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A Classical Chinese Reader

The ‘Memoir on the Eastern Barbarians’ in

Hòu Hàn shu , with notes and glosses for
students of Chinese and Korean
Donald B. Wagner

Draft, 14 March 2007

© 2007. Permission is granted to download, print, copy, and distribute this book for any
non-commercial purpose, provided only that it is not abridged, expanded, or otherwise
changed without specific permission.

Introduction iv
Bibliography vii
Map xi
Conventions xii
Notes and glosses 1
Index to the glosses 127
For my students Text T1

So long, and thanks for all the fish

ii iii

The Hou Hàn sh" was written by Fàn Ye '( (398–445) on the basis of numerous
earlier books. A detailed study of his sources is
This reader is intended for students who have some training in Classical Chinese, Hans Bielenstein
and wish to improve their skill with the language by reading a fairly long text with- ‘The restoration of the Han dynasty: With prolegomena on the historiography of the
out much need to consult dictionaries and reference books. Hou Han shu’, Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (Stockholm) 1954,
26: 1–209.
The text used here is the chapter D!ng Yì zhuàn !"#, ‘Memoir on the East-
ern Barbarians’, in the standard history of the Later Hàn dynasty, Hou Hàn sh" $ The chapter D!ng Yí zhuàn has a particularly complex relationship to other texts,
%&. The chapter is a kind of ethnographic description of the non-Chinese peoples and there are important parallel passages in a number of early books. In the notes I
of the region which today comprises Manchuria, Korea, and Japan. have pointed out some of these, where they can help in reading our text, but the
Because many students of Korean history read this text, the Korean pronunci- mutual relations among all these texts is a difficult subject which I have not at-
ations of the glosses are included, in the Hangul script, as well as the Chinese pro- tempted to penetrate here. One proposal is shown in the diagram, taken from
nunciations in p#ny#n. Paul Wheatley and Thomas See
From court to capital : a tentative interpretation of the origins of the Japanese ur-
In reading the text some background knowledge of early Chinese history will ban tradition. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1978. P. ••.
be necessary, and students will find it useful, before starting, to read or re-read the
chapters on the pre-Hàn and Hàn periods in some general history of China. Those
who wish to know more about the history and archaeology of northeast China and
its neighbours will find these books useful:
K. J. H. Gardiner
The early history of Korea: The historical development of the peninsula up to the
introduction of Buddhism in the fourth century A.D. Canberra: Australian National
University Press, 1969.
Li Ogg
Recherche sur l’antiquite coréenne. I: Ethnie et societe de Kogury$. Paris: Collège
de France, 1980.
Erling v. Mende
China und die Staaten auf der koreanischen Halbinsel bis zum 12. Jh. : Eine Unter-
suchung zur Entwicklung der Formen zwischenstaatlicher Beziehungen in Ostasien.
Wiesbaden : Steiner, 1982 (Sinologica coloniensia, 11).
Sarah Milledge Nelson
The archaeology of Korea. Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Richard J. Pearson (et al., eds.)
Windows on the Japanese past: Studies in archaeology and prehistory. Ann Arbor,
Mich.: Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, 1986.


The text mentions a number of place names, many of which are difficult to Bibliography
identify. The map on p. xi proposes identifications for most of the places men-
tioned. It is taken from
Tán Qixing !% (ed.)
This is a complete list of publications cited in the introduction and the notes and
Zhngguó lìsh dìtú jí 
$, vol. 2: Qín, X Hàn, Dng Hàn shíq • glosses.
•. Shànghi: Dìtú Chbnshè, 1982. Pp. 27–28.

Bielenstein, Hans
One difficulty in using this chapter as a textbook is that it begins with an intro- The bureaucracy of Han times. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980.
(Abbreviated B).
ductory essay which is much more difficult to read than the rest. Many students
will decide to skip the first 22 lines, perhaps going back to the beginning after Bodde, Derk
Festivals in classical China: New Year and other annual observances during the Han
reading the remainder of the chapter. dynasty, 206 B.C. – A.D. 220. Princeton University Press & The Chinese University of
Hong Kong, 1975.
More advice to students will be found in the introduction to my earlier book, Bówù zhì ,.
Donald B. Wagner 1804 edn., repr. Táiwn.
A Classical Chinese reader: The Han shu biography of Huo Guang, with notes and The Cambridge history of China.
glosses for students. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 1998. Pp. 1–17 available at: Vol. 1: The Ch’in and Han empires, 221 B.C. – A.D. 220. Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Chavannes, Édouard (tr.)
Les mémoires historiques de Se-ma Ts’ien. 6 vols., Maisonneuve, Paris, 1895–1905; 1–
This textbook started as a set of handwritten notes which I used in teaching in
5 repr. Paris: Maisonneuve, 1967. Vol. 6, ed. and completed by Paul Demiéville, Max
1988–89. Later Thomas Meldgaard digitized it, doing a good deal of editorial work Kaltenmark, & Timoteus Pokora, 1969.
in the process, and Martin Petersen added the Korean pronunciations. I have since Cí hi ".
used the book three times in teaching, each time correcting errors and adding more Rev. edn., 3 vols., Shànghi Císh Chbnshè, 1979. Suppl. vol. , 1983.
(Abbreviated CH).
material – for this added material I was unable to add the Korean pronunciations.
Special thanks go to Thomas and Martin, and to all the students who have helped Cí yuán >1.
Rev. ed., 4 vols., Bijng: Shngwù Yìnshgun, 1979. (Abbreviated CY).
in the process of revision. Errors undoubtedly remain, and these are my responsi-
Couvreur, Séraphin
bility alone. Tch’oun ts’iou et Tso tchouan: Texte chinois avec traduction française. 3 vols., Ho
Kien Fou .: Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique, 1914. Facs. repr. with title
changed to La chronique de la principauté de Lòu, Paris: Cathasia, 1951.
Dubs, Homer H. (tr.)
The history of the Former Han Dynasty, by Pan Ku, a critical translation with anno-
tations. Vols. 1–3, Baltimore: Waverly Press, 1938–55.
Greatrex, Roger
The Bowu zhi: an annotated translation. Stockholm : Föreningen för orientalska studier,
G Hàny chángyòng zì zídin   . Legge, James
Bijng: Shngwù Yìnshgun, 1979. (Abbreviated GHY). Li Chi, Book of rites: An encyclopedia of ancient ceremonial usages, religious creeds,
and social institutions. Ed. with introduction and study guide by Ch’u Chai and Win-
Guó y (7
berg Chai. 2 vols. New Hyde Park, New York: University Books, 1967.
Typeset edn., Shànghi: Gjí Chbnshè, 1978.
Hàn sh 4$. Loewe, Michael (ed.)
Bijng: Zhnghuá Shjú, 1962. Early Chinese texts: A bibliographical guide. Berkeley: Society for the Study of Early
China & Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, 1993.
Hàny dà cídin 47-.
12 vols. + index, Shànghi Císh Chbnshè, 1985. (Abbreviated HY). Loewe, Michael, and Edward L. Shaughnessy (eds.)
The Cambridge history of ancient China: From the origins to 221 B.C. Cambridge:
Hou Han shu 4$. Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Typeset edn. Shànghi: Zhnghuá Shjú, 1965.
Mathews, R. H.
Hucker, Charles O. Mathews’ Chinese–English dictionary. Orig. 1931; rev. edn. Cambridge, Mass.: Har-
A dictionary of official titles in Imperial China. Stanford: Stanford University Press, vard University Press, 1943. Many later reprints.
Mathieu, Rémi
Karlgren, Bernhard (tr.) Etude sur la mythologie et l’ethnologie de la Chine ancienne. 2 vols., Paris: Collège de
‘The book of documents’. Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (Stock- France, Institut des hautes études chinoises, 1983. 1: Traduction annotée du Shanhai
holm), 1950, 22: 1–81. jing. 2: Index du Shanhai jing.
Karlgren, Bernhard (tr.) Morohashi Tetsuji 
The book of odes: Chinese text, transcription and translation. Stockholm: Museum of Dai Kan–Wa jiten  . Tky: Taishkan, 1955–60. Facs. repr., n.p. (Táiwn),
Far Eastern Antiquities, 1950. n.d. (Abbreviated M).
Karlgren, Bernhard Pirazzoli-t’Serstevens, Michèle
‘Glosses on the Book of Documents.’ Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities The Han Dynasty, tr. by Janet Seligman. New York: Rizzoli., 1982.
(Stockholm), 1948, 20: 39–315; 1949, 21: 63–206. Repr. as a separate vol., Stockholm:
Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, 1970. Pulleyblank, Edwin G.
Outline of Classical Chinese grammar. Vancouver: University of British Columbia
Karlgren, Bernhard Press, 1995.
‘Glosses on the Book of Odes.’ Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities
(Stockholm), 1942, 14, 71–247; 1944, 16, 25–169; 1946, 18, 1–198. Repr. in a single San guo zhi (.
Typeset edn., Bijng: Zhnghuá Shjú, 1959.
vol., Göteborg: Elanders Boktryckeri, 1964.
Sh Dng 
Karlgren, Bernhard
Jinming g Hàny cídin  . Knming: Yunnán Rénmín Chbnshè,
‘Grammata Serica recensa’, Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (Stock-
1985. (Abbreviated JM).
holm), 1957, 29: 1–332. Facs. repr. as a separate vol., Göteborg 1964; Taipei: SMC
Publishing, 1996. (Abbreviated GSR). Shjì '.
Typeset edn., Bijng: Zhnghuá Shjú, 1962.
Lau, D. C. (tr.)
Confucius: The analects. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1979. Shs n jng zhùsh 2*.
Edn. of Run Yuán , 1816; repr., Shànghi: Shìjiè Shjú, 1935.
Lau, D. C.
Lao tzu Tao te ching. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1963. Tàipíng yùln .
4 vols., Bijng: Zhnghuá Shjú, 1960.

Tán Qíxing  (ed.):

Zhngguó lìsh dìtújí
$. 8 vols., Shànghi: Dìtú Chbnshè, 1982–87.
English title: The Historical atlas of China.
Waley, Arthur (tr.)
The analects of Confucius. 1938. Repr. New York: Vintage Books, n.d.
Wáng Guówéi (6
n Zhúsh jìnián jíjiào  $;%. Repr. Táibi 1957.
Wang Guowei (ed.) (1984) (6.
Shu jng zhù jiào 2%. Typeset edn. ed. by Yuán Ynggung &! & Liú
ng 8) , Shànghi: Shànghi Rénmín Chbnshè, 1984.
Wáng Lìqì 9
F ngsú tngyì jiàozhù "+3%. Bijng 1981.
Watson, Burton (tr.)
Records of the Grand Historian: Han dynasty. 2 vols., Research Centre for Translation,
Chinese University of Hong Kong, & Columbia University Press, Hong Kong & New
York, 1993.
Watson, Burton
Records of the Grand Historian: Qin Dynasty. Hong Kong & New York: Research
Centre for Translation, Chinese University of Hong Kong, & Columbia University
Press, 1993.
Yáng Bójùn (ed.) 0#
Chnqi Zu zhuàn zhù 
/. 4 vols. + 3 loose maps, Bijng: Zhnghuá Shjú,
Zhngguó cóngsh znglù (=$5<.
3 vols., Shànghi: Shànghi Túshgun, 1959–62. Facs. repr. Shànghi: Shànghi Gjí
Chbnshè, 1986.
Zhngguó Dù liáng héng tújí # $.
Bijng: Wénwù Chbnshè, 1984.
Notes and glosses

• The leftmost column gives line numbers in the text, pp. T1–T19. A line number
1 jĭ Wáng zhì ‘The royal regulations’, a chapter in L Jì Чȴ.
like 15.8 means ‘comment number 8 after line 15’. ¼ â
• The Chinese pronunciation is given in pnyn, the Korean pronunciation in the
The reference is to L jì, juàn 12 (Shísn jng zhùsh, p. 1338b), translated by
Hangul script.
James Legge, Li Chi: Book of Rites, New York 1967, vol. 1, p. 229. The pas-
• In the glosses, distinctly different meanings are separated by semicolons, closely sage describes the peoples of the five directions (w fng zh mín A]>Œ),
related meanings by commas. the East, South, West, North, and Centre. On L jì see e.g. Loewe, Early Chi-
• Three dots (. . .) at the beginning of a gloss indicate that I have omitted one or nese texts, pp. 293–297.
more familiar meanings and give only an unusual meaning. yí Barbarian (esp. tribes to the east of ancient China);
• Three dots at the end of a gloss indicate that I have omitted one or more rare Ð level, even, equal; just; ordinary; simple; peaceful;
meanings which I consider irrelevant. to be at rest; to pacify; easy; pleased; to extend, ex-
• An arrow ( ) refers the reader to the line number where the word is defined. pose, display; a rule, law; a custom, institution; to
hunt; to kill, destroy; to squat (GSR 551a).
• The sources for the glosses are indicated using the following abbreviations:
B = Bielenstein, The bureaucracy of Han times. Ƹ d Root, base (JM). (But see below).
CH = Cí hi ".
CY = Cí yuán >1. The sentence µŷƸ& is an attempt at etymology: the name Yí µ comes
GSR = Karlgren, Grammata Serican recensa. from d Ƹ. Yí µ, d Ƹ, and d Ҏ probably had similar pronunciations in
the Hàn period: their reconstructed Archaic pronunciations are respectively
HY = Hàny dà cídin 47-.
dKEr, tiEr, and tiEr (GSR 551a, 590d, KX 1069,GSR 590i).
JM = Sh Dng, Jinming g Hàny cídin  . The comment cites what might be Fàn Yè’s source for the next sentence: a
M = Morohashi Tetsuji , Dai Kan–Wa jiten  . book of the 2nd century A.D., Fngsú tng yì ǟƌʤ̸, states that in the
These dictionaries are cited in full in the Bibliography, pp. vii–x above. land of the Yí, the soil is so fertile that things (seeds) ‘begin to sprout as soon
• A backslash (\) indicates that a word is not found in the dictionary indicated. For as they strike [dchù Ҏѓ] the ground’. (This is my interpretation; it is not
clear that Fàn Yè interpreted the source in the same way.)
example, \HY means ‘not in Hàny dà cídin’.
• Books referred to in the notes are cited in full in the Bibliography, pp. vii–x ·’ hoshng Diligent, earnest; very, extremely;
above. ī

 hàoshng to cherish life and refrain from killing (HY 4:


PŒ tinxìng An inborn quality or characteristic (CY 0686.3).




Ƶ̈ róushùn Gentle and submissive (M 6: 267). 3.2 3Ș̵ Shn hi A fabulous geography, believed to be pre-Hàn; see
ȝ jng Loewe, Early Chinese texts, pp. 357–367. The pas-
‰ģ sages in question here are in Yuán K ’s ȳѾ edi-
2 ͐ dào ...;
tion, Shn hi jng jiàozhù 3Ș̵ȋŧ (Shànghi
Gjí Chbnshè, 1980), pp. 254, 345. Here the text
 do = ϝ, to control, administer; to lead (CY 3073.2). has dà h  where our text has wén h  [Ž
F and bù s mín  where our text has bù s rén
yù .
ɪ To drive (a horse-drawn vehicle); a driver, coach-
¯ man; to carry; to control; to curb, repress; to There is a French translation, Rémi Mathieu: Étude
administer, govern; an administrator; pertaining to sur la mythologie et l’ethnologie de la Chine an-
the Emperor, Imperial; to present, serve; to resist; cienne, 2 vols., Paris 1983.
to prevent, stop; . . . y
× An outer garment; a sheath; the skin of a fruit; . . . ;
 yà to meet, welcome (JM). Ï
¥ yì
 to wear; to cover (JM).
ǃ jun . . . ; a valley (GSR 479e). Ï
Ǝ A cap, hat; any kind of cover;
( yú . . . ; great ; tranquil; (GSR 97a). 
 To wear a cap; the ancient ceremony of ‘capping’ a
 boy at the age of 20; to place before; to surpass the
For the reference to Confucius wishing to live among the Nine Barbarians, see
Lúny ϊΓ, Book 9 (Waley’s translation, p. 141).  line 164. multitude; to cover (JM).

ɤ dài A belt; to wear at the belt; . . . (JM).

3.1 ǟƌʤ ̸ Fngsú ‘Comprehensive discussion of traditional practices’, D
tng [yì] by Y ng Shào ЊѶ (A.D. ca. 140 – before 204).
 wén . . . ; a pattern; patterned (JM).
ě–Ð See Loewe, Early Chinese texts, pp. 105–112. ǟ [
ƌ  line 130. h

€ɒ͠ Wài guó By an unknown author from Wú æ in the Six

The passage referred to here is not in the extant edition, but is found in tú Dynasties period. There is an edition reconstructed
quotations in other works; see Wáng Lìqì jãϛ: Fngsú tng yì jiàozhù ǟ ¾#F from quotations. (Zhngguó cóngsh znglù, 2:
ƌʤ̸ȋŧ (Bij ng 1981), pp. 487–488, where the passage is as follows: 621).
š]_µŷ š]B ·’ ̳űҎѓ³Ðs µŷҎ& ĩшÄ: . . .
[The nine lèi ш listed are not the same as given in our text, lines 2–3.] ʇĚ Ⱦ  Lángyé In the Southern Dynasties, north of modern Nánj ng
[jùn] (CY 2061.1).
Ҏѓ dchù To butt with the horns; to strike, collide (HY 10: 3¬$
 1358).] Jiojìng [Many attempts have been made to identify the
! place names in the Shn hi jng. None should be
taken too seriously.]

3.3 Ëȉǎ½ Zhúsh ‘The bamboo annals’, a book written on bamboo Tɥ Shào Ruler of Xià, trad. r. 2079–2058 B.C.
jìnián strips found in an ancient tomb in A.D. 281. It Kng
éŽ.7 gives a chronicle of events from high antiquity to • 
299 B.C. On the complex and controversial history
4 ˂ Yáo Legendary ruler, trad. r. 2356–2256 B.C.
of the text see Loewe, Early Chinese texts, pp. 39– ¿
ϳ¢ X Zhòng A person mentioned in the Shàng sh ńȉ or Sh
° hòu Emperor, ruler; a prince subordinate to the Son of Ķë jng 5, ‘Book of documents’ (CY 2500.3). On
IJ Heaven; Empress, the principal wife of the Em- the Book of documents see Loewe, Early Chinese
peror; . . . (JM). texts, pp. 376–389.
ż fn . . . ; = Ϊ, great (HY 9: 308.2). zhái A dwelling, home; to dwell, reside; to consolidate,
 Ď stabilize; a grave (JM).
˥ F Ruler of Xià, trad. r. 1837–1819 B.C.  line 47. yú
ҋ Corner or bend of a hill (GSR 124f).
o Â
åÚ jíwèi (Of a ruler:) to take the throne; to take one’s place yáng
̠ Sunshine, bright (GSR 720h).
ìÇ (JM). ®
ɪ yù, yà  line 2. gài . . . ; (initial particle introducing a reason:) this is
¯ ¥  because (JM).
It is safest to assume that the so-called ‘current text’ (jnb n DŠ) of the The passage ĵđ is a quotation from Yáo din /, one of the books of
Zhúsh jìnián is a late forgery, and that the original text is lost and known the Shàng sh %. The full text is Kĵϳ¢ºҋµ_̠đɛΘs^‡Ȩ
only through quotations in other books. These quotations are conveniently šÝ (Shísn jng zhùsh, p. 119c), which Karlgren translates, ‘Separately he
collected together by Wáng Guówéi jɒΆ in G b n Zhúsh jìnián jíjiào charged X Zhòng to reside in Yúyí, [at the place] called Yángg, respectfully
xŠËȉǎ½ϼȋ. The passage quoted here is on p. 3b. Here it can be seen to receive as a guest the [out-coming =] rising sun, and to arrange and regulate
that other books quote this same passage without the character f 1so that the works of the East’ (‘The book of documents’, BMFEA 1950, 20: 2, 3).
fn ż‚ appears to be an alternate name for the Xià ruler F 1. The modern While Karlgren takes Yúyí ҋµ to be a place-name, Fàn Yè apparently
text-critical note on p. T19 (original p. 2823) indicates that some editions of takes it as the name of an ethnic group or tribe.
Hòu Hàn sh also omit this f.
DZ°d Xiàhòu The Xià dynasty (CY 647.3).
3.4 Ū Xiè One of the rulers of the Xià dynasty, trad. r. 1996– shì
‘ 1981 B.C. ĞIJ¤
dž [Xing, Ruler of Xià, trad. r. 2146–2119 B.C. Rɥ Tài Kng Ruler of Xià, trad. r. 2188–2160 B.C.
Xiàng?] č 
ί shdé Evil (CY 712.1).
Θ bn A guest; to treat as a guest; to obey, submit £E
(oneself) to; to cause to obey; to lead (JM).
Ȟ pàn = ƕ, to revolt (GHY).

5 Tɥ Shào  no. 4 after line 3. ¡ fá To chop (wood); to damage, injure; to beat (a drum
Kng etc.); to mount a punitive expedition; to brag about,
•  flaunt; achievements; . . . (JM).
6ƥ yhòu = nƥ (CY 964.1). 6 Zhòng Ruler of Shng, trad. r. 1562–1550 B.C.
ÐIJ D ng
shì ëá
k A period of 30 years; a generation; to inherit, carry
on; through generations; a person’s life; an age; the Ю lán Indigo; tattered (GSR 609k).
world; generational; succession (JM). 2

Š fú Clothing; funeral attire; to wear; to carry at the belt; ɚ kòu A bandit; an invader; to encroach (GHY).
a matter, duty; to engage in, deal with; to under- "
take; to submit to; to surrender to; to accept, believe fú
Š  line 5.
in; . . . (JM).
wánghuà Ȟ pàn  line 4.
jL The ruler’s civilising influence (CY 2043.1).
¼ĭ n

bn Ť W Y Ruler of Shng, trad. r. 1198–1195 B.C.

Θ  no. 4 after line 3.
jƃ wángmén The gates of a royal palace; a royal palace; . . . (HY shuibì
Ȳɰ To weaken and break; to decline (M 10: 185). Ȳ
¼h 4: 460.1). šĘ  line 148.
я xiàn To present in religious sacrifice; to present (to a su-
Ґ jìn To seep; gradually (HY 3: 1577.2).
Ħ perior); to show, display; ϋ§H a sage, wise man; Ċ
(surname) (JM).
ʌ shèng Sumptuous; flourishing; mature; beautiful; fierce;
θΎ yuèw A dance accompanied by music (HY 4: 1295.1). outstanding; furthest point, extremity; extremely;
¦g generous; . . .
Ȑ Jié Last ruler of Xià, trad. r. 1818–1767 B.C.
 chéng (a type of vessel); to store in a vessel; . . . (JM).

bàonüè Ґʌ jìnshèng Gradually prospering (HY 3: 1578.2).
ζǕ Evil and cruel (CY 1449.1).
ęğ Ċ“

nèiqn K fn To separate; to spread; to distribute; to distinguish,

GƉ To trespass on or invade the interior of a country
4Ċ (M 1: 1052).  discriminate; one half; one tenth; (measure of
length:) 1/10 cùn 0, ca. 2 mm; . . . ;
˟ Tng First ruler of Shng/Y n, trad. r. 1766–1754 B.C.
Č  fèn official rank; quality; to expect, presume; . . . (JM).
ǜĵ gémìng Political changes in response to the mandate (mìng)
Ĩb ϒ qin To raise up; to change, alter; to transfer (from one
of Heaven; . . . (HY 12: 180.1).
post to another); to banish, exile (JM).

ʂ Huái Name of a river, the modern Huái Hé ʂŨ; (a sur- Ǒ Yì The famous archer of the Xià (CY 2504.1).
İ name) (CY 1833.2). ¶
7 ň Dài Alternate name for Tài Shn Ȕ3 (GHY). ʦ zhú To pursue; to drive out; to contest; . . . (JM).
D ă

ͱ jiàn Gradually; a beginning; to become more serious On the passive construction wéi . . . su
. . . ƾŔ see Pulleyblank, pp.
ß ô (e.g. illness); . . . ; 37–38.
 jin To flow into; to moisten; . . . (JM).
ß 7.3 ¢ɥ Zhòng Emperor of Xià, trad. r. 2159–2147 B.C.
<+ Zhngt The Central Plain, the Hénán area; China (example ë 
ëď from Hòu Hàn sh) (CY 83.3).
dž [Xiàng,  no. 4 after line 3.
7.1 Kng A man of Western Hàn. The current version of his Xing?]
nguó commentary on Shàng sh ń is believed to be a ‹
§# forgery by someone of the Wèi or Jìn period (CY F
˥  no. 3 after line 3.
779.2). o
The comment gives a paraphrase rather than a quotation of Kng nguó’s Θ bn  no. 4 after line 3.
comment. The received edition of the Kng nguó commentary has šſ>
³ͽ ҋµ ̠Ş & ^s śđ Ð P! ŞƮ ͽ̠ đ (Shísn jng zhùsh  7.4 -‰ R Dà Wù King of Shng, trad. r. 1637–1563 B.C.
(Tài Wù)
7.2 ɳ Q Emperor of Xià, trad. r. 2197–2189 B.C.
 7.5 ŋ G ng King of Shng, trad. r. 1219–1199 B.C.
D ng
ͭ pán A basin; to amuse oneself (JM).
ˢ͐ wúdào Social-political unrest; to be evil (especially of a
˜ yóu To float; to swim; to spread; to amuse oneself; to
gF ruler); an evil person; . . . (HY 7: 139.1).
È wander, ramble; . . . (JM).
ѣ náng A kind of bag (GHY).
” tián A field, cultivated land; = DŽ, to hunt; the sound of
Ý a drum; to cultivate the land (JM).
ʌ shèng.  line 6.
˜” yóutián = ˜DŽ, to go out hunting (HY 5: 1500.1). chéng
Õ xuè Blood; . . . (HY 8: 1340).
Ƨ xù To care about; to empathize with; to relieve,
Ĵ succour; to arrange for; a funeral; to use with care £ yng To lift the face, look up; to venerate; to depend on;
(JM). © . . . (JM).

