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Fluid-Fluid Reactors-Design
• Reaction kinetics enable us to determine
FLUID-FLUID the rate of a reaction
REACTIONS: DESIGN • After determining the rate of reaction, we
must then design a reactor for the reaction
• First we must choose the right kind of
contactor and then find the size of the
• Two major kinds of contactors
– Towers
– Tanks


Fluid-Fluid Reactors-Design Fluid-Fluid Reactors-Design



Factors to Consider in Selecting a Contactor Factors to Consider in Selecting a Contactor

1. Contacting pattern: 1. Contacting pattern:
• Towers approximate plug G/plug L.
• Bubble tanks approximate plug G/mixed L.
• Agitated tanks approximate mixed G/mixed
• Towers have the largest mass transfer
driving force and in this respect have an
advantage over tanks
• Agitated tanks have the smallest driving


Factors to Consider in Selecting a Contactor Factors to Consider in Selecting a Contactor

2. Mass transfer coefficient (gas and liquid 4. Location of controlling resistance
film) • If the resistance is in the gas and/or liquid films
• For liquid droplets in gas kg is high, kl is low you want a large interfacial area "a," thus most
• For gas bubbles rising in liquid kg is low, kl is agitated contactors and most columns are
high desirable
– If the L film dominates, stay away from spray contactors
3. Flow rates
– If the G film dominates stay away from bubble contactors
• Packed beds work best with relative flow
rates of about Fl/Fv ≈ 10 at 1 bar. • If the resistance is in the main body of the
Liquid you want large fl = Vl/Vr :
• Other contactors are more flexible in that – Stay away from towers
they work well in a wider range of Fl/Fv – Use tank contactors


Factors to Consider in Selecting a Contactor Factors to Consider in Selecting a Contactor

5. Solubility 6. Reaction lowers the resistance of the
• For very soluble gases, those with a small liquid film
value of Henry's law constant H (e.g. NH3 • For absorption of highly soluble gases,
gas film controls: chemical reaction is not helpful
– Use spray towers and avoid bubble contactors
• For absorption of slightly soluble gases,
• For gases of low solubility in the liquid, thus high
H value (e.g O2, N2) liquid film controls
chemical reaction is helpful and does speed
– avoid spray towers
up the rate


Factors to Consider in Selecting a Contactor Factors to Consider in Selecting a Contactor



Fluid-Fluid Reactors-Design
• With this nomenclature, we have the following Straight Mass Transfer
relationships among the various concentration
measures • We will develop equations for absorption alone of A by
• This will be extended to reacting systems

• The performance equations which are written in

terms of Fg and Fl are useful when the flowing
streams have inert carrier material
• The equation written in terms of Fg’ and Fl’ are
useful when the flowing streams only contain
reactive materials and no inerts


Straight Mass Transfer Straight Mass Transfer

Plug Flow G/Plug Flow L-Countercurrent Flow in a Tower Plug Flow G/Plug Flow L-Countercurrent Flow in a Tower
• To develop the performance equation, we combine the • Integrating for the whole tower gives:
rate equation with the material balance
• Thus for steady-state countercurrent operations we have
for a differential element of volume

(A lost by gas) = (A lost by liquid) = (rA''' )dVr


Straight Mass Transfer Straight Mass Transfer

Plug Flow G/Plug Flow L-Countercurrent Flow in a Tower Plug Flow G/Plug Flow L-Countercurrent Flow in a Tower
The design procedure is summarized as follows: For any two points in the absorber:
• For dilute systems • The rate expression reduces to:
CA << CT and pA <<π
so Fg‘= Fg and Fl‘= Fl
• In this situation the differential material balance becomes


Straight Mass Transfer Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction
Plug Flow G/Plug Flow L-Countercurrent Flow in a Tower Plug Flow G/Plug Flow L-Mass Transfer + Reaction in a
The general integrated rate expression becomes Countercurrent Tower
Here we consider the system:

• We assume that the rate is fast enough so that no

unreacted A enters the main body of the liquid
• Where: • This assumes that the Hatta modulus is not very much
smaller than unity


Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction
Plug Flow G/Plug Flow L-Mass Transfer + Reaction in a Plug Flow G/Plug Flow L-Mass Transfer + Reaction in a
Countercurrent Tower Countercurrent Tower
For a differential slice of the absorber-reactor, we • For dilute systems
write: PU ≈ π and CU ≈ CT
• The previous expression simplify to:


Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction
Plug Flow G/Plug Flow L-Mass Transfer + Reaction in a Plug Flow G/Plug Flow L-Mass Transfer + Reaction in a
Countercurrent Tower Countercurrent Tower
• To solve for Vr
• Rearranging and integrating I and 11, I1 and 111, I and I11
• pick a few pA, values, usually pA 1, pA2 and one intermediate
gives the following: value are enough
In general: For dilute systems: • for each pA , find the corresponding CB
• evaluate the rate for each point from

• integrate the performance

equation graphically


Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction
Plug Flow G/Plug Flow L-Mass Transfer + Reaction in a Mixed Flow G/Mixed Flow L-Mass Transfer + Reaction in an
Cocurrent Tower Agitated Tank Contactor
• Here simply change Fl to -Fl (for upflow of both streams) or • The whole vessel is well mixed and at the exit conditions
Fg to -Fg (for downflow of both streams) in the equations • Composition is the same everywhere in the reactor; thus
for countercurrent flow
• Be sure to find the proper CB, value for each pA
• The rest of the procedure remains the same

For dilute systems


Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction
Plug Flow G/Mixed Flow L-Mass Transfer + Reaction in Plug Flow G/Mixed Flow L-Mass Transfer + Reaction in
Bubble Tank Contactors Bubble Tank Contactors
• We must make two accountings: a differential balance for • For the liquid as a whole and for the gas as a whole, a
the loss of A from the gas because G is in plug flow, and an balance about the whole reactor gives
overall balance for B because L is in mixed flow.
• Focusing on a bit of rising gas, we have


Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction

Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction Mixed Flow G/Batch Uniform L-Absorption + Reaction in a
Plug Flow G/Mixed Flow L-Mass Transfer + Reaction in Batch Agitated Tank Contactor
Bubble Tank Contactors • Since this is not a steady-state operation, composition and rates all
change with time
• The material balance equates the three quantities shown below and
thus in general


Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction
Mixed Flow G/Batch Uniform L-Absorption + Reaction in a Mixed Flow G/Batch Uniform L-Absorption + Reaction in a
Batch Agitated Tank Contactor Batch Agitated Tank Contactor
To Find the Time Needed for a Given Operation To Find the Time Needed for a Given Operation


Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction
Mixed Flow G/Batch Uniform L-Absorption + Reaction in a Example:
Batch Agitated Tank Contactor The concentration of undesirable impurity in air (at 1 bar =
To Find the Time Needed for a Given Operation 105 Pa) is to be reduced from 0.1% (or 100 Pa) to 0.02% (or 20
Pa) by absorption in pure water. Find the height of tower
required for countercurrent operations

The flow rates per meter squared cross section of tower are

The molar density of liquid under all conditions is


Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction
Solution: Solution:
The known quantities are as shown: This is given as:

•This can be used to determine the concentration of A

leaving the absorber as:
•First find the relationship between the concentrations in the •The expression for the height of the tower is given as:
gas and liquid phases
•Take a material balance about the absorber between points
1 and 3


Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction
Solution: Solution:
Next evaluate the mass transfer coefficients: Make the necessary substitutions in the expression for the
height of the tower

This result shows that: • The tower is very high, unacceptably high
• Also note that most of the resistance (over 97%) lies in
Next evaluate the mass transfer driving force the liquid film, making this a liquid-film controlling
• If we were to add component B to the liquid which reacts
with A, we should be able to speed things-up


Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction
Example 2: Solution:
To the water of Example 1 add a high concentration of
reactant B, CB1=800 mol/m3. Material B reacts with A
extremely rapidly
Assume that the diffusivities of A and B in water are the Step 1:
same, thus:
Take a material balance about the absorber between points 1
and 3


Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction Mass Transfer Plus Not Very Slow Reaction
Solution: Solution:
At both ends of the tower, therefore, gas-phase
At the bottom of the tower, resistance controls and we have:
Step : Determine the height of the tower

Step 2:
Determine the form of rate equation to use. The rate
• Even though the liquid phase controls in physical absorption, it
equation must be valid for both ends of the tower does not necessarily follow that it should still control when
reaction occurs
• We see here that it is the gas phase alone which influences the rate
of the overall process
• Reaction serves merely to eliminate the resistance of the liquid film
• Also note the remarkable improvement in performance; 5 versus
500 m.


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