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八大詞類 ( the parts of speech)


A. 翻譯練習
1. 我跟我弟總是在星期天下午到公園打籃球。

2. 林書豪的籃球打得很好,他是一個很棒的 NBA 球員。

B. 詞性練習


1. 動詞verb(v)

2. 名詞noun(n)

3. 代名詞pronoun(pron)

4. 形容詞adjective(adj)

5. 副詞adverb(adv)

6. 連接詞conjunction(conj)

7. 介系詞preposition(prep)

8. 感歎詞interjection(interj)
八大詞類 ( the parts of speech)
以歸類為英文的八大詞類之一。同一個字可能有好幾種不同的詞性。如: Love
is in the air. 與 I love you. 這兩個句子中 love 分別是名詞與動詞。同一個字的
詞性不同時,意義也可能不同。如:在 The exam was really hard.中這個句子
的 hard 是形容詞,表示困難的。work hard, play hard 這個片語的 hard 是副
1. 動詞 Verb:
a. 行為動詞:用來表達主詞的行為或動作。又可分
(a.)不及物動詞 intransitive verb
Time flies.
Time flies when you’re having fun.
My father shaves.
My father shaves every morning before he goes to work.
(b.)及物動詞 transitive verb
He bought a diamond engagement ring.
He bought a diamond engagement ring for his girlfriend last night.
Tim ate three hamburgers.
Tim ate three hamburgers because he was very hungry.
b. 連綴動詞 linking verb
I feel sick.
My mother is a housewife.
You look tired.
c. 助動詞 auxiliary verb
The band is coming to Taiwan next month.
He didn’t go to school yesterday.
1. 動詞: 動詞的四個面貌:動詞依時態不同會有不同的面貌
1. Present (V1) 動詞原型: I work from nine to five.
2. Past (V2) 動詞過去式: I worked late last night.
3. Past Participle (V3) 動詞過去分詞: I have worked hard.
4. Present Participle (V-ing) 動詞現在分詞: I am working now.

2. 名詞 (nouns):名詞用來表達人、事、物、地等。英文句子的構成要件就是主詞
把動詞加上 ing 成為動名詞或加上不定詞 to。名詞可以接在其他詞類後形成
如:Peter, Taipei, table, truth..等。
Albert is a nice guy.
Barack Obama is the current President of the United States.
Baking and swimming are my hobbies.

3. 代名詞 (pronouns):是用來取代名詞的字。前面已經提過的名詞或是說話的
如:you, him, herself, everyone, this, which, what…等。
Will you give me your name and phone number?
My father is very tall. He’s one meter 85.

4. 形容詞 (adjectives):用來形容、描述、說明一個名詞或代名詞。形容詞多放
如:hot, Taiwanese, her, that, some, whose…
The most popular Taiwanese drink is probably pearl milk tea.
The coffee tastes bitter.

5. 副詞 (adverbs):用來修飾動詞、形容詞,副詞,或整個句子,表達程度,
地方,意義也會有所不同。頻率副詞多放一般動詞前,be 動詞後。
如:always, usually, sometimes, quickly, late, very… 等。
Fortunately, she won the lottery.
It’s appropriate not to take your shoes off at the door.
It’s not appropriate to take your shoes off at the door.
6. 連接詞 (conjunctions):用來連接單字 (words)、片語 (phrases)或子句
a. 對等連接詞 coordinating conjunctions: and, but, for, or, yet, so
b. 從屬連接詞 subordinating conjunctions: if, before, because, when
c. 關係連接詞 correlative conjunctions: either…or, neither…nor, both…
and, whether…or, not only…but also
He’s the kind of person you either love or hate.
Although John was sick, he still went to work.
It was raining but they still went to the park.

7. 介係詞 (prepositions):用來表達兩件事物的關係,如位置、方向、空間、時
如:about, around, in, on under, of, under, with, between, for… 等。
He arrived in London on Sunday morning.
I get up at 7 o’clock from Monday to Friday.

8. 感嘆詞 (interjections):用來表達強烈的情緒或驚訝。
如:oh, wow, yeah, ouch…等。
Oh! I didn’t know that was you.
Wow! It’s unbelievable.


Tom thinks Mary is wonderful. He loves her madly, and he dreams of

marrying her, but unfortunately he is too old for her. Today they are at a
café with their friends Mandy and Jack, so Tom can’t get romantic with

1. 動詞 verb:
2. 名詞 noun:
3. 代名詞 pronoun:
4. 形容詞 adjective:
5. 副詞 adverb:
6. 連接詞 conjunction:
7. 介系詞 preposition:
A. 翻譯練習 P.1
1. 我跟我弟總是在星期天下午到公園打籃球。
My brother and I always play basketball in the park on Sunday afternoon.

2. 林書豪的籃球打得很好,他是一個很棒的 NBA 球員。

Jeremy Lin plays basketball well. He is an excellent NBA player.

B. 詞性練習 P.1

1. My(adj) brother(n) and(conj) I(pron) always(adv) play(verb)

basketball(noun) in(prep) the(adj) park(n) on(prep) Sunday(n)


2. Jeremy(n) Lin(n) plays(v) basketball(n) well(adv) .

He(pron) is(v) an(adj) excellent(adj) NBA(n) player(n).

C. 八大詞類 ( the parts of speech) P.4

1. 動詞 verb: thinks, is, loves

2. 名詞 noun: Tom, Mary, café
3. 代名詞 pronoun: He, her, they
4. 形容詞 adjective: wonderful, old, romantic
5. 副詞 adverb: madly, unfortunately, too
6. 連接詞 conjunction: and, but, so
7. 介系詞 preposition: of, for, at

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