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Unit — Planning

Science Rubrics

Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Analysis Employs maxims for guidance, Needs real world exposure Sees actions as a series of steps Cannot identify the progression
 Real word problems and with meanings that adapt to the of steps
situation at hand

Planning Thinking Initiates, plans and can follow Is able to do deliberate planning Straightforward tasks likely to Must do things one step at a
 Creative thought through to completion and/or formulate routines be completed to an acceptable time

Communication Explains concepts by connecting Explains concepts clearly and Is capable to describing Has basic understanding of key
ideas to real world issues and uses appropriate terminology concepts and is beginning to concepts and terminology
uses advanced terminology uses appropriate terminology

Defending Has a deep understanding of the Able to achieve most tasks using Working knowledge of key Minimal, or textbook knowledge,
subject own judgment but, often cannot aspects of subject without connecting to practice
Routinely meets acceptable resolve unanticipated problems Needs recipes, monitoring and
standards that occur first successes


Components Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Are all of the components of the Are all of the components of the Most of the components of the lab Most of the components of the lab
Format –
lab included. lab are included. are included. are missing.
Hypothesis matches the purpose of Hypothesis matches the purpose of
Hypothesis matches the purpose of Hypothesis does not match the
the experiment and give an the experiment and give an
Hypothesis – the experiment and give a simple purpose of the experiment or does
educated prediction about the educated prediction about the
prediction about the outcome. not predict an outcome.
outcome. outcome.
Are observations complete, Are observations complete, with Are observations incomplete,
including detailed diagrams, charts appropriate diagrams, charts and including some diagrams, charts Are observations incomplete, with
Observations –
and written information about the written information about the and written information about the little or no results.
results of the experiment. results of the experiment. results of the experiment.
The conclusion match the The conclusion match the
hypothesis, explaining why the hypothesis, explaining why the The conclusion match the
There is a simple or no conclusion
Conclusion – prediction was correct or wrong prediction was correct or wrong hypothesis, with some evidence
with little or no evidence.
with detailed evidence from the with evidence from the results of from the results of the experiment.
results of the experiment. the experiment.
Is there clear evidence of what has Is there evidence of what has been
Is there little evidence of what has Is there no evidence of what has
been learned during this learned during this investigation
Connections – been learned during this been learned during this
investigation increasing the increasing the knowledge of the
investigation . investigation.
knowledge of the world around us. world around us.

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