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Match A to B

The show was outstanding because: the actors were first rate / it pointed out things I had never heard before.

The rehearsal was a waste of time because : the actors hadn’t managed to learn their lines.

Complete the sentences

Rudy thought the party was dreadful, so she left early.

Our manager holds regular meetings because he wants to know what is happening in the company.

Tom couldn’t face failing the test again, so he spent all weekend studying.

Complete the sentences with modal perfects

There’s no use thinking about what you SHOULD HAVE DONE. You tried your best.

Kelly was upset after the phone call. She MUST HAVE RECEIVED bad news.

Speak to the neighbours. They MIGHT HAVE HEARD something last night.

I didn’t know you were in town. I WOULD HAVE MET you for a cup of tea.

Julie didn’t write back. She MAY NOT HAVE RECEIVED my e-mail.

Correct the mistakes.

Your phone is ringing. I answer it.  Your phone is ringing. Shall I answer it?

I have gone to this school scince ten years.  I have gone to this school for ten years.

By the time we got home, my father already left.  By the time we got home my father had already left.

Thanks for explaining. Now I am understanding.  Thanks for explaining. Now I understand.

The baby began to cry while we ate dinner. -> the baby began to cry while we were eating dinner.

5. Write a sentence using future perfect or future continuous using the words given

This is the longest drought on record. By the end of the week IT WON’T HAVE RAINED FOR SIX MONTHS.

6. Find a word in the list and complete answers in the passive voice

Skin cancer CAN BE CAUSED by lying in THE SUN

Your feet MIGHT BE DAMAGED by wearing HIGH-HEELED SHOES too often

7. reported speech

“Don’t talk now”  Tthe teacher warned us not to talk then.

“Let’s sit here for lunch.”  My classmate suggested sitting there for lunch.

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