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Nutrition Taking in of nutrients which are organic substances and mineral ions, containing
raw materials or energy for growth and tissue repair, absorbing and assimilating

Excretion Removal from organisms of toxic materials, the waste products of metabolism
(chemical reactions in cells including respiration) and substances in excess of

Respiration The chemical reactions that break down nutrient molecules in living cells to
release energy

Sensitivity The ability to detect or sense changes in the environment (stimuli) and to make

Reproduction The processes that make more of the same kind of organism

Growth A permanent increase in size and dry mass by an increase in cell number or cell
size or both

Movement An action by an organism or part of an organism causing a change of position or


Cell The smallest, basic structural, functional and biological unit of all known living

Diffusion The net movement of molecules from a region of their higher concentration to a
region of their lower concentration down a concentration gradient, as a result of
their random movement.

Osmosis The diffusion of water molecules from a region of their higher concentration
(dilute solution) to a region of their lower concentration (concentrated solution),
through a partially permeable membrane.

Enzymes Proteins that function as biological catalysts.

Photosynthesis The fundamental process by which plants manufacture carbohydrates from raw
materials using energy from light.

Balanced Diet It is a diet which contains all the nutrients in correct amount and proportions
related to the age, sex and activities of an individual.

Ingestion Taking substances (e.g. food, drink) into the body through the mouth.

Egestion Passing out of food that has not been digested, as faeces, through the anus.

Digestion The breakdown of large, insoluble food molecules into small, water soluble
molecules using mechanical and chemical processes.

Absorption Movement of digested food molecules through the wall of the intestine into the

Transpiration Evaporation of water at the surfaces of the mesophyll cells followed by loss of
water vapour from plant leaves, through the stomata.

Translocation The movement of sucrose and amino acids in phloem; from regions of production
to regions of storage or to regions of utilisation in respiration or growth.

Circulatory A system of tubes with a pump and valves to ensure one-way flow of blood.

Double It is a low-pressure circulation to the lungs and a high-pressure circulation to the

Circulation body tissues.

Aerobic The release of a relatively large amount of energy in cells by the breakdown of
respiration food substances in the presence of oxygen.

Anaerobic The release of a relatively small amount of energy by the breakdown of food
respiration substances in the absence of oxygen.

Human nervous It is the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord as areas of coordination)
system and the peripheral nervous system which together serve to coordinate and regulate
body functions.

Reflex action It is a means of automatically and rapidly integrating and coordinating stimuli
with responses.

Hormone A chemical substance, produced by a gland, carried by the blood, which alters the
activity of one or more specific target organs and is then destroyed by the liver.

Geotropism A response in which a plant grows towards or away from gravity

Phototropism A response in which a plant grows towards or away from the direction from
which light is coming

Homeostasis The maintenance of a constant internal environment.

Asexual The process resulting in the production of genetically identical offspring from one
reproduction parent.

Sexual The process involving the fusion of haploid nuclei to form a diploid zygote and
reproduction the production of genetically dissimilar offspring.

Pollination The transfer of pollen grains from the male part of the plant (anther or stamen) to
the female part of the plant (stigma).

Inheritance The transmission of genetic information from generation to generation.

Chromosome A thread of DNA, made up of a string of genes

Gene A length of DNA that is the unit of heredity and codes for a specific protein; a
gene may be copied and passed on to the next generation

Allele Any of two or more alternative forms of a gene.

Haploid​ ​nucleus A nucleus containing a single set of unpaired chromosomes (e.g. sperm and egg)

Diploid​ ​nucleus A nucleus containing two sets of chromosomes (e.g. in body cells).

Mitosis Nuclear division giving rise to genetically identical cells in which the
chromosome number is maintained by the exact duplication of chromosomes

Meiosis Reduction division in which the chromosome number is halved from diploid to

Genotype The genetic makeup of an organism in terms of the alleles present (e.g. Tt or GG)

Phenotype The physical or other features of an organism due to both its genotype and its
environment (e.g. tall plant or green seed)

Homozygous Having two identical alleles of a particular gene (e.g. TT or gg). Two identical
homozygous individuals that breed together will be pure-breeding

Heterozygous Having two different alleles of a particular gene (e.g. Tt or Gg), not pure-breeding

Dominant An allele that is expressed if it is present (e.g. T or G)

Recessive An allele that is only expressed when there is no dominant allele of the gene
present (e.g. t or g).

Natural The greater chance of passing on of genes by the best-adapted organisms.


