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Topic: Natural Colorants from Clitoria ternatea (clitoria) flowers, Capsicum frutescens

(sili) leaves, Mirabilis jalapa (4 o’clock plant) flowers, Cosmos sulphureus (cosmos) flowers
as Pocket Watercolor

Intro: Store-bought watercolor can cause harmful such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD) to children; this is due to the fact that younger audiences may consume these
products which contain chemicals that are harmful. This study aimed to determine the mean
perception of the respondents regarding the use of Clitoria ternatea (clitoria) flowers, Mirabilis
jalapa (4 o’clock plant) flowers, Cosmos sulphureus (cosmos) flowers, and Capsicum frutescens
(sili) leaves as an alternative pocket watercolor in terms of aesthetic, affordability, and most
importantly, safety.

Title Source Author Year Findings

Colors to Dye Internet Abualia, M. 2009 Since ancient times, people have
for: Preparation used natural colorants to dye
of Natural Dyes. wool and leather.
Green Dyes. Internet Richardson, D. 2015 One of the confirmed Green Dye
that can be used as natural
colorants is Capsicum
frutescens(sili leaves).
Natural Blue Internet Sinha, K. 2012 Clitoria ternatea can be crushed
Dye from to extract the vivid blue dye.
Clitoria ternatea:
Extraction and
Mirabilis jalapa. Internet Marsh, C. 2012 Mirabilis jalapa is a good source
of red dyes.
Orange cosmos. Internet Flann 2012 Since Orange Cosmos has an
orange hue that is easy to extract,
it can be used as a colorant.

Botanical Description of Plant Samples

Clitoria ternatea (clitoria) flowers
It is a perpetual herbaceous plant, with elliptic, uncaring departs. It develops as a vine or
creeper, doing great in clammy, unbiased soil. The most striking component about this plant is the
shade of its blossoms, a distinctive dark blue; lone, with light yellow markings. They are around 4
cm (1.6 in) long by 3 cm (1.2 in) wide. A few assortments yield white blossoms.
Butterfly pea plants have for quite some time been utilized to make a characteristic color
for eatable dishes crosswise over Southeast Asia, including the mainstream Malay avaricious rice
dish kuih ketan, which causes cream-hued sticky rice to turn a shade of blue that adversaries the
peacock's smooth sapphire body. A style of steamed dumplings molded like blooms—chor
maung—get their periwinkle tone from butterfly pea buds and have been commended in the pages
of Thai writing for quite a long time. (Sinha, 2012)
Mirabilis jalapa (4 o’clock plant) flowers
Study proposes Mirabilis jalapa blossom, inexhaustibly accessible, can be abused as a
decent wellspring of common color for fleece and cotton coloring, from olive green to dark colored
contingent upon the decision of stringent. Alas cuatro is an erect, almost or very smooth, fanned
plant, around 20 to 80 centimeters in stature. Leaves are barely praise, 4 to 10 centimeters in length.
Organic product is barely ovoid, around 8 millimeters in length, dark and finely ribbed. (Marsh,
Cosmos sulphureus (cosmos) flowers
The flower heads of Cosmos sulphureus and other Cosmos, Bidens and Coreopsis species
have been major sources of yellow to orange dyes. This species of Cosmos is considered a half-
hardy annual, although plants may re-appear via self-sowing for several years.
Its foliage is opposite and innately divided. The plant height varies from 1–7 feet (30–210
cm). The original and its cultivars appear in shades of yellow, orange, and red. The traditional
crushing and grinding using mortar and pestle is needed to extract the pigments of Cosmos
sulphureus. (Flann, 2015)
Capsicum frutescens (sili) leaves
Plants normal 3 to 5 feet (around 0.9 to 1.5 m) tall and 2 feet (0.6 m) wide. The species has
a shrubby development design with a focal stem and numerous twiggy branches. Leaves are
limited and of variable length, from 1.5 to 6 inches (around 4 to 15 cm.) The blooms are little and
cream to greenish-white shaded. Capsicum frutescens has a generally broad root framework
including a tap-root which fluctuates long contingent upon accessible dampness. (Wendy, 2017)
A stabilizer is a compound that is utilized to counteract corruption. Warmth and light
stabilizers are added to plastics and elastomers since they guarantee safe handling and ensure items
against maturing and weathering. The pattern is towards liquid frameworks, pellets, and expanded
utilization of master batches.
Stabilizers minimize the scattering of liquid states. One example is inks and colorful pens
that lessen the scattering of its ink or color. (Altana, 2017)

Egg Albumin
This is more commonly known as the ‘egg white’. Egg white consists primarily of about
90% water and its primary use is for food but can also be used for other things such as for
preparation of vaccines or, in our research, as a stabilizer for the watercolor.
Baking Soda
It is a salt composed of sodium ions and bicarbonate ions. Sodium bicarbonate is a white
solid that is crystalline but often appears as a fine powder. Used in cooking, pest control, and etc.
As the most easily manufactured mild acid, it has historically had a great variety of
industrial, medical, and domestic uses, some of which (such as its use as a general household
cleaner) are still commonly practiced today.
Corn starch, sometimes referred to as corn flour, is a carbohydrate extracted from the
endosperm of corn. This is mostly used for culinary purposes but can also be used for other non-
culinary things or even as a medical product.
Sensory Evaluation
Sensory Evaluation is a logical train that applies standards of trial outline and factual
investigation to the utilization of human detects (locate, notice, taste, touch and hearing) for the
motivations behind assessing customer items. The teach requires boards of human assessors, on
whom the items are tried, and recording the reactions made by them.
Natural Colorants from Clitoria ternatea (clitoria) flowers, Capsicum frutescens (sili) leaves,
Mirabilis jalapa (4 o’clock plant) flowers, Cosmos sulphureus (cosmos) flowers as Pocket

Ray Miguel L. Chan

Sean Iliad L. Martinez
Sharie Hayley A. Sauza

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