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TEACHER: Nan Emanuela

DATE: 16th of November, 2016

GRADE: 2nd

TEXTBOOK: Fairyland 2

LESSON: I can sing!

TYPE OF LESSON: Acquiring new information (vocabulary: actions; the verb can)

SKILLS: listening, speaking, reading, writing


-to present and practice actions

-to talk about ability

METHODS: Explanations, dialogues, conversations

MATERIALS: textbook, Activity Book, flashcards, blackboard, CD

ORGANIZATIONS: individual work, pair work, group work

Activity 1: Warm up
Aim: To create a pleasant atmosphere and to relax the Ss

To get Ss involved in the topic


1. Informal conversation, greetings

2. Check if there are students missing
Interaction: T-Ss

Timing: 2 min

Activity 2: Checking the previous knowledge

Aim: to check previous knowledge
The T plays the game Simon says explaining to the pupils that they should follow
her commands only if they are preceded by the phrase Simon says
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T
Timing: 5 min

Activity 3: Lead in
Aim: to introduce the theme of the lesson I can sing! and to use activities to
present actions.
Procedure: T reads the title of the unit and elicits what the title is going to be
about. T mimes an action, e.g. dancing and say: I can… then she invites pupils to
complete her sentence (dance)
T tells the pupils to open their books at page thirty-eight. She tells the
instructions twice as she mimes them then she plays the recording.
The pupils listen, point and repeat.
T elicits different actions by pointing and asking: what can he/she
do? Can you sing and can you dance?
Pupils listen to the whole song. They listen and sing as they join the
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T
Timing: 10 min

Activity 4: Listening and writing

Aim: to use activities to practice actions in a sentence and talking about ability
Procedure: T says the instructions twice as she mimes them.
Pupils read the words/phrases aloud. Then T explains the activity
The pupils match the words/ phrases to the children in ex 1 in their
notebooks. Individual Pupils point to the child singing and say the sentence using
the verb can.
T reminds pupils that we use he for boys/men and she for girls/women.
T writes the first sentence on the board the in pair work pupils write the
other sentences.
T checks the responses
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T; pair work.
Timing: 15 min

Activity 5: Practice
Aim: to practise talking about ability
Procedure: T writes on the board Can you dance? The pupils repeat after the T.
T uses previous knowledge for pupils to elicit the right responses.
T explains the activity ex 3 page 39 and says: What can Sally do?
What can Roy do? Then she plays the recording, twice if necessary.
Pupils listen and say what Roy and Sally can do.
T points to sally and encourage pupils to complete her sentence. Then
she asks pupils to say what Roy can do (sing, play football)
T gives to pupils handouts from the grammar and activity book.
Pupils complete the ex 2 from the activity book using the actions learned
before. Then they tick the right answer for the question given using the verb can.(
ex 6 activity book)
Pupils practice the vocabulary using the grammar and practice handouts
and completing the responses after Teacher`s explanations.
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T; group work
Timing: 15 min

Activity 6: Homework assignment

Aim: to consolidate the language of the lesson
T asks a pupil to come in front of the class and whispers an action. The pupil
mimes the action and the rest of the class guesses what the action is.
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T; Ss-ss
Timing: 3 min

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