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Emilson G. Advincula
BS Civil Engineering
Technological Institute Philippines – Manila
2nd Semester, S.Y. 2014-2015

Success Stories and Testimonials

I can proudly say that my experience is very enjoyable and pleasant with the team. It took
me time to adapt to the office. I am not socially inclined because I tend to analyze the people
around me first but they were the ones to open the door for me and embraced me as part of their
own. Even though I am the only trainee in the office, they didn’t let me feel out of place. In fact,
whenever there’s a “pakain” in the office, they always tell me to “wag kang mahiya, ganun talaga
dito. Ok lang yan.” Those words are very reassuring to someone who is an outsider I must say.
They have worked there for more than a decade yet they welcome you with open-hearts and lets
you feel that way. I have reached the point where I favor going to the office rather than to school.
Even though there are many things to do there, it is not as stressing as it is in the school. It actually
felt like home in there to be blunt.

I had my share of difficulties during my training but these challenges are not from the
workplace. My hardships are mostly from the dilemma of going to school, to office, then back again
to school. Everyone who lives in Manila knows how worse the traffic can get, especially when the
election is coming. Road repairs everywhere, it takes you 20 minutes just to pass by a single
station from the LRT. These being said, commuting takes the energy out of you. When the clock
strikes 5, everyone in the office is getting ready to get home, wherein, I need to get ready to get
back to school once again and study. This has a big impact to an individual physically, mentally
and spiritually.

But I’m learning many new things every day. These challenges and obstacles will make
me a better person. I might not see the fruits of my labor today but I know it will, someday,

I am very thankful to everyone who got me through these hard times and as I have passed
this chapter in my life. I truly believe that these will greatly contribute to what person I will become
in the near future.

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