Mutation A change in a gene or chromosome.


Producer An organism that makes its own organic nutrients, usually using energy from
sunlight, through photosynthesis

Consumer An organism that gets its energy by feeding on other organisms

Food​ ​chain The flow of energy (food) from one organism to the next beginning with a
producer (e.g. mahogany tree → caterpillar → song bird → hawk)

Food​ ​web A network of interconnected food chains showing the energy flow through part of
an ecosystem

Herbivore An animal that gets its energy by eating plants

Carnivore An animal that gets its energy by eating other animals

Decomposer An organism that gets its energy from dead or waste organic matter

Ecosystem A unit containing all of the organisms and their environment, interacting
together, in a given area, e.g. decomposing log or a lake

Trophic Level The position of an organism in a food chain or food web.


Matter Anything that has mass and takes up space.

Atom The smallest part of an element that can take part in a chemical change.

Molecule It is the smallest part of a compound which has an independent existence.

Element A substance that consists only one type of atom and cannot be chemically
broken down into simpler substances.

Compound A pure substance made of two, or more, elements chemically combined

together in a fixed ratio.

Mixture It contains at least two substances or particles, not chemically bonded.

Paper The separation of a mixture of soluble colored substances using paper and a
Chromatography solvent.

Filtration The separation of a solid from a liquid using filter paper.

Distillation The separation of a liquid from a mixture using differences in boiling point.

Crystallisation The formation of crystals when a saturated solution is left to cool.

Fractional The separation of a mixture of liquids using differences in boiling point.


Titration A method of finding the amount of a substance in a solution

Melting The change of state from solid to liquid.

Freezing The change of state from liquid to solid at the melting point.

Boiling The change of state from liquid to gas at the boiling point of the liquid.

Evaporation The change of state from liquid to gas below the boiling point.

Condensation The change of state from gas to liquid.

Sublimation The change of state directly from solid to gas. (Visa Versa)

Physical Change The change in three states of matter i.e. solid, liquid and gas with no new
substance formed.

Contact Process An industrial process for making sulfuric acid


Chemical Change It is a change that results in the formation of new chemical substances with
energy being absorbed or released.

Proton It has a positive charge with a mass of 1 unit.

Neutron It has no electrical charge with a mass of almost 1 unit.

Electron It had a negative charge with having hardly any mass.

Atomic (Proton) The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of an element.


Mass (Nucleon) The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.

Electron The organization of electrons in their different energy levels (shells).


Isotope Atoms of the same element with a different number of neutrons in their nuclei.

Ions It is a charged particle made from an atom by loss or gain of electrons.

Ionic Bonding A bond created between metals and nonmetals by losing and gaining electrons.

Lattice structure It is a regular arrangement of alternating positive and negative ions of an ionic

Covalent Bonding A bond created between two nonmetals by sharing a pair of electrons.

Displacement A reaction in which a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element
from a solution of a salt.

Volatile The tendency of a substance to vaporize.

Mole A specific number of particles called Avogadro’s constant. (6.02 X 10​23​)

Molar Gas Volume The volume occupied by one mole of any gas is 24 dm​3 ​at room temperature
and pressure.

Relative Atomic The average mass of a naturally occurring atom of an atom on a scale where
Mass (A​r​) one carbon-12 atom exactly weighs 12 grams.

Relative Molecular The sum of the relative atomic masses of all the atoms or ions in a compound.
Mass (M​r​)

Electrolysis The chemical effect of electricity on ionic compounds, causing them to break
up into simpler substances, usually elements.

Electrode An electrode is a conductor rod that passes an electrical current in and out of
the solution, usually from a power source to a device or material.

Electrolyte A compound which conducts electricity when molten or in solution in water,

and is decomposed in the process.

Electroplating A process used to coat one metal with another.

Anode The positive electrode

Cathode The negative electrode

Exothermic reaction A reaction in which heat energy is given out to the surroundings

Endothermic A reaction in which heat energy is taken in from the surroundings


Combustion The reaction of a substance with oxygen causing the release of energy.

Burning Combustion in which a flame is produced.

The rate of Reaction The rate of formation of the products of chemical reactions or the rate at which
reacts are used up.

Catalyst An agent which increases rate but which remains unchanged.

Oxidation The addition of oxygen to an element or compound.

Reduction The removal of oxygen from a compound.

Redox A chemical reaction between two substances in which one substance is

oxidized and the other reduced.

Reducing agent An element or compound that will remove oxygen from other substances.