ğ rénshì Human capabilities; human feelings; worldly ĵ mìng . . . ; name, designation (GSR 762a).
matters; . . . (HY 1: 1041.2). b

ǸP shètin The same story is told about three different ancient ŖΗ zhoyòu To invite, summon (M 5: 192). Ŗ  line 67.
‡ú rulers. They shot at Heaven in order to show that ÿÈ
they awed the spirits into submission. (CY 871.1) Yí
µ  line 1.
8 Ťj W-wáng King of Zhu, trad. r. 1122–1116 B.C.
g¼ ċ Dí An ancient ethnic group in north China; . . . ;
̩ miè To extinguish (a fire); hidden; to eliminate, abolish,
a  tì to wipe out and annihilate; = ʨ, distant (JM).
exterminate; to disappear, vanish; to wear away,
obliterate; to flood, inundate (JM). Ü

Zhòu ĴI Zhu- The Duke of Zhu, a minister of King W of Zhu

Ǎ Last king of Shng, trad. r. 1154–1123 B.C. gng
è (CY 505.2).
˲̚ Sùshèn An ancient ethnic group in ancient northeast China,
Ő zhng To walk; to travel afar; to go on a military exped-
Ϣ mentioned in Zu
zhuàn „« and Guó y  ͪy
ition; to enlist in an army; to attack and punish;
(HY 9: 256.2).<>Korean Suksin.
taxes; to levy (taxes); to contest, strive for (JM).
The story of the Sùshèn people presenting arrows of hù wood with stone ł dìng To stabilize; to pacify; to decide, resolve; to fix,
arrowheads at the Zhu court is told in an apocryphal quotation from settle, formulate; to agree on; to stop; fixed, def-
Confucius in Guó y ɒΓ, juàn 5 (Shànghi 1978 edition, p. 215). inite; to establish; stable, unmoving; definitely; ac-
tually; . . . (JM).
҃ n A stone arrowhead (CY 2245.3).
9 9 ɥj Kng- King of Zhu, trad. r. 1078–1053 B.C.
̦ hù A kind of tree; ¼
Ȁ Xú . . . ; an ancient state, in modern Sì Ŭ County,
̦ g of inferior quality; something improper (JM). Ž nhu (CY 1076.1).

sh An arrow; . . . (JM). On the Zhu wars with the Xú Yí Ȁµ see The Cambridge history of ancient
› China, pp. 323–325.
Ϳ ı  Gun A younger brother of King W of Zhu (CY
[Sh] 2361.2). ͝ jiàn To err, an error; untruthful; a falsehood; disorder; to
œ ô usurp (GSR 660l).

υ ı  Cài [Sh] Another younger brother of the same (CY 2710.1). ̿͝ jiànhào To usurp the title of a ruler; to exceed one’s
öœ ôī authority (HY 1: 1667.1).

Ȟ pàn  line 4. ʆ shuài To command, lead; a military commander; approxi-

n ˜ › mately, in general; . . . ;

On the succession crisis after the death of King W of Zhu, see The Cam-  lõ a standard; a proportion; (an ancient unit of weight)
bridge history of ancient China, pp. 310–313. Z (JM).

¡ fá  line 5. Ĝ l . . . ; (a measure of length, in early times equal to

[ 300 bù ā) (HY 10: 367.1).
ŁĴ Zng The capital of Zhu; the ancestral temples etc. of
Zhu In the Hàn, one bù was 6 ch  ( line 46), and a
Zhu (CY 814.1).
æè l therefore roughly 400 metres. For the pre-Hàn
period there is considerable uncertainty concerning
ϭj Mù-wáng King of Zhu, trad. r. 1001–947 B.C. both the number of ch in a bù and the actual length
d¼ of a ch.
ǁ wèi To fear; to threaten; to admire; dignified, majestic;
Ç The expression ]nĜ appears to mean ‘[approximately] square with each
. . . (JM).
side n l’. It is different from n]Ĝ, which means ‘n square l’.
] fng Rectangular, square; a direction; a place, territory; a
norm, standard; upright, righteous; a policy, Ö xíng To walk; a route, itinerary; to move; outfit,
method; a recipe, prescription; to compare; just luggage; to disseminate, spread; to leave; to
when, just as; just before; square (of a number); . . . practise, implement, put into effect; to do;
(JM). behaviour, doings; (the Five Phases, w xíng AÖ 
efaƁ+); . . . ;
ϥ chì Blazing; glorious; to heat; to burn; to cook (JM).
Ĉ  háng a road; a row, column; commerce, market; . . .
10 K fn, fèn  line 6.
B rén One of the Confucian virtues, generally translated
ωƊ zh hóu ‘The lords’, general term for the rulers of states of ‘human-heartedness’.
the Zhu period (JM).
̸ yì One of the Confucian virtues, generally translated
This text appears to be the only extant source which mentions King Mù ‘righteousness’.
dividing the East into feudal territories and placing King Yn of Xú as their
ʰ³ lùdì On land (as opposed to the sea) (HY 11: 994.2).
ruler. See Cambridge history of ancient China, p. 324.
Ȁ Xú  line 9. Ä y
u ...;
Ɇ Yn  no. 2 after line 15.  yòu = ; (conjunction used between tens and units
° È places in a number) (JM).  line 168.
ҟÉ Huángchí (This place-name seems to be unidentifiable. The 11 jìlù A fine horse. Chìjì ĔѲ and Lùr ҫÑ were two
įí comment apparently assumes that it is related to, or .U of king Mù’s eight fine horses (CY 3470.2).
the same as, a river named Huángshu ̊e  no.
3 after line 15), which is not the same as the Yellow ǡ chéng To drive (a vehicle); to rise, climb; to use, avail
River, Huánghé ̊Ũ.) Ÿ oneself of; to bully, mistreat; to pursue, follow; to
defeat in battle; to calculate; to multiply; . . . ;

 shèng (measure:) one vehicle and four horses; books of

Ÿ history; (alternative numeral for:) four (JM).

ʧg Zàofù King Mù’s coachman; (name of a star) (CY ˊƗ ɒ  Péngchén (Near modern Xúzhu Ȁ ¼ County, Jings)
ã{ 3066.3). g [guó] (Zhngguó Lìsh dìtú jí, 2: 44–45➃6).
ɪ yù, yà  line 2.
¯ ¥ Ťǭϲ Wyuán Prefecture northwest of modern P County Ѽϲ,
xiàn Jings (Zhngguó lìsh dìtújí, vol. 2, 44–45➃6).
è gào To report; to inform; to accuse, inform against; to gÅĩ
proclaim; to indicate; to request, entreat; . . . (JM).
The Hàn empire was geographically divided into 12–15 zhu ¼, these were
¡ fá  line 5.
each divided into a number of large units normally designated jùn ), and
̣[j Ch Wén- King Wén of Ch, r. 689–675 B.C. each jùn was divided into a number of xiàn ;. (The number of large units
wáng varied in the course of the dynasty between 57 and 103.) Bielenstein translates
ÿh¼ these terms ‘province’, ‘commandery’ and ‘prefecture’ respectively. If one of
the large units was given as a fief to a king (wáng ), it was called a ó ɒ,
Йà j bng To send out troops and start a war (M 5: 427.2).
usually translated ‘kingdom’. One of the larger or smaller units could be given
as a fief to a marquis (hóu Ɗ), and be called a hóuguó Ɗɒ, ‘marquisate’. A
12 ̩ miè  line 8. xiàn was divided into xing ̂ (translated ‘districts’), each xing into tíng
a Ƈ (‘communes’), and each tíng into l (‘hamlets’). A more general term for
such sub-xiàn units was jù Ή (‘agglomeration’). (Bielenstein, The
j wáng A king; . . . ;
bureaucracy of Han times, pp. 90–

 wàng to rule a state; to rule the entire Empire; . . . (JM). 13 δ shù A number; some; arithmetic; regularity; fate; . . . ;
¼ ›

B rén  line 10.  sh to count; . . . ;

Ѥ quán Power and influence; adaptability in tactics; tact;
&  shuò repeatedly (JM).
. . . (GHY).
ù r n To tolerate, condone; to endure; to restrain;
Ȁ3 Xúshn (According to the comment it was east of the Hàn
heartless, cruel; ruthless (JM).
prefecture of Wyuán Ťǭ.)
  ɂ dòu To fight, do battle (GHY).
Ψj Lì-wáng King of Zhu, trad. r. 878–826 B.C.
ǒ zhì To send (someone somewhere); to express, convey,
ˢ͐ wúdào  no. 5 after line 7.
Ĉ voice; to achieve, reach; to obtain; to attract; to
recruit; to cause, result in; to enlist the services of; rùkòu To invade (M 1: 1039.2). ɚ  line 6.
to return, hand back; extremely; . . . (JM). Ô"
ɲ bài To damage; damaged; putrid, corrupt; dead of old mìng  no. 5 after line 7.
age; to abandon; a defeat; to defeat; to be defeated

Ҡ¢ Guó A younger brother of King Wén of Zhu Ĵ[j ~µ sì yí Dng Yí šµ, X Róng Ø¿, Nán Mán ƒѯ,
Zhòng (M 9: 1083.1). ‡Ð Bi Dí vċ (CY 560.2).
ΦȌ I  Qí Huán Duke Huán of Qí, r. 685–643 B.C.
Ő zhng  line 8. [gng]
ß kè To bear on the shoulder; to undertake, assume
(responsibility); to succeed; to complete; to defeat, ǧ xi To decorate, adorn; to build, construct; to repair,
vanquish; to be able to; to restrain; . . . (JM). › mend; to administer, put in order; to revise; to
compile; to study; good, competent; long, tall;
ƛj Xun- King of Zhu, r. 827–782 B.C. (surname) (JM).
¼ Ѡ bà (In the Spring and Autumn and Warring States
Ĕ periods, the leader of the feudal lords [normally
zI Shào- One of the ministers of King W of Zhu ĴŤj
gng translated ‘hegemon’]); to dominate; . . . (GHY).
( line 8) (CY 467.1).
• ǧѠ xibà [To function as a hegemon].
píng Flat, level; to smooth, level; a flat suurface; to ›Ĕ
pacify; peace; peaceful; fair, impartial; to make ю rng To eliminate, get rid of; to usurp; to attack; . . .
peace; ordinary, common; . . . (JM). ® 5 (GHY).
14 Ƣj Yu- King of Zhu, r. 781–771 B.C. Ɠ què To move back, retreat; to repel, cause to retreat; to
wáng  refuse; . . . (JM).
̣Ѯ j  Ch Líng King Líng of Ch, r. 540–529 B.C.
ʀ To soak, macerate; excessive; immoderately; to [wáng]
Í confuse; to wallow in, indulge in; evil, vicious ÿµ¼
The conference called by Ch ̣ in Sh n – is described in the Zu
ʀ̋ yínluàn Improper, immoral; sexually indulgent,
see the comment.  15.8.
ÍM promiscuous; dissolute, licentious (HY 5: 1396.2).
jio To cross, intersect; mutually; to come into contact Ϻ yù Comfortable, snug; to amuse oneself; be willing to;
! with; a transaction, trade; friendship; together; . . . ¶ to prepare in advance; beforehand; = ΍ , to
(JM). participate in; to intervene; . . . (JM).

Ɖ qn To attack; to violate, infringe on; to invade; to 15 ̰ méng An oath or treaty of alliance; allied; . . . ;
Ċ corrode, erode; a famine; (surname);
 míng to swear (an oath) (JM).
 qn = ͥ, ugly (JM).
Ċ ʇĚ Ⱦ  Lángyé  no. 2 after line 3.
 Ɖ jioqn To attack together (HY 2: 334.1). 3¬$

§ gòng Together; to share, possess in common; in all, For the quotation given here, see Bówù zhì, 1804 ed., Táiwn reprint, juàn 8,
altogether; equal, alike; pp. 3a–3b; there are minor differences between the quotation and the original.
 gng = ȁ, to respect; = Ĥ, to supply, provide; . . . ; Roger Greatrex translates, ‘The chronicle of King Yn of Xú (Xú Yn wáng
zhì) says that when one of the court ladies of Lord Xú became pregnant, she
ng to surround; . . . (JM). gave birth to an egg. She considered that it was inauspicious and abandoned it
on the river bank. Dúg M Ϩŀ‹ had a dog named Húcng й7; it was
Őϟ zhngzhà War; to go to war (M 4: 818.4). out hunting on the river bank and found the abandoned egg, which it carried
home in its mouth. Dúg M thought that it must be something strange, and
covered the egg up to keep it warm; eventually it hatched, and produced a
ʮζ língbào To bully and humiliate (CY 3279.3). human child. At the time of his “birth” the child was lying curled up, so Dúg
>ę M called him Yn. When the court lady heard about this, she came and took
Zh Xià Yn back to the palace. When he grew up, he was righteous and wise, and
ωDZ The feudal states of the Zhu period, as distinct
continuing the tradition, ascended the throne as Lord of the land of Xú’ (The
âĞ from the barbarians (CY 2902.2).
Bowu zhi, Stockholm 1987, pp. 129–130).
Ɖ̩ qnmiè To invade and destroy (M 1: 771.1, citing this
Ċa passage only). Ɖ  line 14. ̩  line 12. dz shn To be pregnant (GHY).
1ě xiobng A small state or city (HY 2: 1596.1).
•p eА shubn A riverbank (CY 1712.1).
15.1 ńȉ Shàng sh  line 4.
ŀϨ Gdú Orphans and childless persons; isolated and cut off
-Ε Dà gào ‘The great announcement’, a chapter in Shàng sh G from help (CY 789.2).
D ( line 4). See Karlgren’s translation, ‘The book of
Ο xián . . . ; to hold in the mouth (GHY).
documents’, Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern
Antiquities, 1950, 22: 1–80, pp. 36–39 (text pp. 34, ġ
38). Ɇ yn To lie on one’s back; to fall backward; to cover; to
Sn Jiàn ° stop, rest; a dwarf; to hide; ˉŔ a toilet; . . . (HY
͹ The ‘Three Tributaries’ who revolted in the
succession crisis of early Zhu ( line 8) (HY 1: 1: 1532.2).
242.2). Ͼ lù . . . ; to arrest, take into custody (GHY).
15.2 ʼűø Bówù zhì ‘A treatise on manifold topics’, by Zhng Huá ɦ
mií ˳ (A.D. 232–300). Ͼİ lùq To collect, gather; to grab; . . . (HY 11: 1343).

Ѧ xí To follow after, succeed (GHY).


2/ Shz Written by Sh Jio 2ѻ in the Warring States

 Õ period. Known today only from quotations (CY

15.3 e̵ŧ Shu jng The Shu jng is attributed to Sng Q n ȏ˛ of the ̯ dng ħ ŷ dž ř to support each another; to resist,
zhù Hàn period, but it is more likely to be from the C withstand; facing, face-to-face; to correspond, be
›è Snguó period. It describes 137 Chinese equivalent; to hinder, block; to undertake (a task);
waterways. Lì Dàoyuán Ѩ͐F of the Northern to manage, take charge of; should, ought to; a
Wèi period [386–534] expanded this to 1252, conviction, court decision; straight; at that (time)
calling his edition Shu jng zhù. (CY) (e.g. ̯ž̯½);

Checking the index under the characters huáng ̊, wng Ą, pèi , etc., it dàng to accord with, conform to; appropriate, suitable; to
appears that this passage is not in the present text of Shu jng zhù. C consider as, treat as; the present (time) (e.g. ̯Ȉ
̯½); . . . (JM).
̊e Huángshu (The name of three different rivers, two in modern
 15.4 ĴЖj Zhu Mù- [Apparently same as Ĵϭj].  line 9.
Hénán, one in modern Húnán) (GJDM 976.3). wáng
Wngshu (Unidentifiable). èg»
 ϲ  Pèi [xiàn] Hàn prefecture, modern Pèi County ϲ, Jings The quotation from Shjì is in juàn 5, ‘The basic annnals of Qín’ (Zhnghuá
Ĕĩ (Zhngguó lìsh dìtú jí, 3: 7–8➃5). Shj ed., p. 175). It is translated by Burton Watson in Records of the Grand
Historian: Qin dynasty, pp. 2–3.
ů e  Pào [shu] (A river in modern Jings) (Zhngguó lìsh dìtú jí,
ę› 3: 7–8➃5). ĔѲ Chìjì  line 11.
Sì [shu] .
Ŭ e  (A river in modern Jings) (Zhngguó lìsh dìtú jí,
‡› 3: 7–8➂5). ˦ѳ Dàolí (Name of one of King Mù’s horses); a fine horse
Shnyáng (HY 7: 1440.2). ˦  line 165.
3̅ Name of a prefecture or commandery. There are
‰® three possibilities: 1. modern Xiw ǧŤ, Hénán. Ҵү Huáliú (Name of one of King Mù’s horses) (HY 12:
2. modern Shnyáng, Shnx . 3. modern Huáin ʂ ĭX 867.1).
, Jings (CY 922.1).
ҫÑ Lùr  line 11.
Șʮ ϲ  Hilíng (In modern Tàizhu Ȕ¼, Jings) (CY 1804.2). U
ģ>ĩ ϖ sì A team of four horses; horses in general; = ~; to
‡ drive (a vehicle); (measure:) four horses; . . . (JM).
In Jings there are numerous canals constructed in the last few centuries. xúnshòu Ruler leaving his capital to go on inspection tour
These have changed the courses of the rivers so much that it is very difficult
› within his borders (CY 951.3).
to trace the original courses of the rivers.
öЦ wànggu To forget to return; (name of an arrow) (CY
l) 1098.3).
15.5 υȽ Cài Yng [See Cambridge History of China, vol. 1, index].

The reference is to Cài Yng’s biography in Hòu Hàn sh, Zhnghuá Shj ʯ chén To display, exhibit; to state; to publicize; to
ed., juàn 7, p. 1989, n. 16. The biography includes his essay, їΖ; here he ï arrange; obsolete; (name of a minor state in the
mentions Zàofù, and the commentator explains who this was. Zhu period, in the vicinity of modern Huáiyáng
ʂ̅ County, Hénán); (name of a dynasty, A.D.
15.6 Ŭ¼ Sìzhu (In the Táng period, a prefecture in the northern 557–589);
‡è part of modern Jings) (Zhngguó lìsh dìtú jí, 5: zhèn
 battle ranks (JM).
44–45➆9). ï
In the Táng period (when the commentary was written), the Empire was υ Cài . . . ; a minor state in the Zhu period, originally
geographically divided into ca. 350 zhu ¼; this word is normally translated ö southwest of modern Shàngcài # υ County,
‘prefecture’ (Hucker, A dictionary of official titles in Imperial China, pp. 32, Hénán, later moved to the vicinity of modern
178). X ncài : County, Hénán (JM).

Xiàp Å zh Dark red, crimson; a crimson pigment (JM).

!Ѽ (In modern P County Ѽϲ, Jings) (Zhngguó
Ğ„ lìsh dìtú jí, 5: 44–45➆9). gng A bow (for arrows); curved struts in a carriage
ʼűø Bówù zhì  no. 2 after line 15. cover; to bend; . . . (JM).
mií sh
›  line 8.
On a quick look through Greatrex’s translation I was unable to find this tinruì A good omen from heaven; a chapter in Liè z ¨/
quotation. úŽ ; . . . (M 3: 492.4).

îʊ yoyì Strange, mysterious (M 3: 645). ϭj Mù-wáng  line 9.

Μģ qinsh An ambassador sent to a foreign country; to send an
;ɣ bùcháng Not fixed, irregular; strange, abnormal; unusual; ‡ ambassador (M 11: 161.2).
‚‹ (euphemism:) death; . . . (HY 1: 440.1).
ǡ chéng,  line 11.
œƜ shíshì A stone container for ancestral tablets in the ancient shèng
£ ancestral temple; an archive, library; a cliff cave; a Ÿ
secluded house in the mountains; a house built of
ϖ sì  no. 4 after line 15.
stone (CY 2234.2).
Ȥ cí (Name of an ancient rite); to offer sacrifices to (a
15.7 c͂ Máo Sh The edition of the Sh jng attributed to Máo H ng
‡ god, ancestor, etc.); a shrine, temple (JM).
c  cÙ in the Zhànguó period.
Ɇ yn  no. 2 after line 15.
Èͯ Jing Hàn Ode no. 262, translated by Bernhard Karlgren, The
Ġ Book of Odes, Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities,
̨ʤ gutng To link up (CY 1857.2). ̨ = ̜ gòu. Stockholm 1950, pp. 232–234.
The passage from Máo H ng’s commentary is on p. 573 of the Shànghi 1935
edition of Shísn jng zhùsh  ̵ŧʋ

?«Č Yn Jíf An important minister in the time of King Xun ƛ ¾ shì A rule, law, pattern, model; to be a model to; to
Ê/{ of Zhu (CY 901.1). Ë follow the model of; to use; (a particle) (GSR
ǐ m i Excellent, beautiful (of taste, colour, form, sound,
etc.); talented, virtuous; fine, happy; to appreciate, Karlgren’s gloss no. 1039: an empty particle,
consider beautiful; a good deed; to praise (JM). Glosses on the Book of Odes, Museum of Far
Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm 1964.
ƛj Xun-  line 13.
wáng ͍ bì . . . ; = џ pì, to open (GSR 853a).
¼ w „
ϴȲ xngshui Prosperity and decline (HY 2: 167.2). <>(But here
ĵš more likely not a binome: ‘to restore what was in ͪ chè . . . ; to divide land according to a certain share
decline’.) û system (GSR 286c).

γ̋ bluàn To suppress rebellion (M 5: 389.3). м jing A boundary, limit (GSR 710h).
Note that the quotation leaves out several lines and also reverses the last two
zI Shào-  line 13.
gng characters in order to give a rhyme.
15.8 „̍ Zu
‘Master Zu’s commentary’ (on the Spring and
Huái  line 6. zhuàn autumn annnals, Chnqi ƱNj), one of the most
İ important sources for the history of the Chnqi
period. See Loewe, Early Chinese texts, pp. 67–76.
Ț fóu To float; frivolous; surpass (GSR 1233l).
 The passage is in the Chnqi ƱNj, and there is more about the event in the
̫ to Voluminous flow; rushing water; reckless; insolent; Zu
zhuàn; for the text and translation see Couvreur, La chronique de la
F principauté de Lòu, vol. 3, pp. 79–83.

 táo To assemble, to crowd (GSR 1078d). 16 Huái  line 6.

Ǭ f i . . . ; not (GSR 579c). Sì  nos. 3 and 6 after line 15.
„ ‡
» n Comfortable, relaxed; smooth, steady; safe; to sàn To separate; to scattter, diffuse; to distribute; to find
stabilize; to pacify, placate; to support (e.g. diversion from boredom;
parents); to preserve good health; to arrange, place;
(interrogative:) where, how (JM).  sn dispersed; lacking self-discipline; idle; an
unoccupied post; . . . (JM).
˜ yóu  no. 2 after line 7.
Œ mín Slaves; ordinary people (anyone not in an official
Ă qiú To seek; to investigate, explore; to request; to beg k position); people (JM).
for; to need (JM). . . . ; subjects of a ruler (M 6: 837.3).

Y hù A door; a domicile; . . . (JM). #Ġ shàngjng Capital city; . . . (CY 60.1).

ī ‹

ŒY mínhù Ordinary people; . . . (HY 6: 1421.2). jʖ Wáng Usurper, r. A.D. 8–24.
kī Mng
ʯș Chén Shè The first leader of the revolt against Qín.
ï’ ϯ cuàn To take by force; perineal zone of the human body
ó (CY 2370.2).
ȹà qbng To raise an army, send out troops (M 10: 839.1).
.z ϯÚ cuànwèi To usurp the throne (HY 8: 1228.2).
ɡμ bngkuì To be defeated and dispersed; to disintegrate,
ƒ collapse (CY 939.1). ͅ Mò A kind of animal; an ancient pejorative term for an
_ ethnic group in northeast China (GHY).
Ϧ yàn A swallow (kind of bird); disrespectful, irreverent;
= Ƕ, to entertain guests, to pacify, satisfy; Korean Maek.

Yn an ancient state in the vicinity of modern Bij ng ɚ kòu  line 6.

(JM). "

ɚф kòubin To infringe the borders (HY 3: 1503.1).

The story of Wèi Mn χͰ (Korean Wiman) and his establishment of the "x
kingdom of Cháoxin 0< is told in the Sh jì (Zhnghuá Shj ed., p.
2985) and translated by Burton Watson in Records of the Grand Historian: ƤŤ Jiànw (Reign period, A.D. 25–55.)
Han Dynasty II, pp. 225–226. See also Cambridge history of China, vol. 1, pp. g
447–448. 18 cháogòng A feudal lord or tributary state bearing tribute to the
ã emperor (M 5: 1059.3).
О³ bìdì To take refuge from disaster; to retire from the
Ĝí world. Also written О Ϋ [bìzhuì] (HY 10: Ͻš Liáodng Hàn commandery in the southeastern part of
1269.1). О  no. 3 after line 160. [jùn] modern Liáoníng, east of the Liáo river ϽŨ (CY
¿H$ 3087.3).
˗Т Cháoxin An ancient state, roughly modern North Korea
(Zhngguó lìsh dìtú jí, 2: 27–28➃7). Korean Korean Yodong.
ChosOn. R¹ tàish
u Grand Administrator, in charge of a commandery
wáng,  line 12. č› (jùn )) (B).
wàng Zhài
ʏѹ (He lived at the end of the 2nd century A.D.; see
¼ Róng Cambridge history of China, vol. 1, pp. 822–823.)
17 W-dì (Emperor, r. 140–87 B.C.) âË
gâ wizhé To frighten; to fear (CY M 3: 704.1).
miè  line 8. Ç

З shng A sound; music; a tone, musical note; language, ģ̺ shpìn To send a diplomatic mission; the presentation of
“ speech; a message, news; reputation, popularity; an ‡† gifts by a diplomatic mission (M 1: 738.4, HY 1:
announcement; . . . (JM). 1331, only example is this passage).

