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Location: Google Hangouts

Date: Thursday, June 7th 2018

Time: 6:30 PM to 7:33 PM

Attendees: Matthew Thomas: President

Taylor Rohleen: Vice President
Esha Patel: Parliamentarian
Afreen Ashraf: Recording Secretary
Maya Harris: Historian
Kristina Liao: Treasurer
Devin Rankin: Corresponding Secretary
Charlotte Varnes: Technology Coordinator
Ms. Robison : Sponsor

Agenda Items Details

Regional Leader 6:36 PM: ​Matthew calls the meeting to order.

Applications and 6:38 PM:​ Maya proposes to move the Regional Leader application responses to an
State of Responses easier to view platform.
6:41 PM: ​Matthew suggests posting on social media about the Regional Leader
deadline date.
6:43 PM:​ Regions 6 and 8 have no respondents. Maya will communicate with them to
make sure we have submissions.

Fall Forum 6:44 PM: ​Fall forum will most likely be at Winter Springs. Sponsor in Tallahassee is
interested in having a separate fall forum
A. Further discussion is needed
6:45 PM:​ Fall forum dates discussion: 10th or 17th of November are viable options.
6:46 PM:​ Matthew suggests finding test and certamen questions writers earlier and to
begin writing tests/questions earlier.
6:47 PM: ​Ms.Robison suggests the development of an academic chair position,
responsible for dealing with academic fall forum events.
Nationals 6:48 PM:​ Matthew wants to publish the officer logs sometime after nationals.
6:50 PM: ​Maya requests a meet up at nationals after a fellowship to get contacts of
chapter historians.
6:52 PM: ​Matthew explains the roll call at nationals
A. ideas(rap, skit..costumes...etc)-further discussion is needed.
6:53 PM: ​Taylor volunteers to do the roll call.
6:54 PM:​ Ms.Robison brings up the “call and response” florida spirit cheer.
6:55 PM:​ Discussion on the state T-Shirt
A. Officer consensus on the t-shirt color: pastel.
B. Budget for the t-shirt is discussed: 8 dollars per shirt per person using
Blue Cotton or another cheaper, local alternative.
6:58 PM: ​Taylor emphasizes the budget for spirit props: below 2 dollars per person
per day.
7:02 PM: ​Matthew suggests ordering props in the next week or so.
7:02 PM: ​Matthew suggests ordering a couple of large props to distinguish in the
crowd on which further discussion is needed.
7:03 PM:​ Ms.Robison brings up competition prizes.
7:03 PM: ​Taylor proposes using leftover money from spirit to purchase larger props+
various other things.
7:13 PM: ​Discussion of Tuesday Spirit Props(Oh, hi! O JCL-State Pride Day).
7:15 PM: ​Discussion of Wednesday Spirit Props( ​Make new friends but keep the old, 
one is Purple and the other is Gold).
7:18 PM: ​Maya suggests having different people throughout the venue with
posters for “cheer area” points to which FJClers can refer to.
7:19 PM: ​Ms.Robison suggests to start with three cheers on the first day and add a
cheer each day.
7:20 PM: ​Maya volunteers to help make spirit posters.
7:21 PM: ​Discussion on emphasis of learning spirit cheers. Maya says she will record
spirit cheer( further discussion needed) and post on social media.
7: 24 PM: ​Discussion of Thursday Spirit Props(Cincinnatus had a farm)
A. Suggestion that the officers dress up like farm animals is brought
up(on which further discussion is needed). 
7:29 PM: ​Discussion of Friday Spirit Props(​Rock n’ Roll JCL) 

7:33 PM ​No announcements are read.

7:33 PM ​Matthew concludes the meeting.

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