Oxidizing agent A substance that will add oxygen to another substance.

Acid A substance that dissolves in water to produce hydrogen ions (H​+​) and give a
solution with a pH below 7.

Base A substance which will neutralize an acid to form a salt and water only.

pH scale A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. (Scale from 0 - 14)

Alkali A base that dissolves in water to produce hydroxide ions (OH​-​) and give a
solution with a pH greater than 7.

Indicator A substance that changes color depending on whether it is an acid or alkali.

Salt An ionic substance produced from an acidity by neutralization with a base.

Neutralization A reaction between an acid and a base to produce a salt and water only.

Periodic Table The table in which the elements are organized in order of increasing proton
number and electron arrangement.

Groups A vertical column of elements in periodic table

Periods A horizontal row of elements in periodic table

Valency The number of chemical bond an atom can make.

Metals A element which is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with
good electrical and thermal conductivity

Non-metals A element which is softer than metals, dull, brittle with low density and good
insulation capacity.

Alloy A mixture of elements,(usually, metals) designed to have properties that are

useful for a particular purpose.

Galvanising A method to prevent rust by coating the object with a layer of a more reactive
metal, zinc.

Sacrificial A method of rust prevention in which block of reactive metal is attached to the
protection iron surface, which will corrode in preference to it.

Haber Process An industrial process for making ammonia

Rusting A reaction of iron with oxygen and water which causes the iron to corrode.

Decomposition The breakdown of a compound into simpler substances.

Petroleum It is a viscous, thick, non-refined and a sticky mixture of hydrocarbons which

is separated into useful fractions.

Hydrocarbon A compound that contains carbon and hydrogen only.

Alkane A saturated hydrocarbon that contains only single covalent bonds between the
carbon atoms of the chain. (simplest alkene is ethene - CH​4​). Its general
formula is C​n​H​2n+2

Alkene An unsaturated hydrocarbon that contains at least one double between two of
the carbon atoms in the chain. (simplest alkene is ethene - C​2​H​4​). Its general
formula is C​n​H​2n

Alcohol An alcohol is an organic compound containing OH as the functional group

which is bonded to a saturated carbon atom. Its general formula is C​n​H​2n+1​OH

Homologous Series A family of organic compounds with similar chemical properties as they
contain the same functional group.

Saturated A hydrocarbon that contains an only single covalent bond between the carbon
hydrocarbon atoms where each carbon atom is linked to a maximum possible number of
hydrogen atoms.

Fossil fuel A fuel formed underground from previously living material by the action of
heat and pressure over a geological period of time.

Unsaturated A hydrocarbon that contains a double covalent bond between the carbon atoms
hydrocarbon where each carbon atom is linked to the lesser number of hydrogen atoms than
maximum possible.

Addition Reaction A reaction in which atoms, or groups, are added across a carbon-carbon double
bond in an unsaturated molecule such as an alkene.

Cracking A thermal decomposition reaction in which long-chain saturated alkane is

broken down to a shorter alkane, usually with the formation of an alkene.

Macromolecules Large complex molecules made from the small simple molecule by
polymerisation method.

Polymers A long chain molecule made by joining many monomers together.

Monomers The small molecules from which polymers are built by joining them together.

Polymerisation A process by which long-chain polymer is made from its monomers.

Hydration reaction A chemical reaction in which a substance combines with water.


Addition A polymerisation process in which the monomers contain a carbon-carbon

polymerisation double bond and polymerisation takes place by the addition reaction.

Condensation A polymerisation process in which the linking of monomers takes place by a

polymerisation condensation reaction in which a small molecule, usually water, is eliminated.

Speed It is the distance travelled by an object per unit time.

Distance The actual path travelled by the object.

Time The actual period that an abject takes to some distance.

Acceleration The rate of change of object's velocity.

Velocity The speed of a moving object in a particular direction.

Displacement The difference between final position and initial position of the object
which can be negative, positive or zero.

Scalar quantity A quantity that has only magnitude.

Vector​ ​quantity A quantity that has both magnitude and direction

Mass The property of an object that causes it to have a gravitational attraction for
other objects, and that causes it to resist changes in its motion.

Weight The downward force of gravity that acts on an object because of its mass.

Density It is the ratio of mass to volume for a substance .

Acceleration due to It is the acceleration of an object falling freely under gravity


Force The action of one body on a second body that causes its velocity to change .

Newton The SI unit for force; the force required to give a mass of 1 kg an
acceleration of 1 m/s​2

Hook’s law The extension of an object is proportional to the load producing it, provided
that the limit of proportionality is not exceeded.