Șſ hibio Far-off places beyond the borders of China (CY ƻʤ liútng Transportation; unimpeded, free (CY 1788.3).
ģĚ 1803.3). ÈĐ

Ҥ huì Deep and wide (water); filthy; to assemble, flock ́  dài O Ĭ͒ when; . . . (GHY).
¶ together; (name of a river); č þ

 Wèi (name of an ancient place and ethnic group) (HY 6: ž Yngch Reign period, A.D. 107–113.
160). µÿ
Huìmò Ancient ethnic group of northeast China, named ч nán Difficult; to make (something) difficult; with
¶_ after the Huì Ҥ river, which is east of modern 1 difficulty; unpleasant (e.g. nánkàn чLJ, ‘ugly’);
F ngchéng Υ Ɨ , Liáoníng (CY 1889.3, with nàn misfortune, calamity;to denounce; to blame; an

references to this and another chapter of Hòu Hàn 1 enemy (JM).
sh). ͅ  line 17.
̃  cho Also written ú, to steal; . . . (GHY).
Korean Yemaek.
Ǩ W . . . ; (ancient name for Japan) (GHY).
ɚ̃  kòucho = ɚú, to attack and plunder (CY 845.2). ɚ 
½ Japanese Wa or Yamato. "ÿ line 6.
С Hán (The name of several different ancient Chinese Huán[-dì] Emperor, r. A.D. 147–167.
Ȍ Ơ 
Ġ states); . . . (HY 12: 679.1). Įâ
Korean Han. Líng[-dì]
Ѯ Ơ  Emperor, r. A.D. 168–188.
˗я cháoxiàn Feudal lords or tributary states presenting their µâ
ãĦ local products as tribute (CY 1491.1). shzhèng
ƭ Political disorder (CY 711.2).
ʲ Ơ  Zhng Emperor, r. A.D. 76–88. £á
ͱ jiàn, jin  line 7.
Ùâ ß ô
ij Ơ  Hé[-dì] Emperor, r. A.D. 89–105.
ˠɍ zmàn = ˠτ, to grow and spread (CY 1859.1). ˠ 
ĭâ Õ] line 165.
6ƥ yhòu  line 5.
19.1 Ə ͯ ȉ Qián = Hàn sh ͯȉ.
ÐIJ [Hàn] sh
19 ̺ pìn To visit, inquire after; to invite; to recruit; a dowry ÝĠŽ
† (GHY).
The quotation is from Hàn sh, juàn 95 (Zhnghuá Shj ed., pp. 3863–
3864), with several differences. Approximately the same text is in the Sh jì;
 line 16.

¦ quán Complete; to preserve, maintain; . . . (GHY). Ŷ³ kngdì Vacant land (M 8: 649.4).
Ý í

ʉ lüè A border; to patrol (a border); to seize by force; to ˧ sho Slightly; gradually; extremely; soon; just now, just
P plan; the essentials; to reduce; approximate; ÿ then; suddenly; . . . (JM; HY 8: 82).
approximately; slightly; (preceding a negative:) in
õ yì To guard the borders; a border guard; military
the slightest degree; . . . (JM).
³ service; forced labour, corvée; to do military
њ sh To belong to; . . . (GHY). service; to employ forced labour; a servant; a
– disciple; to prompt, urge on; a battle, war; ranks
zh (JM).
 To join, link; to entrust; . . . (GHY).
Ā õњ yìzh To subjugate and employ (CY 1068.1).
lüèsh ³–
ʉњ To occupy territory (HY 7: 1358.1; only example is
this passage). A comment in the Hàn sh (Zhnghuá Shj ed., p. 3864, n. 4) indicates that
Ȣˤ Zh npn A Hàn commandery whose location is uncertain. It wángzàizh ö´ŷ means ‘those who had fled [wáng, from other states] and
[jùn] is placed near Seoul by Zhngguó lìsh dìtú jí (vol. were present [zài, in Cháoxin]’. The Sh jì version ( line 16) has
ïs$ 2, 27–28➃8), but much farther south by Cambridge wángmìngzh  
history of China (vol. 1, p. 167). The pronunciation
is given in note 3 after line 107. jЁ Wángxin (According to the Sh jì ( line 16), this was the
¼ħ place where Wèi Mn χ Ͱ established his
˗Т Cháoxin  line 16. capital.)
19.2 The quotation is from Hàn sh, the biography of Wáng Mng j ʖ
¬ lì (Pre-Hàn:) (general term for officials); (Hàn and
(Zhnghuá Shj ed., p. 4130), translated by Dubs, vol. 3, pp. 325–6.
Ĉ[ after:) a lower-ranking official (JM).

Ϯ zhù To build; a building; . . . (JM). Ɂ}ѳ Gogulí An ancient state, also written Ɂ}ъ = 
"Q Ɂѳ; a Hàn prefecture, northeast of X nb n 8
Π zhàng To separate; a dike; border fortifications; a County, Liáoníng (CY 3483.1).
Ù protective screen; . . . (CY 3294.2).
Korean Kogury .
ϩ΁ Lú Wn Person, 256–193 B.C. (CY 2195.2).
Ǘ pò To force; to urge, promote; to face, confront; to
m approach; in difficulties; urgent, critical; narrow
)ĵ wángmìng To flee into exile (CY 149.1). (JM).
ϞǗ  qiángpò To coerce (HY 4: 139.2).
҂e Pèishu A river in Korea, identified as the modern m
Ĕ› Chongchon River ɿ4È (Zhngguó lìsh dìtú jí,
27–28➂8). s̒ chsài To go out through a mountain pass; to leave a
Korean P‘aesu. ąŒ country (M 2: 178.3). ̒  line 64.

ЦĶ gujiù To blame (CY 1678.2). ʆ shuài, lõ  line 9.

)" ˜ Z
͆ hé, háo, ...;
mà 21 +˴ t zhù Live in the same place through generations,
Mò = ͅ (HY 10: 1336.1).  line 17. ďò opposite of yítú ʐɨ, nomadic (CY 585.2).

_ x To enjoy (CY 1167.3).

wèin To comfort and console (M 4: 1167.1). Ķ
ǧ huò Some; perhaps; also; . . . (GHY).
20 Zhngx n The restoration of the Hàn Dynasty, after the period Ĭ
g of Wáng Mng. See Cambridge history of China, gun,
Ǝ  no. 2 after line 3.
ëĵ vol. 1, s. 240 ff. guàn
Θ  no. 4 after line 3.
ˆ biàn An ancient type of leather cap; . . . (GHY).
Ȉ shí The seasons; one of the twelve two-hour periods of x n
the day; time; an age; ‘the times’, current political
situation; an opportunity; luck, fortune; on time; × y, yì  no. 2 after line 3.
often; at that time; timely, seasonable; . . . (JM). Ï

gui Discordant, inharmonious; to leave; . . . (JM). Ͽ jn (Originally:) a type of fine cloth from Xingyì,
 , Hénán ŨƒЛę, in the Hàn period; (later:) any
polychrome patterned cloth [usually translated
ĞȞ guipàn To revolt (HY 1: 661.1). ‘brocade’]; made of brocade; brocade clothing; a
n prize; colourful, beautiful (JM).
ģѫ shyì Error for ģі, ambassadors and translators (CY 1: qì
ϛ A vessel, container; an organ (of the body); ability,
‡³ 737.2, referring to this passage only). talent; to regard highly; . . . (JM).
Messenger who stops at relay stations ѫ (CY 1:
ϛ“ qìyòng Vessels and implements; weapons and agricultural
737.2, citing another passage in Hòu Hàn sh).
.Á implements; ability, competence; to employ; . . .
ƌ sú Customs, practices; common practices; an ordinary (HY 3: 522.1).
– person, not a monk or nun; ( common,
  popular;    vulgar, Qìyòng may not be a binome here: ‘as vessels [for eating] they use . . .’.
philistine (JM).
ƍ z A flat tray with legs used to display food offerings
ɒƌ guósú The customs of a particular state (HY 3: 637.2). in ancient rituals; a cutting board; . . . (HY 1:
fngt 1359.2).
ǟ+ Customs and geography (CY 4304.3). ǟ  line
ěď 163. Ē dòu An ancient eating vessel of pottery or bronze, also
lüè used in rituals to hold sacrificial wine or meat; a
ʉ  no. 1 after line 19.
bean; = \, a dipper; . . . (HY 9: 1340.1).

ƍĒ z dòu Z and dòu; ritual vessels in general; to sacrifice, Ń shgun To lose one’s position; to lose knowledge of
ãI perform a ritual (HY 1: 1359.2). (forget) the administrative system of the ancient
sage kings (HY 2: 1482.1).
In this text, z dòu ƍĒ seems to mean ‘tableware’ in general, as opposed to
more primitive means of serving meals. ƈ xìn True; trustrworthiness; to believe; to trust; to
believe in; to know; an emissary; proof, evidence;
ѯ Mán A non-Chinese ethnic group in the south in ancient news; as one pleases; if; . . . ;
China; ‘barbarians’ in general; barbarous; the shn = Û, to stretch, stretch out, extend (JM).
South; extremely (JM).
23 Qϕ  û Fúyú (Ancient state in the Sungari River ţŻÈ basin);
22 ¿ Róng . . . ; a non-Chinese ethnic group in the west in
ϕ ² . . . (CY 700.2, 1216.3). Korean PuyO.
ancient China; ‘barbarians’ in general; ancient
minor state, southeast of Dngcáo County šɷϲ,
Shndng (JM).
˷ Ⱦ  Xuántù According to Zhngguó lìsh dìtú jí (vol. 2, p. 61–
[jùn] 62➂11), it was near modern Shnyáng ă ̅ ,
Dí  line 8. ĩF$ Liáoníng. However this does not fit with the
location described in the text.
The five ranks of Zhu feudal aristocracy, with their commonest English Gogulí
Ɂ}ѳ  no. 2 after line 19.
translations: "Q
gng I, ‘duke’
hóu Ɗ, ‘marquis’ ҁɖ Yìlóu Ancient ethnic group in northeast China (CY
bó Þ, ‘earl’ ÎW 1261.2, citing this chapter of Hòu Hàn sh).
z /, ‘viscount’ Xinb i
Тį Ancient ethnic group; . . . (CY 3510.3).
nán č, ‘baron’ „ Cambridge History of China, vol. 1, has Hsien-pi
ωƊ zhhóu  line 10. (i.e. Pinyin Xianbi), but Xinbi is correct
according to several Chinese dictionaries.
@ yún . . . ; (mood particle:) ϠΔ¸Æ so it is said (JM).
ɮ ji To come in contact; to join, link; to continue in
22.1 The passage quoted is on p. 1389 of Yáng Bójùn’s ̥Þǹ edition, Chnqi succession; to approach, be close to; to continue,
zhuàn zhù ƱNj„̍ŧ (Bij ng 1981). See the translation by Seraphin carry on; . . . (JM).
Couvereur, La chronique de la principauté de Lòu (Paris 1951, vol. 3, pp. Ǿe Ruòshu (This expression was used in ancient times for any
275–278, esp. p. 278). ­› river which was too shallow or for some other
reason could not be navigated); (CY 1046.2 lists six
¢ƒ Zhòngní Kngz S/, Confucius (HY 1: 1192.2). different rivers with this name, none of which is in
ë? the northeast).
Ҋ/ Tánz Ruler of the minor state of Tán in the Chnqi 24 Ĝ l  line 10.
period (M 11: 274.1). [
è gào  line 11. Huì, Wèi  line 18.
Tinz ¶
P/ ‘Son of heaven’, the ruler (HY 2: 1406.2).

25 Ȫгɒ su
líguó (M 8: 990.3 cites this passage). ēĊ shláo A pigsty, often combined with a toilet (CY 2934.1).
Œ[# {•• Mentioned elsewhere in chapter? ••}  V

chxíng *ȓ k
uqì The breath; . . . (M 2: 717.4, citing this passage
sÖ To go on a distant journey (HY 2: 4890.2).
". only).
ĢĦ shìér Servant-girl (CY 204.3).
Ω x A slow breath; a sigh; a sob (GHY).
 rèn = ð , pregnant (CY 750.1).
27 ɀѝ mlán (Name of two different herbaceous plants) (HY 12:
\M 12: 789.2)
ðĖ rènshn Pregnant (HY 4: 303.2).
Ó¢ The comment indicates that ѝ should be read as ?.

ð  rènshn = ðdz, pregnant (M 3: 643.1).] mlán A stable for horses, also written ɀѝ or ɀП
\M (HY 12: 790.2)]
26 ȓ qì Clouds; the breath, respiration; a flavour; a smell;
courage; morale; anger; heroism; vital energy, ѥ tng To listen; something heard; to obey; to accept,
health; fervour, vehemance; ambience, atmosphere; ý receive; to administer; to judge; to investigate; an
bad habits, bad behaviour; temperament, investigator; to allow, permit (JM).
disposition; to become angry; (in traditional
Áϔ shuyng To take in and foster (HY 5: 388.2).
Chinese medicine:) vigour, vitality; (in ancient
Chinese metaphysics:) the fundamental matter of
the cosmos; . . . (JM). 28 ÷ jì To hate; to fear; to envy; . . . (GHY).
е/  jz Chicken; egg (CY 3315.3).
Õ ĺĕ bnz
u . . . ; to flee (HY 2: 1516.2).
Ǜ jiàng To fall, descend; to happen into; to reduce, lower;
 ...; ɯ e Yns (Unidentifiable).
 xiáng to surrender; to cause to surrender; . . . (JM). ±‡›
 bi A turtle; . . . (CY 3588.3).
ÄĖ y
ushn Pregnant (JM). y
Ή jù A village; to gather together, assemble; to collect,
 qiú To take into custody; a prisoner (GHY). pile up; to draft, recruit; . . . (JM).
Ț fóu  no. 7 after line 15.
͑ suì A tunnel; to communicate with, arrive at; to 
succeed; to promote, recommend; in the end,
finally; thereupon, as a result; . . . (JM). 29 ƣ dù . . . ; ˝͔ to cross over;
ē sh A pig (JM).

ƣ duó to measure (GHY). š máo A spear; . . . (JM).

аƔ jnhòu Respectful (CY 2915.3). а  line 149.
‡ˑ píngchn Flat and wide (M 4: 497.1). +IJ
ėõ ɚ̃ kòucho  line 19.
Aқ w g The five grains (which are identified in various
· ways), grain in general (CY 139.1) 31 ȟ chù An animal, esp. a domestic animal;

˽ dio ˯˽ Martes zibellina (marten) (CH 4527, 2680).  xù to collect, store; to raise domestic animals; . . . (JM).
Hȟ liùchù h
ɀÍēеi (CY 305.3).
҉  nà (A kind of monkey); = ҏ (an unidentifiable Éă
< animal) (HY 10: 1332.1).
t ji . . . ; to appoint to a high post; to occupy (a high
(According to the comment it is a type of cat.)  post) (M 2: 369.2).  line 78.
ȝ zh A pearl; a bead; to string (pearls, beads) (JM). (Here, probably a word in the local language; HY 2:
772.2, no. 11).
30 Ν˙ sunzo Ziziphus jujuba (CH 4488).
‰ã ę̽ yìluò A village, hamlet (CY 3096.2; the example given
’: concerns Liáodng).
ǯ yuán . . . ; = ̑, round (GHY).
Å ƍĒ z dòu  line 21.
zhà £7
ƶ Paling, palisade (CY 1551.3).
÷ ̡­ huìtóng To gather together; an audience with the Emperor
gngshì â6 (CY 1470.1).
ǷƜ Buildings in general; the palace of a ruler; family
members (HY 3: 1431.2). Ʃ bài To salute, do obeisance; to receive (visitors) politely;
cngkù to give (an official rank); to receive (a gift) politely;
ǩǽ A storehouse, treasury (HY 1: 1440.1).
to present (something, to a superior) (JM).
Ċʹ láoyù Prison (CY 1982.3).
Г jué An ancient type of wine vessel; aristocratic rank
V¸ — (GHY).
ҷ c . . . ; coarse (GHY).
ƩГ bàijué To confer an aristocratic rank (HY 6: 434.1).(But
MÖ here, probably a ritual connected with drinking.)
ҷ- cdà Large and coarse; . . . (HY 12: 1306.1).
Ƽ x To wash the feet; to wash; a washbasin (JM).
ϞƑ ɧ qiángy
n Indomitable and courageous; . . . (HY 4: 140.2). f
Ƒ ƼГ xjué To wash a jué-vessel (in ancient etiquette, before a
”Ö guest drinks); . . . (M 6: 1089.4).
› sh  line 8
ƩƼ bàix (A series of bows in connection with the washing of
the drinking vessel) (HY 6: 430.1).]

32 ː y To place the hands together in greeting; the act of ©ʹ xíngyù Punishment (HY 2: 607.2).
Î greeting by placing the hands together; to decline ܃
politely; to abdicate; = ˄, single-minded; qiútú
ǿ A prisoner (M 3: 2.2).   line 26.
 jí = ϼ, to gather, assemble (JM). k5
® tí
33  = ϻ, a hoof; to flee (CY 3005.2).
ːѭ yràng A ceremony of greeting between host and guest; to ¢
ή cede place to a sage (CY 1290.2). zhn
w To divine, predict;
NǛ shngjiàng To ascend and descend, Gun z Ϳ/  NǛːѭ
 zhàn to instruct orally (JM).
o . . . ; prosperity and decline; . . . (CY 412.1). Ǜ 
line 26. jíxing Fortune; happy and unhappy events (HY 3: 91.2).
Probably the intention of the passage ̡­NǛ is that when these people Ö xíngrén A person sent out on a peaceful or warlike
assemble together they follow a prescribed etiquette. The Chinese author can ԕ expedition; a general term for emissaries; an ancient
only describe this using terms for particular Chinese rituals. official post; . . . (CY 2799.2).

п` làyuè 12th month of the lunar calendar, when the là festival ˢɶĸ wú zhòu yè By day and by night.
)Ž is held.
· ho Beautiful; fine, excellent; friendly; finished,
On the là festival see e.g. Derk Bodde, Festivals in completed; to be able to; very, extremely; easy; . . . ;
classical China, 1975.
 hào to like; . . . (JM).
ʏ jì To offer sacrifices to (gods, ancestors); sacrificial; to
arrange as an offering; . . . (JM). ͮê gyín To sing and chant (CY 1657.3).
ʥ lián . . . ; in succession (JM).
= ЗǞ sh ngyn Sounds; music; the voice, tone; . . . (HY 8: 689.1).
З  line 18.
ͮΎ gw To sing and dance; to sing and dance in praise of (a
ruler) (JM). ƌ sú  line 20.

ƀ yíng To welcome; to oppose; to flatter; to calculate; ыƦ yánjí Severe (M 2: 1176.1).

€ z#
 yìng to meet one’s bride (CY 3046.3). ʘ bèi A quilt, cover; to cover; to bear, carry on the back; to
µ Ð add, augment; to suffer, sustain (an injury); (marker
yíng g (M 11: 6.3 refers only to this passage). ͜  line of passive voice); (surname);
µ 56.  p = ŗ, to wear (JM).
duàn To decide; to bite off; to break, sever; to break off; to Ĝ
0 forbid; to discontinue, suspend; a judgement; ̈́ zh To question reproachfully; to send a punitive
discontinuous; incomplete; absolute (JM). § expedition; to punish; to kill, execute; to wipe out,
annihilate (JM).

34 ć mò To sink, drown; to dive into (water); to bury; to ˋ fù To return; to restore, reinstate; to report, state; to
G conceal; to fall into oblivion; to disappear; to decline, T reply; to retaliate; to exempt, relieve (from duties);
wane; to subside, cave in; to penetrate; to be  again; (a surname) (JM).
overwhelmed by the enemy; to confiscate; = ť, to
2 sh A corpse; in an ancient funeral, the person
p representing the dead; to lie down with the hands and
 méi nothing; to not have (JM). feet stretched out like a corpse; to execute (someone)
and expose the corpse in public; . . . (JM)
‚ɘ núbì A slave; a servant; (humble first-person pronoun)
+X (HY 4: 268.1). 35 ļ q A wife;
˦ dào A thief, robber, scoundrel; to steal (GSR 1133a).
F  qì to give (a woman) in marriage (GHY).
ʟ zé To demand, exact; to blame, reprove; to ask about,
µ inquire; to punish; to order, instruct; a duty; ̕ so Older brother’s wife (CY 764.1).
 zhài = ̌, a debt (JM).
´  gu
Outer coffin (GHY).

ʀ yín  line 14.
˘ gun A coffin; to coffin (a corpse) (JM).
U yóu A crime; to blame; outstanding; especially (GHY).
‹ Ȓ̾ xùnzàng To bury persons or objects with the dead, immolate
mš (CY 1684.1).
Ů zhì To govern, manage; peaceful; rational action; to
repair; to build; to prepare; to engage in; to train δ shù, sh ,  line 13.
(troops); to arrange, put in order; to sew; to study,
research into; to treat (a disease); . . . (JM). › › [

ä xiá A small box (CY 394.2).

ˍ è Evil, crime; a bad person, criminal; ugly; bad;

illness; dirty, filthy; excrement and urine; violent,
brutal; It is very likely that the jade objects mentioned here, supplied by the Hàn court
 wù to hate; shameful; to slander; for burials, are not yùxiá ä, ‘jade boxes’, but yùji , ‘jade suits of
armour’. Recent archaeology has shown that high-ranking noblemen and
 w (interrogative:) how; (exclamation:) ah! (JM). princes of tributary states in the Hàn period were often buried in jade suits
which resemble armour.
í dù Jealous (JM).
Ç yù  line 14.
íɗ dùfù A jealous woman; . . . (M 3: 644.2). ɗ  line 101. 
đ fù To give; . . . (CY 170.2).


˷ Xuántù  line 23. ҉ nà Anc. MwCt (HY10: 1332.1; GSR 94a, 486e).
ÙF -

36 ƀİ yíngq To welcome and accept (M 11: 7.1). ƀ  line 32. ‚ nú Anc. nuo (GSR 94l).
µć 9

36.1 Ȫ su
Anc. sâk (GSR 770a).  b Anc. pwCt (GSR 281a).
ˆ ` É

ң tuó Anc. t’âk (GSR 795p). 36.7 иø Wèi zhì = иȉ, the first of the three parts of Snguó zhì
à ª ɒø, which is the fourth of the Dynastic Histories.
ƣ dù, duó Anc. d’uo-, d’âk (GSR 801a). The passage cited is from the Zhnghuá Shj ed., juàn 30, ʶ$Тįšµ̍,
F ċ p. 841.
ƽ luò Anc. lâk (GSR 766k).
L 37 ƤŤ Jiànw  line 17.

36.2  rèn Anc. MTKEm- (GSR 667k).
– яĎ xiànjiàn To have audience and present offerings (M 7: 761.1).
 rén Anc. MTKGn (GSR 388a).
Ñ Μģ qinsh  no. 6 after line 15.
ϙ zhèn Anc. DKEm- (GSR 656f).
­ Ĺȸ fènggòng To present tribute (M 3: 581.2). Ĺ  line 41.
36.3 ɑ juàn An animal pen; (a surname);
 ¤Ť Gungw Emperor, r. A.D. 25–57.
qun . . . (CY 573.1). Ơ 
҆ dá . . . ; = ˫, to answer (HY 9: 384).
36.5 ΐ hé, gài Anc. Jâp, kâi- (GSR 642q). 3
˫˃ dábào To reply, respond; to repay, requite (HY 8: 1153.2).]
˔ s, sì Anc. siH, sKe- (GSR 869a). B{
ģĵ shmìng . . . ; an emissary (CY 206.1).
ɯ yn Anc. VKäm:, VBm: (GSR 614b). ‡b
̧ suì A year; time; annual; annually; in the course of a
 s Anc. siH (HY 6:21; GSR 925a, 3q). year; age; a year’s harvest; (measure for years) (JM).

36.6 ȶ bào General term for small wild cats (CH 4527).

ʤ tng To penetrate, give free passage; to connect up; to 39 ̐/ sìz A crown prince, heir; an adoptive son; . . . (HY 3:
Æ communicate; unimpeded; smooth, easy; to reach ‡Õ 462.1).
one’s goal; to understand, be well versed in; erudite,
ɝC| Wèichóutái (There is a bit more about him in Snguó zhì, juàn 30
profound; clear, coherent; to communicate, pass on;
Ç"č (Zhnghuá Shj ed., p. 842).
to associate, be in contact; to fornicate; entirely,
thoroughly; entire; common, ordinary; in general ̓ yì To go to, leave for; to pay a visit; to have audience
(JM). ¶ with; to come; . . . (JM).
38 »Ơ n-dì Emperor, r. A.D. 107–124. в qu An opening, rift; to be deficient, miss; a defect; a
tâ vacancy; defective; . . . ;
ž Yngch  line 19.  què towers on each side of the entrance to an imperial
µÿ palace; stone stelae erected by a tomb (JM).
ā bù A pace; the distance of a pace; to walk; to cause to yìquè To visit the emperor’s court (HY 11: 197.2).
walk; on foot; infantry, foot soldiers; (measure of ¶'
length, in the Qín and Hàn equal to 6 ch V,  line
ȸя gòngxiàn To pay tribute (to the Emperor) (CY 2950.3).
46); . . . (JM).
āз bùqí āà and зà, infantry and cavalry (M 6: 683.1).
P/ Tinz  no. 1 after line 22.

ɚ̃ kòucho  line 19. ό cì To bestow; favour, grace; a limit; (polite word used
ÿ in a request) (JM).

