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Prof. Wyckoff

EDU 299

14 June 2018

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

Passing the Praxis Core Exam is vital to my future as a teacher. Several major

colleges in southern Nevada require students pass the exam before being admitted into

their bachelor degree programs. The passing scores for the exam are as follows: 156 for

Reading; 162 for Writing; 150 for Mathematics. I must achieve or exceed these scores in

order to pass the exam and continue my education journey toward becoming a teacher.

Exam Preparation

I prepared for the Praxis by reading about the exam on the Praxis website, using

the Praxis Study Companions for each subject, did the practice questions in those

companions, and took the practice tests for each subject provided by Mometrix.

Exam Results

I scored an 81% in Math, showing that I am likely to pass the Math section on the

official Praxis Core Exam. In Reading, I received a score of 68%, which means I am

borderline on passing the Reading section on the official Praxis Core Exam. My score in

Writing was a 90%, indicating that I am highly likely to pass the Writing section on the

official Praxis Core Exam.

Future Exam Preparation

For future exam preparation, I will take further advantage of online study guides

and practice tests, as well as inspecting the collection of Praxis study books at my local

library. This preparation will focus heavily on the areas that need improvement,

specifically reading comprehension and word knowledge. I feel confident that the

combination of these methods will give me a strong chance of passing the exam.

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