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A beautiful day of my life

I love days holiday, this time I usually spend with my friends.Indregesc zilele de vacanta
acest timp obisnuiesc sa il petrec cu prietenii mei.Because my parents working in
holiday break , every time I prepare my program for that time. Pentru ca parintii mei lucreaza
in pauzele de vacanta ,de fiecare data imi fac un program pentru petrecerea acestui timp. More
and more guys are going to the football during the holiday they play on the field
for football..Din ce in ce mai multi baieti merg la fotbal in perioada vacantei,ei se joaca pe terenul de
fotbal. In one of my vacation days when I myself decided to spend memorable in
a way, I see the end I did it all. Intr-una din zilele mele de vacanta, cand eu insumi decid sa o
petrec intrun mod memorabil,constat la final ca am facut de toate . Early morning my friends arrive at
met me and notifies me theseː Teo leaving to sea next week, we, as we spend here?inca de dimineata
prietenii sosesc la mine si ma instiinreaza urmatoarele ːTeo pleaca la mare saptamana viitoare,noi cum
petrecem aici?
I respond ... We spend so: We were walking up the mountain, take
pictures, panoramic view, then we go back, not eat but go directly to film. Eu
raspund ... Noi petrecem astfel : Ne plimbam sus pe munte , facem poze
,privim panorama ,apoi noi ne intoarcem ,nu mai mancam ci plecam
direct la film. They all followed my counsel and I spent one day we forget. Totii
au urmat sfatul meu si am petrecut o zi de ne uitat. It is not raining now, but
when we came back it started to rain so hard that you do not see anything around
.. However I have a great memory! Nu ploua acum dar atunci cand ne-am intors
a inceput sa ploua atat de tare incat nu vedei nimic in jur.. Cu toate acestea am o
frumoasa amintire!

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