θȕ Ⱦ  Luòláng, A Hàn commandery, in modern North Korea · shòu A ribbon for a jade ornament or a seal (GHY).
Lèlàng (Zhngguó lìsh dìtújí, 2: 27–28➃7). ›
Most Chinese dictionaries give the pronunciation as ª· yìnshòu A seal and a ribbon for it; a ribbon for a seal;
lèlàng, but a sound gloss by Yán Sh g жǼx, ћ technical term in Chinese astrology (M 2: 625.1).
repeated several times in Hàn sh (pp. 194, 2833,
΅ ci A coloured silk textile (JM).
3128, 3385, 4116) has: !&!  This is
presumably the reason why most Western writers on
early Korea transcribe the name as Luòláng (Wade- ̈Ơ Shùn-dì Emperor, r. A.D. 126–144.
Giles: Lo-lang). â
Korean Nangnang, Japanese Rakur. ij Ynghé Reign period, A.D. 136–141.
lìmín Officials and common people (HY 1: 521.1). µĭ
˗ cháo To pay homage to a ruler; the court of a ruler; a
ЦƄ gufù To go over and pledge loyalty to (HY 5: 370.2).
dynasty, dynastic period; government affairs; a

government building; . . . ;
ͤ Yngníng Reign period, A.D. 120 (only one year).
 zho morning; a day; a beginning (JM).

40 ĠǼ jngsh The capital of a state (CY 155.2). ˷ Xuántù  line 23.
‡ ĩF

Ý zuò . . . ; to perform (GHY). R¹ tàish

u  line 18.
Ö č›

̊ƃ͜é huángmén Drummers and Pipers of the Yellow Gates. The IǴɓ Gngsn (Nothing more is known about him.)
g chu Yellow Gates gave access to the private quarters of Yù
áJć the emperor and his women (B). ͜é  line 56. jpò
Ѝȣ To defeat, rout (HY 6: 901.2).
juéd An ancient type of acrobatic show (HY 10: 1349.1). È
 zhn To kill; to decapitate (GHY).
xì A performance, entertainment (e.g. acrobatics, ²
opera); to tease, make fun of; to play a joke on ȫ jí . . . ; (measure for severed heads) (GHY).
(someone); . . . (JM). -
Μ qin To send (someone) on a mission; to send away; to Líng-dì  line 19.
 banish, deport; . . . (JM). ´â
ȌƠ Huán-dì  line 19. ϧ‡ X píng Reign period, A.D. 172–177.
àâ Ķė
Ōϧ Yánx Reign period, A.D. 158–166. Ĺ fèng To hold in both hands; to present; to receive
}æ ~ respectfully; to respect, obey (laws etc.); (a term of
qinsh  no. 6 after line 15. respect); to provide; to support; an official’s salary
‡ (GHY).

cháohè To appear in audience and extend congratulations to ʲ zhng . . . ; a memorial to the ruler (GHY).  line 165.
ãĞ the Emperor (M 5: 1056.4). Ù

gòngxiàn 42 њ sh , zh  no. 1 after line 19.

ȸя  line 39.
Ħ Xiàn-dì Emperor, r. A.D. 190–220.
ɥ Yngkng Reign period, A.D. 167 (only one year). Ħâ
Ͻš Ⱦ  Liáodng  line 18.
Ftái (Nothing more is known about him.) [jùn]
č ‰H$

@ yún  line 22.

This incident is mentioned very briefly in the Annals of the Emperor Huán-dì
ȌƠ (Hòu Hàn sh, juàn 7, p. 319), but seemingly nowhere else.
43 ҁɖ Yìlóu  line 23.
41 ɚ kòu  line 6. ÎW

˲̚ Sùshèn  line 8. Ĕ chì Red; sincere; a sincere heart; empty, in vain; naked,
lq exposed; to kill, annihilate; . . . (JM).
Qϕ  û Fúyú  line 23. ˽ dio  line 29.
ϕ ² ÿ

bn çƂ jnzhng A ruler or chief minister; the Emperor or a feudal

А Water’s edge, coast; to approach; to come close too,
Y be in charge of (JM). $Ù lord; the chieftain of a minority nationality tribe (HY
3: 247.2).
vĈū Bi Wòj Korean Puk OkchO.
V¸Û ę̽ yìluò  line 31.
Ĉū Wòj Ancient place name (CY 1740.3, citing this chapter
¸Û 45 ʗ chù A place;
of Hòu Hàn sh).<>Korean OkchO.
jí The ridge-beam of a building; farthest point,  ch to reside at, be at (a certain place); to hold, keep; to
 extremity; to reach the farthest point; a norm, stay; to keep; to deal with, process (JM)
standard; to arrive at; distant, remote; the North Star; qì  line 26.
(the north or south) pole; (the four) directions; .
extremely; weary; = Ғ , to execute, kill; = Ɔ ,
quickly (JM). Ÿ xué A dug-out dwelling; a cave; a hole; . . . (JM).
44 3Ё shnxin A precipitous place in the mountains (M 4: 192.3).
\Ø Ÿņ xuéj To construct a cave and live in it (HY 8: 405.1).
Ü sì To resemble; as if, like; (coverb:) compared with; to
give, present; = ̐, to continue (JM). ɮ ji  line 23.

ĐΓ yány . . . ; words, expressions; language (HY11: 10.1). ɸ t A ladder; to climb; . . . (HY 4: 1061.1).
yx â

ē sh  line 26.

{•• Need an explanation for ®. ••}
Aқ w g  line 29. y, yì  no. 2 after line 3.
‚ “
ʹ má (In ancient times:) hemp; (later:) (general term for pí Skin (of an animal); bark (of a tree); a thin outer
plants grown for fibre); vegetable fibres; vegetable- layer; a thin wrapping; superficial; = ŗ, to skin;
fibre cloth; mourning clothes; to wear mourning mischievous, naughty (JM).
clothes; . . . (JM).
46 Ί go Fat; . . . ;
† bù Cloth of hemp or other vegetable fibre; to announce;
to tell; . . . (JM).  gào to lubricate; to moisten (JM).

̓ tú Clay, loam; a road; a method; to paint, smear; to ҡ yuán The heavens; a circle; circular; a coin;
stain, contaminate (JM). 

K fn, fèn  line 6.  huán to centre on, surround (JM).


ϫ yù To defend against; to prevent (GHY). Óњ chénsh To submit to as a subordinate (M 9: 387.3).

¯ ¢–

ǟ fng The wind; the situation; a custom; a style of work, ͼʍ zh

ngzhòng The population of a united ethnic group (HY 8:
Ï way; . . . ; ¦¨ 110.1).

 fèng to sway, stir; to influence by persuasion, example, Ƒ y

nglì Courageous and strong (CY 377.1).
ě etc.; = Ϲ, to remonstrate tactfully with a superior Š<
(JM). shnxin
3Ё  line 44.
Β lu
Naked and exposed (CY 2891.1). ‰ħ
9 f To shoot (an arrow); to happen, occur; to grow,
ʙ tn To remove outer clothing and expose part of the develop; to appear; to expose, reveal; to arise; to
@ body (GHY). unfold, open up; to enlighten, inspire; to spread
(intransitive); to spread (transitive); (of an illness:) to
Βʙ lu
tn Naked (M 10: 238). flare up; to send; to send out (an agent); to express;
%@ to dig, excavate; to launch, mobilise; . . . (JM).
σ bì To cover, conceal; to shelter; to hide oneself; a
48 V ch  line 46.
screen; to be deceived; to summarize; to judge; . . . Ü
Ŏ n A crossbow (JM).
V ch In the Hàn period, ca. 23 cm; see Zhngguó Dù liáng 9
ž héng tújí, plates 4–28.
› sh  line 8.
† bù  line 44.
̦ hù, g  line 8.
ȰШ chòuhuì Stinking and filthy (M 9: 419.3).
ć¶ 0 cùn 1/10 ch (GHY).
ҍ xié ...;
Ī ƅœ qngshí A type of blue-green stone, used in building and for
»b stelae; granite (HY 11: 518.2).<>Bluestone; lapis
 jié = ι, clean, pure (JM).
lazuli; granite (modern dictionaries).

ц zú An arrowhead; . . . (JM).
47 ˉ cè A toilet; a pigsty; to stay, participate; . . . (JM).

Ư sh To put in force, implement, practise; to give free play ш lèi Type, kind; category; rules, regulations; an instance,
  to; to exert (pressure, influence); to give; generosity, ? example; to resemble; a method, model; . . . (JM).
favour, grace; to spread, scatter, disseminate; to set
ƍĒ z dòu  line 21.
up, install; . . .
 yí to wind, meander;
ũƌ fsú Laws and customs (HY 5: 1041.1). ƌ  line 145.
 yì to spread out, extend;
΃ǎ gngjì To administer, control; an outline; a law, discipline
. (CY 2444.1).
 sh to relax; to abandon (JM)
51 Ɂ}ѳ Gogulí  no. 2 after line 19.
ƹ dú Poison; to poison (something, someone); to injure; a
disaster; evil; to hate; . . . (HY 7: 822). Ͻš Ⱦ  Liáodng  line 18.
< zhng The middle, centre; the inside; the heart, mind, inner ¿H$
being; half (adjective); an intermediary; . . . ; Cháoxin  line 16.
 zhòng suitable, fitting; to hit the mark (in archery); to ã
experience, feel (an emotion); . . . (JM). Huìmò  line 18.
biàn (Wèimò)
Ƌ Convenient, easy; to facilitate, ease; simple; handy;
excrement, urine; (used like modern jiù ˇ); to be ¶_
skilful at; . . . ; Ĉū Wòj  line 43.
pián ¸Û
 easy and comfortable; fluent (in speaking) (JM).
52 ʁ shn Deep (of water); an abyss; to deepen; long (of time);
ǡ chéng,  line 11. profound, abstruse; serious, grave; thoroughly;
heartfelt, profound; harsh, severe; luxuriant,
ʕ chuán A boat, ship; to send by water; . . . (HY 9: 7.1). flourishing; deep (of colour); very, extremely; to
hide, be in hiding; to master, be proficient in (JM).
49 ɚ˦ kòudào Robbers, bandits; to invade and harass (HY 3:
"F 1502.1). ɚ  line 6. ˦  line 165. đ g A valley; a mountain stream; a predicament, straits
ǁɫ wèihuàn To be afraid of bringing troubles on oneself (M 7:
ÇĮ 1089.1). Ѐ suí To follow; a retinue; ŭ along; to submit to; no
› matter how/what; accordingly; immediately; . . .
Į zú A soldier; a group of 100 soldiers; to die; to finish; (JM).
¥ finally;
”̢ tiányè Agriculture; agricultural land (M 7: 1054.3). ” 
 cù suddenly (GHY). Ÿ{ no. 2 after line 7.
Ý lìzuò To work hard (CY 372.1).
Š fú  line 5. |Ö

͈ z Material; material endowments, talent; seniority; to ĕ z

u To run; to gallop (a horse, transitive verb); to flee,
supply; to rely on; to put aside, save; to sell (JM). run away; to chase away; to rush toward; to head for,
move toward; to pursue; a beast, quadruped; to move
ƌ sú  line 20.
(something); to change; to leak, divulge; to leave;
̴ jié A bamboo joint; a season; ̴ȓ, the 24 periods of (humble first-person pronoun:) ‘your running
  the solar year; a festival, holiday; a tally; protocol, servant’ (JM).
etiqquette; ethics, moral standards; to be moderate; zú A clan, family; a category, class; many,
moderate, abstemious; to abbreviate, condense (a multitudinous; to collect, bring together; . . . (JM).
text); metre, rhythm; a matter, case; . . . (JM).
ʪ bù To lead; (a subdivision of an army); a government
ǧ xi  line 14.  office, ministry; a place, region; a category; . . . (JM).
ǷƜ gngshì  line 30.
The names Xionú Ȗ‚, Juénú 2 , Shùnnú 3 , Guànnú @ , and
xingchuán To transmit; according to tradition (HY 7: 1158.1). Guìlóu ȍɖ seem to be transcriptions of names in the local language.
54 ˧ sho  no. 1 after line 19.
53 âͼ biézh
ng A distinct group within a larger ethnic group (HY 2: ÿ
Ræ 631.2). â  line 126.
̗Ǿ wiruò Weak, feeble (HY 3: 1057.1).
ĐΓ yány  line 44. Kw
džt xiàngji Official title in ancient Kogury (M 8: 170.4, citing
ũƐ fzé A principle, law, norm; to imitate (CY 1750.1). (xing?) this passage only). t  line 31.
vĉ ‹

͋ guì To kneel (CY 2996.1). 55 ͦϩ duìlú \M\CY\HY


͋Ʃ guìbài To kneel down in homage (HY 10: 471.2).  pèi Marshy land; rapid, rushing (of current); rapid (of
(q movement); plentiful; . . . (JM).

à yè To pull, drag (GHY). ͦϩ duìlúpèi Official title in Ɂъ (M 4: 44.4, cites ȘϾ̱ğ).

̻ jio Calf (of leg); foot; dregs, faeces (JM) x͕ g zu An official title in Ɂъ (M 2: 1816.2, citing this
 Ă text only).
Öā xíngbù To walk (CY 2800.2). н bù Records, writing material; letter; . . . (JM)

mн zh bù Master of Records (B)

è In the Hàn, officials with this title were appointed at
all levels, from the central administration to the
commanderies and prefectures (HY 1: 706.1).

І| yutái An official title in Ɂ}ѳ (M 1: 959.4, citing this ͜é g chu propaganda; to boast (HY 12: 1388.1).
Âč text only). \HY
Ѵ jì Ability; = ï, singing girls, dancing girls; . . . (JM).
ģ sh To order, dispatch (someone); to cause (someone to .
do something); to use, employ; to put (a plan,
Ѵ jìrén A female dancer (HY 1: 1178.2).
proposal) into practice; to instigate, incite; to order
about; a mission; if, supposing; to serve as an envoy; .Ñ
an envoy (JM). ƌ sú  line 20.
ģŷ shzh An envoy; . . . (HY 1: 1328.1). yín  line 14.
bóy Í
ʼn× Clothing of finely woven silk; an official title in Ɂ
NÏ }ѳ (M 4: 422.3, citing this text only). ҍʃ jiéjìng ҍ  line 46. \CY\M
¥ xinrén An ancestor, deceased father; ancient people; to act
Ñ before others (CY 277.2). ιʃ jiéjìng Brave, pure; to wash, clean (M 7: 254.1).
̩ miè  line 8.
Ô zìx To please oneself (M 9: 406.1);   line 21. [Note
ŤƠ W-dì  line 17. ÕĶ also Ôʾ with the same meaning (M 9: 405.4)]
εĸ mùyè Evening, dusk (M 5: 927.2).
˗Т Cháoxin  line 16. Ev
Κ zhé To usurp power; frequently, usually; always; . . .
Ɂ}ѳ Gogulí  no. 2 after line 19. º (JM).
Ή qúnjù To gather together; a crowd (CY 9: 71.1). = ̹.
ϲ xiàn A prefecture ( line 12); the residence of a king; . . . $ć
ĩ ;
ǥθ chngyuè Performance of music and acrobatics (HY 1:
ϲ xuán = э, to hang from; very different (JM). ³s 1501.1).
Ȥ cí  no. 6 after line 15.
56 њ sh , zh  no. 1 after line 19. ‡
˷ Xuántù  line 23. Ƀȥ gushén Ghosts and spirits; ghosts (of deceased ancestors);
ĩF body and spirit; . . . (HY 12: 450.2).
ό cì  line 39. shèjì Gods of the soil and of grain (HY 7: 834.2).
͜ g A drum; to beat a drum; to strike, pluck (a musical
instrument); to agitate, urge forward; . . . (JM). ͗ƴ língxng Odds and ends, a small amount; scattered; (name of a
µe star, = Ѯƴ, said to be the star which governs
͜é g chuì To play music; a troupe of musicians; the sound of sowing and harvesting) (HY 11: 686.1).
music; the sound of frogs; . . . ;
57 ʏ jì  line 32.

̰ méng  line 14. 59 Ċʹ láoyù  line 30.

Ÿ xué  line 45.
Ī ˺є píngyì To discuss and decide (CY 2882.2).
Ҭ suì Name of a ritual [no further explanation]; name of a
› god (M 8: 501.1, citing this passage only). Ƌ biàn, pián  line 48.

ƀ yíng, yìng  line 32. ć mòrù To confiscate a criminal’s property or family (CY
µ eÔ 1741.2); ć  line 34.

I̡ gnghuì An assembly concerned with public matters; to meet ļ q, qì  line 35.
İ on public matters; a guild (HY 2: 75.1). ø

58 ׊ yfú Clothing (CY 2812.1). ×  no. 2 after line 3. Š ‚ɘ núbì  line 34.
Ï|  line 5. 9„

Ь xiù Embroidery; . . . (JM). şƚ hnyn To marry; marriage; to be related by marriage;

ᥠrelatives by marriage (HY 5: 625.1).
ϿЬ jnxiù Fine patterned textiles; (anything fine and expensive)
"› (JM). Ͽ  line 21. ˇ jiù To go to, attend; to be close to; to get into (a wagon,
ć etc.); to follow; to achieve, accomplish; to finish,
Ɓ jn Gold; metal; money; . . . (JM). complete; to die; therefore, thus; to take advantage
of, avail oneself of; immediately; (used like modern
Ξ yín Silver; money; . . . (HY 11: 1274).
jiù:) precisely, exactly; even if; only (JM).
͚ shì To beautify, decorate; decorations, jewelry; clothing, fù A married woman; a wife; a daughter-in-law; women
costume; to cover up, gloss over; to adjust; . . . (JM).  in general; gently beautiful (JM).
˴ zhù ...; ránhòu Afterwards (HY 7: 170.2).
 zhuó = , to wear; . . . (JM). jing To grasp, hold; to present, give; to provide for,
° maintain; to send; to leave, go; to advance gradually;
Ҙ zé A turban; . . . (CY 986.1). to do, practise; to obey, follow; to plan, intend; to
÷ take; to take along, carry; (used like y n); (used
like modern b ü); . . . ;
ƎҘ gunzé Headgear of lowly person [here obviously a specific
÷ type of turban] (M 2: 125.1).  jiàng a general, high military officer; to appoint as general;
to lead (JM).
ýǟ zhéfng A kind of headgear (M 5: 148.3, refers only to this
Þě passage). ǟ  line 163. 60 ˧ sho  no. 1 after line 19.
ˆ biàn  line 21.
Q 60 В yíng . . . ; to plan; to build (JM).

Ⱥʓ sòng zhng = ȺÇ, funeral of father or mother (CY 3051.1). Œ rénxìng Character, a person’s inherent nature; human
iæ relations (HY 1: 1043.2).
Ĩ jù To prepare food or drink; food or drink; to prepare; JƦ xingjí Evil and quickwitted (M 2.172.1, refers only to a
to possess; to state, tell; ability, talent; a utensil, å- passage parallel to this one in the treatise on Ɂ}ъ
appliance; = Ǥ, entirely; (measure for coffins or in the Snguó zhì).
corpses) (JM).
ȓ qìlì Physical strength; strength, influence; financial
ȷ cái Property, belongings; family property; money, .R resources (CY 1705.1). ȓ  line 26.
› wealth; . . . (JM).
ʔ xí (Of a bird:) to hover in the air; to study, practise; to
ͧ bì Silk goods used in ancient times as gift; any sort of review; to know well; a habit, custom; usually,
Ë rich gift; money (GHY). customarily; . . . (JM).
ȷͧ cáibì Wealth, money (HY 10:88). ϟ  zhàndòu War; conflict in general (HY 5: 247.2).  line 12.
͸ jìn Finished, empty; to make full use of; to occupy 61 ɚ̃  kòucho  line 19.
« completely; entire, entirely; extremely; to push to the "ÿ
limit; on, at (a time) (e.g. ͸`); to die; (a
Ĉū Wòj  line 43.
surname) (JM).
̾ zàng To inter (a corpse); mortuary, pertaining to funerals
Ҥ Huì, Wèi  line 18.
Ϭ j To accumulate grain; accumulated grain; to pile up;
њ sh , zh  no. 1 after line 19.
to accumulate; to put aside, save up; accumulated
over a long period; manifold, many; . . . (JM). 61.2 ˏ zhng The palm of the hand; to slap with the hand; the sole
fng Ù of the foot; to direct, control, be in charge of; . . .
ƞ To enfeoff; a feoff; a border; to close; limited; to pile
up earth; a mound; (measure for letters); . . . (JM). (JM).

ΘƝ bnkè A guest (in general); an emissary of a foreign state;

ͼ zh
ng A seed; a race, ethnic group; (measure for separate
…  . . . (HY 10: 215.1).
items in list, etc.);

ͼ zhòng to plant, cultivate; to spread, distribute (JM). - Уё [dà] Grand Herald (B).
sngbi Pine and cypress trees (HY 4: 871). DĵQ
™r  61.3 Ə ͯ ȉ Qián [Hàn]  no. 1 after line 19.
xìng sh
Œ Character, a person’s inherent nature; specific
characteristics of a plant or animal; disposition, ÝĠŽ
temperament; sex, gender; sexual, pertaining to the Fƞ Yuánf ng Reign period, 110–105 B.C.
sexual organs (JM). Å~

This reference is to Hàn sh, juàn 6, Zhnghuá Shj ed., p. 194; translated by I could not find the passage cited here in Hàn sh ynyì, but there is a similar
Homer H. Dubs, The history of the former Han Dynasty, Baltimore 1944, vol. passage in the commentary in Shjì, juàn 28, Zhnghuá Shj ed., p. 2380, line
2, p. 92. 5; translated by Edouard Chavannes, Les mémoires historiques de Se-ma Ts’ien,
Paris 1895–1967, vol. 3, p. 453.
Ȣˤ Zh npn  no. 1 after line 19.
[jùn] ǟƌʤ Fngsú  no. 1 after line 3.
ïs$ tng [yì]
ИW Ⱦ  Líntún Hàn commandery on the eastern coast of modern
[jùn] Korea (Zhngguó lìsh dìtújí, vol. 2, 27–28➃9– ➄9). 62 }ѳ Gulí = Ɂ}ѳ (CY 472.2).  no. 2 after line 19.
ÓJ$ "Q
θȕ Luòláng,  line 38. ͅ Mò  line 17.
Lèlàng _
âͼ biézh
ng  line 53.
˷ Xuántù  line 23. yæ
ġ y To rely on; to draw near to; according to, on the basis
61.4 Ə ͯ ȉ Qián [Hàn] = ͯȉǞ̸, ‘Glosses on the Hàn sh’, a book by Ï of; to comply with (JM).
sh ynyì Xio Gi ϵ ́ in the Suí period (Zhngguó
Ǟ̸ xioshu A small stream; a minor flood; a relatively large lake
Ý Ġ Ž Í cóngsh z
nglù, vol. 2, p. 265.1). 1e
Ï g› (small in comparison with the ocean); . . . (HY 2:
Ѕƴ Lóngx ng Name of a group of stars (CY 3608.1, long
Á“ explanation). ͅ8 Mò gng (HY 10: 1335.1, citing this passage only.)
ė chén (The fifth of of the twelve ‘earthly branches’, dìzh
ï ³Z); the time between 7 and 9 a.m.; a moment, 62.1 иdƱNj Wèi shì By Sn Shèng Ǵ ʌ , Jìn  period (Zhngguo
point in time; light, brightness; an opportunity, chnqi cóngsh z
nglù, vol. 2, p. 287.1).
opportune moment; (name of several different stars); ǤĄĂ
constellations; the sun, moon, and stars; =  , ϽšȾ Liáodng  line 18.
morning; . . . (JM). jùn

P” Tintián (Name of a group of nine stars); . . . (HY 2: 1410.2). Ø»‡ϲ X ’npíng Prefecture near modern Dndng , Liáodng
¸Ý ”  no. 2 after line 7. xiàn (Zhngguó lìsh dìtújí, vol. 2, 61–62➃12).
͎ʎ Nóngxiáng (Name of a constellation) (HY 10: 8.2).
,‹ 63 jʖ Wáng  line 17.
Ȥ cí  no. 6 after line 15. ‡B
˥ f  line 47.

¡ fá  line 5.

ϞǗ ɧǗ qingpò  no. 2 after line 19. ̒ si To obstruct, block up; a lid, stopper (for a container);
m to prevent, forbid; to fill, permeate; to remedy, make
qin good; . . . ;
Μ  line 40.
  sài a place of strategic importance on the frontier; . . . ;
) wáng To flee, go into exile; absent; to lose; to die; sè to cope with, manage (JM).

 wàng = ö, to forget; zhn  line 41.
wú ô
 = ˢ, not to have; not (GHY).
̍ chuán To transmit, transfer; to pass on (a skill, etc.), teach;
s̒ chsài  no. 2 after line 19. Ý to spread, circulate; to transmit, communicate; to
ÀŒ bequeathe; to succeed (to a position); to summon;
ɚ˦ kòudào  line 49. zhuàn
̍ A post station; a post carriage; a certificate, tally; an
"F Ý explication of a classical text; a record; a narrative
ϽØ Ⱦ  Liáox Commandery in modern Liáoníng (Zhngguó lìsh (JM).
[jùn] dìtújí, vol. 2, 61–62➂8). Cháng’n
¿Ž$ Ƃ» The capital of the Western Hàn dynasty, in modern
X ’n Ø», Shnx .
-? dàyn . . . ; term for tàish
u R¹ under Wáng Mng (M
DÊ Δ shu To explain; to talk; to inform; a statement,
3: 370.3).  line 18.
c discussion, argument; to criticise, reprove; to
The story of Tián Tán ”р and Yán Yóu’s > campaigns against Kogury mediate, introduce; . . .
is told in Hàn sh, juàn 99b, ‘The biography of Wáng Mng’ (Zhnghuá Shj shuì to persuade; to pause, stop;

ed., p. 4130), and translated by Dubs in The history of the Han Dynasty, vol. 3, ”
pp. 325–326.
 yuè = ȅ, to be happy (JM).
64 ȼЍ zhuj To pursue and attack (HY 10: 793.1). ~
Ă hóu
Ɗ  line 12.
ɞ jing, jiàng  line 59.
65 ͅ Mò  line 17.
Η yòu To guide, lead; to lure, seduce (GHY). _
 koùbin
ɚф  line 17.
Ү zu A mounted attendant; . . . (JM). "x

̙ yù To excel, surpass; even more; = ͷ, to recover from

È an illness;

 yú = ˎ, happy (JM).

