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Emmer Green Primary School

Termly Curriculum Overview

Topic: History/Geography
Year 4 Summer 2018
English Animal World:
 Learn about different habitats and
Text genres
 Develop story writing skills through Mathematics what animals require in them to
alternative endings
 Discover how animals depend on
 Review understanding of recounts,  Solve addition and subtraction problems using
plants and other animals
using the text of Kensuke’s Kingdom both mental and written methods, including
 Experiment and investigate using
and through writing diary entries 2-step problems
the school grounds and wildlife
 Non-chronological report writing  Continue to develop mental and written
garden to find various habitats
Word Work methods of multiplication and division and
Home and Away:
 Using conjunctions, fronted adverbials, solve problems
 Analyse and compare the features
reviewing all types of punctuations and  Understand equivalent fractions, recognise
of Emmer Green and our local areas
revising word classes fraction-decimal equivalents and solve
with Windsor
You can help your child by: increasingly more difficult problems involving
 Regular reading with discussion about finding fractions of amounts Useful Websites:
author’s choice of language  Investigate and solve problems with number
 Learning weekly spellings patterns and properties of numbers
 Understand 12hr and 24hr time children.php
 Investigate shape, space and measure,
including line symmetry
You can help your child by:
Moving and Growing:  Supporting them with their homework
 Learn about how the skeleton is related  Practising their multiplication and division
to movement and support in humans tables regularly Year 4 trip to
 Find out what happens to the skeleton  Solving real life problems involving shopping, Legoland in
and muscles as they move money, measures and time Term 6 –
 Compare human bones and skeletons of more details
other animals Useful websites: to follow!
 Learn about the different types of
teeth humans have and how they
change from childhood to adult
Emmer Green Primary School
Termly Curriculum Overview

Design and Technology Personal Social and Health Education

Year 4 Summer 2018
 Use a design to create an effective
How did I get here?
habitat for particular types of animals,
 To know the reproductive organs, how
(e.g. sea creatures) through a variety of
babies are made and born.
different materials
 Relationships
Computing Self-image
 To have a positive self-image
We are Toy Designers  To respect differences and
Religious Education similarities between people
 Understand input and output
 Use Scratch to design and make an Puberty
 Exploring the importance of key
interactive toy  An introduction to emotional and
people within Christianity
physical changes for both boys and
 Identifying the influence of missions
and caring organisations e.g. St.
For more information, visit our website for
Thomas’ Hospital – guidance from RE
the S.Ed Policy and Curriculum or see your
Inspired visitors
child’s teacher.
 Discussing the concepts of Family in
the Hindu faith
Physical Education
 Learning about worship, food and
fasting practices in Hinduism Modern Foreign Language (French)
 During games lessons, learning the
skills needed in striking and fielding
games  Use vocabulary relating to our topic,
Art  Develop throwing, catching, jumping ‘Animals’
and running skills and applying them in a  Answer questions about what an animal
 Explore patterns in nature by using a competitive format looks like by describing its colour, size and
range of different techniques, including  To consolidate and improve the quality, the food it eats.
pastel, printing and wax resist range and consistency of the  Respond with a simple answer to questions
 Learn about Jan Poynter and her techniques they use for jumping about the time
artwork which has been inspired by

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