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FORM – 1


Name Bayu Satria Persada

Student Number 1706985924

Faculty & Class Teknik/Class 12 english

1. Title of the Article : A Networked World

2. Author(s): From inFocus Book

3. Explain in two or three sentences why you have chosen this article.

Why i choose this article its because the title of the article make me curious whats the article is about, and
i had always curious all the things that connected to technology, and this article is one fo them.

4. Explain briefly in four or five sentences what the article is about.

The Article is about the revolution of Mass Media and the effect of it, from the first one printing in 1500,
to photography in 1830, telegraph in 1844, and telephone in 1876 . all form of communication before intenet was
called traditional media, and has over time been an increase in efficiency in term of the number of customers, its
peak is television. then goes to the term of social media, the fisrt time ever large numbers of indiviudal have acces
to mass audinece is facebook in 2004 and twitter in 2006, and in 2008 social media gave a significant effect on the
democratic process. used by obama to raise a fund and succeed to gain $650 Million from individuals not

5. What is the writer’s message or purpose in writing this article?

The writter giving us a message that mass media is a big thing and it can effectively effect all kinds of thing for
example democratics, and to tell the reader that communication has been growing for the last 5 decades.

6. Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review.
The thing about this article is that its giving the reader the short history of communication and mass media,and
that is good, making it interesting.


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