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4 fractional Quantum Hall Effect 713

must look like a many-boson state built up as a product of even powers

of (zi - z j ) . C 2 is the lowest-order homogeneous polynom of this kind.
Naturally, the same procedure can be applied repeatedly but it leads to
states which we already know: C2Q1/3 = !Jl/s, etc.
It was Jain’s idea to use states with more than one filled Landau level
as starting states [183]. Let us consider &Q2, where Q2 consists of the
filled levels n = 0 and n = 1. Having N electrons, we fill the first N/2
orbitals (12.61), and also the first N / 2 orbitals (12.65). For large N , the
largest power of any zj is N/2. Applying C 2 , that power becomes A4 =
( N / 2 ) 2N = 5N/2, and the filling factor is Y = N / M = 2/5. Thus
the prescription for constructing the homogeneous (fully spin-polarized)
quantum liquid we associate with the v = 2/5 plateau is
Q2/5 = C2Q2. (12.114)
Generally, starting from a state with n filled Landau bands
%/(2n+l) = C2Qn ’ (12.115)
Thereby, we generated the fractions

n - -1 2 3
2n+1 3’5’7”‘’
which is the main sequence of the experimentally observed plateau val-
ues. In Fig. 12.3, we can follow the sequence up to 4/9, but an anomaly
has been detected even at 9/19. Furthermore, it can be argued that
weaker components of the electron-electron interaction necessitate the
consideration of low-filling states in which the electrons are kept even
farther apart. These can be generated by the application of the fourth-
order correlator C 4 = ni<j(zi - ~ j which
) ~ gives rise to the fractions

n 1 2 3
-- (12.117)
4n+1 5’9’13’’“
v > 1/2 plateaus can be obtained by assuming an electron-hole sym-
metry within a single Landau level (it becomes exact at H + 00).
Applying the transformation Y + 1 - Y to (12.116), we get (with n 2 2)
the seauence

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