ƤŤ Jiànw  line 17. Ͳ̅ Ⱦ  Yúyáng Commandery, in modern Bij ng (Zhngguó lìsh
g [jùn] dìtújí, vol. 2, 61–62➃4).
Μģ qinsh  no. 6 after line 15.
‡ #đ Ⱦ  Shàngg Commandery, west of modern Bij ng (Zhngguó
[jùn] lìsh dìtújí, vol. 2, 61–62➃3).
˗ȸ cháogòng  line 18. ‹$
67 Rǭ Ⱦ  Tàiyuán Commandery, in modern Shnx (Zhngguó lìsh
¤Ť Ơ  Gungw  line 37. [jùn] dìtújí, vol. 2, 59–60➆8).
[dì] čÅ$

Ͻš Ⱦ  Liáodng  line 18.
ˋ  line 34. [jùn]
| ¿H$
̿ háo To shout; to wail; to scream; (of birds:) to sing; (of Zhài Róng  line 18.
animals:) to roar; âË
 hào a name, title; an alternate name chosen by a person; a Ȃƈ nxìn Grace and good faith; unduly trusting (CY 1122.3).
verbal order, command; to order, command; to ‘¢
assert, spread as propaganda; a sign, symbol; a
Ŗ zho . . . ; to attract (GHY).
password; a shop, store; a bugle, trumpet (JM).
66 ѬZ̽ Cánzh luò (Presumably a place name).
˚̒ kunsài To knock at the gate, i.e. to be friendly or submit
Œ (CY 1654.3). ̒  line 64.
ЌN Dài Sh ng (He is not mentioned elsewhere in Hòu Hàn sh.)
68<> ˹ shì To look at, see; to examine; to look upon, regard;
eyesight; to follow the example of; to contrast; to
̓ yì  line 39. display, manifest; = ƫ, to indicate (JM).
л huái To think of, cherish the memory of; the bosom; to
θȕ Luòláng,  line 38. cherish; to be pregnant with (a child); to harbour (an
Lèlàng intention, purpose); an aspiration, ambition; to recall
0N with nostalgia; to incline to, tend toward; . . . (JM).
Gњ nèish To submit to the authority of another (HY 1: 1020.2). y
ngzhuàn Powerful and robust (CY 377.1).
њ  no. 1 after line 19. g
kòu  line 6. ÁÙ
" δ shù, sh ,  line 13.
Yòubipíng Commandery, east of modern Bij ng (Zhngguó shuò
yv‡ › › ˆ
[jùn] lìsh dìtújí, vol. 2, 61–62➄6).

Ž fàn To infringe on (someone’s rights); to violate (a law); 70 Ҥͅ Huìmò  line 18.
to risk, brave (a dangerous situation); to interfere; to (Wèimò)
use; to withstand; to touch off, trigger; a criminal, ¶_
perpetrator; . . . (JM). kòu  line 6.
ф͢ binjìng A frontier region (HY 10: 1297.1). "

þ gng To attack; to treat (an illness); to censure, criticise; to

ijƠ Hé-dì  line 18.
 make, fabricate; to study, research; firm, solid; = 5,
to be good at, skilled (JM).
Fϴ Yuánx ng Reign period, A.D. 105 (only one year).
Åĵ ˳ъ ϲ  Huálí Hàn prefecture, near modern Kown Ɂǭ, N. Korea
[xiàn] (Zhngguó lìsh dìtújí, vol. 2, 27–28➃8).
69 ɚʉ kòulüè = ɚɭ, to invade and plunder (M 3: 1057.1). ɚ  ĭQĩ
"P line 6. ʉ  no. 1 after line 19 ɭ  line 84.
Ƥ¤ Jiàngung Reign period, A.D. 121.
Ȯљ Gng Kuí Active in the early decades of the 2nd century A.D. 
. He has a biography in Hòu Hàn sh, juàn 19, pp. 718
Ƣ¼ Yuzhu Hàn province comprising parts of modern Korea,
Èè Liáoníng, and Hébi (Zhngguó lìsh dìtújí, vol. 2,
Ѝȣ jpò  line 41. 61–62). ¼ line 12.
ī{ cìsh Inspector (B)
˞ qú . . . ; great, as in qúkuì ˞Τ and qúshuài ˞ơ (CY Շ
R¹ tàish
u  line 18.
˞ơ qúshuài A chieftain, leader (in ancient times, the leader of a
‡ revolt or the chieftain of an ethnic group) (HY 5: There is a little about Féng Huàn ̬̉ and Yáo Gung  in the biography
1360.1). of Féng Huàn’s son Féng Gn ̉Ҝ (Hòu Hàn sh, juàn 38, pp. 1289–1281),
but nothing is otherwise known about the campaign described here.
»Ơ n-dì  line 38.
§â Cài Fng
71 υϹ (No more is known about him.)
ž Yngch  line 19. öě
µÿ b To capture (GHY).
Μģ qinsh  no. 6 after line 15. Ì
‡ zhn  line 41.
ȸя gòngxiàn  line 39.
˞ơ qúshuài  line 69.
˷ Xuántù  line 23.
Д huò To take in hunting; the yield of hunting; to capture;
to hit the mark in shooting; to obtain; . . . (JM).
Fž Yuánch Reign period, A.D. 114–119.

ȷű cáiwù (General term for wealth); = ˸ ű , to make a Ͳ̅ Yúyáng  line 66.
decision (HY 10: 85.2). ȷ  line 60. ¯®

Μ qin  line 40. yv‡ Yòubipíng  line 66.


̐/ sìz  line 39. ʄȾ Zhu jùn Hàn commandery, modern Zhu county ʄ ϲ ,
‡Õ ċ$ Hébi.

͑À Suì Chéng (No more is known about him.) The sh guó њɒ (translated ‘dependent states’) were administrative units
›“ established outside the Hàn empire where a Chinese dwèi .* (‘Chief
Ȼ nì To meet, join with; to receive; in advance; upside- Commandant’,  92) governed a largely non-Chinese population (Bielenstein,
down, reversed; to violate, go against; to rebel; . . . pp. 109–110).
This passage appears to be the only source which mentions dependent states in
72 ˼Ǜ zhàxiáng To feign surrender (HY 11: 106.1). Ǜ  line 26. connection with Zhu Commandery; it is not clear whether Zhu at this time
‡Ģ was administered as a dependent state rather than a commandery, or the
Ϡ jù To lean on; to depend on; to occupy, hold, be commandery administration also had responsibility for one or more dependent
 entrenched in; according to; proof, evidence (JM). states located in Zhu or nearby.

ЁѺ xin’è Precipitous topography; . . . (M 11: 968.2). з qí To ride (a horse); a mounted soldier; a horse;
ħ« (measure word:) a horse and rider (JM).
ϐ zh To block the way; to break off, sever; to cover, jiù To stop; to receive help; to rescue (JM).
¯ conceal; ʣ this; . . . (JM).
74 Тį Xinb i  line 23.
λ qián To swim; to hide; hidden; secretly; . . . (JM). „
Ͻ̄ Liáosuì Hàn prefecture, modern Hichéng county ȘƗϲ,
u gng Credit, merit; efficacy; results, success; a function; ¿› Liáoníng (CY 3087.3).
excellent; skill; work, enterprise (JM).
ɽʉ shlüè To kill and rob (M 6: 778.2). ʉ  no. 1 after line
ˡ fén To burn; ]P 19.
¬ lìrén Petty officials; officials in general; officials and
 fèn = җ, to fall over, fall dead (JM). ÐÑ ordinary people (HY 1: 520.2).
υϹ Cài Fng  line 71.
Ɨʫ chénggu A wall; a city; also written Ɨͨ (HY 2: 1096.2).
ȼЍ zhuj  line 64.
73 ή̅ Gungyáng Hàn commandery, in modern Bij ng; Hàn
® prefecture, in Gungyáng commandery; . . . (CY
1019.3). ̞ŝ X nchng Hàn prefecture, east of modern X nchéng county ̞
¢õ Ɨϲ, Hébi (M 5: 635.1).

ϟť zhànmò To die in battle (M 5: 43.2). 76 ɝC| Wèichóutái  line 39.

Ýe Ç"č

uɷ gngcáo Bureau of Merit (B). ȵȣ topò To defeat (HY11: 32.2).
ã ÅĒ

Ȯѿ Gng Hào (He is not mentioned elsewhere in the Hòu Hàn sh). ȫ jí  line 41.
c -

àɷ bngcáo Bureau of Arms (B). 77 ͑À Suì Chéng  line 71.
Sã ›“

Ҍ yuàn General term for a subordinate official (GHY). Ƙ¤ Yáo Gung  line 70.
´ ¿

Ѕ; Lóng Dun (He is not mentioned elsewhere in the Hòu Hàn sh). #Đ shàngyán To present an opinion to a superior (HY 1: 274.2).
Á@ ‹°

75 àɀ bngm Bureau of Arms and Horses (B). ± yn . . . ; take advantage of (GHY).
[cáo] Ñ
ʿ sng Funeral; mourning;
IǴҝ Gngsn (He is not mentioned elsewhere in the Hòu Hàn sh). ‹

—ę  sàng To lose, forfeit; to be defeated (JM).
ѵ hàn To resist; to protect; to pull, stretch (a bow); to hide;
Ġ a sleeve; solid, substantial; = Ȅ, fierce, brave (JM). є yì To discuss; to criticise; an opinion, proposal; . . .
Ǥ jù To be together; to travel together; together; equally;
completely, all (JM). ńȉ shàngsh Master of Writing (B).
ć mò  line 34.
e ʯő Chén (There is a bit more about him, though not about this
Zhng incident, in Cambridge history of China, vol. 1, pp.
ʯ chén, zhèn  no. 6 after line 15 ïĆ 300, 305, 786).
78 Ȑк jiéxiá Fierce and cunning (CY 1573.2).
ʆ shuài, lõ  line 9. ķ
h ›
Xɐ diàowèn To visit and console; person sent to visit and console
ɀС M Hán Ancient state, in the southern part of the Korean ãh (M 4: 684.2).
\Ġ peninsula (CY 347.2). С  line 18.
ʟѭ zéràng To criticize and reproach (M 10: 722.4). ʟ  line
ˁ wéi To surround; to encircle; to round up, surround and ÷® 34.
seize; a hunting ground; to guard, defend; a wall;
surroundings; circumference (of a circle); . . . (JM). ̷ zuì Crime, evil; a fault, error; to punish; to condemn,
denounce; suffering, misery (JM).

ʢ shè To pardon (GHY). ÊĿ bixìng (In classical times:) the aristocracy; (later:) the
‡ r“ common people (non-officials) (JM).
t ji . . . ; tn to carry out, perform, do (JM).  line 80 Ŋ xìng Fortunate; fortunately; to rejoice; to hope; on
 31. Ĥ purpose, specially; (of the ruler:) to favour; (of the
zh ruler:) to go to (JM).
̈́  line 33.
è ʢp shèlìng To pardon (HY 9: 1177.2). ʢ  line 78.
q ‡S
İ To take by force; to take, obtain; to extract; to chose;
to seek, demand; to recruit; = ɕ, to take as wife; . . . ' q To seek, demand;

ƥ˱ hòushàn Future good behaviour (HY 3: 967.1).  qì to give (JM).

79 »Ơ n-dì  line 38.
§â '̷ qzuì (Here apparently the same as qngzuì ψ ̷ , ‘to
ç accept punishment’, HY 11: 263.2). ̷  line 78.
’* shngk
u Prisoners of war, slaves etc.; = ƿ*, sacrificial
a" animal (CY 2095.2). ψǛ qngxiáng To beg to surrender;
̓ yì  line 39.
¶ ψǛ qngjiàng . . . (HY 11: 261.1). Ǜ  line 26.
Ǜ jiàng, xiáng  line 26.
 Ģ ʥ lián  line 32.

˻ zhào To inform, notify (a subordinate); to admonish, Тį Xinb i  line 23.

ã exhort; an Imperial edict; (of a ruler:) to give an
order; to call in (a subordinate) (JM). ɚ̃  kòucho  line 19.
ȐȻ jiénì Brutal and disobedient (CY 1573.2).
³ Ѣʉ qlüè To take prisoners or hostages (HY 12: 875.2). ʉ 
"P no. 1 after line 19.
ˢŲ wúzhuàng Without merit; without propriety; without face;
gÙ unspeakably (CY 1930.1). 1Œ xiomín Ordinary people (HY 2: 1596.1).

ɴХ zhnduàn To chop, amputate (HY 6: 1062.2). (Here Ɋ dòng . . . ; frequently (GHY).
ô@ presumably, to behead). ɴ  line 41. H
zhi One of the cruel punishments of ancient times: to ˸ cái . . . ; ̎̎ only, barely, merely (JM).
Ûģ chop up as mincemeat (CY 2686.3). Ú

shì To tell (someone something); to show; to manifest, 81 ¯L xiànghuà To submit and pledge allegiance (HY 3: 137.2).
display; a proclamation (JM). Õĭ

ϲŃ xiàngun Local officials; the imperial court, the state (CY
ĩ 2457.2).

ϟ  zhàndòu  line 60. ̈Ơ Shùn-dì  line 39.

Ýđ â

Ôn zì y (Here apparently, ‘spontaneously, of one’s own ̅͟ Yángji Reign period, A.D. 132–135.
ÕÐ accord’.) ®

϶Ƅ qnfù To be close to and dependent upon (HY 10: 343.1). W” túntián Military agricultural settlements (CY 917.2). ” 
Á {•• ???? ••} JÝ no. 2 after line 7.
u  line 79. (Cambridge History of China, vol. 1, 418 ff:
" agricultural garrisons).

shú To redeem, ransom; to atone for (GHY). ʪ bù  line 53.

84 ύ Ơ  Zhì[-dì] Emperor, r. 6 March, A.D. 145 – 26 July, A.D. 146.
ų zhí . . . ; = Ǣ, value, price (JM). ¬â
Ȍ Ơ  Huán[-dì]  line 19.
ѧų shúzhí Ransom (HY 10: 309.1, citing this sentence only). Įâ
Ͻš Liáodng  line 18.
ϰ jin Fine silk cloth (GHY), a pale yellow fine silk cloth ¿H
 (CY 2458.2).
Ø»‡ X ’npíng  no. 1 after line 62.
M p A spouse; to mate; a pair; of equal strength; to Ž§ė
Ñ compare; alone; (measure for horses); = —, (a roll Dàifng
ɤ] A place in Luòláng Commandery in the Hàn; . . .
of cloth of a certain length); Dp (CY 979.3).
 pì = ѕ, for example (JM).
p lìng Prefect (B).
ĝ F
1* xiok
u A child; . . . (HY 2: 1588.1). lüè
ɭ To steal; to flog, torture; to fell (trees); to row,
•" P stroke; to card, comb (textile fibres); = Қ, to throw,
83 Þķ Bó Gù cast (JM).

shuàifú To surrender together; to submit (HY 2: 380.2). ʆ θȕ Luòláng,  line 38.
ʆŠ Lèlàng
˜|  line 9.
Ɩ chuí To hang down; to hand down to later generations; to
R¹ tàish
u  line 18.
› bow (the head); to bestow (on an inferior); close to,
nearby; = ̆, a border, edge, side chamber (JM).
ļ/ qz A wife; wife and children (HY 4: 319.1). ļ  line
šƖ dngchuí The eastern frontier; the east in general (HY 4:
øÕ 35
Ƥͤ Jiànníng Reign period, A.D. 168–171.

ȮИ Gng Lín (No more is known about him.) 87 ì ji, jiá ...;

85 ǛŠ xiángfú To loosen one’s clothes and beg pardon for one’s  xiá = ț, narrow (GHY, citing this passage only).
Ģ| crimes; . . . (CY 3268.2). Ǜ  line 26. 

' q, qì  line 80. ý zhé . . . ; correspond to, amount to (JM).

 . Þ

@ yún  line 22. Ÿǐ féim i Fertile (of soil) (M 9: 259.4).

Ä „j

85.1 Ⱦɒø Jùn guó zhì ‘Treatise on administrative geography’, chapters 19– Aқ w g  line 29.
$#í 23 of the treatises (zhì ø) appended to the Hòu Hàn ·
sh. tiánzhòng
”ͼ To till, cultivate; farmland; crops (HY 1279.2). ”
Ýæ  no. 2 after line 7.
The reference is to chapter 23 of the treatises, pp. 3529 and 3530. Here however
Dàifng is placed in Luòláng Commandery. ę̽ yìluò  line 31.
86 Note the parallel passage in Snguó zhì ɒø, juàn 30, Zhnghuá Shj ed.
Ƃơ zhngshuài Leader (M 11: 680.3).
pp. 846-847. ه

Ĉū Wòj  line 43. ύų zhìzhí Honest (CY 2971.3).

¸Û ðî

ΐɀ-3 Gàim A mountain range in modern Jílín (Zhngguó lìsh 88 ϞƑ ɧƑ qiángy
ng  line 30.
dàshn dìtújí, 40–41➁8). Á
Ƌ biàn, pián  line 48.
А bn  line 43. Ê x
š máo  line 30.
ҁɖ Yìlóu  line 23.
ÎW āϟ bùzhàn To do battle on foot (HY 5: 336.2).
Q ϕ  û Fúyú  line 23.
² ĐΓ yány  line 44.
ϕ °¯
Ҥͅ Huìmò  line 18. jch
(Wèimò) ņʗ Normal appearance and bearing; daily life; to
Û arrange, manage;
 jchù a home, residence (HY 4: 24.1).

׊ yfú  line 58. On W-dì’s conquest of Cháoxin in 109 B.C., see Cambridge history of
Ï| China, 1: 448–449.
̾ zàng  line 60.
̩ miè  line 8.
 line 35. D
 Cháoxin  line 16.
" zhàng (Unit of length, equal to 10 ch V); to measure ã
Ù (land); (a term of respect) (JM).   line 46. Wòj  line 43.
89 Y hù  line 16. ¸Û

ji ˷ Xuántù  line 23.

Ʌ To borrow; to rely on, depend on; to pardon; to give;
 Ʌ ¸ if; temporary; usurping; false, sham; ĩF
(surname); µͅ Yímò (An ancient ethnic group in North and East China);
Ð_ ethnic groups in general (HY 2: 1500.1).
Ʌ jià a holiday, leave of absence (JM).
 Ɖ qn, qn  line 14.
mái To bury; to conceal; to inter (a corpse) (JM). Â
Ɂ}ѳ Gogulí  no. 2 after line 19.
˜Ò píròu Skin and muscle; skin (HY 8: 520.1). "Q
ÿ gng To change; alternately; to undergo, experience; . . .
͸ jìn  line 60.

Ѐ suí  line 52 gèng Even more; again; . . . (JM).

¸’ (The Snguó zhì version has ¸’ô.)
² 92 θȕ Luòláng,  line 38.
90 δ shù, sh ,  line 13.
shuò 0N

ʬɝ dwèi Chief commandant (B).

90.1 This comment appears to be the only source which indicates that there was a
Hàn prefecture (xiàn ϲ) named Gàim ΐɀ
¤Ť Gungw  line 37.
90.1 ‡ь Píngrng Pyongyang. [dì]
ė® gâ

jЁ Wángxin  no. 1 after line 19. The Emperor Gungw-dì abolished the office of dwèi in A.D. 30; thereafter
¼ħ the responsibility for suppression of banditry lay with the tàish
u R¹ (B, p.
96). R¹  line 18.
91 ŤƠ W-dì  line 17.

˞ơ qúshuài  line 69. ǡ chéng,  line 11.

‡ shèng
Ǘ1 pòxio Narrow (HY 10: 761.2, citing this sentence only). Ǘ
m•  no. 2 after line 19. ʕ chuán  line 48.

E jiè . . . ; between (JM). ɚú kòucho  line 19.

93 Óњ chénsh  line 47. ǁ wèi  line 9.
¢– Ç
}ѳ Gulí  line 62. Κ zhé  line 56.
"Q ü
ģŷ shzh Emissary, messenger (CY 206.2). ΋ cáng To preserve, store, keep; to collect; to hide, conceal;
‡Õ Ù (a surname);

Xing dž is here a preposed pronominal object, so that xing jinlngdž͹  zàng a storehouse; the canonical books of Buddhism and
Σ‚ is equivalent to jinlng zh ͹Σ>. See Pulleyblank, p. 137. Ù Taoism; the internal organs of the body;

 zng = ў, a bribe, booty (JM).

͹Σ jinlng To manage, oversee (M 8: 132.4). Ù
ѩŸ yánxué A mountain cave (CY 949.1).
ʟ zé, zhài  line 34. ±Ī
ęƽ yìluò  line 31.
Ȧ˨ zshuì General term for land tax and other levies in ancient ÍL
ã” times (CY 2304.1).
ȭÎ qílo An old person (CY 2521.1).
˽ dio  line 29. .9
͞ cháng To taste; to try; to undergo, experience; (mark of past
94 ɘĻ bìqiè Concubine, maidservant (CY 760.3). ‹ tense); = ɣ, always, often; . . . (JM; Pulleyblank, p.
95 ̶̨ɖ Zhìgulóu ••••
97 < zhngrén An ordinary person; an ordinary family; a eunuch; a
sú  line 20. ëÑ palace maid; a powerful minister; a wife; a
middleman; = <ɒ; . . . ;
ҁɖ Yìlóu  line 23.
< zhòngrén to injure someone (HY 1: 581.1).
96  x  line 21.
ʚ xiù A sleeve; to sleeve, put in the sleeve (JM).

" zhàng  line 88. 99 Ҥ Huì, Wèi  line 18.

Ù ¶

Ň àn A riverbank, shore, coast; high; . . . (JM). Ĉū Wòj  line 43.

§ ¸Û

Ρ jì A crevice; a boundary, edge; between; ĩȈ the ėС Chén Hán Name of an ancient state, one of the Three Hán С
â time; timely; to arrive at; to meet (JM). ïĠ (M 10: 1093, cites this chapter, lines 114 and 125 ff,
and the corresponding chapter in Sn guó zhì).
ȣ pò . . . ; to defeat (JM). {•• Complete this ••}
Ē ρ qióng  no. 1 after line 98.
ʴ dng The crown of the head; to carry on the head; to prop
á up, support; to contradict (one’s superior); to take the θȕ Luòláng,  line 38.
place of; (measure for lidded vessels); . . . (JM). Lèlàng
ˋ fù  line 34.
| }ѳ Gulí  line 62.
98 Γ y To discuss; to converse; to narrate; speech; . . . ;
¯ ˗Т Cháoxin  line 16.
 yù To tell, inform (JM).
¯ 100 Ťj W-wáng  line 8.
ҭ ku To peep at, look at through a small hole; to
 reconnoitre, scout; to lie in wait for; ΀/ J z An uncle of Zhòu Ǎ , last ruler of Shng (CY
.Õ 2364.2).
 kuì = Ҕ, to take a step (JM).
* Ѭ cán A silkworm; sericulture (CY 2794.3).
Κ zhé  line 56.
ü ”Ѭ tiáncán Sericulture, the cultivation of mulberry trees and
Ý× silkworms; agriculture and sericulture (HY 7:
@ yún  line 22. 1282.1). ”  no. 2 after line 7.
98.1 иø Weì zhì  no. 7 after line 36. ʓ zhng To end, be finished; to die; to cut off, interrupt;
Çí finally, in the end; entirely; complete, entire: . . .
The passage referred to is in Snguó zhì, juàn 30, Zhnghuá Shj ed., p. 847.
Wúqi Jin’s blΧ biography is in juàn 28, pp. 761–767. Wáng Qí jҖ is 101 ƃY ménhù A door, gate; family, family status; a faction (CY
briefly mentioned there. hī 3232.2).

qióng ʭ bì To close; to stop up, seal; to stop, interrupt

ρ In difficulty; to embarrass; unrecognised; poor,
% impoverished; at an impasse; finished, used up; to (something); to cover, hide; . . . (JM).
finish, use up; to search completely; secluded (JM).

ɗ fùrén The wife of an aristocrat; a woman; a married Ͻš Liáodng  line 18.
Ñ woman (JM). [jùn]
ǖƈ zhnxìn Faithful, honest (M 10: 699.2).
ᢠGњ nèish  line 66.
ҶĒ bindòu A plaited bamboo vessel shaped like a dòu (bronze
xI vessel), used in sacrifices; sacrifice, ritual (CY ΑȘȾ Cnghi Hàn commandery, along the eastern coast of modern
2382.1). jùn North Korea (Zhngguó lìsh dìtú jí, vol. 2, 27–
õģ$ 28➃8).
ͽj chngwáng To assume the title of king.
ς bà To pardon; to remove (someone) from office; to
See Cambridge history of ancient China, pp. 602–
Ē abolish; to stop, finish; to return; to adjourn (a
meeting, etc.) (JM).
Ϧ yàn, Yn  line 16.
Fƞ Yuánf ng  no. 3 after line 61.
102 Φ Qí An ancient state, covering parts of modern Shndng Å~
and Hébi (JM). 104 ИW Líntún  no. 3 after line 61.
Zhào An ancient state, covering parts of modern Shnx ÓJ
and Hébi (JM). Ȣˤ Zh npn  no. 1 after line 19.
bìdì [jùn]
О³  line 16. Ⱦ 
Wèi Mn ƲƠ Zho-dì Emperor, r. 86–74 B.C.
χͰ  line 16.
jpò ľF Shyuán Reign period, 86–81 B.C.
Ѝȣ  line 41.
105 Σ lng . . . ; = Љ, a mountain ridge (JM).
χ y˞ [Wèi] (No more is known about him.)
ÇÂ ˀˀ-Σ Dndn Name of a mountain range in Korea (M 2: 1111.1,
Dàlng citing this passage only).
FȊ Yuánshuò Reign period, 128–123 B.C.; the first day of the lunar
ň @@DS
year (HY 2: 214.1).
6š ydng = nš.
103 ƒϓ Nán L (Nothing more is known about him.)
͢+ jìngt Territory, domain (HY 2: 1199.2).
Ȟ pàn  line 4.
ήΛ gungyun Broad and distant; great and far-reaching (HY 3:
̓ yì  line 39.
Å 1268.2).

