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Independence Day Speech

Bro. Bonis Karottukizhakkel CMI

It was the night august 1947. As the drums rolled and celebrations blew the midnight hour, India moved
from foreign rule to independence. In the flash of freedom, our leaders spoke in a new tongue, they
breathed a new spirit into dry bones of a dried nation.

First of all, let us turn ourselves to the graves of our martyrs and late national leaders who laid their lives at
the after of our motherland and ask inspiration of those who died for us all, because, the giants like
Gandhiji, Netaju, Tilak are not with us but the courage of the old is with us still.

Binayak Damodar Savekar, widelt known as vir sarvaker, the great revolutionary warrior of India, rightly
said to advanced nations of the world 60 years ago that “if you come with us, if you do not come with us,
without you and if you opposes in spite of you we go ahead.” And exactly that today India says to the
advanced world that “if you help us, with you, if you do not without your help and if you oppose in spite of
you, we shall go ahead without polices.

Look at the India today; we have gained a splendor of military glory which places us by the side of the
greatest military nations in the world. Every sea has opened by our arms, in the moon in the space in the
highest peak of the world. Himalaya, in science and democracy everywhere and everywhere India showed
its presence within the 64 years of its independence. Challenging the world all the more” in you come, with
you, if you do not come without you, if you appose in spite of you, we will go ahead.”

Dear friends, even when we applause in our advancement in technology, military and science, even when
we teach the world “Yato Dharma Sthatho Jayo” where there is Dhama, there is victory “Asthoma
Satgamaya, Thamasoma Jothirgamaya Mirthyoma Amirtham gamaya” to be free itself from untruth
to truth, from darkness to light and mortality to immortality, even when we taught “Ahimsa Paramo
Dharma Bharatam” by Sri Budha, Emprior Ashok, Varthaman viran and Gandhi, even where we are
proud of saying the Bharatia Daranam, “Satyameva Jayate, Satyam Sivam Sundaram.”

Friends; Are we really free? Are we free from all that enslaves us? Or are we free from all domestic walls
of caste, language, religion into that heaven of freedom? The answer is no. we are free, even though we are
all born free, in a free land but everywhere we are chains.

There are millions of children in our streets like us, uneducated, malnourished. There are millions of people
in our villages, striving for one day meal, there are millions people in the cities, just wandering either out
job, our land is violence like Kashmir, we are trembled by the insurgents like Maoists and naxalites and
terrorist slogans of Jai Telungana rent in air raising phrases like Indians north Indians and with full of
ideological differences.

Dear friends are we free. Are we free into that heaven of freedom like Tagore wishes to be? The answer
is yet another ‘No”.

Who wants to become a Christ, Gandhi, Buddha Tinton or Mother Teresa? The answer is indeed. I don’t
want. We don’t want. But we want to become a doctor a scientist. Purpose is money, firm and name.
“Deepastambam Mahascaryam Enikkum Kittanam Panam”
There is ocean difference between a leader, a king, a patriot. We have plenty of leaders and king, but no
patriot because to be a patriot or hero is as difficult as to be a God.

How else is there in Indian politics, as grunion president who said “I shall live in palace, unless every
Iranians have their own palace.” In India veranda, heroes who can wipe the tears of others and lead our
country into that heaven of freedom for to achieve this maul of freedom, every Indian wants to become yet
another Gandhi, Asoka, and Lincon YSR.

Dear friends, love, love our country and its diversities. Our country is the land where our ancestors sleep,
where our parents toil, and our brothers studying. We breathe the air that blow here. We drink the water
and the foot that she offers. It is the home that God has given us.

An immense future is before us Indians is loveliest place in Asia. We are enrolled by its diversity in language,
clothing, region and religion. Every corners are traced out by God’s figure of God. Nation owes much
from us, the future generations. We want to by our recollections of differences. We want to crash out the
narrows domestic walls and we have to become another, Christ, Gandhi, and Mother Teresa.

With the names of martyrs on our lips and their faith in our hearts, let us march into that heaven of freedom.
My father let my country awake.

Jai Hind.

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