Limit of The point beyond which the extension of an object is no longer

proportionality proportional to the load producing it.

Extension The increase in the length of a spring when a load is attached.

Resultant force The single force that has the same effect on a body as two or more forces.

Equilibrium When no net force and no net movement act on a body

Pressure The force acting per unit area at right angles to a surface.

Moment of force The turning effect of a force about a point, given by force X perpendicular
distance from pivot to force.

Pascal The SI unit of pressure; 1 Pa = 1 N/M​2

Work done The amount of energy transferred when one body exerts a force on another;
the energy transferred by a force when it moves

Power The capacity to do work.

Energy The ability to do work.

Joule The SI unit of work or energy.

Principle of The total energy of interacting objects is constant provided no net external
conservation of energy force acts.

Efficiency The fraction of energy that is converted into a useful form

A.c generator A device used to generate alternating current.

activity The rate at which nuclei decay in a sample of a radioactive substance.

Air resistance The frictional force on an object moving through air.

Alpha decay The decay of a radioactive nucleus by emission of an a-particle.

Alpha particle A particle of two protons and two neutrons emitted by an atomic nucleus
(a-particle) during radioactive decay.

Alternating current ( Electric current that flows first one way, then
a.c ) the other, in a circuit.

Ammeter A meter for measuring electric current

Amp,ampere (A) The SI unit of electric current

Amplitude The greatest height of a wave above its undisturbed level

Angle of incidence The angle between an incident ray and the normal to the surface at the point
where it meets a surface

Angle of refraction The angle between a refracted ray and the normal to the surface at the point
where it passes from one martial to another

Average speed Speed calculated from total distance travelled divided by total time taken

Axis The line passing through the center of the lens,perpendicular to its surface.

Background radiation The radiation from the environment to which we are exposed all time.

Barometer An instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure.


Battery Two or more electric cells connected together in series;the world may may
also be used to mean a single cell.

Becquerel (Bq) The SI unit of activity; 1 Bq = one decay per second.

Beta decay The decay of radioactive nucleus by emissions of a beta particle.

Beta particle A particle (an electron) emitted by an atomic nucleus during radioactive

Biomass fuel A material recently living used as fuel.

Boyle's law The law that relates the pressures and volume of the fixed mass of gas (pV
= constant at constant temperature)

Brownian motion The motion of small particles suspended in a liquid or gas, caused by
molecular bombardment.

Cell A device that provides a voltage in a circuit by means of a chemical


Center of mass The point at which the mass of an object can be considered to be

(Electrostatic) Charge A property of an object that causes it to attract or repel other objects with

Chemical energy Energy stored in chemical substances and which can be released in a
chemical reaction

Circuit breaker A safely device that automatically switches off a circuit when the current
becomes too high.

Commutator A device used to allow current to flow to and flow the coil of a d.c motor or

Compression A region of a sound wave where the particles are pushed close together.

Conduction The transfer to heat energy or electrical energy through a material without
the material itself moving.

Conductor A substance that transmits heat or allows an electric current to pass through

Convection The transfer to heat energy through a material by movement of the material

Converging lens A lens that causes rays of light parallel to the axis to converge at the
principal focus.

Coulomb (C) The SI unit of electric charge; 1 C = 1 A s

Corkscrew rule The rule used to determine the direction of the magnetic field around an
electric current.

One coulomb of Charge It is equal to the quantity of charge transferred in 1 second by a steady
current of 1 ampere and is equivalent to 6.24 x 10​18​ elementary charges,
where one elementary charge is the charge of the proton or the negative
charge of an electron.

Count rate The number of decaying radioactive atoms detected each second ( or
minute, or hour).

Crest The highest point of a wave .

Critical angle The minimum angle of incidence at which total internal reflection occurs.

Current The rate at which electric charge passes a point in a circuit.

Current-voltage A graph showing how the current in a component depends on the p.d.
characteristic Across it.

Demagnetisation Destroying at magnetisation of a piece of a material .

Diffraction When the wave spreads out as it travels through a gap or past the edge of a

Diode An electrical component that allows electric current to flow in one direction

Direct current (d.c) Electric current that flows in the same direction all the time.

Dispersion The separation of different wavelengths of light because they are refracted
through different angles.

Diverging lens A lens that causes rays of light parallels to the axis to diverge from the
principal focus.