106 K fn, fèn  line 6. 107. Ə ͯ ȉ Qián [Hàn]  no. 1 after line 19.
1 sh
Σš Lng dng •••• ÝĠŽ

ʬɝ dwèi  line 92. The reference is to Hàn sh, juàn 28b, ³ʈø, p. 1658.
yhòu Ї cháng To repay; to compensate for; to reciprocate (GHY).
6ƥ  line 5.
ǟƌ fngsú Traditional practices, customs; folk songs (HY 12: mòrù
ć  line 59.
ě– 604.2). ǟ  line 163. ƌ  line 20. eÔ
˧ sho  no. 1 after line 19. bì
ɘ A female slave or servant; (woman’s humble first-
bó . . . ; opposite of Ɣ (pure and honest) (GHY). „ person pronoun) (CY 760.3).
m {•• Explain better! ••} ѧ shú  line 81.
fjìn Penal laws, prohibitions (CY 1751.2). –
v, Ə ͯ ȉ Qián [Hàn]  no. 4 after line 61.
sh ynyì
ȗ jìn To soak; to cover, conceal; to irrigate (fields); to wet; Ǟ̸
Ċ water; even more; gradually (JM).
107 Dž sh ng The inner sanctum of an imperial palace; an
108 çƂ jnzhng  line 44.
“ administrative office; to reduce, economize on; an
error; . . . ;
Î snlo Thrice Venerable (B). {•• Explain! ••}
 xng to supervise, administer; to visit; to be conscious, ^T
 awake; to understand; obvious; (aspect particle like
céng ˖) (JM). ȭЭ qíjiù An elder (CY 2521.2).
ɹ qì To abandon; to forsake; to forget (JM).
ĐΓ yány  line 44.
ɬ x Entirely; detailed; to exhaust, use up; to know (JM).
ũƌ fsú  line 49.
ƤŤ Jiànw  line 17.
g -ř dàd Primarily; approximately (CY 666.1).
˞ơ qúshuài  line 69.
‡ ш lèi  line 49.
̧Ȉ suìshí One year, four seasons; years, time; the season of the
”  year; the year’s harvest (HY 5: 357.2). džҳ xinglèi Similar, alike (HY 7: 1164.2).

˗˿ cháohè  line 40. 109 ̘ҙ yúquè Naive and honest (M 4: 1120.1, citing this passage
ãĞ Â only).

̏ɼ shìyù Likes and desires (CY 541.1). º zhái  line 4.

 À Ä

ψ qnggài To demand, beg (HY 11: 259.1).  = :. ÿ gng, gèng  line 91.

× y, yì  no. 2 after line 3. ʹ má  line 44.

Ѭ cán  line 100.
ÂΣ qlng A round collar; a jacket with round collar (CY ×
S 1457.2).
† miánbù Floss and cloth (M 8: 1119.4, cites this passage and a
ǘ zhòng Heavy; weight; something heavy; generous; strict, Cę parallel passage).
rigorous; important, serious; valuable; stern, severe;
= ΄
grave, serious; solemn; to attach importance to,
value; to increase; very, extremely; . . . ; ϡ xio Daytime; to know; to inform (JM).
ǘ chóng repeatedly, anew; repeated; to involve, implicate;
(measure:) a layer, stratum (JM). Ǧ hòu To keep watch; a sentry post; a sentry; to
IJ reconnoitre, scout; to survey; to wait, await, expect;
ʪǂ bùjiè Domain (M 11.256.4). to visit, greet; a period of five days; a sign,

indication; to predict (correctly); . . . (JM).
¶ wàng Casual; unlawful; absurd (GHY).
ƴɜ xngxiù The 28 mansions (divisions of the celestial sphere);
“œ stars in general (CY 1427.1).
dž xing  line 93.
ϺŴ yùzh To foresee (M 10: 671.3).
7ș gnshè To intervene, concern oneself with; involve (in
d 111 ½̧ niánsuì Years, days; the year’s harvest; (a person’s) age (HY
trouble), implicate; . . . (HY 2: 914.1).
´” 1: 654.2).
110 ş hn . . . ; to marry (JM).
б Flourishing, luxuriant; abundant, plentiful; fertile; to
÷Ϸ jìhuì To taboo; a taboo (JM). ě favour; to be filled with; . . . (JM).
.ij yu . . . ; poor, impoverished (JM).
Ƞȡ jíbìng Illness in general; seriously ill (HY 8: 302.1). ­

swáng “ yòng . . . ; = n (JM).

Ç) To die; to wither away, die out (HY 5: 147.2)
Κ zhé  line 56.
ɶĸ zhòuyè Night and day; . . . (HY 5: 750.2).
junqì ͮΎ gw Singing and dancing; to celebrate (someone) by
ȇɹ Abandon, reject (CY 1262.1).<>NB ̛ s n.
´. singing and dancing (JM).

Ȥ cí  no. 6 after line 15. ȶ bào  no. 6 after line 36.

‡ Ě

ę̽ yìluò  line 31. Ȝ bn . . . ; = ˓, multicoloured (CY 2056.1).

ÎL n

dž xing  line 93. Ȝʵ bnyú A kind of fish, like a globefish but smaller. Also
‹ n¯ called pèngyú ʵ (HY 4: 563.2).
ƉŽ qnfàn To encroach and offend (CY 215.1). я xiàn  line 5.
Ċu Ħ
112 Κ zhé  line 56. 114 ɀС M Hán  line 75.
ü \Ġ
Έ fá Punishment; to punish; to pay a fine; to whip, flog; to ėС Chén Hán  line 99. ė  no. 4 after line 61.
t execute (JM). ïĠ

ʟ zé, zhài  line 34. ˆė Biàn Chén (No more is known about this state.) ˆ  line 21.
÷ ö xï

’* shngk
u  line 79. 115 Ǩ W  line 18.
" ˆ

ͻ huò Calamity; harm (GHY). Ä y

u, yòu  line 10.
ĭ È

Ї cháng  no. 1 after line 107.  yòu =  ; (conjunction used between tens and units
‹ È places in a number) (JM).  line 168.
ɚ˦ kòudào  line 49. 116 ÞБ ÊБ Bójì Paekche, an ancient state in southern Korea (CY
"F râ 2171.3; M 1: 674).
āϟ bùzhàn  line 88.
Here and in line 118 shì Ƴ appears to be used as a copula.

š máo  line 30. Y hù  line 89.

" zhàng  line 88. 117 Ǚ xiàn A border; to limit; a limit; a time limit, deadline; . . .
Ù (JM).

113 Ў tán A kind of wood; . . . (CY 1640.2). ėɒ Chén guó (No more is known about this state.)
@ ï#

[ wén  no. 2 after line 3. ™Zɒ Mùzh guó (No more is known about this state.)
h dí#

͸ jìn  line 60. зǡ qíshèng a horse and carriage (HY 12: 854.1). ǡ  no. 6
ï .Ÿ after line 15.
119 ”Ѭ tiáncán  line 100. 121 ќ yng A type of stone resembling jade (CY 2081.2).
Ý× µ
† miánbù  line 110. ȝ zh A pearl; a bead; strung like pearls (JM).
`ę è
Ȏ lì Chestnut (GHY). ќȝ yngzh Jewels (CY 2081.3, citing this passage only).
@ µè
ɻ lí = . A pear tree; a pear; . . . (HY 4: 1040.2). ΂ zhuì To string together; to join, tie, bind; to adorn,
A ¹ embellish;
ñ w i A tail; to follow behind; (measure for fish ʵɺͽ  chuò to tie up, restrain; to stop (JM).
j ñ); . . . (JM). ¼
е j A domestic fowl, chicken, hen, rooster (HY 11: × y, yì  no. 2 after line 3.
͚ shì To decorate, beautify; decoration, jewelry; clothing,
V ch  line 46. costume; to cover up, gloss over; to repair, adjust;
Ü . . . (JM).
ę̽ yìluò  line 31. xiàn, xuán  line 55.
ÎL ĩ
дņ záj To reside in close proximity to each other; jng The neck, throat; the neck of a vessel or any object
™ heterogeneous, disorderly; . . . (HY 11:872.2).  (CY 3393.2).
Ɨʫ chénggu  line 72. chuí  line 83.
“ ›
120 Ǫ zh
ng Tumulus grave; mountain top; . . . (GHY).
-ʆ dàlõ Generally; probably (JM). ʆ  line 9.
¾ DZ
͋Ʃ guìbài  line 53. któu = NJЃ, to wind up the hair in a knot and not wear a
(q )I hat (CY 3499.2, citing this passage only).
Ͽ jn  line 21. lù
ѡ Dew; to moisten; exposed, not covered; to appear,
, T become visible; to leak, divulge; naked; . . . ;
ҩ jì A kind of woollen cloth (GHY). lòu
 to reveal, show (JM).

qíchéng ҄ jì = Є, to tie up the hair (CY 2409.3).
зǡ To ride a horse or drive a vehicle; to ride (a horse or
.Ÿ other animal);  

ѡ҄ lòujì To wear the hair exposed, without cap or turban (M Ҧ zhuì To descend on a rope; to ascend on a rope; . . . (JM).
9 12: 75.1). Ă

ҲIJ hunh To shout (GHY).

Note the parallel passage in Snguó zhì, pp. 849–853.
ʛ páo A long gown; a padded long gown; the front of a jiàn Strong, powerful (GHY).
ę piece of clothing (CY 2821.2).  
έ l . . . ; shoes, sandals; to wear on the feet (JM). tián  no. 2 after line 7.
ʳ jìng To finish, use up, exhaust; in the end, finally;
ëƑ  zhuàngy
n Strong and brave (CY 641.2).
 unexpectedly; actually, after all; whole; = х , a
mirror; = ͢, a border, edge (JM).
ȿ̡ ji huì To gather together and drink (HY 9: 1384.1).
T½ shonián Not many years;
 shàonián a young man; young; . . . (HY 2: 1649.1). qúnjù
Ή  line 56.
•7 $ć
ˬƜ zhùshì To build a house; . . . (HY 8: 1227.1). 123 džЀ xingsuí Mutually dependent; to follow (HY 7: 1160.2).
[Here apparently: together, in time.]
122 Ý zuòlì To exert oneself (HY 1: 1246.2).
ÖR Н tà To tread on, trample, pound with the foot (GHY).
(Here perhaps, to compete in strength.) B
Κ zhé  line 56. jié
̴  line 52.
ü Þ
о shéng Rope, string; the inked string used by carpenters; nónggng
͎u Agricultural work (HY 10: 6.1).
Ÿ straight; correct; to control, restrain, bind; to ;
continue; to praise (JM).
ɒę guóyì The capital of a state; a walled city; the fief of a Hàn-
ʠ guàn A string for coins; too penetrate; to have a thorough #Î period marquis (HY 3: 635.1).
knowledge of; to hit the mark; to serve, attend upon;
= ͫ, custom, habit; (measure:) a string of 1000 ̿ háo, hào  line 65.
coins (JM).
124 ϲ xiàn, xuán  line 121.
ȯ j The spine; . . . (JM). ĩ
͖͜ língg A tambourine; bells and drums (HY 11: 1234.1). ͜
ȯ˜ jpí The skin of the back; the body in general (HY 6:  line 56.
ùĜ 1255.1).
[Here probably: the muscles and sinews of the back.]

ğ shì An affair, matter; an enterprise, undertaking; an õ yì  no. 1 after line 19.

accident, unforeseen event; to deal with; to serve; a ³
task, job, duty; to attend upon; (measure word:) a shì
Ϗ To go to; (of a woman:) to marry; to submit to, yield
Ü to; to adapt to; should, ought to; comfortable; to
 zì = Ҁ, to insert (JM). enjoy; exactly, just right; ǫ 9 just now; ̎ ̎
only, merely; ¸Ţ if (JM).
Ǩ W  line 18.
½ ʻ g To cut; to divide; to cut up, dismember; to partition;
Ò to differentiate; to cut out; to do damage; a disaster
[Ė wénshn To tattoo the body; to cultivate one’s moral character (JM).
h¢ (HY 6: 1519.2).
ǂ jiè A border; a region, district, area; range, extent; an
124. NJЃ któu Without a cap over the hair (CY 2298.2).  line ultimate limit; to border on; bounds, limits; to sow
1 I 121. discord, drive a wedge between (JM).
ϱЫ yíngrào To wind around (HY 9: 976.1). bng A fief, feudal territory; to enfief; a state (JM).
ō hú A wooden bow (CY 1045.1)
NJ˭ kjié . . . ; to braid; a braid (M 8: 552.1).

126 ͇ zéi A thief; . . . (JM).  line 165.
124. иø Wèi zhì  no. 7 after line 36.
2 Çí
Öȿ xíngji To serve wine in proper suuccession; to take charge
The reference is to Snguó zhì, Zhnghuá Shj ed., p. 852. of the wine in a gathering (HY 3: 906.1).

ђ̓ stú Anc. suo d’uo (GSR 67c, 82d´). Я shng (Ancient type of wine vessel); to serve wine (GHY).
•F ‹

Țɟ Fútú Buddha; a Buddhist monk; a Buddhist pagoda ǿ tú (Used here for its sound.)
F (GHY). Anc. b’KIu d’uo (GSR 1233l, 45i´). F

125 ȭÎ qílo  line 96. ÄÜ y

usì Similar to, like (HY 6: 1147.2).
.9 ȇ

) wángrén A refugee, exile; the dead; = ö, an ignorant and Ɨƶ chéngzhà A fort, fortification, stockade (M 3: 183.1). ƶ 
^Ñ confused person (HY 2: 293.2). “÷ line 30.
bì To avoid; to refrain from; to leave, depart from; to ƟƜ wshì A house, building, residence (HY 4: 35.1).
escape from (JM). ¸£

k A bitter taste; bitter; (a bitter edible plant); painful; to â bié To separate, discriminate; to leave, depart; to divide;
 disgrace; fatigued; to hate; worry, be anxious; to to turn around; in addition, moreover; . . . (JM).
suffer from; hard-working; extremely; R too; % yì A populated place; a state; a fief; the capital of a
long time; urgent (JM). state; a small town; . . . (JM).

127 ˞ơ qúshuài  line 69.  x  line 21.

‡ Ķ

The titles chénzhì Ó˕, jincè ΧɈ, fánzh 9C, shx -#, and yìjiè " ͜ g  line 56.
seem to be transcriptions, though one or two might be translations. 

̭ sè A stringed musical instrument [often translated

+³ t dì Fields, soil; territory; to measure territory; . . . (JM). n ‘zither’]; . . . (JM).
Ÿǐ féim i  line 87. ƨ bin = Ɍ, a votive tablet; broad and thin; tiny;
„j Ė
128 Ѭȏ cánsng Sericulture (HY 8: 1006.2). ƨ pin small (JM).
׋ Ė
ϰ jin  line 81. Ř y . . . ; = Ј, to press down (JM).

† bù  line 44. 129. ̀ b Ancient puo: (GSR 102c´).
ǡϗ chéngjià To ride in a vehicle; to ride in (a vehicle); . . . (HY 1:
Ÿ 673.2). ǡ  line 11. Ī din Ancient tien: (GSR 476a).

̔ɕ jiàq Marriage (CY 764.3, .əƾ̔ čəƾɕ). ƨ bin Ancient pien: (GSR 246a).
130 ˆ biàn  line 21.
ѭ͊ rànglù To make way (for others, for each other) on the road; x n
®T . . . (HY 11: 473.2)
дņ záj  line 119.
ĝ bìng To be together, be consecutive, in sequence; to place Ø
on a par; equally; moreover, besides; in succession,
one after another; (strengthens a negative, as in ĝ; Ɨʫ chénggu  line 72.


bàng ׊ yfú  line 58.

 = ʺ, to depend on, be joined to, border on (JM).
… shì A market; to buy; to exchange (GHY). yány
ĐΓ  line 44.
129 ̀Ŝ màoyì To trade, engage in commerce; to change, alter; . . . fngsú  line 106.
g³ (HY 10: 171.1).
ʡ huò Goods; money; to bribe; to sell (GHY). chángdà
Ƃ- Tall and large;
ĭ ÙD
ƌ sú  line 20. zhngdà
Ƃ- to grow up (M 11: 684).

Ϙ fà Hair; (an ancient linear measure) (JM). 134 ~Ȉ sìshí The four seasons; the times of the year for
agricultural activity; morning, forenoon, evening,
ҍ jié  line 46. and night; . . . (JM).

ϸ yè To explain; to announce; to request, seek; to have an
ҍɿ jiéqng Clean; pure (HY 9: 801.1). audience with (a lord); a guard; . . . (JM).
˗ϸ cháoyè To go to the residence of a ruler and have audience
131 ©ũ xíngf (General term for laws concerning crime and 㨠(M 5: 1056.3).˗  line 39.
punishment); a punishment, means of punishment
(HY 2: 604.2). ѮƠ Líng-dì  line 19.
ыǹ yánjùn Severe and harsh (CY 556.3).
±ê ÊĿ bixìng  line 79.
΢ p . . . ; very, extremely; slightly (JM).
Ē 135 ƻ) liúwáng To flee from hardships; to go into exile; . . . (HY 5:
È^ 1256.2).
132 χͰ Wèi Mn  line 16.
Ç] 136 㠀 do = Ǻ, an island (M 4: 303).
ȣ pò . . . ; to defeat (JM).  line 97. {•• Complete this ••}
Ē 3Ǻ shndo An island in the sea, ЭͽǺƾȘ<>3 
‰F (HY 3: 781.2).
þ gng  line 70.
 ͛ kn Ancient punishment of shaving the head; to shave the
 head; to prune the branches of a tree (JM).
133 ̩ˮ mièjué To ruin, destroy (M 7: 177.1). ̩  line 12.
aÞ × y, yì  no. 2 after line 3.
Jiànw Ï
ƤŤ  line 17.
g ǝ wéi Processed skin, leather (GHY).
Liáns Ç
̖˔ (According to the comment, a place name.)
‡ ē sh  line 26.
ђɀҧ (No more is known about him.)
•\  ǡ chéng,  line 11.
ȸя gòngxiàn  line 39.
Ħ ʕ chuán  line 48.

¤Ť Gungw  line 37. ŏĥ wnglái Going and coming; intercourse, acquaintance; . . .
[dì] ¼O (HY 3: 937.1).
137 ʡ… huòshì To do business (HY 10: 96.2, citing this passage
ĭ  only). ʡ  line 129.

138 Ǩ W  line 18 ̡ = ̡ Kuàij Name of a mountain, southeast of modern Shàox ng

½ ξ İ ʒ ϴ , Zhèjing; name of a Hàn commandery
y covering the southern part of modern Jings
ġ  line 62.
province and most of Zhèjing and Fùjiàn (Zhngguó
lìsh dìtú jí, 51–52➁5).
ģѫ shyì  line 20.
šá Dngy Name of a Hàn prefecture, near modern Fùzhu,
[xiàn] Fùjiàn (Zhngguó lìsh dìtú jí, 51–52➃4).
ŤƠ W-dì  line 17. H¬ĩ
Åɠ  ȝ Zhyá Hàn Commandery, modern Hiku Ș*, Hinán
̩  line 8. ɠ  ȝ èª (CY 1507.3, 2058.2).
ҞÑ Dn’r Name of an ancient state; commandery, modern Dn
ʜ x . . . ; approximately (JM). 2Ð Ҟ county, Hinán (CY 262.3).
ũƌ fsú  line 49.
139 kk shìshì Through many generations (CY 78.1).
ng To continue a lineage (M 1: 906.3). ̍  line 64. 140. ʞ é An error; rumours; hearsay; to extort, blackmail; to
̍ʑ  1 … change, transform; to persuade; = ѷ, to act, be
active (JM).
ĚɀΌ Yémtái (An ancient name for Japan) (M 11: 226.2, referring
Ěβɔ Yémódu Ancient Ka muâ tuAi (GSR 47a, 17e, 575z).
¬\D to this passage only). Ancient Ka ma: d’Ai (GSR 47a,
40a, 939a). Japanese Yamatai [presumably related to 141 žπ hédào Rice plant, paddy (M 8: 521.4).
Japanese Yamato -ij]. ĭF
Ң jiào A border; to inspect; zhù = , ramie, China grass; cloth woven of ramie
¿ Û (GHY).
 yo to seek; . . . (GHY). mázhù Hemp and ramie; hemp cloth (M 12: 942.3).
¿ \Û
140 Ś j, gu (HY 6: 480.1) Ѭȏ cánsng  line 128.
" ׋
Ě xié, yé (JM). zhj Weaving and spinning (M 8: 1178.1).
¬ îÜ
-͌ dàjiào Generally, approximately; . . . (CY 672.3). jinbù Silk cloth (HY 9: 973.1). ϰ  line 81. †  line
D! īę 44.

ȝ zh  line 121.


= dn Cinnabar (HgS); red, cinnabar-coloured; to paint red; ǻ ch Difference; slightly; an error; to err;
utterly sincere (JM). ñ

=+ dnt Red clay (M 1: 327.4, citing this passage only).  chà to lack; not very good, lacking; strange;
@ď ñ

̪ wnér Warm, also written ̪̟̪腝 [both wnnun];  chi to send, dispatch; a runner, office boy; duties; to
„¿ . . . (HY 5: 1472.1, 1471.2). ñ choose, select;
腝 = = ҅ (M 9: 339.1).  chài to recover from illness;
142 ˶ȱ càirú Vegetables (M 9: 703.3).
ö²  c to rank (JM).
h A tiger; fierce, tiger-like; . . . (JM). ñ
× y, yì  no. 2 after line 3.
ȶ bào  no. 6 after line 36. Ï
Ϣˈ héngfú A length of cloth hanging downward (HY 4: 1250.2).
Í yáng A sheep; . . . (JM). ãÍ
щ què A type of bird; = 㹱, a type of dog (CY 3538.3). jiéshù To tie up; to control, restrain; to arrange, manage; . . .
Ö A magpie (Pica pica sericea) (CH 4065.2). – (HY 9: 805).

ґ sh n ...; ʘϘ pfà Disheveled hair (CY 2820.2). ʘ  line 33.

 Ĝo

 dùn = Lj, a shield (CY 1610.1). Ņ q Curved, winding; to surrender, yield; to bend; . . . ;

 jué to finish, exhaust; = ǣ, obstinate, stubborn (JM).
› sh  line 8.
҄ jì  line 121.
ц zú  line 48.
ˀʘ dnbèi Single-layer nightclothes (M 2: 1112.1). ʘ  line
ұ qíng To tattoo the face as a punishment; to tattoo (in @Ĝ 33.
 general) (JM).
ʠЃ guàntóu To wear like a poncho (HY 10: 133.1).
[Ė wénshn  line 124. I
˴ zhù, zhuó  line 58.
143 â bié  line 126. Ûò

ˆį znbi Social rank, status (HY 2: 1283.1). ĝ bìng, bàng  line 128.
144 =Å dnzh Red; cinnabar; . . . (CY 93.3).

Ѹ fèn To paint, to daub (GHY). 146 ļ q, qì  line 35.

 ø

ȩ f n Flour; a white powder used for adornment; a white or ʀ yín  line 14.
 coloured pigment; to grind finely; to adorn; white; Í
food made from flour (HY 9: 199.1). dù
í  line 34.
Ɨƶ chéngzhà  line 126. đ
“÷ dàoqiè
˦Ѫ To steal; larceny (M 8: 122.3). ˦  line 165.
ƟƜ wshì  line 126. FÞ
¸£ zhngsòng Lawsuit, litigation (M 10: 567.2).
ró xingdì Brothers; sisters; (general term for relatives of same œ™
surname); . . . (HY 2: 222.2).
147 ć mò  line 34.
ʊʗ yìchù In different places; e
Ðø qz  line 84.
 yìch to live separately (HY 7: 1350.1). øÕ
Ðø miè  line 8.
̡­ huìtóng  line 31. a
İH ménzú Lineage; family, household (M 11: 704.2). ɵ 
145 ҶĒ bindòu  line 101. hä line 53.
xI tíngsng
Ʉʿ To display (a corpse) in state before burial (HY 1:
ƌ sú  line 20. á‹ 1559.1).
ǮŦ kqì To weep, sob (CY 519.2).
ǿҕ túxin To walk barefoot (CY 1075.1). Î
ȿǠ ji shí Food and wine (HY 9: 1379).
тώ dnjù To crouch (M 10: 955.1).
ê ˪ш d nglèi Company, circle, coterie (M 8: 774.4).
ȁ̝ gngjìng Courtesy, modesty (CY 1122.1).
 ˇ jiù  line 59.
Œ rénxìng Human nature; friendly feelings, favour; . . . (HY 1:
ѓ 1043.2). ƾθ wéiyuè To make music;

̏ shì To like, love; a habit, addiction (JM).  wéilè to make merry, amuse oneself (HY 6: 1112.2).
ĉ zhuó To burn, scorch; to treat by moxibustion; intelligent
ͣÏ shòuko Long-lived; longevity (CY 643.3). Ö (JM).

148  b To divine by making cracks in bones or scapulae; a ǵ hài To damage; to kill, murder; a disaster; to fear;
| diviner; to calculate, guess; to choose; . . . (JM). ģ harmful; to obstruct, impede; . . . (JM).

ą jué To determine, decide; . . . (GHY). ϑǵ zohài To be killed (HY 10: 1150.2).

