is felt in the air and

everyone is eagerly awaiting mathematics and professor
Aida.During the third class, Math class,students were self-absorbed
and there was no time for talking.After little more than 47 minutes
of continuous work, the bell signaling the end of the most difficult
test in the semester.

On the day of publication of the results, tension was something

lower.Most of the class had been hoping for a positive evaluation,
but not everything went according to the plan.Nine negative, six
sufficient, three good and one very good score failed to satisfy
students.Exercise is still marked by a large number of absences from
unexplained reasons.

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