Drag The frictional force when an object moves through a fluid (a liquid or a gas

Earthed When the case of an electrical appliance is connected to the earth wire (for

Electric field A religion of space in which an electric charge will feel a force.

Electrical energy Energy transferred by an electric current.

Electromagnet A coil of wire that,when a current flows in it,becomes a management.


Electromagnetic Energy travelling in the form of waves.


Electromagnetic The family of radiation similar to light


Electron Charge The electric charge of a single electron; -1.6 x 10​-19​ C

Electron A negatively charged particle, smaller than atom

Electro-motive force The voltage across the terminals of a source of electrical energy (for
(e.m.f) example, a cell or power supply)

Fleming’s left hand A rule that gives the relationship between the directions of force, field and
rule current when a current flows across a magnetic field.

Fleming’s right hand A rule that gives the relationship between the directions of force, field and
rule current when a current is induced by moving a conductor relative to a
magnetic field.

Focal length The distance from the centre of lens to its principal focus.

Fossil fuel A material, formed from long-dead material, used as a fuel.

Frequency The number of vibrations per second, or number of waves per second
passing a point.

Friction The force that acts when two surfaces rub over one another

Fuse A device used to prevent excessive current flowing in a circuit.

Gamma ray An electromagnetic radiation emitted by an atomic nucleus during

radioactive decay

Geothermal energy The energy stored in hot rocks underground

Gravitational Potential The energy of an object raised up against the force of gravity
Energy (g.p.e)

Gravity The force that exists between any two objects with mass

Half life The average time taken for half the atoms in a sample of a radioactive
material to decay

Hard A material that, once magnetised, is difficult to demagnetise

Incident ray A ray of light striking a surface

Image What we see when we view an object by means of reflected or refracted


Impulse The product of a force and the time for which it acts ( impulse = Ft)

Infrasound Sound waves whose frequency is so low that they cannot be heard.

Induction A method of giving an object an electric charge without making contact

with another charged object.

Infrared Radiation Electromagnetic radiation whose wavelength is greater than that of visible
light; sometimes known as heat radiation

Insulator A substance that transmits heat very poorly or does not conduct electricity

Internal energy The energy of an object; the total kinetic and potential energies of its

Ionisation When a particle becomes electrically charged by losing or gaining electrons

Ionising radiation Radiation, for example from radioactive substances, that cause ionisation

Irradiated When an object has been exposed to radiation

Isotope Atoms of the same element with a different number of neutrons in their

Kinetic energy (k.e) The energy of a moving object

Kinetic model of matter A model in which matter consists of molecule in molecule.

Laser A device for producing a narrow beam of light of a single colour or


Law of reflection The law relating the angle of incidence of light rat to the angle of reflection
(​ i = r ​)

Light energy Energy emitted in the form of visible radiation.

Light-emitting diode A type of diode that emits light when a current flows through it

Light dependent A device whose resistance decreases when light shines on it

resistor (LDR)

Load A force that causes the spring to extend

Latent heat The energy needed to meat or boil a material

Longitudinal Wave A wave in which the vibration is forward and back, along the direction in
which the wave is travelling

Magnetic field The region of space around a magnet or electric current in which a magnet

will feel a force.

Negative Charge One type of electric charge

Magnetism It is causing a piece of material to be magnetised; a material is magnetised

when it produces a magnetic field around itself.

Neutral Having no overall positive or negative electric charge

Neutron An electrically neutral particle found in the atomic nucleus.

Neutron number (​N​) The number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom

Non-renewable Energy source which, once used is gone forever

Normal The line drawn at right angles to a surface at the point where a ray strikes
the surface.

Nuclear energy Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom

Nuclear fission The process by which energy is released by the splitting of a large heavy
nucleus into two or more lighter nuclei

Nuclear fusion The process by which energy is released by the joining together of two
small light nuclei to form a new heavier nucleus.

Nucleon A particle found in the atomic nucleus; a proton or a neutron

Nuclide A ‘species’ of nucleus having particular values of proton number and

nucleon number

Ohm The SI unit of electrical resistance

Ohmic resistor Any conductor for which the current in it,is directly proportional to the p.d
across it

Potential Difference Another name for the voltage between two points

Penetrating power How far radiation can penetrate into different materials

Period The time for one complete oscillation of a pendulum, one complete
vibration or the passage of one complete wave

Pitch How how or low a note sounds

Pivot The fixed point about which a lever turns

Positive charge One type of electric charge


Potential divider A part of a circuit consisting of two resistors connected in series.