а jn Careful; strict (GHY).
«J jíxing Fortune and misfortune; fortunate and unfortunate !
events (HY 3: 91.2).
Ƌ biàn, pián  line 48.
Öĥ xínglái Going and coming, entering and leaving; . . . (HY 3: Ė x
ĤO 898.1).
149. ͡ chén Dust; traces; to be dusted with colour; Ƃ% for a
ƣ dù, duó  line 29. 2 ï long time; . . . (JM).
F ċ 
ЏĆ jiémù To comb the hair and bathe (M 6: 595.2). Ώ pú Ancient b’uo (GSR 102n´).
©d ę
ɗ fùrén  line 101. dùn Ancient tuEn- (GSR 427j)
Ȳ shui To decline, weaken; weak, feeble; old, senile; Ѹ fèn Ancient b’KuEn: (HY 2: 1055.1; GSR 740y, 503o).
j 
 cu to decrease progressively; = ҥ, ancient mourning 150 ƤŤ<F Jiànw Reign period, A.D. 56–57. ƤŤ  line 17.
¿ garb (JM; HY 9: 28.2). Zhngyuán
ƪȲ chícu (HY 6: 551 merely quotes this passage without
íšā comment.) Ǩ‚ Wnú Ancient name for Japan; . . . (HY 1: 1507.2). Ǩ 
½9 line 18.
´̓ zàitú ´͊# on the road (HY 2: 1014.1). ̓ = ʩ, a
ÚF road. Ĺȸ fènggòng  line 37.
«ã jílì Successful (CY 473.1).
$[ ˗˿ cháohè  line 40.
149 ̇ gù To hire (a person); to lease (a thing); to pay,
 remunerate; . . . (HY 11: 833.2). ģ shrén A servant; an envoy, ambassador (HY 1: 1326.1).

ȷű cáiwù  line 71. Ôͽ zìchng To call oneself (a name or title); to consider as a
personal opinion; to refer to oneself;
ȡȠ bìngjí Disease, illness; (of an illness:) to become serious
(HY 8: 292.2).  zìchèn to refer to one’s title or position (HY 8: 1333.1).

ϑ zo To encounter; . . . (GHY).


-Q dàf (An ancient official title); (in the Qín and Hàn, an 153 î yo Beautiful; a strange object or phenomenon; in
D official rank, fifth out of 20); ¿ superstitious traditions, a magic object which can
harm people (GHY).
 dàif a medical doctor; (polite form of address to a
craftsman) (HY 1: 1326.1). ˌ huò To be perplexed, uncertain; a problem, difficulty; to
Þ confuse, bewilder; muddled, confused; . . . (JM).
Here y
marks the direct object of cì ό: ‘. . . granted him a seal and
ribbon.’ Ģɘ shìbì A female servant (M 1: 753.1).
ª· yìnshòu  line 39. shoy
u Rare; rarely, seldom (HY 2: 1648).
˰ j To supply, provide (JM).
151 »Ơ n-dì  line 38.
̍ chuán,  line 64.
ž Yngch  line 19. zhuàn
ơN Shuàish ng (No more is known about him.)
уΓ cíy Words (M 10: 1088.2).
‡Ÿ ‡¯
’* shngk
u  line 79.
ņʗ jch ,  line 88.
" jchù
ψĎ qngjiàn To request a meeting (M 10: 512.2). Û
ý 154 ǷƜ gngshì  line 30.
152 Ȍ Ơ  Ѯ Huán[-dì],  line 19. %£
Ơ  ηѰ lóuguàn (General term for a large building) (HY 4: 1276.1).
Įâ µâ
ÿdž gngxing In turn, one after another; mutually, reciprocally (HY chéngzhà
Ɨƶ  line 126.
‹ 1: 529.1). ÿ  line 91. ÷
þ¡ gngfá To attack (HY 5: 392.2). þ  line 69. ¡  line sh
¹χ To protect, guard; a guard (HY 3: 1307.2).
t 63. ݂
įÌIJ B imh Jap. Himeko, Hibiko (M 2: 554.4). fsú  line 49.
„jī v–
½Ƃ niánzhng Old; to grow old (HY 1: 650.1). yánjùn  line 131.
´Ù ±ê
̔ jià (Of a woman:) to marry; to go to; to remarry. To 155 ƣ dù, duó  line 29.
 graft (plants) (JM). Fċ

Ś j, gu  line 140. The story of Xú Fú Ȁͺ (also written $B]), who in 219 B.C. was sent by
" the Emperor Qín Shhuáng to find the islands of the immortals, is told in the Sh
156 V ch  line 46. jì, juàn 6, (Zhnghuá Shjù ed., pp. 247, 258, 263)and translated by Burton
Ü Watson in Records of the Grand Historian: Qin Dynasty, pp. 49, 58, 61.
Chavannes has a long footnote on this story in Mémoires historiques, vol. 2, pp.
Öʕ xíngchuán To travel by boat; to pilot a boat (HY 3: 908.2).

Β lu
 line 46. 158 ˩ tóng (Ancient meanings:) a male servant; a male child
K H servant; a boy. (Later meanings:) young, immature;
. . . (JM).
Ϛ ch A tooth; ivory; things lined up in a row like teeth; the
seasons of the year; to be lined up in a row; to ˩č. tóngnánn Young boys and girls (HY 8: 390.1).
mention; . . . (JM). H26

shyì  line 20. φ˵ Pénglái (One of the islands of the immortals).
‡³ ~O

157 ̡ Kuàij  line 140. ȥq shénxin A mythical superhuman figure; . . . (HY 7: 859.1).

İ ¢

tí A large variety of catfish; . . . (HY 12: 1246.2). ǁ wèi  line 9.

â Ç

Yízhu Táiwn (Zhngguó Lìsh dìyújí, vol. 2, 51–52➄5– ̈́ zh  line 33.
Ðè ➅5). è

Chánzhu (Unknown). ŕ chéng To present (a gift, an offering) with respect; to

@è Ÿ receive; to continue, succeed, follow; precedence; to
prevent, stop; to assist; . . . ;
̍Đ chuányán To speak; to dispatch or transmit orders; rumour,
gossip; a proverb (HY 1: 1618.1). ̍  line 64.  zh ng = Ƭ, to rescue (JM).

Μ qin  line 40. 159 Œ rénmín Ordinary people; human beings in general (HY 1:
 Ñk 1038.1).

], fngshì ‘Judiciar of the domain’ (a Zhu official title); Ȉ shí The seasons; the weather; the time of day; a period of
p‡ ‘master of recipes’, a magician (HY 6: 1551.2; years, era; an opportunity; luck, fortune; timely;
Hucker, Dictionary of official titles, p. 209). often; at that time; at the proper time; suitably timed;
. . . (JM).

̡  Kuàij  line 140.


… shì  line 128.


šáϲ Dngy  line 140. The book Línhi shu t zhì ИȘe+ø seems to be otherwise unknown, but
two works with similar titles are extant: Línhi yìwù zhì ИȘʊűø, by Shn
Yíng, and Línhi shu t jì ИȘe+ȴ, anonymous (Zhngguó cóngsh
ϑǟ zofng To encounter a wind (M 11: 167.2). ϑ  line 149. z
nglù, vol. 2, p. 541).
ãě ǟ  line 163.
We learn from the modern editors’ note on the last line of p. T23 (orig. p. 2827)
ƻʐ liúyí To go into exile; to migrate, drift; an exile, migrant, that this passage is also quoted in juàn 780 of the Sòng-period encyclopedia
ÈÐ refugee (HY 5: 1268.2). Tàipíng yùln  +A (Zhnghuá Shjú ed., pp. 2455–2456). There are
Ϥƺ Chánzhu  line 157. several interesting variants in this version, and it is also much longer.
Рʱ shungxué Frost and snow; . . . (M 12: 64.3).
ˮΛ juéyun Extremely far away; extremely different, disparate ‹‘
ÞÅ (HY 9: 841.2).
М x A valley; a mountain stream;
ŏĥ wnglái  line 136. 
 q hollow (GHY).
160. ͒ dá Anc. d’ât Ý
1 1
͛Ϙ knfà  line 136.
tà Anc. t’ât (GSR 271b). o
Dz xí Anc. Jiei (GSR 876d). chun r To pierce the ears and wear earrings (CY 2325.1).
ģ úÐ
Ұ dì Anc. d’iei- 
tí Anc. d’iei
јĈ ráowò Fertile (land) (M 12: 430.4).
shì Anc. TiH: (GSR 866r). ¿¸
160. ăν Shn Yíng (He was from Wú æ in the Snguó period) (M 6: ư jì ... yòu ... Both . . . and . . . (GHY).
. Â
3 rµ 965.2).
 jn = Ҩ, river deer (GHY).
ИȘ Línhi A commandery in Wú æ in the Snguó period,
[jùn]  ͵, Hydropotes inermis (CH 1890, 4729).
Ⱦ  along the coast of modern Zhèjing (Zhngguo lìsh
dìtújí, vol. 3, 26–27➃5).
̼ jiù Mother’s older and younger brothers; husband’s
" father; wife’s father; wife’s older and younger
brothers; . . . (CY 2592.3).

Ľ g Father’s older and younger sisters; husband’s

 mother; . . . (GHY).

̼Ľ jiùg Father’s parents; wife’s parents (CY 2592.3).


ź wò To lie down and sleep; to lie down; . . . (JM). ɏǠ dànshí To devour (HY 3: 392.2).
º A¡

ȃ x To breathe; the breath; to sigh; to stop; to rest; . . . Ź yáo Cooked meat or fish (GHY).
(JM). ı

§ gòng, gng,  line 15. Each chapter of Hòu Hàn sh ends with a ‘discussion’, lùn ϊ, and a rhymed
ng 161
‘appreciation’, zàn с. The ‘discussion’ sums up the chapter and points a

  ò chuáng A bed; a chair; . . . (JM). moral, while the ‘appreciation’ praises the subject of the chapter.

ʉ lüè  no. 1 after line 19. ΀/ J z  line 100.

О bì  line 125.
͓ wéi To avoid; to violate; evil (GHY).
ʸ lù A deer; . . . (JM). Ç

ȑ gé . . . ; a branch (JM). Ȳ shui, cu  line 148.

(Here presumably, antlers.) š ā

͏ yùn To move; to transport; to use; fate; . . . (JM).

š máo  line 30.
zhàndòu О³ bìdì  line 16.
ϟ   line 60.
Ýđ Ĝí

ƌ sú  line 20.
βѐ  Ϫ mólì To grind; . . . (HY 7: 1108.2).
Ư sh, yí, yì,  line 48.
› sh  line 8. sh
ц zú  line 48.
ɺ>Ǐ btiáo zh (See lines 99–100 and 107.1.)
ƅœ qngshí  line 48. yu
˾ zhù To store up (GHY).
Û ̲ jìn To forbid; something forbidden, a taboo; to prevent,
, stop; an Imperial palace; . . . (JM).
‘ϛ wqì An earthenware vessel; . . . (HY 5: 286.2).
162 ͑ suìni Thereafter, accordingly (HY 10: 1089.1).
ʷ l . . . ; to stew (HY 12: 1026.1).
T ʀ˦ yíndào Promiscuity and thievery (HY 5: 1396.1). ˦  line
ÍF 165.
ϣ`Ŕ^ lìyuè su
rì (It seems to mean, ‘after a long time’.)
³Æ•Ò ѽ jing A bolt for a door; a door; to bolt a door, to close a
 door; . . . (GHY).
ɏ dàn To eat; to feed; = ɾ, tasteless, insipid; . . . (CY

A 524.3).

² huí To return; to reply; to violate, go against; The Confucius quotation is from Lúny ϊΓ, Book 9, Waley’s translation, p.
İ treacherous; . . . (JM). 164
141.  line 2.
͘К wánbó Stupid and shallow (HY 12: 257.2).
†Ù ǿ tú . . . ; only (GHY).
ˇ jiù  line 59.
ć Än y
uy To have the means to, have reason to; . . . (HY 6:
ÈÐ 1145.2; Pulleyblank, p. 49).
άʉ kunlüè Broad and general (M 3: 1109.1, citing this passage
P only). ʉ  no. 1 after line 19. ʅͳ yn r As a result; only, and no more (HY 7: 85.1).
ʤ tng  line 37.
Đ ʤɮ tngji Intercourse, association; to be associated (HY 10:
Đà 936.1).
Ƶа róujn Quiet and prudent (M 6: 266.2, citing this passage
¿+ only). Ɏ͉ shngg A merchant (HY 2: 375.1).
163 ǟ fng, fèng  line 46.
ě ͱ jiàn, jin  line 7.
] snfng The barbarians of the south, west and north (M 1:
Šp   jio  line 14.
ǔ g
u Careless, free; if (GHY).
#ɒ shàngguó The states of the Central Plain in the Spring and
‹# Autumn period; (term used by the feudal lords for
Ŕ su
. . . ; a place (JM). the Emperor’s court); the capital of a state (JM).
χͰ Wèi Mn  line 16.
ͬ chàng Smooth, unimpeded; to understand thoroughly; Ç]
õ happy, free of worry; ample, abundant (GHY).
Фд rozá To put in disorder and mix together (M 5: 436.2,
̸͐ dàoyì Morality and justice; . . . (M 11: 127.4). ¿Ø citing this passage only).
165 ǟ fng, fèng  line 46.
¢ƒ Zhòngní  no. 1 after line 22. ě
ɩÐ cóngér •Æ as a consequence (JM).
лα huáifèn To harbour resentment (M 4: 1223.1). æÐ
κ jio To irrigate; to pour; to remove; shallow, superficial
Ͷ yí To doubt; a doubt, question; difficult to determine; to ¿! (example ǟκƌɰ) (JM).
delude, confuse; to suspect; . . . (JM).
ʊ yì To separate; different; unusual, strange, exceptional;
ǚ lòu A border region; narrow; crude; ignorant; . . . weird; outstanding, excellent; other; to be surprised,
= (GHY). amazed (JM).

Î/ Loz The book otherwise known as Dàodé jng ͐ί̵, 167 с zàn . . . ; = ѱ, ‘appreciation’, a literary genre (JM). 
‘The Way and its power’ (Loewe, Early Chinese ± line 161.
texts, pp. 269–292).
The appreciation refers obliquely to several passages earlier in the chapter. The
ˠ z Abundant; to grow, extend, increase; dirty; juice, Ancient pronunciations of the line-final characters are: µ i;  kuk
 Ș LAi:;
Õ savour; , dz’uk; 4 luân-; ч nân; puEn:; 6 Lân-; і Käk; ' b’uân- (GSR
ˠ cì = ˅, to copulate, breed (GSR 966h). 551a, 1202a, 947x, 1206a, 180c, 152d, 440a, 144c, 790f, 181k).
º zhái  line 4.
ʲ zhng Brilliant, illustrious; splendid; refinement; ornament, Ď
Ù décor; a pattern; a rule, statute; to display, manifest;
ҋ yú  line 4.
. . . (GSR 723a).  line 41.
˦ dào  line 34.
̠ yáng  line 4.
͇ zéi A murderer, bandit, villain; to injure (GSR 907a). 
ɢ cháo A bird’s nest; an ancient type of dwelling; an insect
Ü line 126.
• nest, hive; enemy-occupied territory; to nest; an
The reference is to Dàodé jng, book 2, chapter 57, which however has ͩ ancient musical instrument; (name of an ancient
rather than ʲ. D. C. Lau translates, ‘The better known the laws and edicts, the state); (a surname) (JM).
more thieves and robbers there are’ (Lao Tzu Tao te ching, Penguin Books qián  line 72.
1963, p. 118). ×

ͩ zhng To display (GSR 723e).] ʽ jué Its, his etc.;  ˇ; faint, subdued; to dig (GHY).
΀/ J z  line 100.
.Õ ɋ q To differentiate; a place; . . . (GHY).
" Â
DžЩ sh ngjin To abbreviate, simplify (HY 7: 1179.1).
“  ɵ zú  line 53.
[ɺ wéntiáo (Probably the same as tiáowén ɺ[).
hã Ϝ d  Yíng [shì] The royal house of Qín ȧ (HY 6: 1380.2).
ɺ[ tiáowén Clauses or articles in the text of a law (HY 1:
Ȭ̋ fnluàn Disorder, conflict; to throw into disorder; confused,
M disorderly (HY 9: 766.2).
ƈ̸ xìnyì Sincere and honest (M 1: 799.3).
¢Ï ͓ wéi  line 161.
166 Ýũ zuòf To make laws, regulations; . . . (HY 1: 1250.2,
Öv ч nán, nàn  line 19.
quoting this passage among others).

κŠ jiob n To abandon old ways (HY 6: 119.1). κ  line Index

¿} 165.

168 Ä y
u . . . ; (prefix for names of states and dynasties) (JM).
È  line 115.
n  15.7 bin ţ 129.1 cái ʃ 80
Äͯ Yu Hàn The Hàn dynasty (HY 6: 1162.1). àn  97 biàn ň 48 cái Ǜ 60
ÈĠ n-dì ś 38 biàn a 21 ci ˸ 39
miomio Tiny; far away; as seen from afar; like the wind (CY Biàn Chén aâ 114 Cài ̰ 15.6
ljlj b  36.6
Hf 2206.3). bindòu ϺÝ 101 cáibì Ǜˡ 60
bà ̮ 103 binjìng Ο˝ 68 Cài Fng ̰͠ 71
ɉ pin Crooked, false; unfair, partial; remote, out-of-the- bà ε 14 bi 28 càirú ʁǗ 142
Ė way; a side; an assistant, subordinate; ɉ ɞ an btiáo zh yu Ș! bié ± 126 Cài Sh ̰ø 8
assistant general; just now, only now; . . . (JM). Ƃ 161 biézh ng ±˰ 53 cáiwù Ǜı 71
і yì To translate; an ancient office for the translation of bài Ť 31 bn ͱ 43 Cài Yng ̰ǡ 15.5
³ the languages of northern ethnic peoples; a translator bài Ȑ 12 bn ̈ 3.4 cán π 100
(JM). bàijué Ťʹ 31 bnkè ̈Ř 61.2 cánsng πƺ 128
pinyì bàix Ťų 31 bìng è 128 Cánzhluò π;ʺ 66
ɉі A faraway place with a foreign language (HY 1:
Ė³ 1572.1, citing this passage only). bixìng ›Ć 79 bngcáo ¯ȕ 74 cáng ˽ 96
bn DŽ 113 bìngjí ljLj 149 C ngh
i jùn ̂ǁǢ
Ȟ pàn  line 4. bnyú DŽɌ 113 103
bngm cáo ¯Ǥȕ 75
n bng æ 125 cngkù ƚƬ 30
bó ͻ 106
bàng è 128 Bó Gù ­þ 83 cè ɛ 47
bào ǚ 36.6 Bójì ­Ͳ=›Ͳ 116 ch ƪ 143
bàonüè ̢ƈ 5 bluàn ̟ʓ 15.7 chà ƪ 143
bèi Ȳ 33 Bówù zhì ɑıÄ 15.2 chi ƪ 143
Bimh öù 152 bóy ď¨ 55 chài ƪ 143
Bi Wòj OÓĬ 43 b  148 Chánzhu ͌ű 157
bnz u āà 28 b Ƴ 71 cháng ͫ 107.1
bngkuì ą̏ 16 b ʽ 129.1 cháng ˙ 96
bì Ǻ 107.1 bù _ 44 chàng ˤ 163
bì ˡ 60 bù Ë 38 chángdà Ł 130
bì ̯ 46 bù Ι 55 chngyuè Ɩ̤ 56
bì ˉ 15.7 bù Ɂ 53 Cháng’ n Ł 64
bì ; 125 bùcháng ȃ 15.6 cho ʍ  19
bì Ʉ 101 bùjiè ɁŸ 109 cháo Ȃ 167
bìdì ;… 16 bùqí ËΔ 38 cháo ɥ 39
bìqiè ǺĂ 94 bùzhàn Ë͇ 88 cháogòng ɥǜ 18
bin ţ 129 cháohè ɥʊ 40


n ɥ΁ 16 chuánt ng ʔȬ  139 Dài Shng ͭ0 66 dùfù »ǹ 34 fng ƒ 46 Gng Kuí ǔΰ 69
cháoxiàn ɥΨ 18 chuányán ʔÛ 157 dn  141 dwèi Ƀǽ 92 fèng Ā 41 Gng Lín ǔ͹ 84
cháoyè ɥ͟ 134 chuáng  = ¿ dàn DZ 160.3 duàn ΄ 32 fèng ƒ 46 gngxing ÉŻ 152
chè ˣ 15.7 160.3 dnbèi ɔȲ 143 duìlú ˠ͑ 55 fènggòng Āǜ 37 gng { 15
chén ˜ 149.2 chuí Œ 83 D nd n Dàlng ɔɔ duìlúpèi ˠ͑Î 55 fngsú ƒʼn 106 gng N 72
chén â 61.4 chuò ˶ 121 ̓ 105 dùn ϝ 142 Fngsú tng yì ƒʼnȽ gng  15.6
chén Ɇ 15.6 c ƪ 143 D n’r Ϥ¢ 140 dùn ˔ 149.2 ʶ 3.1 gng È 70
Chén guó âǴ 117 cí nj 15.6 dànshí DZƓ 160.3 dnjù Ν̷ 145 fngt ƒ 20 g ng { 15
Chén Hán â΀ 99 cì ɬ 165 dnt  141 duó Ş 29 fóu ǃ 15.7 gòng { 15
Chén Shè Ɇǂ 16 cì ̵ 39 dnzh — 144 fú ģ 5 gngcáo Nȕ 74
chénsh ¤α 47 cìsh óT 70 dng ʯ 15.3 é ȸ 140.1 fù H 35 gngfá Èu 152
Chén Zhng Ɇė 77 cíy Ξ̄ 153 dàng ʯ 15.3 è ɟ 34 fù ǹ 59 gnghuì +ʣ 57
chéng Ɣ 11 cóngér ȇ¡ 165 do 㠀 136 nxìn ƱŅ 67 fù ɝ 34 gngjìng ưʠ 145
chéng ě 158 c ϻ 30 do ˌ 2 fùrén ǹ 101 gngshì Ʀŗ 30
chéng ȧ 6 cù õ 49 dào ɲ 34 F ɱ 3.3 Ftái 2U 40 Gngsn Pú +Ƥϣ
chénggu œɂ 72 cdà ϻ 30 dào ˌ 2 f ɱ 47 Fútú ǃǿ 124.2 75
chéngjià Ɣ̀ 128 cuàn ͗ 17 Dàolí ɲφ 15.4 fá u 5 Fúyú 2̾= Æ̾ 23 Gngsn Yù +Ƥǵ
chngwáng ˱D 101 cuànwèi ͗ª 17 dàoqiè ɲξ 146 fá ˺ 112 41
chéngzhà œŭ 126 cu ǘ 148 dàoyì ˌʶ 163 fà ́ 130 gài ́ 4 gòngxiàn ǜΨ 39
ch 7 46 cùn  48 d nglèi ɶ΢ 147 fjìn Īʱ 106 gài ́ 36.5 gu ğ 140
ch ̓ 156 Dí Ö 8 fsú Īʼn 49 Gàim
dàsh n ́Ǥ g u Ƈ 163
chì ͍ 9 dá ϓ 37 d ů 1 fzé Īō 53  86 Gulí Vφ 62
chì ß 44 dábào ɷɗ 37 dì ϴ 160.1 fàn f 68 gnshè ǂ 109 gutng ʩȽ 15.6
chícu ťǘ 148 dàd Ğ 108 dchù ϛά 3.1 fng = 9 gngjì ˷Ɓ 49 g Ą 160.3
chóng Ƌ 109 dàf 2 150 din ò 129.1 fngshì = 157 go ˼ 46 g ʧ 8
chòuhuì ǖΆ 46 Dà gào ̆ 15.1 dio ʈ 29 f i Ɯ 15.7 gào ¶ 11 g Ü 52
ch ȱ 45 dà hónglú ΂Ϊ diàowèn 9Dz 78 féim i ĸƃ 87 gào ˼ 46 g ˗ 56
61.2 fn - 6 G ogulí ǥVφ 19.2 gù ʐ 149
chù LJ 31 dng ɋ 97
dàjiào ˈ 140 fn Ļ 3.3 g ɐ 125 gchu ˗· 56
chù ȱ 45 dìng ĉ 8
dàlu4 ȣ 121 fén ɭ 72 gé Ƽ 160.3 gchuì ˗· 56
Ch Líng wáng ʥςD dòng ǭ 80
14 dátà ˎ 160.1 f n Ǐ 144 gémìng Əü 5 Gdú ć͐ 15.2
dngchuí ĤŒ 83
chsài Lʗ 19.2 Dà Wù b  7.4 fèn - 6 gw ˦˿ 32 gzu Qː 55
Dngy xiàn Ĥ°͚
Ch Wén-wáng ʥ< dàyn " 63 140 fèn ω 144 gw ˦˿ 111 gui é 20
D 11 Dài Ď 7 dòu Ý 21 fèn ω 149.2 gyín ˦¸ 33 guipàn édž 20
chxíng L§ 25 dài Ȅ 3.2 dòu  = Ǧ 12 fèn ɭ 72 gng É 91 gun ŋ 3.2
chuán ʔ 64 dài ʌ  19 dú Ű 48 fnluàn ǒʓ 167 gèng É 91 gun ɦ 35
chuán ȯ 48 Dàif ng Ȅ= 84 dù » 34 fng ř 60 Gng Dng đ 7.5 guàn ŋ 3.2
chun r ſ¢ 160.3 dàif 2 150 dù Ş 29 fng Ώ 111 Gng Hào ǔώ 74 guàn Ⱥ 122

