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DEA REG NO. 005377BUY,
CHARしO.∩“E. NC.28273, United §tates

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SaIes Orde「Numbe「 : 1475349
Ship Dale      : 26-DEC-2017

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Slte Of Manufactu「e: PMC BIOgenIX, Inc,1231 Pope SIreet,MemphlS,TN 38108,UnIted States

SHiP-B議で-77a了e巾pialeト(白Ml) ○○A ReI ; eM年173e「e-2

NF desi9nalion impiies lest me肌od ∞nforms lo s[andard praeice as defined by current NF at the time oI pr°ductlon. Based on mowled8e OI (he ImanutaCturing process and
OOrltroiled hancl‖ng. shippln9 ana StOrage O"hlS malenal. 1here is no potentiaI fcH’ResIduai Scivents defined as Class l. Class 2, OI Ciass 3 〉, nO Othe「 Or9anic solvenls

including bul no"imjled to lhose iiStod inく467>, Or Cur'ent Odilion of the United Slales Phama∞POeia at the time of p「oduction are used. This mate「ial言=ested, will
co軸pIy w着h es(a格面3hed stah8さ佃3.

Jane Pa「京s
Manager, Lab, Quality Control

m4PORTANT: A皿infomation provided is believed to be accurate and complete. The data provided is representative of血e product qun坤y′

On the date of analysis for the lot number indicated. This certificate of analysis may nOt include all of the constituents of the product.
Persons using this infomation should make their own detemination regarding its suitab並ty for瓜eir particular application. This

certificate of analysis shan not in any way limit or preclude the operadon and e鱈ect of血e apphoable tems and conditions of sale.

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