Power lines Cables used to carry electricity from power stations to consumers

Principal focus The point at which rays of light parallel to the axis converge after passing
through a converging lens

Proton A positively charged particle found in the atomic nucleus

Proton charge The electric charge of a single proton; +1.6 x 10​-19​ C

Proton number (​Z​) The number of protons in an atomic nucleus

Radiation Energy spreading out from a source carried by particles or waves

Radioactive decay The decay of a radioactive substance when its atomic nuclei emit radiation

Real image A image that can be formed on the screen

Radioactive substance A substance that decays by emitting radiation from its atomic nuclei.

Radioisotope A radioactive isotope of an element

Radioactive tracing A technique that uses a radioactive substance to trace the flow of liquid or
gas, or to find the position of cancerous tissue in the body

Radiocarbon dating A technique that uses the known rate of decay of radioactive carbon-14 to
find the approximate age of an object made from dead organic material.

Rarefraction A region of a sound wave where the particles are further apart.

Reflected ray A ray of light that has been reflected after sticking a surface

Reflection The change in direction of a ray of light when it strikes a surface without
passing through it

Refracted ray A ray of light that had changed direction on passing from one materials to

Refraction The bending of a ray of light on passing from one material to another

Refractive Index The property of a material that determines the extent to which it causes rays
of light to be refracted.

Relay An electromagnetically operated switch

Renewable Energy source which when uses will be replenished naturally

Resistance A measure of the difficulty of making an electric current flow through a

device or a component in a circuit

Resistor A component in an electric circuit whose resistance reduces the current


Ripple A small, uniform wave on the surface of water

Slip rings A device used to allow current to flow to and from the coil of an a.c motor
or generator

Snell’s law The law that reflects the angles of incidence and refraction : refractive
index = (sin ​i​)​ ​/ (sin ​r​)

Soft It describes a material that, once magnetised, can easily be demagnetised

Solar Cell An electrical device that transfers the energy of sunlight directly to
electricity, by producing a voltage when light falls on it.

Solenoid A coil of wire that becomes magnetised when a currents flows through it

Sound energy Energy being transferred in the form of sound waves

Sound wave A wave that carries sound from place to place

Specific Heat capacity A measure of how much thermal (heat) energy a material can hold

Specific Latent heat The energy required to melt or boil 1 kg of a substance

Spectrum Waves, or colors of light, separated out in order according to their


Speed of light The speed at which light travels (usually in a vacuum : 3.0 x 10​8​ m/s)

Spring constant The ratio of force to extension for a spring which obeys Hooke’s law

Static electricity Electric charge held by a charged insulator

Strain energy Energy on an object due to its having been stretched or compressed

Temperature A measure of how hot or cold something is

Terminal velocity The greatest speed reached by an object when moving through a fluid

Thermal (heat) energy Energy being transferred from a hotter place to a colder place because of
the temperature difference between them

Trough The lowest point on a wave

Thermal expansion The expansion of a material when it temperature rises

Thermal equilibrium It describes the state of two objects (or a object and its surroundings) that

are at same temperature so that there is no heat flow between them.

Thermistor A resistor whose resistance changes a lot over a small temperature range

Total internal reflection When a ray of light strikes the inner surface of a solid material and 100% of
(TIR) the light reflects back inside it

Transducer Any device that converts energy from one form to another

Transformer Any device used to change the voltage of an a.c electricity supply

Transverse wave A wave in which the vibration is at right angles to the direction in which
the wave is travelling

Trip switch A device used to protect an electric circuit in case of an electrical fault

Turbine A device that is caused to turn by moving air, steam or water, often used to
generate electricity

Ultrasound Sound waves whose frequency is so high that they cannot be heard

Ultraviolet radiation Electromagnetic radiation whose frequency is higher than that of visible

Upper limit of hearing The highest frequency of sound that a person can just hear

Variable resistor A resistor whose resistance can be changed.

Virtual image An image that cannot be formed on a screen; formed when rays of light
appear to be spreading out from a point.

Volt (V) The SI unit of voltage or p.d or e.m.f; one volt is equal to one joule per
coulomb (1 V = 1 J/C)

Voltage The ‘push’ of a battery or power supply in a circuit

Voltmeter A meter for measuring p.d (voltage) between two points

Watt (W) The SI unit of power; the power when 1 J of work is done in 1 s

Wave speed The speed at which wave travels

Wavefront A line joining adjacent point on a wave that are all in step with each other

Wavelength The distance between 2 adjacent crests (or troughs) of a wave

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