n Sh ˳ø 8 hòushàn Šɼ 78 jì à 28 Jiànw Zhngyuán ş jìng Ɋ 122 K ng nguó 4Ǵ
guàntóu Ⱥͨ 143 hú ē 125 jì Ȫ 32 Ħ( 150 jngsh ëƫ 40 7.1
gunzé ŋϠ 58 h ļ 142 jì ϒ 121 jing Ǿ 59 jìngt ˝ 105 kngdì Ķ… 19.1
Gu ngw dì xĦś hù : 16 jì ϭ 120 jing Θ 15.7 jing ύ 162 kòu ǻ 6
37 hù ʧ 8 jì ̑ 97 jiàng Ǿ 59 jiù ə 59 kòubin ǻΟ 17
ngyáng ̚ʏ 73 Huálí xiàn ɾΤ͚ 70 jíbìng Ljlj 110 jiàng Ǝ 26 jiù ȏ 73 kòucho ǻʍ  19
gungyun ̋̚ 105 Huáliú ϸϳ 15.4 jìhuì Ã͞ 110 Ji ng Hàn ™˧ 15.7 jiù ʹ 160.3 kòudào ǻɲ 49
guì ˇ 53 huái Η 68 jílì ~² 148 jio t 14 jiùg ʹĄ 160.3 kòulüè ǻȥ 69
guìbài ˇŤ 53 Huái ȟ 6 jìlù υϯ 11 jio ̦ 165 jihuì ǣʣ 122 k uqì ƾ 26
gufù ΅Ń 38 huáifèn Η̝ 163 jpí Ǖl 122 jio ʸ 53 jishí ǣƓ 147 k Ɔ 125
gujiù ΅ý 19.2 huán ϧ 47 jpò ͮNj 41 jiào Ϩ 139 j ğ 140 kqì ƞĨ 147
gushén ǧǍ 56 Huán-dì Ƹś 19 jìrén χ 56 jiob n ̦c 167 jù ƕ 75 Kuàij ʣ = ʣ̪
gu  35 hunh ϶ù 122 jíwèi ´ª 3.3 Ji ojìng tϕ 3.2 jù ñ 60 140
guósú Ǵʼn 20 Huángchí ϥš 10 jíxing ~, 33 jioqn tņ 14 jù ͈ 72 kunlüè ̘ȥ 162
guóyì Ǵä 123 huángmén gchu ʒł jíxing ~, 148 ji Ȍ 23 jù ˻ 28 kunsài ɨʗ 67
Guó Zhòng Ϧv 13 ˗· 40 jì ... yòu ... Ũ... ... Jié ƻ 5 jbng ͺ¯ 11 ku ϱ 98
Huángshu ʒB 15.3 160.3 jié ʲ 52 jch čȱ 88 kuì ϱ 98
hài ƥ 149 huí „ 162 Jz ˴ 100 jié Ϛ 46 jchù čȱ 88 kn ˖ 136
hibio ǁľ 18 huì Ϫ 18 jz Γ  26 jiè ' 92 jun Ź 2
ilíng xiàn ǁɅ͚ ji M 31 làyuè Λ? 32
Huìmò Ϫˁ 18 jiè Ÿ 125 juàn dz 36.3
15.3 ji M 78 lán Ό 6
huìtóng ʣ€ 31 jiéjìng ̥Ƞ 56 junqì ƴȗ 110
Hán ΀ 18 ji º 87 Lángyé jùn ȤåǢ
hn Ģ 110 jiéjìng ϚȠ 56 jué ɒ 167
hàn ψ 75 jiá º 87 3.2
hnyn Ģŕ 59 jiémù ͰÑ 148 jué Č 143
háng § 10 láoyù Õ˫ 30
huò ɞ 153 ji ǩ 89 jiénì ƻǟ 79 jué Ð 148
háo ʼ 65 Loz Ÿ 165
huò ę 21 jià ǩ 89 jiéqng ϚȜ 130 jué ʹ 31
háo ˂ 19.2 Lèlàng jùn ̤ƿǢ 38
huò ͵ 71 jià ʙ 152 jiéshù ɹÊ 143 juéd ÚĞ 40
ho ‰ 33 lèi ΢ 49
huò ˯ 112 jiàq ʙǷ 128 jiéxiá ƻΖ 78 juéyun ɺ̋ 159
hào ‰ 33 lí ș 119
huò Ȼ 129 jin ˨ 7 jn ŀ 58 jn  160.3
hào ʼ 65 l ç 10
huòshì Ȼ^ 137 jin ͘ 81 jn Ύ 149 Jùn guó zhì ǢǴÄ
hoshng ‰i 1 lì  19.1
jiàn ǫ 122 jn ͤ 21 85.1
hàoshng ‰i 1 lì ƹ 119
j ͔ 60 jiàn ˘ 9 jìn Ϝ 6 jnzhng µŁ 44
hé ́ 36.5 lìmín d 38
j Γ 119 jiàn ˨ 7 jìn ǀ 106
hé ˂ 19.2 Kng-wáng ȅD 9 lìrén  74
jí ɡ 32 jinbù ͘_ 141 jìn ˭ 60
hédào r̬ 141 kè ® 13 lìyuè su rì ͋?Ě>
jí ʦ 43 Jiàngu ng şx 70 jìn ʱ 161
Hé-dì úś 18 kjié Žɹ 124.1 160.3
jí Ǒ 41 jiànhào ˘ʼ 9 jnhòu Ύő 30
héngfú ͊ɚ 143 lìzuò ¬ 52
j ɻ 153 jinlng ˮ̓ 93 jìnshèng Ϝȧ 6 któu Žͨ 124.1
hòu Ɨ 110 lián Ⱦ 32
j Ǖ 122 Jiànníng ş˟ 84 jnxiù ͤΊ 58 któu ̔ͨ 121
hòu ‚ 3.3 Liáns ʛɤ 133
jì χ 56 Jiànw şĦ 17 jng ͧ 121

Liáodng jùn ͢ĤǢ lu ̃ 46 Mùzh guó m;Ǵ pin Ǭ 168 qin ̻ 6 què Ő 14
18 luò Ŵ 36.1 117 pin ţ 129 qián ̧ 72 què ΐ 39
Liáosuì ͢ʎ 74 Luòláng jùn ̤ƿǢ Mù-wáng ͕D 9 pián ň 48 qin ̌ 40 què Σ 142
Liáox jùn ͢©Ǣ 63 38 pinyì Ǭή 168 Qián Hàn sh Ō˧ƶ qúnjù ˻ 56
i jùn ͹ǁǢ lu tn ̃ȳ 46 nà ϖ  29 pìn ʷ 19 19.1
160.3 nà ϖ 36.6 píng ` 13 Qián Hàn sh ynyì Ō ránhòu ɯŠ 59
Líntún jùn ͹8Ǣ má ɏ 44 nán Ρ 19 píngchng `ɢ 29 ˧ƶƑʶ 61.4 rng Χ 14
61.3 mà ˂ 19.2 nàn Ρ 19 qinsh ̌î 15.6 rànglù ρˆ 128
ng `Φ 90.1
lng ̓ 105 M
Hán Ǥ΀ 75 Nán L ŏ̼ 103 qiángpò ͆Ɗ = ȆƊ ráowò ίÓ 160.3
píngyì ʅέ 59
lìng I 84 mlán Ǥβ 27 náng θ 7.5 19.2 rozá ΃Β 164
p ̒ 131
língbào Ʌ̢ 15 mlán Ǥδ 27 nèiqn )ņ 5 qiángy ng ͆Ŏ=ȆŎ rén  36.2
pò Nj 97
Lng dng ̓Ĥ 106 mázhù ɏϔ 141 nèish )α 66 30 rén % 10
pò Nj 132
língg ˑ˗ 124 mái Ơ 89 nì ǟ 71 qn ņ 14 r n Å 12
pò Ɗ 19.2
língxng ˒ū 56 Mán σ 21 niánsuì ʨ 111 qn ņ 14 rèn  25
pòxio Ɗ 92
Líng-dì ςś 19 máo n 30 niánzhng Ł 152 qnfàn ņf 111 rèn  36.2
pú ̀ 149.2
liúwáng Ų 135 Máo Sh @ʾ 15.7 nónggng ˊN 123 qnfù ͝Ń 81 rénmín d 159
liùchù *LJ 31 màoyì ʋĠ 129 Nóngxiáng ˊȩ 61.4 q ă 35 qnmiè ņʪ 15 rènshn ½  25
liútng ŲȽ 19 méi Ò 34 nú [ 36.6 q ͼ 160.3 qíng ϵ 142 rènshn ½á 25
liúyí Ųȫ 159 m i ƃ 15.7 n Ĕ 48 qí Δ 73 qnggài ̳  109 rénshì ê 7.2
Lì-wáng ̖D 13 ménhù ł: 101 n ϑ 8 Qí ̕ 102 qngjiàn ̳Ù 151 rénxìng Ę 60
Lóng Du n ͩ˲ 74 ménzú łȓ 147 núbì [Ǻ 34 q  80 qngjiàng ̳Ǝ 80 rénxìng Ę 145
Lóngxng ͩū 61.4 méng ʰ 15 Q ȑ 7.2 qngshí ńp 48 Róng ‘ 22
lòu ƍ 163 miánbù _ 110 pán ˥ 7.2 qì  80 qngxiáng ̳Ǝ 80 róujn ŬΎ 162
lòu ζ 121 miomio żż 168 pàn dž 4 qì ̈́ 21 qióng ̭ 98.1 róushùn Ŭʑ 1
lóuguàn ̣τ 154 miè ʪ 8 páo ȵ 121 qì ă 35 qiú X 26 rùkòu ǻ 13
lòujì ζϒ 121 mièjué ʪɺ 133 Pào shu įB 15.3 qì ȗ 107 qiú Ì 15.7 rúshng Ši 89
l ɍ 160.3 mín d 16 pèi Î 55 qì ƾ 26 qiútú XƮ 32 Ruòshu ƭB 23
lù ͣ 15.2 mínhù d: 16 Pèishu ϐB 19.1 qbng ǝ¯ 16 q Ǯ 167
lù ζ 121 míng ʰ 15 Pèi xiàn Î͚ 15.3 qíchéng ΔƔ 120 q Č 143 si ʗ 64
lù Ɏ 160.3 mìng ü 7.5 Péngchéng guó ɜœǴ Qí Huán gng ̕Ƹ+ qú ɪ 69 sài ʗ 64
l ̙ 121 mò Ò 34 12 14 q ÷ 78 sn ɣ 16
l 4 ȣ 9 Mò ˂ 19.2 Pénglái ̱ʀ 158 qíjiù Ǔ΋ 108 qlng ”̓ 109 sàn ɣ 16
lùdì ɇ… 10 Mò ˁ 17 p Ȳ 33 qílo ǓŸ 96 qlüè ηȥ 80 snfng
= 163
lùq ͣ÷ 15.2 Mò gng ˁ 62 pí l 45 qìlì ƾ 60 qúshuài ɪŜ 69 S n Jiàn
ˮ 15.1
Lú W
n ͑˵ 19.1 mólì ̞Ω = ͒Ω p / 81 qíshèng ΔƔ 120 qun dz 36.3 snlo
Ÿ 108
lüè ȋ 84 160.3 pì / 81 qìyòng ̈́j 21 quán z 19.1 sng ɓ 77
lüè ȥ 19.1 mòrù Ò 59 pfà Ȳ́ 143 qz ă 84 quán ι 12 sàng ɓ 77
lüèsh ȥα 19.1 mùyè ̡ÿ 56 píròu l£ 89 qzuì ʵ 80 qu ΐ 39 so ʚ 35

sè ʗ 64 shngk u i 79 shòu ˹ 39 Sùshèn ɽʟ 8 Ti nz 1 22.1 wéi ˏ 161
sè ʭ 129 sh ngyn ͸Ƒ 33 shòuko ˞  145 stú Ϋʘ 124.2 Ti ntián 1k 61.4 wéi Ɛ 136
shlüè țȥ 74 sh  34 sh uwèi ‹̲ 154 sunzo ̍ɧ 30 tiáowén Ș< 165 w i ¾ 119
shndo Ʃ 136 sh ŧ 48 shuyng “̽ 27 suí ͥ 52 tng κ 27 Wèi Ϫ 18
Shn hi jng ǁʳ shí Ƶ 20 shú μ 81 suì ʨ 37 tíngsng Ǩɓ 147 wèi ŷ 9
3.2 shí Ƶ 159 sh α 19.1 suì ϰ 57 tng Ƚ 37 wèin ̜ 19.2
shnxin ͦ 44 sh î 55 sh ̠ 13 suì ˍ 26 tóng ɵ 158 Wèichóutái ǽ&U 39
Sh nyáng ʏ 15.3 sh ŧ 48 shù ̠ 13 Suì Chéng ˍ’ 71 tngji ȽȌ 164 wèihuàn ŷȉ 49
shng ΍ 126 sh o 8 shúzhí μij 81 suìni ˍ 162 tóngnánn ɵØ wéilè ŵ̤ 147
shngg ǰ˅ 164 sh Þ 26 shui ǘ 148 suìshí ʨƵ 107 158 wiruò ʜƭ 54
Shàngg jùn ÜǢ shì E 5 shuài ȣ 9 su Ě 163 tú ʘ 46 Wèi shì chnqi ΕA
66 shì ê 124 shuibì ǘȎ 6 su ǐ 36.1 tú Ʈ 126 ũž 62.1
shàngguó Ǵ 164 shì ʕ 145 shuàifú ȣģ 83 su líguó ǐΑǴ 25 tú Ʈ 164 Wèi Yòuqú ̲Rɪ
shàngjng ë 17 shì ^ 128 Shuàishng Ŝ0 151 tdì … 127 102
shàngsh ċƶ 77 shì  15.7 shungxué ͿɈ 160.3 tà ͽ 123 túxin Ʈϟ 145 wéiyuè ŵ̤ 147
shàngyán Û 77 shì q 79 shuì ̅ 64 Tài K ng 3ȅ 4 tzhù ɿ 21 wizhé ŔϹ 18
sho ɳ 19.1 shì ʄ 68<> shubn Bͱ 15.2 tàish u 3‹ 18 túntián 8k 83 Wèi zhì ΕÄ 36.7
Shào K ng 5ȅ 3.4 shì ̸ 125 Shu jng zhù Bʳĩ Tài Wù 3b 7.4 tuó ϩ 36.1 wén < 3.2
shonián 5 121 shì ˕ 58 15.3 Tàiyuán jùn 3ƝǢ wnér ʫ  141
shàonián 5 121 shì ˕ 121 shn ϝ 142 67 wqì ḧ́ 160.3 wénshn <á 124
shoy u 5– 153 shì ϴ 160.1 Shùn-dì ʑś 39 tán ͯ 113 Wài guó tú YǴ˛ 3.2 wéntiáo <Ș 165
Shào-gng S+ 13 shìbì íǺ 153 shu ̅ 64 tn ȳ 46 wánbó ˓ͻ 162 W ƙ 18
shè ȼ 78 shdé Z̛ 4 shuò ̠ 13 Tánz ϗ 22.1 wáng  63 wò ĺ 160.3
shèjì ĵ̫ 56 shìér íð 25 s  36.5 T ng ɫ 5 wáng D 12 Wòj ÓĬ 43
shèlìng ȼI 80 shgun ZĊ 22.1 s ɤ 36.5 to ʬ 15.7 wàng  63 Wnú ƙ[ 150
shénxin ǍJ 158 shláo ÞÕ 26 sì « 44 táo ʬ 15.7 wàng ˆ 109 w ɟ 34
shètin Ƨ1 7.5 shmìng îü 37 sì ɤ 36.5 topò ǙNj 76 wàng D 12 wú  63
shn Ņ 22.1 shpìn îʷ 19 sì ̿ 15.4 t Ȗ 45 wànggu Â΅ 15.4 wù ɟ 34
shn ƣ 15.2 shrén î 150 sìshí WƵ 134 tí  33 wánghuà D. 5 wúdào ɮˌ 7.5
shn Ȟ 52 shíshì pŗ 15.6 Sì shu ĭB 15.3 tí ϴ 160.1 wnglái ĕï 136 wg $Ϣ 29
Shn Yíng Í̩ 160.3 shìshì EE 139 swáng ˜ 110 tí ϴ 157 Wáng M
ng DȰ 17 wshì Śŗ 126
shng ͸ 18 shyì îο 20 sì yí W‡ 14 tì Ö 8 wángmén Dł 5 W Y Ħ 6
shéng Κ 122 shìyù ʕȚ 109 Sìzhu ĭŽ 15.6 tián k 7.2 wángmìng ü 19.1 Wyuán xiàn ĦƝ͚
sh ng ź 107 Shyuán ą( 104 sìz ʖ 39 tiáncán kπ 100 wángrén  125 12
shèng Ɣ 11 shzh îķ 55 sngbi ĥŮ 60 tinruì 1ʮ 15.6 W ngshu ÏB 15.3 wú zhòu yè ɮȔÿ 33
shèng ȧ 6 shzh îķ 93 sòng zhng Ǟȭ 60 tinxìng 1Ę 1 Wángxi
n Dͦ 19.1 wúzhuàng ɮIJ 79
sh ngjin ź· 165 shzhèng ZŦ 19 sú ʼn 20 tiányè kʤ 52 Wáng zhì D ô 1 W-dì Ħś 17
shngjiàng 0Ǝ 32 Shz  15.2 Sm
shì ΫǤϬ 133 tiánzhòng k˰ 87 wéi ɕ 75 W-wáng ĦD 8

xiàngji ŻM 54 Xuántù jùn gʂǢ 23 y ¨ 3.2 yíngq Ŀ÷ 36 Yúyáng jùn ˩ʏǢ 66
x Ʋ 160.3 xio ͉ 110 Xu n-wáng ŖD 13 yí ‡ 1 yíngrào ͙Ή 124.1 yùzh ͡Ĵ 110
x Ȋ 107 xiobng æ 15 xué s 45 yí ŧ 48 Yíng shì ͅA 167 yuán Ɵ 30
x ͼ 160.3 xiok u  81 xuè ¦ 7.5 yí ˬ 163 yngzh γDž 121 yuán ϧ 47
xí Ƣ 160.1 xiomín d 80 xuéj sč 45 yì Á 19.1 y uy –G 164 yuàn ϙ 74
xí Ȯ 60 xioshu B 62 xúnshòu ãŶ 15.4 yì ŧ 48 yòng j 111 Yuánch (Ľ 69
xí λ 15.2 xié Ϛ 46 xùnzàng ƽʻ 35 yì Ȧ 165 Y ngch eĽ 19 Yuánfng (ř 61.3
 21 xié å 140 yì ʶ 10 Y nghé eú 39 Yuánshuò (Ʒ 102
x ų 31 Xiè ī 3.4 y ĝ 129 Yì Ƅ 7.2 Y ngk ng eȅ 40 Yuánxng (͜ 68
xì ͬ 40 xìn Ņ 22.1 yà Ȉ 2 yì ¨ 3.2 y nglì Ŏ 47 yu Ƃ 111
X’ npíng xiàn ©` Xnch ng ʡġ 74 Y n ͎ 16 yì ʿ 39 Y ngníng e˟ 38 yuè ̅ 64
͚ 62.1 xìnyì Ņʶ 165 yn Ǫ 15.2 yì ή 168 y ngzhuàng Ŏ¹ 68 yuèw ̤˿ 5
xjué ųʹ 31 xíng § 10 yn ȍ 36.5 yì έ 77 yóu 6 34 yún # 22
Xpíng ͏` 41 xng ź 107 yàn ͎ 16 yì ä 126 yóu ɩ 7.2 yùn ˋ 161
X Zhòng ͛v 4 xìng Đ 80 yn r Ȣ˪ 164 yìch Ȧȱ 144 y u – 10
xiá ³ 35 xìng Ę 60 yánjí Υš 33 yìchù Ȧȱ 144 y u – 168 záj Βč 119
xiá º 87 xíngbù §Ë 53 yánjùn Υƨ 131 ydng Ĥ 105 yòu – 10 zàitú †ʘ 148
Xiàhòu shì ơ‚A 4 xíngchuán §ȯ 156 Y
ns shu ȍB 28 yfú ¨ģ 58 yòu – 115 zàn Μ 167
Xiàp ό 15.6 xíngf |Ī 131 Yánx Ē͏ 40 yhòu Š 5 yòu ̇ 64 zng ˽ 96
xián ̏ 15.2 xíngji §ǣ 126 yánxué νs 96 Yìlóu ϏǸ 23 Yòubipíng jùn RO` zàng ˽ 96
xiàn Ψ 5 xínglái §ï 148 yány Û̄ 44 yìluò äʺ 31 Ǣ 66 zàng ʻ 60
xiàn ͚ 55 xíngrén § 33 yáng ʢ 4 Yímò ‡ˁ 91 Y u Hàn –˧ 168 zo ̺ 149
xiàn ƌ 117 xngshui ͜ǘ 15.7 yáng ž 142 yìquè ʿΐ 39 y ushn –á 26 zofng ̺ƒ 159
Xi nbi ΁ö 23 xngxiù ūǼ 110 yng w 7.5 yràng ɡρ 32 y usì –« 126 Zàofù ɀC 11
xiàngun ͚Ċ 81 xíngyù |˫ 32 Yángji ʏ˚ 83 Yízhu ‡ű 157 yutái ͪU 55 zohài ̺ƥ 149
xiànjiàn ΨÙ 37 xingdì KÀ 144 yo ¼ 153 yìzh Áα 19.1 yóutián ɩk 7.2 zé Ϡ 58
xinrén y 55 xingjí ,š 60 yo Ϩ 139 yn ƒ 77 Yuzhu ŝŽ 70 zé ȹ 34
xin’è ͦϋ 72 xi Ƙ 14 Yáo ɖ 4 yín ȝ 14 Yu-wáng ŝD 14 zéràng ȹρ 78
Xiàn-dì Ψś 42 xiù Ί 58 yáo Ĺ 160.3 yín ̎ 58 yú  2 zéi ˃ 126
Xi ng Ż 3.4 xiù ȴ 97 yoyì ¼Ȧ 15.6 yíndào ȝɲ 162 yú Ϙ 4 zéi ˃ 165
xiáng Ǝ 26 xibà Ƙε 14 yé å 140 Yn Jíf "~× 15.7 yú ʞ 65 zhà ŭ 30
Xiàng Ż 3.4 x ̗ 26 yè • 53 yínluàn ȝʓ 14 y ̄ 98 zhàxiáng ʇƎ 72
xingchuán Żʔ 52 Xú Ư 9 yè ͟ 134 yìnshòu }˹ 39 yù Ȉ 2 zhái Œ 4
xiángfú Ǝģ 85 x ȶ 138 Yém
tái åǤ˾ 139 yng γ 121 yù ʞ 65 zhài ȹ 34
xiànghuà . 81 xù Ţ 7.2 Yémódu å̞Ƕ yíng ͳ 60 yù ͓ 46 Zhài Róng Ȫϊ 18
xinglèi ŻϷ 108 xù LJ 31 140.1 yíng Ŀ 32 yù ̄ 98 zhn P 33
xingsuí Żͥ 123 Xúsh n Ư 13 y ì 62 yìng Ŀ 32 yù ͡ 14 zhn Ȓ 41
xingji ŻM 54 xuán ͚ 55 y ɡ 32 yíng g Ŀ˗ 32 yúquè ʝϡ 109 zhàn P 33

zhàndòu ͇ 60 zhng  48 zhuì ϫ 122

zhnduàn Ȓ΄ 79 zhng ȭ 100 zhuj Ǡͮ 64
zhànmò ͇ħ 74 zh ng ƛ 120 zhuó Ô 147
zhng ˢ 165 zh ng ˰ 60 zhuó ɿ 58
zhng ɉ 41 zhòng  48 Zhu jùn ȡǢ 73
zhng ɉ 165 zhòng ˰ 60 Zhúsh jìnián œƶƁ
zhng ɠ 61.2 zhòng Ƌ 109  3.3
zhàng  88 Zhòng Dng v 6 Zhyá —Ȁ = DžȀ =
zhàng ̐ 19.1 Zhòng K ng vȅ 7.3 Dž 140
zhngdà Ł 130 Zhòngní v\ 22.1 z ɬ 165
Zh ng dì ɉś 18 zhngrén  97 z ˄ 52
zhngshuài ŁŜ 87 zhòngrén  97 zì ê 124
zho Ĝ 67 Zhngt  7 zìchèn ¥˱ 150
zho ɥ 39 Zhngxng ͜ 20 zìchng ¥˱ 150
zhào ʆ 79 zh ngzhòng ˰Ȩ 47 zmàn ɬǯ 19
Zhào ̉ 102 Zhòu ƀ 8 zìx ¥
zhoyòu Ĝ̇ 8 Zhu Mù-wáng ûͷD zì y ¥G 81
Zh o-dì Ūś 104 15.4 Zng Zhu Ĉû 9
zh ̹ 72 zhòuyè Ȕÿ 111 zu ϲ 64
zhé Ç 87 Zhu-gng û+ 8 z u à 53
zhé ̊ 56 zh — 15.6 zú õ 49
zhéfng ǃ 58 zh Dž 29 zú ȓ 53
zhèn Ɇ 15.6 zh Dž 121 zú Π 48
zhèn ͂ 36.2 zh ˀ 33 z Ŋ 21
Zhnp n jùn NJɰǢ zhú ȿ 7.2 zdòu ŊÝ 21
19.1 zh α 19.1 zhi ϞϮ 79
zhnxìn ƉŅ 101 zhù ͖ 19.1 zshuì ǎɴ 93
zhng Ė 8 zhù ϔ 141 zuì ʵ 78
zh ng ě 158 zhù ɿ 58 znbi ɘö 143
zhngsòng İȷ 146 zhù ʉ 160.3 zuò ¬ 40
zhngzhàn Ė͇ 15 zhbù FΙ 55 zuòf ¬Ī 166
zhí ij 81 zh hóu ̴Ň 10 zuòlì ¬ 122
zhì Į 34 zhùshì ɸŗ 121 Zu zhuàn ]ʔ 15.8
zhì ƅ 12 Zh Xià ̴ơ 15
Zhìgulóu ʴʩǸ 95 zhuàn ʔ 64
zhj ΈͶ 141 zhuàngy ng ¹Ŏ 
zhìzhí ̶ij 87 121
Zhì-dì ̶ś 84 zhuì ˶ 121

168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 155

154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130

129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108

107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86


85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62

61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37

36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19

18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5

4 3 2 1

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